Microsoft Ads
The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Microsoft Ads.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field UI name |
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
Docs |
AbsoluteTopImpressionRatePercent |
metric |
AbsoluteTopImpressionShareLostToBudgetPercent |
metric |
AbsoluteTopImpressionShareLostToRankPercent |
metric |
AbsoluteTopImpressionSharePercent |
metric |
AccountId |
dimension |
AccountName |
dimension |
AccountNumber |
dimension |
AccountStatus |
dimension |
AdDescription |
dimension |
AdDescription2 |
dimension |
AdDistribution |
dimension |
AdExtensionId |
dimension |
AdExtensionPropertyValue |
AdExtensionType |
dimension |
AdExtensionTypeId |
AdExtensionVersion |
dimension |
AdGroupCriterionId |
dimension |
AdGroupId |
dimension |
AdGroupLabels |
dimension |
AdGroupName |
dimension |
AdGroupStatus |
dimension |
AdId |
dimension |
AdLabels |
dimension |
AdRelevance |
dimension |
AdStatus |
dimension |
AdTitle |
dimension |
AdType |
dimension |
AdvancedBookingWindow |
AdvertiserHotelId |
AgeGroup |
dimension |
AllConversionRate |
metric |
AllConversions |
metric |
AllConversionsQualified |
AllCostPerConversion |
metric |
AllReturnOnAdSpend |
metric |
AllRevenue |
metric |
AllRevenuePerConversion |
metric |
AreaCode |
dimension |
AssistedClicks |
metric |
AssistedConversions |
metric |
AssistedImpressions |
metric |
Assists |
metric |
AssociationId |
dimension |
AssociationLevel |
dimension |
AssociationStatus |
dimension |
AttributeChanged |
dimension |
AudienceId |
dimension |
AudienceName |
dimension |
AudienceType |
dimension |
AverageCPV |
AverageCpc |
metric |
AverageCpm |
AveragePosition |
metric |
AverageWatchTimePerImpression |
AverageWatchTimePerVideoView |
AvgBookedABW |
AvgBookedNights |
BaseCampaignId |
dimension |
BenchmarkBid |
dimension |
BenchmarkCtr |
metric |
BidAdjustment |
metric |
BidMatchType |
dimension |
BidStrategyType |
dimension |
BookedABW |
BookedLengthOfStay |
BookingCountryCode |
dimension |
Brand |
dimension |
BudgetAssociationStatus |
dimension |
BudgetName |
dimension |
BudgetRemaining |
BudgetRemainingPercent |
BudgetSpent |
BudgetSpentPercent |
BudgetStatus |
dimension |
BusinessName |
dimension |
CampaignHotelId |
CampaignId |
dimension |
CampaignLabels |
dimension |
CampaignName |
dimension |
CampaignStatus |
dimension |
CampaignType |
dimension |
Category |
Category0 |
Category1 |
Category2 |
CategoryList |
ChangedBy |
dimension |
CheckInDate |
CheckInDateDayOfWeek |
City |
dimension |
ClickSharePercent |
metric |
ClickType |
dimension |
ClickTypeId |
dimension |
Clicks |
metric |
Comment |
dimension |
CompanyName |
dimension |
CompletedVideoViews |
Condition |
dimension |
ConflictLevel |
dimension |
ConflictType |
dimension |
ConversionRate |
metric |
Conversions |
metric |
ConversionsQualified |
CostPerAssist |
metric |
CostPerConversion |
metric |
Country |
dimension |
CountryName |
CountryOfSale |
dimension |
County |
dimension |
Ctr |
metric |
CurrencyCode |
dimension |
CurrentMaxCpc |
metric |
CustomLabel0 |
metric |
CustomLabel1 |
metric |
CustomLabel2 |
metric |
CustomLabel3 |
metric |
CustomLabel4 |
metric |
CustomParameters |
metric |
CustomerId |
dimension |
CustomerName |
dimension |
DailySpend |
metric |
Date |
dimension |
DateTime |
dimension |
DateType |
DeliveredMatchType |
dimension |
Description |
DestinationUrl |
dimension |
DeviceOS |
dimension |
DeviceType |
dimension |
DisplayUrl |
dimension |
Duration |
metric |
DynamicAdTarget |
dimension |
DynamicAdTargetId |
dimension |
DynamicAdTargetStatus |
dimension |
EligibleImpressions |
EndDate |
dimension |
EndTime |
dimension |
EntityId |
dimension |
EntityName |
dimension |
ExactMatchImpressionSharePercent |
metric |
ExpectedCtr |
metric |
ExtendedCost |
metric |
FeedUrl |
FinalAppUrl |
dimension |
FinalMobileUrl |
dimension |
FinalUrl |
dimension |
FinalUrlSuffix |
dimension |
FirstPageBid |
dimension |
Gender |
dimension |
Goal |
metric |
GoalId |
dimension |
GoalType |
dimension |
GrossReturnOnAdSpend |
Headline |
dimension |
