Displaying dashboards in TV-screen mode#

This guide explains how to put a dashboard into TV-screen mode.


TV-screen mode allows you to display dashboards on a screen without interruption. When you enable TV-screen mode, Adverity prevents session log-outs from being triggered and automatically refreshes the dashboard every 10 minutes.

If a dashboard has multiple pages, when TV-screen mode is enabled, Adverity automatically cycles through the pages on a 15-minute interval.


Before you complete the procedure in this guide, perform all of the following actions:

  • Ensure the dashboard to be displayed is public.


There are two steps involved to display a dashboard in TV-screen mode.

  1. Enable TV-screen mode for the dashboard.

  2. Display the dashboard in TV-screen mode.

Enabling TV-screen mode#

To enable TV-screen mode for a dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Present page.

  2. Click on the public dashboard to be displayed on a screen.

  3. Click image1 Dashboard sharing.

  4. In the Viewers section of the drop-down menu, click the Invite button.

  5. Enter the email address of the user that you want to be able to view the dashboard. This can be the email address associated with your Adverity account.

  6. Click Save.

  7. In the Viewers section of the dashboard sharing menu, enable the Enable TV-screen mode toggle.

As a result, the dashboard can be put into TV-screen mode by the viewers.

Displaying a dashboard in TV-screen mode#

To display a dashboard in TV-screen mode, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as a viewer who has been given access to the dashboard to be displayed in TV-screen mode.

  2. Go to the Present page.

  3. Click on the public dashboard to be displayed on a screen.

  4. In the top left corner of the page, click image2 Dashboard mode.

  5. In the drop-down menu, select Presentation Mode.

  6. In the drop-down menu, click Enter Full Screen.

As a result, the dashboard is displayed in full screen mode. If the dashboard contains multiple dashboard pages, Adverity cycles through the pages at a 15-minute interval. The dashboard is automatically refreshed every 10 minutes.