The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from AudienceReport.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field UI name |
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
Docs |
eventCount |
Total number of events for this week. |
metric |
name |
Value name |
dimension |
value |
Actual segment value ID |
dimension |
week |
Week number in the year. |
metric |
weekISO |
ISO standard week number, e.g. 2015-W04. |
dimension |
active |
Indicator if trackpoint is active |
dimension |
cachebustedCount |
The total count of cachebusted events. |
metric |
cachebusterRatio |
The cachebuster ratio. |
metric |
cid |
The trackpoint prefix. |
dimension |
count |
Event counts of the ip. |
metric |
count |
Event counts for the given hour. |
metric |
count |
Event counts for the given day. |
metric |
count |
Event counts of the ip. |
dimension |
data |
The possible values the segment can take |
dimension |
date |
The date of the day |
dimension |
desktop |
Event count for the desktop device type |
metric |
eventCount |
The total number of events of this type for this trackpoint. |
metric |
evid |
A unique string identifier for the report item. Takes the form [eventType]:[cid]:[tailcode] |
dimension |
hour |
The hour of the day. |
metric |
ip |
The performers ip. |
dimension |
ip |
The performers ip. |
dimension |
mobile |
Event count for the mobile device type |
dimension |
name |
The name of the trackpoint. |
dimension |
name |
The quality metric category name. |
dimension |
other |
Event count for the other device type |
dimension |
score |
The score that the campaign exhibits for this quality metric. It can take values between 0 and 10 where 0 corresponds to new campaigns. |
metric |
tablet |
Event count for the tablet device type |
dimension |
tailcode |
The trackpoint suffix. |
dimension |
totalCount |
The total event count. |
metric |
totalCount |
The total event count. |
metric |
totalCount |
The total event count. |
dimension |
tv |
Event count for the tv device type |
dimension |
weeklyEventCount |
The number of events per week. |
dimension |
age |
age |
dimension |
cachebusterRatio |
The cachebuster ratio. |
metric |
children |
children |
dimension |
count |
Event counts for the given hour. |
metric |
count |
Event counts for the given day. |
metric |
count |
Event counts for the given lookup country. |
metric |
count |
Event counts of the ip. |
metric |
count |
Event counts for the given hour. |
metric |
count |
Event counts for the given day. |
metric |
countryCode |
Countrycode of the lookup country. |
metric |
created |
The date when the campaign was added. |
dimension |
created |
The date on which the custom segment was created, e.g. 2015-03-15 |
dimension |
created |
The date on which the custom segment was created, e.g. 2015-03-15 |
dimension |
csid |
The ID of the custom segment |
dimension |
csid |
The ID of the custom segment |
dimension |
data |
Container. |
dimension |
data |
Container. |
dimension |
date |
The date of the day |
metric |
date |
The date of the day |
dimension |
date |
The date for which events was registered for the given trackpoint. |
dimension |
dates |
Countrycode of the lookup country. |
dimension |
description |
The description of the custom segment |
dimension |
description |
The description of the custom segment |
dimension |
desktop |
Event count for the desktop device type |
metric |
desktop |
Contains subdevices windows, macosx, chromeos or other |
dimension |
desktop |
Event count for the desktop device type |
metric |
desktop |
Contains subdevices windows, macosx, chromeos or other |
dimension |
deviceCounts |
Event counts for each device |
dimension |
education |
education |
dimension |
employment |
employment |
dimension |
end |
The submitted end date of the campaign. |
dimension |
events |
The total number of each type of event for this trackpoint. |
dimension |
events |
dimension |
gender |
gender |
dimension |
hour |
The hour of the day. |
metric |
hour |
The hour of the day. |
metric |
hourlyEvents |
Aggregated hourly events of the campaign. |
dimension |
householdsize |
householdsize |
dimension |
id |
The trackpoint id {eventType}:{cid}:{tailcode} |
dimension |
income |
income |
dimension |
ip |
The performers ip. |
dimension |
ips |
The top performing ips. |
dimension |
ips |
