Configuring Present settings

Configuring Present settings#

This guide explains how to configure some advanced settings for the Present page.


In Explore & Present, you need Workspace Admin (WA) permissions to change the settings explained in this guide. For more information, see Roles and permissions in Explore & Present.

Configuring color mapping#

A color mapping assigns a color to a specific dimension value. The assigned color is used for the selected dimension value whenever it appears in a visualization.

For example, if you assign a bright red color to the value Campaign A, and create a bar chart visualization showing the number of clicks for different campaigns, the bar representing the clicks value for Campaign A will be the selected bright red color. All dimensions will be checked for the values configured in the color mapping.

To create and configure color mappings, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Present page.

  2. In the top left corner, click image1 Select workspace, then image2 Administration.

  3. In the Present section of the administration menu, click Colors.

  4. To add a new color mapping, follow these steps:

    1. Click + Add value.

    2. In Color, select the color you want to assign. You can select a color on the color map, or enter the HEX or RGB values for a color.

    3. In Dimension value, enter the value that you want to be displayed in the selected color.

    4. Click image3 Save.

  5. To edit an existing color mapping, click the selected color to choose a new color, or click the dimension value to change the dimension value to which the color is assigned.

  6. To delete an existing color mapping, click image4 Delete in the row for the color mapping, then click image5 Save.

As a result, you have configured color mapping for the selected dimension value.

Configuring chart events#

A chart event is a line that is displayed at a specific time on a visualization that shows data over time. For example, you could create a chart event to mark the start of a new advertising campaign on a visualization that shows your cost per click metric over the past 6 months, or create a chart event to mark a website outage in order to explain any anomalies in your data.

To create and configure chart events, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Present page.

  2. In the top left corner, click image6 Select workspace, then image7 Administration.

  3. In the Present section of the administration menu, click Chart events.

  4. To add a new chart event, follow these steps:

    1. In the top right corner, click + Create chart event.

    2. In Timestamp, select the time and date at which the chart event will appear in visualizations.

    3. In Description, enter a description of the chart event.

    4. In Category, select the category to which the chart event belongs.

    5. (Optional) Select the Inherit checkbox to make this chart event visible in all child workspaces of your current workspace.

    6. Click image8 Create.

    7. To go back to the list of chart events, in the top right corner, click image9 Chart event list.

  5. To edit or delete an existing chart event, in the row for the corresponding chart event, click Edit, then perform any of the following actions:

    • To edit the chart event, change the chart event settings and click image10 Update.

    • To delete the chart event, click image11 Delete and then, in the confirmation dialog, click Delete chart event.

As a result, you have configured a chart event, and can now add this chart event to visualizations in the Explore page. For more information, see Adding chart events to a visualization.