
Convert values in a specific column in a data extract by specifying the original and new values, or using a Python string method as a converter.

This guide explains how to configure the convert instruction. To learn about another instruction, go back to the Available custom script instructions overview.


Use the convert instruction to convert the values in a column of a data extract by specifying the original value and the value that it should be converted into.

You can also use a Python string method as a converter. For example, use the Python expression capitalize to make the first character of a string upper case and all other characters in the string lower case.

The Create or Edit Columns standard enrichment enables you to edit the values in your data extract in a few easy steps, instead of using a custom script. For more information, see Create or Edit Columns.

Understanding the different convert instructions

There are a number of different convert custom script instructions that can be used to convert specific types of data or to convert data in a specific way. The different types of convert instruction are:

  • convert - convert values in a specific column in a data extract by specifying the original and new values, or using a Python string method as a converter

  • convertx - convert values in a selected column in a data extract using a Python expression

  • convertall - convert all values in a data extract using a Python string method

  • convertallx - convert all the values in a data extract using a Python expression

  • convertdates - convert date characters in a string into Python datetime format

  • convertduration - convert duration data into the ISO 8601 format

  • convertnumbers - convert the numerical characters in a string into a number

  • convertpacked - convert the keys and values in a dictionary using a Python expression

  • convertunix - convert a UNIX timestamp into an easy-to-read datetime format

Creating a custom script enrichment using the convert instruction

To create and configure a custom script using the convert instruction, follow these steps:

  1. Create a custom script enrichment.

  2. In the Instructions step, select the convert instruction.

  3. To configure the custom script instruction, fill in the following fields. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).


Enter the name of the column containing the values to convert.


To use a Python expression as a converter, select String and enter the Python expression to use as a converter. For a full list of compatible converters, see the Python documentation.

To simply convert values from one value to another, follow these steps:

  1. Select Object from the drop-down menu to the right of Converter.

  2. In the text field to the right of Object, enter the value to be converted.

  3. Select the type in which the value is to be converted. For example, to convert a value into an integer, select Integer.

  4. Enter the new value into which to convert.

  5. (Optional) Click Add to convert another value using the same instruction.

Fail on Error

Select this field to stop the enrichment instruction if an error occurs.


Enter the value with which to populate the field if an error occurs.


Enrichment configuration



Ad Group



Data table before enrichment


Ad Group






weekend ecommerce


organic growth



Data table after enrichment


Ad Group






Weekend Ecommerce


Organic Growth