The container for ip performers |
dimension |
lastRecalc |
The DateTime when the campaign was last recalculated. |
dimension |
lastRecalcCheck |
The DateTime of the last attempted recalculation. |
dimension |
mobile |
Event count for the mobile device type |
metric |
mobile |
Contains subdevices android, iphone, windowsPhone or other |
dimension |
mobile |
Event count for the mobile device type |
metric |
mobile |
Contains subdevices android, iphone, windowsPhone or other |
dimension |
name |
Human readable name of the custom segment |
dimension |
name |
Human readable name of the custom segment |
dimension |
name |
Name of trackpoint. |
dimension |
other |
Event count for the other device type |
metric |
other |
Contains subdevices other |
dimension |
other |
Event count for the other device type |
metric |
other |
Contains subdevices other |
dimension |
panelCreated |
The date when the panel used for the campaign metrics was computed. |
dimension |
properties |
The report item properties. |
dimension |
providerId |
The ID of the segment provider |
dimension |
providerId |
The ID of the segment provider |
dimension |
providerLogo |
The URL of the provider logo |
dimension |
providerLogo |
The URL of the provider logo |
dimension |
providerName |
The name of the entity providing the custom segment information |
dimension |
providerName |
The name of the entity providing the custom segment information |
dimension |
public |
Whether the segment is public or private |
dimension |
public |
Whether the segment is public or private |
dimension |
referrers |
Total counts of reach referrer. |
metric |
reportEnd |
The end date of the campaign as it is used when computing the report. |
dimension |
reportStart |
The start date of the campaign as it is used when computing the report. |
dimension |
s3Key |
The identifier used in the synchronization of the custom segment |
dimension |
s3Key |
The identifier used in the synchronization of the custom segment |
dimension |
sampleSize |
The total sample size for the segment |
metric |
sampleSize |
The total sample size for the segment |
metric |
start |
The submitted start date of the campaign. |
dimension |
subdeviceCounts |
Event counts for each devices subdevices |
dimension |
tablet |
Event count for the tablet device type |
metric |
tablet |
Contains subdevices windows, android, iPad or other |
dimension |
tablet |
Event count for the tablet device type |
metric |
tablet |
Contains subdevices windows, android, iPad or other |
dimension |
totalCount |
The total event count. |
metric |
totalCount |
The total event count. |
dimension |
trackpointId |
The trackpointId of a specific trackpoint. |
dimension |
tv |
Event count for the tv device type |
metric |
tv |
Contains subdevices appleTV, chromecast, console, webTV, hbbTV, YouViewAmazonFireTV, SmartHub, other |
dimension |
tv |
Event count for the tv device type |
metric |
tv |
Contains subdevices appleTV, chromecast, console, webTV, hbbTV, YouViewAmazonFireTV, SmartHub, other |
dimension |
unknownReferrerCount |
The total count of unknown referrers. |
metric |
valueLabels |
Container |
dimension |
valueLabels |
Container |
dimension |
The |
device delivery metric |
metric |
cid |
The customer identification prefix. |
dimension |
countryCode |
The code corresponding to the country the campaign targets. |
dimension |
currencyCode |
The currency code for the country i.e. EUR, USD |
dimension |
currencySuffix |
The currency suffix for the country |
dimension |
customSegments |
The custom segments available to the campaign |
dimension |
customSegments |
The custom segments available to the campaign |
dimension |
customTargeting |
Whether the target group of the campaign includes targeting of one or more custom segments. |
dimension |
customerId |
The AudienceReport customer (company) ID |
dimension |
dailyImpressions |
Aggregated daily events of the campaign. |
dimension |
dailyImpressions |
Aggregated daily events of the campaign. |
dimension |
dates |
Date/time fields for the campaign. |
dimension |
dates |
The dates container of the cachebuster metric |
dimension |
dates |
The dates container of performers |
dimension |
deviceCounts |
Event counts for each device |
dimension |
deviceCounts |
Event counts for each device |
dimension |
devices |
The device delivery metric |
