Collecting data from Twitter Public Basic#

This guide explains how to collect data from Twitter Public Basic. To learn how to collect data from a different data source, go back to the Available data sources in Adverity overview.


For a list of the fields that you can collect from Twitter Public Basic, see Twitter Public Basic.

The Twitter Public Basic connector allows you to collect data from the basic tier of the Twitter Public API.


Before you start collecting data from Twitter Public Basic, perform all of the following actions:

Creating a datastream to collect data from Twitter Public Basic#

The basics of creating a datastream to collect data from any data source are explained in our guide to Collecting data in Adverity. This guide contains information about the specific steps to create a datastream to fetch data from Twitter Public Basic.

Configuration: Choose the data you want to collect from Twitter Public Basic#

To choose what data to collect and customize the Twitter Public Basic datastream configuration, follow these steps:

  1. (Optional) Rename your datastream.

  2. In Handles, enter the Twitter handles of the accounts for which to collect data. Enter handles in the format handleName. For example, handleApple,handleBanana,handleCherry.

  3. In Report type, select the type of data to collect from Twitter Public Basic. The selected report type determines the additional fields to populate.

  4. (Optional) Select the Include retweets checkbox to collect retweets from the selected handles.

  5. In User fields, Tweet fields, Tweet Place fields, Tweet Media fields and Tweet Poll fields, change the list of fields that you want to see in your data extract.

  6. (Optional) Select the Breakdown by expansion checkbox to collect data for expandable fields in separate columns. For more information, see the Twitter documentation.


For information on configuring other Twitter Public Basic fields, see Advanced Twitter Public Basic tips.

What’s next?#

Advanced Twitter Public Basic tips#

Configuring data collection from Twitter Public Basic#

In the Settings tab of your Twitter Public Basic datastream overview, you can configure a number of additional settings:

User fields

Select the Twitter user account metadata fields you want to collect. This field allows you to collect metadata such as the username, location and number of followers. For a full list of the available user fields, see Twitter’s User object documentation.

Tweet fields

Select the tweet metadata fields you want to collect. This field allows you to collect metadata such as the tweet text, source of the tweet and promotion details. For a full list of the available tweet fields, see Twitter’s Tweet object documentation.

Tweet Place fields

Select the tagged location fields you want to collect. This field allows you to collect location data for tweets such as the geotag, country code and type of place. For a full list of the available tweet place fields, see Twitter’s Place object documentation.

Tweet Media fields

Select the media fields you want to collect. This field allows you to collect metadata for any media included with a tweet such as the type of media, view count and engagement. For a full list of the available tweet media fields, see Twitter’s Media object documentation.

Tweet Poll fields

Select the tweet poll field you want to collect. This field allows you to collect metadata for any polls included in a tweet such as the poll options, poll duration and the number of votes. For a full list of the available tweet poll fields, see Twitter’s Poll object documentation.

Breakdown by expansion

Select this checkbox to include expanded data from the collected tweets as multiple columns within the data extract. Expanded data may include metadata for referenced tweets. For more information on expansions, see Twitter’s Expansion documentation.

Reconstructing a conversation thread using Twitter Public Basic#

To reconstruct a conversation thread between different users on Twitter using Twitter Public Basic, use the following fields. For more information on how to reconstruct threads, see Twitter’s Conversation ID documentation.

  • conversation_id

  • in_reply_to_user_id
