Welcome to the Adverity documentation!
Here are some quick links if you are ready to start your data journey straight away. Or check out what you can find in the Adverity documentation below this list.
Collect data from your chosen data source using our simple datastream creation wizard - for more detailed information, see our connector-specific guides.
Discover all the fields you can collect from your chosen data source in our connector documentation.
Configure Data Mapping for your collected data.
Enrich your data to meet your needs.
Load your data into Explore and Present so you can visualize it in Adverity.
Load your data into an external destination for further processing and analysis.
Analyze and visualize your data in Explore, then create a dashboard to display your findings.
Finding the information you need
In the table of contents to the left, you will find guides explaining everything you can do in each platform area of Adverity.
Connect Data
These guides explain how to create a datastream to fetch data, and configure advanced datastream settings. |
These guides explain how to authorize Adverity to access your chosen data source or destination. |
These guides show you how to monitor your Adverity tasks and usage. |
Manage Data
These guides explain how to use Adverity's standard enrichments and custom scripts to transform your data so it meets your needs. |
These guides explain how to create and edit target fields and calculated KPIs. |
Use Data
These guides explain how to analyze and visualize your data in Adverity using a range of tables and charts. |
These guides explain how to create a dashboard to present your data in customizable s. |
These guides explain how to load your data out of Adverity into your external destination. |
Administration |
These guides explain how to make the Adverity platform work for you, including managing users and workspaces, measuring your Adverity usage, and managing your Adverity plan. |
Management API
These guides explain how to use our Management API to fetch, configure, enrich and load your data. |