dimension |
events |
The number of events (impressions, clicks, etc.) logged for the campaign. |
metric |
events |
The event delivery metric. |
dimension |
hourlyEvents |
Aggregated hourly events of the campaign. |
dimension |
hourlyEvents |
Aggregated hourly events of the campaign. |
dimension |
id |
The id of the campaign. |
dimension |
id |
The trackpoint identifier |
dimension |
id |
The trackpoint identifier |
dimension |
id |
The trackpoint identifier |
dimension |
incomeBrackets |
The five income brackets for the country |
dimension |
ips |
The top performing ips. |
dimension |
isoCode |
The ISO code of the country |
dimension |
lookupCountries |
dimension |
name |
The name of the campaign. |
dimension |
name |
The human-readable name of the country |
dimension |
name |
The name of the trackpoint |
dimension |
name |
The name of the trackpoint |
dimension |
name |
The name of the trackpoint |
dimension |
noReferrerImpsRatio |
The statistical ratio between the number of referrers and the impressions for the specific country |
metric |
performers |
The performer delivery metric |
metric |
populationSize |
The online population size for the country |
metric |
referrers |
Total counts of reach referrer. |
metric |
reportItems |
All the report items of the campaign. |
dimension |
status |
The state of a campaign. |
dimension |
subdeviceCounts |
Event counts for each devices subdevices |
dimension |
targetGroup |
The demographic target group of the campaign. |
dimension |
timezoneOffset |
The timezone offset for the country |
metric |
total |
Event data for each event type. |
metric |
totalCount |
Total number of available segments |
metric |
totalCount |
The total event count. |
metric |
totals |
The container for aggregated cachebuster counts. |
metric |
totals |
The aggregated counts of the cachebuster metric. |
metric |
totals |
The top performing ips. |
metric |
trackpoints |
The container for the campaigns trackpoints |
dimension |
trackpoints |
Event data for each trackpoint in this campaign. |
dimension |
unknownReferrerCount |
The total count of unknown referrers. |
metric |
weekly |
Accumulated campaign stats by week |
dimension |
reach |
Report item reach (i.e. the percentage of the target group exposed) |
metric |
sampleSize |
Sample size. |
metric |
tv |
Contains subdevices appleTV, chromecast, console, webTV, hbbTV, YouViewAmazonFireTV, SmartHub, other |
dimension |
week |
Week number in the year, e.g. 44 |
metric |
advertiserName |
The advertiserName of the campaign. |
dimension |
affinity |
Report item affinity (see the AudienceReport helpdesk for a detailed explanation) |
metric |
affinity |
Campaign affinity (see the AudienceReport helpdesk for a detailed explanation) |
metric |
affinity |
Campaign affinity (see the AudienceReport helpdesk for a detailed explanation) |
metric |
age |
Event details across age categories. |
dimension |
age |
age |
metric |
age |
age |
dimension |
audiences |
The audiences of the campaign. |
dimension |
brand |
The brand of the campaign. |
dimension |
cachebustedCount |
The total count of cachebusted events. |
dimension |
cachebustedCount |
The total count of cachebusted events. |
metric |
cachebuster |
The cachebuster delivery metric. |
dimension |
cachebusterRatio |
The cachebuster ratio. |
dimension |
campaigns |
Campaigns whose trackpoints match the search term. |
dimension |
children |
Event details across children categories. |
dimension |
children |
children |
metric |
children |
children |
dimension |
children |
children |
dimension |
cid |
The CID prefix of the trackpoint. |
dimension |
cid |
The CID prefix of the trackpoint. |
dimension |
cid |
The CID prefix of the trackpoint. |
dimension |
cid |
The trackpoint prefix. |
dimension |
cid |
The cid for the report item |
dimension |
cid |
The trackpointId of a specific trackpoint |
dimension |
countries |
List of country specific geo compliance data |
dimension |
countryCode |
Two character country code |
dimension |
countryCode |
The country in which the target group size should be calculated. |
dimension |
countryEvents |
The number of events fired in the target country for the campaign |
metric |
countryEvents |
The number of events fired in the target country for the campaign |
metric |
created |
The date when the campaign was added. |
