Collecting data from Branch Custom Export API

This guide explains how to collect data from Branch Custom Export API. To learn how to collect data from a different data source, go back to the Available data sources in Adverity overview.


Collecting data from Branch Custom Export API comes with the following limitations:

  • The Branch API has several limitations, including:

    • The data is available through API around 2-3 hours behind the real-time.

    • You can fetch up to 2 million records in one API call.

    For more information about the Branch API limitations, see the Branch documentation.


Before you start collecting data from Branch Custom Export API, perform all of the following actions:

  • Ensure that you have access to the Branch API available as a part of the Data Feeds. For more information, see the Branch documentation.

Creating a datastream to collect data from Branch Custom Export API

The basics of creating a datastream to collect data from any data source are explained in our guide to Creating a datastream. This guide contains information about the specific steps to create a datastream to fetch data from Branch Custom Export API.

To choose what data to collect and customize the Branch Custom Export API datastream configuration, follow these steps:

  1. (Optional) Rename your datastream.

  1. In Timezone, select the timezone in which the data will be reported.

  2. In Topic, select a topic for which you want to collect the data.

    For more information on what data can be collected for each topic, see the Branch documentation.

  1. In Fields, change the list of fields that you want to see in your data extract.The list of available fields may vary depending on the selected topic.

For information on configuring other Branch Custom Export API fields, see Advanced Branch Custom Export API tips.

What's next?

Advanced Branch Custom Export API tips

Configuring data collection from Branch Custom Export API

In the Settings tab of your Branch Custom Export API datastream overview, you can configure a number of additional settings:

To view advanced Branch Custom Export API datastream settings, click Show advanced settings and adjust the following settings:


To filter the data to collect from Branch Custom Export API, enter a filter in the following format:

[ "{OPERATOR}", "{FIELD}", "{VALUE}" ]

For example, [ "eq", "ad_channel", "QR Code" ]

For more information on formatting the filter, see the Branch documentation.