Customizing KPI box widgets#
This guide explains how to create a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) box visualization widget with a custom layout.
Use Key Performance Indicator (KPI) boxes to emphasize important values in your data. Display single or multiple values to create a strong visual focus point for these pieces of data.
Before you complete the procedure in this guide, perform all of the following actions:
Follow the instructions in Creating visualization widgets to create a visualization containing your data.
To only display a single point of data in your KPI box, you must select a single value data set. To do this, click on the exact value you want to display in your KPI box, and select the data set visualization option that starts with Single value.
Customizing a KPI box widget#
To create a KPI box visualization widget with a custom layout, follow these steps:
To display your data as numbers in a KPI box, in the settings level drop-down menu, select your data set, and then in Chart type, select
KPI Box.
You can also display your data as a different chart type inside a KPI box, but there are fewer configuration settings available. For other chart types, we recommend selecting your chosen chart type in step 1, instead of using a KPI box.
In the settings level drop-down menu, select General, and configure the following settings:
In Background color and Foreground color, change the colors in your KPI box.
In the Font settings section, choose a fixed or dynamic font size, and select the maximum font size to use.
In the Icons section, choose whether and how to display an icon in your KPI box.
In the settings level drop-down menu, select Layout and enable the Custom layout toggle. You can now configure the following settings:
In Direction of data sets, choose how your data sets are ordered. This does not change anything if you have selected a single value data set.
In Number of rows and Stretch, change how the rows and columns in your KPI box are displayed. This does not change anything if you have selected a single value data set.
Enable the Show metric name toggle and in Metric name, change the name of the metric to change how it is displayed.
As a result, you have created a KPI box widget with a custom layout. You can now add it to a dashboard - for more information, see Adding a widget to a dashboard.