dimension |
criterion |
criterion |
dimension |
csid |
The CSID of the segment |
metric |
currencyCode |
Currency code to be used for the income, i.e. DKK |
dimension |
customSegmentGroups |
Profile details for segments supplied by other providers, grouped by those providers |
dimension |
customSegments |
Profile details for segments supplied by other providers |
dimension |
dailyImpressions |
Aggregated daily events of the campaign. |
dimension |
data |
The container of data. |
dimension |
data |
Report items that match the search term. |
dimension |
defaultSegments |
Profile details for AudienceReport default segments |
dimension |
education |
Event details across education categories. |
dimension |
education |
education |
dimension |
education |
education |
dimension |
education |
education |
dimension |
employment |
Event details across employment categories. |
dimension |
employment |
employment |
dimension |
employment |
employment |
dimension |
end |
The submitted end date of the campaign. |
dimension |
estimatedUniqueVisitors |
A close estimate of the number of people who triggered the report item event |
metric |
estimatedUniqueVisitors |
A close estimate of the number of people exposed to the campaign |
metric |
estimatedUniqueVisitors |
A close estimate of the number of people who triggered the report item event |
metric |
estimatedUniqueVisitors |
A close estimate of the number of people who triggered the report item event |
metric |
estimatedUniques |
A close estimate of the number of people exposed to the campaign |
metric |
eventType |
The type of event reported, e.g. impression or click. |
dimension |
eventType |
The type of event reported, e.g. impression or click. |
dimension |
eventType |
The event type for this report item |
dimension |
eventType |
The event type for this report item |
dimension |
eventType |
The type of event reported, e.g. impression or click. |
dimension |
eventType |
The type of event reported, e.g. impression or click. |
dimension |
eventTypes |
Specifies which event types are tracked by this trackpoint. Has the structure {eventType: isTracked(true|false)} |
dimension |
events |
The number of total events (impressions, clicks, etc.) fired |
metric |
events |
The number of total events (impressions, clicks, etc.) fired for the report item |
metric |
events |
The number of total events (impressions, clicks, etc.) fired for the campaign |
metric |
events |
The number of total events (impressions, clicks, etc.) fired |
metric |
events |
The number of total events (impressions, clicks, etc.) fired for the report item |
metric |
events |
The number of total events (impressions, clicks, etc.) fired for the campaign |
metric |
events |
Accumulated event counts |
dimension |
events |
Accumulated number of events for the trackpoint |
dimension |
events |
Accumulated event counts |
dimension |
events |
Accumulated number of events for the trackpoint |
dimension |
events |
Accumulated event counts |
dimension |
events |
Number of events originating in the country |
metric |
events |
Number of events originating in the region |
metric |
events |
Number of events originating in the subregion |
metric |
events |
Accumulated number of events for the trackpoint |
dimension |
events |
Accumulated event counts |
dimension |
events |
Accumulated event counts for the metric |
dimension |
evid |
A unique string identifier for the report item. Takes the form [eventType]:[cid]:[tailcode]. |
dimension |
evid |
A unique string identifier for the report item. Takes the form [eventType]:[cid]:[tailcode]. |
dimension |
evid |
A unique string identifier for the report item. Takes the form [eventType]:[cid]:[tailcode]. |
dimension |
evid |
A unique string identifier for the report item. Takes the form [eventType]:[cid]:[tailcode]. |
dimension |
evid |
A unique string identifier for the report item. Takes the form [eventType]:[cid]:[tailcode]. |
dimension |
evid |
A unique string identifier for the report item. Takes the form [eventType]:[cid]:[tailcode]. |
dimension |
evid |
A unique string identifier for the report item. Takes the form [eventType]:[cid]:[tailcode]. |
dimension |
evid |
A unique string identifier for the report item. Takes the form [eventType]:[cid]:[tailcode] |
dimension |
evid |
A unique string identifier for the report item. Takes the form [eventType]:[cid]:[tailcode] |
