Creating and viewing
sThis guide explains how to create an data source or destination, and how to view your existing s.
for aIntroduction
What is an
? -
An Adverity access to a data source or a destination. You need to create an to collect data and load it into external destinations. You can use one to create multiple datastreams and destinations.
gives -
What do I need to create an
? -
To set up an data source and destination. If you do not have credentials to create an , you can ask someone else to create an for you.
, you need to provide valid credentials, such as a username and password, or an API Key, for example. The credentials required differ for each -
Most give sAdverity access to multiple items that are linked to the , such as accounts or profiles. When you create an , you set that define which items Adverity can access.
If an Adverity access to, this means that the only grants Adverity access to a single item, for example a single account.
does not ask you to select the for items you want to give -
Who can use an
that I create? -
An workspace in which it was created, and any child workspaces belonging to this workspace. This means that all users with access to these workspaces can use the to collect or load data.
is available to use in the
Creating an
This video guide explains how to create Adverity using your own credentials, and by asking someone else to create the using their credentials.
s inUsing your own credentials to create an
If you have valid credentials for the data source or destination you want to authorize Adverity to access, follow these steps:
Go to the page.
In the top right corner of the page, click + Create .
Search for and click the data source or destination for which you want to create an .
Click Access using your credentials.
Use your credentials to create the
For some Next and then enter the required credentials (for example, a username and password).
s, click -
For some Adverity.
s, you will be taken to a login page where you can enter your credentials to authorize
If you are creating an data source with , choose which Adverity can access using this :
for a-
Grant access to all items, including those created in the future - Select this option to give Adverity to access all items associated with the credentials you have used. Adverity will also have access to all associated items created in the future.
Select specific items to which you want to grant access - Select this option to only give Adverity to access the selected items. You will need to grant Adverity access to any associated items that are created in the future.
Click Confirm.
As a result, the Managing authorizations.
is set up and you are taken to the overview page. For more information about updating, deleting and synchronizing s, seeImportant information about
If you use your credentials to grant Adverity access to a connector, all the items available to you using your credentials will be visible in the page to all Adverity users with permission to edit this .
If someone else uses their credentials to grant Adverity access to a connector, the same applies to the items available using their credentials.
This is important to consider if you do not want all Adverity users with permission to edit the to be able to see the details of the items. For more information about user permissions, see Managing user permissions.
Asking someone else to create an
If you do not have the required credentials for the data source or destination you want to authorize Adverity to access, you can ask someone else to create an for you. The person you ask then needs to follow the steps set out in Responding to an authorization request below.
To ask someone else to create an
for you, follow these steps:-
Go to the page.
In the top right corner of the page, click + Create .
Search for and click the connector or destination for which you want to create an .
Click Access using someone else's credentials.
Click Next.
Fill in the following fields:
Enter the email address of the person you want to ask to create the
. -
Authorizations added
(Optional) Rename the
that you want the recipient to create. -
(Optional) Ask the recipient to create additional data sources or destinations:
s to different-
Click + Add more . s
In the Add window, search for and click the data source or destination for which you want an .
Click Add .
(Optional) In the Message field, change the email message.
Do not remove the
placeholder from the message field. The recipient needs these links to create the s. -
Notification email
(Optional) Enter any email addresses that you want to receive a notification when the
has been created.
Click Send access request.
As a result, an email is sent to the email address in the Email field to request the or s for you.
page with the status Access pending. If a pending is not authorized within 7 days, it will expire. Click next to a pending to see when it will expire.
requests are shown in theThe person granting the request will need to set Adverity can access. If the data source has a lot of items, it may take a long time for the items to load before the recipient can create the .
defining which itemsAfter the Notification email field. You can then use this to collect data from the corresponding data source or load data into the corresponding destination.
has been granted, an email notification will be sent to the email addresses you entered in theResponding to an request
If you receive an Adverity Request email, an Adverity user has asked you to give Adverity access to a data source. To grant this , follow these steps:
Click the link in the email. This link is the name that the user who sent the request has given the
. -
Use your credentials to create the
For some Adverity platform and asked to enter the required credentials (for example, a username and password).
s, you will be taken to the -
For some data source where you can enter your credentials to authorize Adverity.
s, you will be taken to a login page for the corresponding
If this data source has multiple items, such as accounts or profiles, choose which items Adverity can access using this . For more information, see What are authorization permissions? and Important information about authorization permissions. Select one of the following options:
Grant access to all items, including those created in the future - Select this option to give Adverity to access all items associated with the credentials you have used. Adverity will also have access to all associated created in the future.
Select specific items to which you want to grant access - Select this option to only give Adverity to access the selected items. You will need to grant Adverity access to any associated items that are created in the future.
Click Authorize.
As a result, you have granted Adverity access to the data source or destination using your credentials. This can now be used to create datastreams to fetch data from this data source or load data into this destination.
Viewing your existing
sTo see the
overview, follow these steps:-
Go to the page.
Click the name of the
you want to view.
As a result, you are taken to the
overviewYou can see all information about an Adverity's overview as shown in the image below.
overview is divided into the following sections, in which you can see key information and perform certain actions.-
Header area
In this area, you can perform the following actions:
Next to the Edit name to change the name of this .
name, click -
Click Re-authorize to re-authorize this .
You need to do this if the Not granted. This can happen if the expires, or if the data source requires s to be updated regularly.
status is -
Click More to perform the following actions. Not all actions will be available for all s.
Click Test to check that the works.
Click See privacy information to open the privacy information about this in a new window. This information is provided by the data source or destination, not Adverity.
Click See Oauth2 service details to open the OAuth2 details for this in a new window. This information is provided by the data source or destination, not Adverity.
Click Update metadata to synchronize the metadata for this . For more information, see Synchronizing metadata.
Click Debug to identify any problems with this . This option is provided by the data source or destination, not Adverity.
Click Delete to delete the .
This will delete the all datastreams and/or destinations that use this authorization.
In this section, you can see details of the workspace and when.
, such as which user created the , in which -
In this section, you can perform the following actions:
If the Access not granted, click Re-authorize to re-authorize Adverity's access to the data source or destination using this .
status is -
Click Edit notifications to set up email notifications about changes to this . You will receive notifications to the selected email addresses for the following events:
The successful authorization of a new user
The re-authorization of existing users
Permissions for items that this
can access have been revoked
Click Edit metadata slack to change the metadata slack for this .
Provides access to...
In this section, you can see the Adverity to access. In the image below, the gives Adverity access to 1 Ad Account for the Facebook Ads data source.
for items that this allows -
Click Manage to change the for items that this allows Adverity to access.
In this section, you can see changes that have been made to this See all to see a full list of all changes made to this .
. The most recent changes are shown in the overview. Click -
To download the Export as file. Your download will start automatically.
history as a CSV file, click -
Used by X datastreams
If this Adverity access to a data source, here you can see a list of datastreams that use this to collect data. If not all datastreams are shown, click See all to see a full list of the datastreams that use this .
gives -
Click + Create a datastream using this to start collecting data from your data source using this .
Used by X destinations
If this Adverity access to an external tool, here you can see a list of destinations that use this to load data into the tool.
gives -
Click + Create destination to start loading data from Adverity into your external tool using this .