Measuring Adverity usage with unique data rows#
This guide explains how to measure Adverity usage with unique data rows.
Unique data rows measure how much you use Adverity. Your unique data row usage depends on the amount of data you fetch and load.
This guide explains how to view your unique data row usage, and how your unique data row usage is calculated.
In the majority of cases, unique data row usage depends on the following:
The number of rows initially fetched from a data source.
The number of rows changed since the last fetch.
For more information on how unique data row usage is calculated in specific cases, see the rest of this article.
Viewing Adverity usage#
To view your Adverity usage, follow these steps:
Click Usage Manager.
View the details of your Adverity usage in the Subscription History section. For more information on what you can see in this page, see Viewing resource usage.
Calculating unique data rows#
Fetching data using a datastream can increase your unique data row usage. Unique data rows are counted for a datastream per month.
The actual change depends on the following factors:
If you fetch new data, the unique data row count is increased.
If you have already fetched data for a specific month and the datastream configuration in Adverity has not changed since the last fetch, the following calculation applies:
If the data in the data extracts has not changed since the last fetch, the unique data row count does not change.
If the data in the data extracts has changed since the last fetch, Adverity counts every changed row you collect as a unique data row. A row is considered changed if any of its values have changed. Even small differences are considered changes. Only changed rows increase the unique data row count. Unchanged rows do not increase the unique data row count.
If you have already fetched data for a specific month and the datastream configuration in Adverity has changed since the last fetch, the unique data row count increases for every row you collect after this configuration change. This calculation applies even if the data in the data extracts has not changed since the last fetch.
Datastream configuration changes affecting row usage#
Changes to the datastream configuration in Adverity may change the structure and content of the data extracts you fetch. For example, adding a new field will change the subsequent data extracts. Fetching data after changing the datastream configuration may increase the unique data row count.
Changes to the datastream configuration which may increase the unique data row count are:
Changing the fields you collect from the data source.
Changing the entities for which you collect data, such as businesses, accounts, and campaigns.
Changing the transformations assigned to a datastream.
Changing the date column or adding more date columns in the Key Date Column field. For more information, see Configuring advanced datastream settings.
Deleting a datastream.