dimension |
evid |
A unique string identifier for the report item. Takes the form [eventType]:[cid]:[tailcode] |
dimension |
evid |
A unique string identifier for the report item. Takes the form [eventType]:[cid]:[tailcode] |
dimension |
evid |
A unique string identifier for the report item. Takes the form [eventType]:[cid]:[tailcode] |
dimension |
evid |
A unique string identifier for the report item. Takes the form [eventType]:[cid]:[tailcode] |
dimension |
evid |
The evid for the report item |
dimension |
female |
female |
dimension |
frequency |
Report item frequency (how many times on average did each visitor trigger the report item event) |
metric |
frequency |
Campaign frequency (how many times on average was each visitor exposed to the campaign) |
metric |
frequency |
Campaign frequency (how many times on average was each visitor exposed to the campaign) |
metric |
frequency |
Report item frequency (how many times on average did each visitor trigger the report item event) |
metric |
frequency |
Report item frequency (how many times on average did each visitor trigger the report item event) |
metric |
gender |
Event details across gender categories. |
dimension |
gender |
gender |
dimension |
gender |
dimension |
gender |
gender |
dimension |
high |
high |
dimension |
high |
high |
dimension |
householdsize |
Event details across household size categories. |
dimension |
householdsize |
householdsize |
dimension |
householdsize |
householdsize |
dimension |
income |
Event details across income categories. |
dimension |
income |
income |
dimension |
income |
dimension |
income |
income |
dimension |
low |
low |
dimension |
low |
low |
dimension |
lowQuality |
Total number of low quality events |
metric |
lowQuality |
Total number of not viewable, low quality, events. Only present for viewabilitymetric. |
metric |
male |
male |
dimension |
marginal |
Marginal increase from one week to the next |
metric |
marginal |
Marginal increase from one week to the next |
metric |
marginal |
Marginal increase from one week to the next |
metric |
maxResult |
The maximum number of campaigns returned by a request. Use this when you want to have pagination or you have more than 100 campaigns. Having more than 1000 projects will mean that you also have to use the start parameter to be able to get all the campaigns. |
metric |
meta |
Meta information not directly related to the report items. |
dimension |
metrics |
List of overview data from enabled metrics for the campaign |
dimension |
mobile |
Contains subdevices android, iphone, windowsPhone or other |
dimension |
name |
Name of trackpoint. |
dimension |
name |
Name of trackpoint. |
dimension |
name |
Name of trackpoint. |
dimension |
name |
Name of trackpoint. |
dimension |
name |
Name of trackpoint. |
dimension |
name |
Name of trackpoint. |
dimension |
name |
Name of trackpoint. |
dimension |
name |
The human readable identification of the trackpoint. |
dimension |
name |
The human readable identification of the trackpoint. |
dimension |
name |
Human readable name of the segment |
dimension |
name |
The human readable identification of the report item |
dimension |
name |
The human readable name of the segment |
dimension |
name |
The human readable identification of the trackpoint. |
dimension |
name |
Name of the trackpoint |
dimension |
name |
Trackpoint name |
dimension |
name |
Domain name for the referrer |
dimension |
name |
Region name |
dimension |
name |
Subregion name |
dimension |
name |
Trackpoint name |
dimension |
name |
Domain name for the referrer |
dimension |
name |
Name of the metric |
dimension |
name |
The human readable identification of the trackpoint. |
dimension |
name |
The name of the campaign |
dimension |
name |
The name of the report item |
dimension |
name |
The name of the campaign |
dimension |
name |
The trackpointId of a specific trackpoint |
dimension |
no |
no |
dimension |
notInTargetCountry |
Total number of not in target country |
metric |
notInTargetCountry |
Total number of events not originating from target country for the trackpoint |
metric |
notInTargetCountry |
Total number of events not originating from target country for the trackpoint referrer |
metric |
notInTargetCountry |
