Mapping tables#

A mapping table links source values to target values in Adverity, enabling you to enrich your data with additional information during the transformation process.

Why mapping tables matter#

Mapping tables enhance your data processing capabilities by:

  • Converting source values into standardized formats

  • Adding additional information to your data extracts

  • Automating value mapping across multiple datastreams

Core concepts#

What is a mapping table?

A mapping table is a table that links source values to target values. Mapping tables are used in transformations. For example, you can use a mapping table to map country codes (e.g. DE) to country names (e.g. Germany) to include this new data in your data extract.

What is a value table?

A value table is a list of values that you can use for various purposes in Adverity, such as populating mapping tables or configuring data collection settings.

Inside this guide#