Collecting data from LinkedIn Revenue Attribution Report
This guide explains how to collect data from LinkedIn Revenue Attribution Report. To learn how to collect data from a different data source, go back to the Available data sources in Adverity overview.
Before you start collecting data from LinkedIn Revenue Attribution Report, perform all of the following actions:
Ensure that you have a LinkedIn Business Manager account and that the account you are using for your Adverity has Admin permissions. For more information, see the LinkedIn documentation.
Claim your ad accounts in your LinkedIn Business Manager account. For more information, see the LinkedIn documentation.
Connect your LinkedIn Business Manager account to your CRM platform. For more information, see the LinkedIn documentation.
Connect to Adverity in the LinkedIn Business Manager user interface. For more information, see the LinkedIn documentation.
Creating a datastream to collect data from LinkedIn Revenue Attribution Report
The basics of creating a datastream to collect data from any data source are explained in our guide to Creating a datastream. This guide contains information about the specific steps to create a datastream to fetch data from LinkedIn Revenue Attribution Report.
To choose what data to collect and customize the LinkedIn Revenue Attribution Report datastream configuration, follow these steps:
(Optional) Rename your datastream.
In Group By, select how you want to group the collected data.
If you select Campaign in this step, you will not be able to choose Daily granularity in the Time Granularity selection step.
If your query includes the campaign dimension, your data is always aggregated for the last year (365 days back from the current date).
In Attribution Lookback Window, select the time period for the attribution lookback.
In Engagement Type, select the type of impression for which you want to collect data.
In Influence Level, select the level of influence for which you want to collect data.
In Time Granularity, select the granularity of the data you want to collect.
When viewing data you have collected from LinkedIn Revenue Attribution Report, please note that the OpportunityWinRate and LeadConversionRate metrics return a number between 0 and 1, which represents a percentage.
What's next?
Apply Data Mapping to your collected data to harmonize data collected from different sources in Adverity.
Transform your data to meet your needs by creating and applying transformations to your datastream.
Load your data into Explore & Present to visualize your data in Adverity
Load your data into an external destination of your choice