Total number of events not originating from target country. Only present for geoCompliance metric. |
metric |
notViewable |
Total number of not viewable events |
metric |
notViewable |
Total number of not viewable events for the trackpoint |
metric |
notViewable |
Total number of not viewable events for the trackpoint referrer |
metric |
notViewable |
Accumulated not viewable event counts. Only present for viewability metric. |
dimension |
old |
old |
dimension |
other |
Contains subdevices other |
dimension |
overview |
Accumulated and overview data |
dimension |
overview |
Accumulated and overview data. |
dimension |
overview |
Accumulated and overview data. |
dimension |
percents |
Percents for each default segment value, for the specific report item |
dimension |
percents |
Overall percents for each default segment value |
dimension |
percents |
Percents for each custom segment value, for the specific report item |
dimension |
percents |
Overall percents for each custom segment value |
dimension |
pid |
The ID of the campaign |
dimension |
pid |
The ID of the campaign |
dimension |
pid |
The id of the campaign. |
dimension |
profile |
dimension |
profile |
Histogram-style percentages of the report item events fired across different demographic groups |
dimension |
profile |
Histogram-style percentages of the campaign events fired across different demographic groups |
dimension |
profile |
Histogram-style percentages of the campaign events fired across different demographic groups |
dimension |
profileAffinities |
Common audience affinity on campaign level |
dimension |
providerLogo |
URL for the provider logo |
dimension |
providerName |
Human readable name of the custom segment provider |
dimension |
reach |
Accumulated reach (i.e. the percentage of the target group exposed so far) |
metric |
reach |
Report item reach (i.e. the percentage of the target group exposed) |
metric |
reach |
Campaign reach (i.e. the percentage of the target group exposed) |
metric |
reach |
Campaign reach (i.e. the percentage of the target group exposed) |
metric |
reach |
Accumulated reach (i.e. the percentage of the target group exposed so far) |
metric |
reach |
Report item reach (i.e. the percentage of the target group exposed) |
metric |
reachContribution |
Unique reach for the report item (not counting 'overlapping' reach) |
metric |
reachContribution |
Unique reach for the report item (not counting 'overlapping' reach) |
metric |
reachContribution |
Unique reach for the report item (not counting 'overlapping' reach) |
metric |
reachPersons |
measured in people |
metric |
reachPersons |
Report item reach, measured in people |
metric |
reachPersons |
Campaign reach, measured in people |
metric |
reachPersons |
Campaign reach, measured in people |
metric |
reachPersons |
Same as above, but measured in people, not percent |
metric |
reachPersons |
Report item reach, measured in people |
metric |
reachPersons |
Report item reach, measured in people |
metric |
referenceId |
Reference ID for the campaign |
dimension |
referrers |
List of referrers and their accumulated data for the trackpoint |
dimension |
referrers |
List of referrers and their accumulated data for the trackpoint |
dimension |
regions |
List of regions in the country from which there has been events |
dimension |
reportEnd |
The end date of the campaign as it is used when computing the report. |
dimension |
reportItems |
Campaign stats by individual report item |
dimension |
reportItems |
Campaign stats by individual report item |
dimension |
reportItems |
Profile details for each report item in the campaign |
dimension |
reportItems |
Profile details for each report item in the campaign |
dimension |
reportItems |
Aggregated reach information for every report item in the campaign |
dimension |
reportItems |
dimension |
reportStart |
The start date of the campaign as it is used when computing the report. |
dimension |
sampleSize |
Sample size. |
metric |
sampleSize |
Sample size. |
metric |
sampleSize |
Sample size. |
metric |
sampleSize |
Sample size - the exact number of recognized panelists used in the calculation |
metric |
sampleSize |
Sample size - the exact number of recognized panelists used in the calculation |
metric |
sampleSize |
Sample size - the exact number of recognized panelists used in the calculation |
metric |
sampleSize |
