White labeling in Explore & Present#

This guide explains how to configure the white labeling settings available in Explore & Present.


The white labeling features in Explore & Present allow you to customize the appearance of your Adverity instance to match your organization or brand.


White labeling is not available by default in Explore & Present. If you would like to customize white labeling for your Adverity instance, please contact your Account Manager for more information.

Customizing white labeling#


This feature is only available to users with WA (Workspace Admin) permissions in your organization’s root workspace. Other users will not be able to see this feature in the Administration menu in Explore & Present. For more information, see Roles and permissions in Explore & Present.

To customize the appearance of your Adverity instance in Explore & Present, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Explore page.

  2. In the top left corner, click image1 Select workspace, then image2 Administration.

  3. In the Workspace section of the administration menu, click White labeling.

  4. Configure the white labeling settings described in the following sections of this guide.

  5. Click image3 Update.

As a result, you have configured white labeling in Explore & Present for your Adverity instance. The changes you have made will be applied immediately.

Custom logos#

Login screen logo

To change the logo shown on the login screen for Explore & Present, follow these steps:

  1. Click Choose file.

  2. Select a PNG, JPEG or GIF file to display on the login screen.

  3. Click image4 Upload login logo.

Navigation bar logo

To change the logo shown in the top right corner of Explore & Present, follow these steps:

  1. Click Choose file.

  2. Select a PNG, JPEG or GIF file to display on the login screen.

  3. Click image5 Upload navigation logo.


Hide Adverity support links

Select this checkbox to hide all links that allow users to contact the Adverity Support team.

This is useful if you would prefer users to contact someone within your organization for help, instead of the Adverity Support team.

Login screen#

Background color

To change the background color of the login screen, click the current color.

In the color picker pop-up, choose a new color using one of the following options:

  • Select a color using the color map and slider.

  • Enter the HEX color code or RGB values of the new color.

Logo & text alignment

In the drop-down menu, select how you want to align the logo and text on the login screen.

Logo container height (px)

Enter a value in pixels for the height of the logo container on the login screen.

If this field is left empty, the logo container height will be automatically adjusted to fit the login screen.

Hide Adverity login logo

Select this checkbox to hide the Adverity logo on the login screen.

This is useful if you do not want to display the Adverity logo on the login screen, but do not want to upload a custom login logo as described above.

Use white font for dark theme

Select this checkbox to change the font color of the text on the login screen to white.

This is useful if you have chosen a dark background color for the login screen as described above.

Hide horizontal line

Select this checkbox to hide the horizontal line that is displayed under the login logo on the login screen.

Accept Terms of Service#

Hide terms and conditions for regular users

If this checkbox is selected, regular users are not required to accept the Terms of Service when logging in to Explore & Present for the first time.

Hide terms and conditions for public dashboards (anonymous users)

If this checkbox is selected, external users with whom a dashboard has been shared are not required to accept the Terms of Service when using a public link to access a dashboard.

Top navigation bar#

Hide Adverity navigation logo

Select this checkbox to hide the Adverity logo in the top right corner of Explore & Present.

This is useful if you do not want to display the Adverity logo here, but do not want to upload a custom navigation bar logo as described above.