Configuring workspace settings in Explore & Present#

This guide explains how to configure basic workspace settings, customize workspace logos and dashboard export templates, and view workspace dependencies.


A workspace is where you collect, transform, and work with your data. You can configure Adverity settings for your workspace. Your organization may also use workspaces to manage access rights. Workspaces are created in a tree structure, where child workspaces may inherit some settings and permissions from the parent workspace.


In Explore & Present, you need Workspace Admin (WA) permissions to change workspace settings, customize the workspace appearance, and view workspace dependencies. For more information, see Roles and permissions in Explore & Present.

Configuring basic workspace settings#

To configure the basic settings for a workspace, including its name, currency, and first day of the week, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Explore page.

  2. In the top left corner, click image1 Select workspace, then image2 Administration.

  3. In the Workspace section of the administration menu, click General settings.

  4. Configure any of the following settings:

    • To change the workspace name, in Name, enter a new name for the workspace.

    • To allow the data in this workspace to be included in widgets in all other Explore & Present workspaces, select the Share data checkbox.

      This is useful if you want to allow data from this workspace to be included in workspaces in different branches of the workspace tree. For more information about including data from other workspaces in widgets, see the explanation of the Additional workspaces option in Configuring a data table.

    • To change the default currency used in currency-based metrics in this workspace, in Currency, select a different currency option.

    • To change the first day of the week used in data aggregation, visualizations, and the date range picker in this workspace, in Week start, select a different day option.

  5. Click image3 Update.

As a result, the changes you have made are applied to the current workspace.

Customizing the workspace logo and dashboard export templates#

Choose the logo that is displayed next to the workspace name in the top left corner of the Explore and Present pages. You can also customize PPT and XLS templates for exporting dashboards, to ensure that dashboards are exported with the colors and logo you choose.

To customize these settings, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Explore page.

  2. In the top left corner, click image4 Select workspace, then image5 Administration.

  3. In the Workspace section of the administration menu, click Set logo & templates.

  4. Configure the settings in the relevant section of the Set logo & templates page:

    Workspace logo
    • To display a workspace logo in the top left corner of the screen, click Choose file, select the file to upload, and then click Upload logo.

    • To only display the workspace logo and not the workspace name, select the Hide workspace name checkbox.

    • To remove an existing workspace logo, click image6 Delete logo.

    Export template (PPT or XLS)

    To customize the template used when exporting dashboards from this workspace in PPT or XLS format, follow these steps.

    1. Download the PPT or XLS template file by clicking one of these links:

    2. Customize the colors and logos used in the template file.

    3. (Optional) Reorder the placeholders marked as {placeholder} text in the template file. The placeholder names cannot be changed.

    4. In the Export template section for your chosen file type, click Choose file, select the PPT or XLS template file to upload, and then click Upload export template.

As a result, the changes you have made are automatically saved. If you have uploaded a workspace logo, it will be displayed in the top left corner of the screen. If you have uploaded a dashboard export template, this template will be used when exporting dashboards from this workspace in the corresponding PPT or XLS format.