Sample size - the exact number of recognized panelists used in the calculation |
metric |
sampleSize |
Sample size - the exact number of recognized panelists used in the calculation |
metric |
sampleSize |
Sample size - the exact number of recognized panelists used in the calculation |
metric |
sampleSize |
Sample size - the exact number of recognized panelists used in the calculation |
metric |
sampleSizeStatus |
Reflects whether the sample size is big enough for extrapolation |
dimension |
sampleSizeStatus |
Reflects whether the sample size is big enough for extrapolation |
dimension |
sampleSizeStatus |
Reflects whether the sample size is big enough for extrapolation |
dimension |
sampleSizeStatus |
Reflects whether the sample size is big enough for extrapolation |
dimension |
sampleSizeStatus |
Reflects whether the sample size is big enough for extrapolation |
dimension |
sampleSizeStatus |
Reflects whether the sample size is big enough for extrapolation |
dimension |
sampleSizeStatus |
Reflects whether the sample size is big enough for extrapolation |
dimension |
sampleSizeStatus |
Reflects whether the sample size is big enough for extrapolation |
dimension |
score |
Overall score |
metric |
score |
Overall geo compliance score. |
metric |
score |
Overall quality score |
metric |
score |
Overall score for the metric |
metric |
share |
The percent of events covered from the total campaign. |
metric |
share |
The percent of events from the total campaign covered. |
metric |
share |
The percent of events covered from the total campaign. |
metric |
share |
The percent of events from the total campaign covered. |
metric |
sortColumn |
The campaigns will be sorted using this attribute. |
dimension |
sortDirection |
The sorting direction. |
dimension |
start |
The start index of the campaigns batch. You will need this to be able to use pagination. |
metric |
start |
The submitted start date of the campaign. |
dimension |
startDate |
The hypothetical starting day of the campaign, e.g. 2015-03-15 |
dimension |
subRegions |
List of subregions in the region from which there has been events |
dimension |
tablet |
Contains subdevices windows, android, iPad or other |
dimension |
tailcode |
The second part of the trackpoint tcode. |
dimension |
tailcode |
The second part of the trackpoint tcode. |
dimension |
tailcode |
ISO standard week number, e.g. 2015-W04 |
dimension |
tailcode |
The trackpoint suffix. |
dimension |
tailcode |
The tailcode for the report item |
dimension |
tailcode |
The trackpointId of a specific trackpoint |
dimension |
targetCountry |
Two character country code for the target of the campaign. |
dimension |
targetEvents |
The number of total events fired in the target group |
metric |
targetEvents |
The number of total events fired in the target group for the report item |
metric |
targetEvents |
The number of total events fired in the target group for the campaign |
metric |
targetEvents |
The number of total events fired in the target group |
metric |
targetEvents |
The number of total events fired in the target group for the report item |
metric |
targetEvents |
The number of total events fired in the target group for the campaign |
metric |
targetEventsPercentage |
Same as events above, but measured in percent of the total campaign events in target group |
metric |
targetEventsPercentage |
The percent of target events fired in the target group for the campaign |
metric |
targetEventsPercentage |
Same as events above, but measured in percent of the total campaign events in target group |
metric |
targetEventsPercentage |
The percent of target events fired in the target group for the campaign |
metric |
targetGroup |
The target group for which the size is desired. |
dimension |
targetGroupSize |
Total size of the selected target group (useful when looking at reachPersons) |
metric |
targetGroupSize |
Total size of the selected target group (useful when looking at reachPersons) |
metric |
targetSegment |
The target segment for which the size is desired. |
dimension |
total |
Total number of events |
metric |
total |
Total number of active trackpoints |
metric |
total |
Total number of events for the trackpoint |
metric |
total |
Total number of events |
metric |
total |
Total number of active trackpoints |
metric |
total |
