Setting up an authorization to SFTP server with a public key

Setting up an authorization to SFTP server with a public key#

This guide explains how to set up an authorization to SFTP server with a public key.

Preparing SFTP server set up#

To set up the SFTP server for connection to Adverity with a public key, follow these steps:

  1. Generate private and public key files. For more information, see this guide.


    If you are using an RSA key file to authorize the connection, ensure that the key is in OpenSSH format.

  2. Install the public key on the SFTP server assigning it to a username.

Setting up an authorization to SFTP server with a public key#

To set up an authorization to SFTP server with a public key, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Authorizations page.

  2. In the top right corner of the page, click + Create authorization.

  3. Search for and click SFTP public key.

  4. Click Setup a new Authorization.

  5. In Hostname, enter the hostname of the SFTP server.

  6. In Username, enter the username assigned to the public key on the SFTP server.

  7. In Key Type, select the public key type.

  8. In Private Key, upload the private key file to authorize the SFTP authorization.

  9. Click Authorize.