Enriching data in Adverity
What are enrichments?
An enrichment is a set of instructions that defines how to transform your data.
How do I use enrichments?
Create an enrichment, then assign your enrichment to a datastream. After the enrichment is assigned to a datastream, every time you fetch data using the datastream, the collected data is transformed according to the instructions in the enrichment.
What kinds of enrichments are available in Adverity?
There are two basic types of enrichments:
Custom script enrichments
These give you maximal freedom to transform your data using a range of custom script instructions. For information about creating custom script enrichments, see Using custom script enrichments. For a list of all the instructions you can use in a custom script enrichment, see Available custom script instructions.
Use Adverity's AI-powered EnrichmentCopilot to create custom scriptenrichments quickly and easily. For more information, see Using the Enrichment Copilot.
Standard enrichments
These provide a user-friendly interface for you to transform your data in a specific way.