HistoricalAdRelevance |
metric |
HistoricalExpectedCtr |
metric |
HistoricalLandingPageExperience |
metric |
HistoricalQualityScore |
metric |
HotelGroup |
HotelGroupNodeId |
HotelName |
HowChanged |
metric |
Id |
dimension |
ImpressionLostToBudgetPercent |
metric |
ImpressionLostToRankAggPercent |
metric |
ImpressionLostToRankPercent |
metric |
ImpressionShare |
ImpressionSharePercent |
metric |
Impressions |
metric |
IndustryName |
dimension |
IsInSeries |
ItemChanged |
metric |
JobFunctionName |
dimension |
Keyword |
dimension |
KeywordId |
dimension |
KeywordLabels |
dimension |
KeywordStatus |
dimension |
LandingPageExperience |
metric |
LandingPageTitle |
Language |
dimension |
LastModifiedByUserId |
dimension |
LastModifiedTime |
dimension |
LengthOfStay |
LocalStoreCode |
dimension |
LocationId |
dimension |
LocationType |
dimension |
LongHeadline |
dimension |
LowQualityClicks |
metric |
LowQualityClicksPercent |
metric |
LowQualityConversionRate |
metric |
LowQualityConversions |
metric |
LowQualityGeneralClicks |
metric |
LowQualityImpressions |
metric |
LowQualityImpressionsPercent |
metric |
LowQualitySophisticatedClicks |
metric |
Mainline1Bid |
metric |
MainlineBid |
metric |
ManualCalls |
MatchedProductsAtAdGroup |
metric |
MatchedProductsAtCampaign |
metric |
MatchedProductsAtProductGroup |
metric |
MerchantProductId |
dimension |
MetroArea |
dimension |
MissedImpressions |
MissedImpressionsNoBid |
MissedImpressionsNoTax |
MissedImpressionsOther |
MissedImpressionsSpendingCapReached |
MonthToDateSpend |
metric |
MonthlyBudget |
metric |
MostSpecificLocation |
metric |
Name |
dimension |
NegativeKeyword |
dimension |
NegativeKeywordId |
dimension |
NegativeKeywordList |
dimension |
NegativeKeywordListId |
dimension |
NegativeKeywordMatchType |
dimension |
NetReturnOnAdSpend |
NetRevenue |
Network |
dimension |
NewValue |
metric |
NotificationThreshold |
metric |
OfferLanguage |
dimension |
OldValue |
metric |
Param1 |
metric |
Param2 |
metric |
Param3 |
metric |
PartitionType |
dimension |
PartnerImpressions |
Path1 |
dimension |
Path2 |
dimension |
PendingChanges |
metric |
PhoneCalls |
dimension |
PhoneImpressions |
metric |
PostalCode |
dimension |
Price |
metric |
ProductCategory1 |
dimension |
ProductCategory2 |
dimension |
ProductCategory3 |
dimension |
ProductCategory4 |
dimension |
ProductCategory5 |
dimension |
ProductGroup |
dimension |
ProductType1 |
dimension |
ProductType2 |
dimension |
ProductType3 |
dimension |
ProductType4 |
dimension |
ProductType5 |
dimension |
ProximityTargetLocation |
dimension |
Ptr |
metric |
PublisherUrl |
dimension |
PurchaseOrder |
metric |
QualityImpact |
metric |
QualityScore |
metric |
QueryIntentCity |
dimension |
QueryIntentCountry |
dimension |
QueryIntentCounty |
dimension |
QueryIntentDMA |
dimension |
QueryIntentLocationId |
dimension |
QueryIntentPostalCode |
dimension |
QueryIntentState |
dimension |
Radius |
metric |
ReferenceId |
dimension |
ReturnOnAdSpend |
metric |
Revenue |
metric |
RevenuePerAssist |
metric |
RevenuePerConversion |
metric |
SearchQuery |
dimension |
SellerName |
dimension |
SeriesFrequencyType |
SeriesName |
SiteType |
SourceHotelId |
Spend |
metric |
SpendCapAmount |
metric |
StarRating |
StartDate |
dimension |
StartTime |
dimension |
State |
dimension |
Status |
dimension |
StoreId |
dimension |
TargetingSetting |
dimension |
TimePeriod |
dimension |
Title |
dimension |
TitlePart1 |
dimension |
TitlePart2 |
dimension |
TitlePart3 |
dimension |
Tool |
dimension |
TopImpressionRatePercent |
metric |
TopImpressionShareLostToBudgetPercent |
metric |
TopImpressionShareLostToRankPercent |
metric |
TopImpressionSharePercent |
metric |
TopVsOther |
metric |
TotalClicks |
metric |
TotalClicksOnAdElements |
metric |
TotalWatchTimeInMS |
TrackingTemplate |
dimension |
VideoCompletionRate |
VideoViews |
VideoViewsAt25Percent |
VideoViewsAt50Percent |
VideoViewsAt75Percent |
ViewThroughConversions |
metric |
ViewThroughConversionsQualified |
ViewThroughRate |
ViewThroughRevenue |
WebsiteCoverage |
metric |