Using dashboard templates#
This guide explains how to create and manage dashboard templates, how to create a dashboard from a dashboard template, and how to view and manage the dashboards that are connected to a template.
- What is a dashboard template?
A dashboard template is a template that you can use to quickly and easily create dashboards with the same appearance and layout. You can make changes to all dashboards connected to a dashboard template by making a change to the template, and then overwriting the connected dashboards.
- How can I tell if a dashboard is connected to a dashboard template?
A dashboard that is connected to a dashboard template has the
Connected icon in the top right corner.
- I can’t see the
Dashboard template icon on my dashboard!
This icon only appears on published dashboards. To create a dashboard template from an existing dashboard, you must first publish the dashboard. To do this, at the top of your dashboard, click
Dashboard sharing, then enable the Publish toggle.
If you want to make an identical copy of a dashboard, and it is not important that these dashboards are linked by a dashboard template, it may be quicker and easier for you to clone the existing dashboard. For more information, see Cloning dashboards.
Creating a new dashboard template#
You can create a new dashboard template based on an existing published dashboard. To create a new dashboard template, follow these steps:
Go to the Present page.
Choose one of the following options:
Click the dashboard that you want to use to create a dashboard template.
Create a new dashboard, then add the widgets that you want on your dashboard template. For more information, see Creating dashboards in Present.
As a result, you have created a dashboard template based on the current dashboard. The current dashboard is automatically linked to the dashboard template.
Creating a dashboard based on a dashboard template#
To create a dashboard based on a dashboard template, follow these steps:
Go to the Present page.
In the top right corner, click
Create dashboard from template.
Click the dashboard template you want to use to create a new dashboard.
Click Next.
(Optional) Configure any permanent filters on your new dashboard. For more information about permanent filters, see Permanent filters.
(Optional) Adjust the date ranges for any widgets on your new dashboard.
(Optional) Switch any dimensions and metrics shown in widgets on your new dashboard. For more information about dimension and metric switchers, see Changing the dimension or metric displayed in a widget.
Click Finish.
As a result, your new dashboard has been created. The new dashboard opens automatically.
Your new dashboard will appear in the Present page. In the
Present page, the Connected icon shows that a
dashboard is connected to a dashboard template.
Managing dashboards connected to a dashboard template#
Viewing connected dashboards#
Only users with Administrator permissions in your organization’s root workspace can view the full list of dashboards that are connected to a dashboard template. Users with other permissions can see the dashboards that they can access that are connected to a dashboard template.
To view the dashboards that are connected to a dashboard template, follow these steps:
Go to the Present page.
In the top left corner, click
Select workspace, then
In the Present section of the administration menu, click Templates.
In the table, in the row for the dashboard template, click the link in the Connected dashboards column that shows the number of dashboards connected to the dashboard template, e.g. 2 dashboards.
In the Connected dashboards window that appears, you can see the dashboards that are connected to the selected dashboard template. To view a connected dashboard, click the name of the dashboard.
Overwriting connected dashboards#
After you make changes to a dashboard template, in order for these changes to appear on the connected dashboards, you need to overwrite the dashboards. To do this, follow these steps:
Go to the Present page.
In the top left corner, click
Select workspace, then
In the Present section of the menu, click Templates.
In the table, in the row for the dashboard template you want to change, click Open.
Make your required changes to the dashboard template.
In the top right corner of your dashboard template, click
In the drop-down menu, click
Overwrite connected dashboards.
In the Overwrite connected dashboards window, select the checkboxes for the changes that you want to apply to all dashboards connected to this dashboard template.
(Optional) Select the Exclude date ranges checkbox to leave the date ranges in all filters on the connected dashboards unchanged.
Click Overwrite.
As a result, all the changes that you selected are applied to all dashboards connected to this dashboard template.
Disconnecting connected dashboards#
If you no longer want a dashboard to be connected to a dashboard template, you can disconnect it.
After a dashboard has been disconnected from a dashboard template, you can no longer use your dashboard template to make changes to this dashboard. There is no way to reconnect a dashboard to a dashboard template after it has been disconnected.
To disconnect a dashboard from a dashboard template, follow these steps:
Go to the Present page.
In the top left corner, click
Select workspace, then
In the Present section of the menu, click Templates.
In the table, in the row for the dashboard template from which you want to disconnect a dashboard, click Open.
In the top right corner of your dashboard template, click
In the Connected dashboards window that opens, in the row for the dashboard you want to disconnect from the dashboard template, click
Disconnect from template.
In the pop-up window, to confirm that you want to disconnect this dashboard, click Disconnect.
As a result, the selected dashboard is disconnected from the dashboard template. In future, if you make changes to the dashboard template, you can no longer apply these to the disconnected dashboard.
You can also disconnect a dashboard from a dashboard template
when you are working on the dashboard by clicking
Template, then
Disconnect from template in the top
right corner of the dashboard.
Managing dashboard templates#
In the Templates page, you can clone, rename, and delete dashboard templates. To perform any of these actions, follow these steps:
Go to the Present page.
In the top left corner, click
Select workspace, then
In the Present section of the menu, click Templates.
In the row for the dashboard template that you want to manage, perform any of the following actions:
To clone this dashboard template, click Clone.
You are automatically taken to the cloned dashboard template. The name of the cloned dashboard template ends with “CLONED”. No dashboards are connected to the new dashboard template when it is created.
To rename this dashboard template, click Edit. In the Name field, enter a new name for the dashboard template and click Update.
To delete this dashboard template, click Delete.
If you delete a dashboard template that has connected dashboards, these dashboards are disconnected from the dashboard template. No changes are made to the connected dashboards.
Only the user who created a dashboard template and users with Administrator permissions in your organization’s root workspace can rename and delete dashboard templates.