Loading data into Facebook Offline Conversions

This guide explains how to load data into Facebook Offline Conversions for further analysis.


Before you complete the procedure in this guide, perform all of the following actions:

  • Create a datastream whose data you want to load into Facebook Offline Conversions. For more information on creating a datastream, see Creating a datastream.

  • Ensure the Facebook Ads account used to authorize the Facebook Offline Conversions destination is one of the following user types:

    • A business manager admin.

    • The system admin user who created the offline event set.

    • An admin on the account connected to the offline event set.


To load data from a datastream into Facebook Offline Conversions, follow these steps:

  1. Add Facebook Offline Conversions as a destination to the workspace which contains the datastream or to one of its parent workspaces.

  2. Assign the Facebook Offline Conversions destination to the datastream.

    You can assign as many destinations to a datastream as you want.

    Some destinations require specific Data Mapping, such as Hubspot and Facebook Offline Conversions. If these Data Mapping requirements conflict, the destinations cannot be assigned to the same datastream.

  3. Configure the Data Mapping of your datastream to conform with Facebook Offline Conversions destination standards.

  4. Configure load settings.

  5. Enable data loading into the destination from the datastream.

Adding Facebook Offline Conversions as a destination

To add Facebook Offline Conversions as a destination to a workspace, follow these steps:

  1. Select the workspace you work with in Adverity and then, in the platform navigation menu, click Destinations.

  2. Click + Add Destination.

  3. Search for and click Facebook Offline Conversions.

  1. Choose how to authorize Adverity to access Facebook Offline Conversions:

    • To use your details, click Access Facebook Offline Conversions using your credentials.

    • To ask someone else to use their details, click Access Facebook Offline Conversions using someone else's credentials.

      If you choose this option, the person you ask to create the authorization will need to go through the following steps.

  2. Click Next.

  1. In the Configuration page, fill in the following fields:


    (Optional) Rename the destination.


    Select the business associated with the selected Facebook Ads account.


    Select the Facebook Ads account responsible for the offline event sets.

  1. Click Create.

Assigning Facebook Offline Conversions as a destination

To assign the Facebook Offline Conversions destination to a datastream, follow these steps:

  1. Select the workspace you work with in Adverity and then, in the platform navigation menu, click Datastreams.

  2. Open the chosen datastream by clicking on its name.

  1. In the Load section, click + Add destination.

  1. Select the Facebook Offline Conversions checkbox in the list.

  2. Click Save.

  3. For the automatically enabled destinations, in the pop-up window, click Yes, load data if you want to automatically load your previously collected data into the new destination. The following data extracts will be loaded:

    • All data extracts with the status collected if no other destinations are enabled for the datastream

    • All data extracts with the status loaded if the data extracts have already been sent to Adverity Data Storage or external destinations

    Alternatively, click Skip to continue configuring the destination settings or re-load the data extracts manually. For more information, see Re-loading a data extract.

  1. In the Load section, find the Facebook Offline Conversions destination in the list, and click Actions on the right.

  2. Click Destination settings.

  1. In Action, choose one of the following:

    • To create a new offline event set in Facebook using the loaded data, select Create a new Offline Event Set and provide a name.

    • To update an existing offline event set in Facebook using the loaded data, select Update an existing Offline Event Set and select the offline event set to update in the Event Set field.

  2. In Customer Details, select at least one field to load into Facebook Offline Conversions.

  3. In Conversion Details, select the fields to load into Facebook Offline Conversions. Conversion Details must contain at least the following four field values:

    • Currency

    • Event Name

    • Event Time

    • Value

  4. (Optional) In Custom Details, specify the custom conversion fields to load into Facebook Offline Conversions. You can only select custom fields that exist in the datastream.

  5. (Optional) In Namespace ID, enter the ID of another offline event set. This can be another data set or data partner ID. This offline event set must be accessible or owned by a business or a partner profile ID. If you provide a Namespace ID, update the Customer Details to only include Third-party user id.

  1. Click Save.

Configuring Data Mapping for Facebook Offline Conversions

All data that you load into Facebook Offline Conversions must conform with Facebook Offline Conversions standards.

When loading data into Facebook Offline Conversions, data source, Event Time (found in Conversion Field) must be in a UNIX timestamp format. For more information, see Adding, transforming and comparing dates.

To configure Data Mapping for the Facebook Offline Conversionsdestination, follow these steps:

  1. Select the workspace you work with in Adverity and then, in the platform navigation menu, click Datastreams.

  2. Open the chosen datastream by clicking on its name.

  3. In the top navigation panel, click Data Mapping.

  4. For each cell in the Target fields column, write the value displayed in the Target column in the table below. Enter the values into the Target fields column in lower case.

    The values of the Customer Field are the following:



    Email email
    Phone phone
    Gender gen
    Date of Birth, YYYY format doby
    Date of Birth, MM format dobm
    Date of Birth, DD format dobd
    Last Name ln
    First Name fn
    First Name Initial fi
    City ct
    State st
    Zip Code zip
    Country country
    Apple Advertising Identifier madid
    Third-party user ID extern_id
    Lead ID from Lead Ads lead_id

    The values of the Conversion Field are the following:



    Event Time event_time
    Event Name event_name
    Currency currency
    Value value
    Content Type content_type
    Contents contents
    Order ID order_id
    Item Number item_number

The Data Mapping changes are saved automatically.

Configuring settings for loading data into Facebook Offline Conversions

To configure the settings for loading data into Facebook Offline Conversions, follow these steps:

  1. Select the workspace you work with in Adverity and then, in the platform navigation menu, click Datastreams.

  2. Open the chosen datastream by clicking on its name.

  1. In the Load section, find the Facebook Offline Conversions destination in the list, and click Actions on the right.

  2. Click Destination settings.

  1. Make changes to the existing configuration.

  2. Click Save.

Enabling data loading into Facebook Offline Conversions destination

To enable data loading into the Facebook Offline Conversions destination from the datastream, follow these steps:

  1. Select the workspace you work with in Adverity and then, in the platform navigation menu, click Datastreams.

  2. Open the chosen datastream by clicking on its name.

  1. In the list in the Load section, find the Facebook Offline Conversions destination, and enable the toggle.

  2. In the pop-up window, click Yes, load data if you want to automatically load your previously collected data into the newly enabled destination. The following data extracts will be loaded:

    • All data extracts with the status collected if no other destinations are enabled for the datastream

    • All data extracts with the status loaded if the data extracts have already been sent to Adverity Data Storage or external destinations

    Alternatively, click Skip to only load data extracts collected in the future or re-load the data extracts manually. For more information, see Re-loading a data extract.