Setting up an authorization to Rakuten Advertising#

This guide explains how to set up an authorization to Rakuten Advertising.


Before you read this reference, perform all of the following actions:

  • Make sure you can log in to Rakuten Advertising.

Retrieving security token from Rakuten Advertising#

To retrieve a security token from Rakuten Advertising, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Rakuten Advertising.

  2. In the top menu panel, hold the pointer over Links.

  3. From the menu, click Web Services.

  4. At the bottom of the page, in the Security Token section, retrieve the security token.

Setting up an authorization to Rakuten Advertising#

To set up an authorization to Rakuten Advertising, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Datastreams page.

  2. In the top right corner, click + Create datastream.

  3. Search for and click Rakuten Advertising.

  4. Click Setup a new Authorization.

  5. In Token, enter the security token retrieved from Rakuten Advertising.

  6. In API URL, enter the URL for the Rakuten Advertising API.

  7. Click Authorize.