Total number of events for the trackpoint |
metric |
total |
Total number of events for the trackpoint referrer |
metric |
total |
Total number of events |
metric |
total |
Total number of active trackpoints |
metric |
total |
Total number of events for the trackpoint |
metric |
total |
Total number of events |
metric |
totalCount |
The total event count. |
dimension |
totalCount |
The total event count. |
metric |
totalCount |
The total number of report items. |
metric |
totalEventsPercentage |
Same as events above, but measured in percent of the total campaign events |
metric |
totalEventsPercentage |
The percent of total events fired in the target group for the campaign |
metric |
totalEventsPercentage |
Same as events above, but measured in percent of the total campaign events |
metric |
totalEventsPercentage |
The percent of total events fired in the target group for the campaign |
metric |
totals |
Total campaign stats |
metric |
totals |
Total campaign stats |
metric |
totals |
totals |
dimension |
totals |
dimension |
totals |
Aggregated reach information for all report items in the campaign |
metric |
trackpointId |
The trackpointId of a specific trackpoint |
dimension |
trackpoints |
Accumulated trackpoint counts |
dimension |
trackpoints |
List of trackpoints with their individial transparency data |
dimension |
trackpoints |
Accumulated trackpoint counts |
dimension |
trackpoints |
Accumulated trackpoint counts |
dimension |
trackpoints |
The trackpoints that match the search term. |
dimension |
trp |
metric |
trp |
Report item TRP (see the AudienceReport helpdesk for a detailed explanation) |
metric |
trp |
Campaign TRP (see the AudienceReport helpdesk for a detailed explanation) |
metric |
trp |
Campaign TRP (see the AudienceReport helpdesk for a detailed explanation) |
metric |
trp |
TRP (see the AudienceReport helpdesk for a detailed explanation) |
metric |
uniqueEventTypes |
The number of unique event types in this campaign. |
metric |
valueLab |
Labels describing the categories. |
dimension |
valueLab |
Labels describing the categories. |
dimension |
valueLabels |
Labels describing the categories. |
dimension |
valueLabels |
Labels describing the categories. |
dimension |
valueLabels |
Labels describing the categories. |
dimension |
valueLabels |
Labels describing the categories. |
dimension |
valueLabels |
Labels describing the categories. |
dimension |
valueLabels |
The human readable names of the segment values |
dimension |
valueLabels |
The human readable names of the segment values |
dimension |
values |
Histogram-style percentages of the events of this trackpoint across categories. |
metric |
values |
Histogram-style percentages of the events of this trackpoint across categories. |
metric |
values |
Histogram-style percentages of the events of this trackpoint across categories. |
metric |
values |
Histogram-style percentages of the events of this trackpoint across categories. |
metric |
viewable |
Accumulated viewable event counts. Only present for viewability metric. |
dimension |
violaing |
Is the trackpoint violating or not |
dimension |
violaing |
Is the trackpoint violating or not |
dimension |
violaing |
Is the trackpoint violating or not |
dimension |
violating |
Total number of active and violating trackpoints wrt. transparency |
metric |
violating |
Total number of active and violating trackpoints wrt. visibility |
metric |
violating |
Total number of active and violating trackpoints wrt. geo compliance |
metric |
week |
Week number in the year, e.g. 44 |
metric |
week |
Week number in the year, e.g. 44 |
metric |
weekISO |
ISO standard week number, e.g. 2015-W04 |
dimension |
weekISO |
ISO standard week number, e.g. 2015-W04 |
dimension |
weekISO |
ISO standard week number, e.g. 2015-W04 |
dimension |
withGenericReferrer |
Total number of events with a generic referrer |
metric |
withGenericReferrer |
Total number of events for the trackpoint with a generic referrer |
metric |
withHiddenReferrer |
Total number of events with a hidden referrer |
metric |
withHiddenReferrer |
Total number of events for the trackpoint with a hidden referrer |
metric |
withUnknownReferrer |
Total number of events with a hidden or generic referrer. Only present for transparency metric |
metric |
yes |
yes |
dimension |
young |
young |
dimension |