Introduction to the Transformations page#
The Transformations page is where you can create and edit transformations.
A transformation is a set of instructions that defines how to transform your data. Transformations must be assigned to a datastream in order to transform your data.
There are two kinds of transformations:
Adverity’s standard transformations, which are a user-friendly way to create commonly used transformations.
Custom script transformations, which allow you to transform your data using a range of instructions.
After you have created at least one transformation, the Transformations page provides an overview of your transformations.
Use these filters to view your transformations according to different properties. See below for more information about these filters.
Click here to import a transformation as a JSON file.
Click here to create a new transformation.
Click here to search for a transformation by Name.
Click here for more options. The options available here depend on your role and permissions. For more information, see Managing user permissions.
The table in the middle of the Transformations page contains important information about your transformations in the following columns:
Type - the icons in this column show the type of transformation
Name - the name of this transformation
Workspace - the workspace in which this transformation was created
Assignments - the number of datastreams to which this transformation is assigned
The filters above the table allow you to view specific transformation s in the table. You can apply more than one filter at the same time to view specific transformations:
Workspace - displays all transformations that were created in the selected workspace
Type - displays all transformations of the selected type
You can also use the search bar to search for transformations by the Name column in the table. You can use the search function with or without filters applied.
Click Select an action in a specific transformation‘s
row in the table to perform additional actions with this
transformation. The actions you can perform are:
Delete transformation - displays a list of objects that will be affected if you delete this transformation, and allows you to delete this transformation
Export transformation - exports the selected transformation as a JSON file