Publishing dashboards#

This guide explains how to publish a draft dashboard and how to control which Adverity users can view published dashboards.


What is a draft dashboard?

When you create a dashboard, it appears in the Draft section of the Present page. Only the user who created the dashboard and any users with Administrator permissions in the workspace can view or edit a draft dashboard.

What is a published dashboard?

In order for other Adverity users in your organization to view a draft dashboard that you have created, you will need to publish the dashboard. After a dashboard is published, it appears in the Published section of the Present page.

All users in your organization with access to the workspace in which a dashboard is published can view and export this dashboard.

Can I publish a dashboard to some users without making it visible to all users in my workspace?

No. Once a dashboard is published, all users with access to the workspace where it is published can view and export this dashboard.

To allow specific Adverity users or external users to view the dashboard without publishing it for all users, share the dashboard with them. For more information, see Sharing dashboards.

Can I allow all users in my workspace to edit a published dashboard, instead of only viewing it?

Yes. By default, published dashboards can only be viewed and exported by the other users with access to the workspace in which the dashboard is published. However, you can change this setting to allow all users with access to this workspace to edit the dashboard, as described below.

What is the difference between publishing, exporting and sharing a dashboard?
  • Publishing a dashboard allows everyone with access to the workspace in which the dashboard is published to view the dashboard.

  • Exporting allows you to share a static image of a dashboard or widget in a range of formats. For more information, see Exporting dashboards.

  • Sharing a dashboard or widget enables you to give specific people access to view the selected dashboard or widget, in order to achieve the following goals.

    • Collaborate with other users on a dashboard

    • Allow other users to view the shared dashboard or widget

    • Share a dashboard using a link that expires after a set time period

    • Embed a link to a widget or pull data from a widget using an API

For more information, see Sharing dashboards and widgets.

Publishing a dashboard#

When you publish a dashboard, anyone who has access to the workspace in which the dashboard was created can view and export the dashboard.

To publish a dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Present page.

  2. Click the draft dashboard that you want to publish.

  3. In the top left corner, click image1 Dashboard sharing.

  4. In the dashboard sharing menu, enable the Publish toggle.

As a result, you have published the selected dashboard. It will appear in the Published section of the Present page. All Adverity users with access to this workspace can view this dashboard.

Enabling users to edit a published dashboard#

By default, published dashboards can be viewed and exported by other users with access to the relevant workspace. To give all users with access to the workspace in which a dashboard is published permission to edit the dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Present page.

  2. Click the dashboard to open it.

  3. In the top left corner, click image2 Dashboard sharing.

  4. In the Workspace section of the menu, enable the Enable editing toggle.

As a result, all users with access to the workspace in which this dashboard is published will be able to view, export and edit the dashboard.

Unpublishing a dashboard#

When you unpublish a dashboard, only the user who created the dashboard and users with Administrator permissions in the workspace where the dashboard was created can view the dashboard.

To unpublish a dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Present page.

  2. Click the dashboard to open it.

  3. In the top left corner, click image3 Dashboard sharing.

  4. In the dashboard sharing menu, disable the Publish toggle.

  5. In the Unpublishing dashboard dialog box, click Unpublish.

As a result, you have unpublished the selected dashboard. It will be shown in the Draft section of the Present page. Only you and users with Administrator permissions can view this dashboard.

Collaborators will still be able to view and edit the dashboard - for more information, see Inviting dashboard collaborators. Any scheduled dashboard exports will be canceled - for more information, see Sending and scheduling a dashboard export.