Making dashboards public

This guide explains how to change the status of a dashboards to public or private, in order to control which Adverity users can view it.


When you create a dashboard, its status is initially set to private. In order for other Adverity users in your organization to view a dashboard you have created, you will need to change its status from private to public.

When a dashboard is private, only you and users with Administrator permissions can view and edit it. After a dashboard is made public, all users in your organization with access to the workspace in which the dashboard is public can view it.

In order to change the status of a dashboard to public, this feature must be included in your Adverity pricing plan. If public dashboards are not included in your pricing plan, contact your Adverity account manager to discuss adding this feature.

To allow specific Adverity users or external users to view the dashboard, share the dashboard with them. For more information, see Sharing dashboards.

Making a dashboard public

When you make a dashboard public, anyone who has access to the workspace in which the dashboard was created can view the dashboard.

To make a dashboard public, follow these steps:

  1. Select the workspace you work with in Adverity and then, in the platform navigation menu, click Dashboards.

  2. Click the dashboard to open it.

  3. At the top of the dashboard, click Private . The text and icon will change to Public .

As a result, you have made the selected dashboard public. It will appear in the Public section of the Dashboards page. All Adverity users with access to this workspace can view this dashboard.

Making a public dashboard private

When you make a dashboard private, only the user who created the dashboard and users with Administrator permissions in the workspace where the dashboard was created can view the dashboard.

To make a public dashboard private, follow these steps:

  1. Select the workspace you work with in Adverity and then, in the platform navigation menu, click Dashboards.

  2. Click the dashboard to open it.

  3. At the top of the dashboard, click Public .

  4. In the Make dashboard private dialog box, click Apply.

As a result, you have made the selected dashboard private. It will be shown in the Private section of the Dashboards page. Only you and users with Administrator permissions can view this dashboard.

Video guide: Understanding dashboard sharing options

This video guide explains how to make dashboards public and share them with Adverity users or external guests.