Managing your dashboards#

This guide explains how to manage your dashboards in Explore & Present.


You can manage the dashboards in your current workspace and all its child workspaces in the Administration page in Explore & Present.

Here, you can add yourself as a collaborator to existing dashboards, view and restore deleted dashboards, manage shared dashboards, and manage public links used to share dashboards with external users.


This feature is only available to users with WA (Workspace Admin) and MA (Manage) permissions in your organization’s root workspace. Other users will not be able to see this feature in the Administration menu in Explore & Present. For more information, see Roles and permissions in Explore & Present.

Accessing the dashboards list#

  1. Go to the Present page.

  2. In the top left corner, click image1 Select workspace, then image2 Administration.

  3. In the Manage section of the administration menu, click Dashboards.

  4. By default, the Add as collaborator tab opens first. To perform a different action, click the corresponding tab:

    • To view and restore deleted dashboards, click Deleted dashboards.

    • To manage dashboards shared with other Adverity users, click Shared dashboards.

    • To manage dashboards shared via a public link, click Public links.

As a result, you are taken to your chosen tab, where the relevant dashboards are displayed in a table containing some of the following columns:


The workspace in which the dashboard is located.


The name of the dashboard.


The ID of the dashboard.


The current status of the dashboard:

  • Draft - this dashboard is not published.

  • Public - this dashboard is published.

Date created

The date on which the dashboard was created.

Last updated

The date on which the dashboard was most recently updated.

Deleted at

(Deleted dashboards tab) The date on which the dashboard was deleted.


The user who created the dashboard.

# widgets

The number of widgets on the dashboard.

# collaborators

The number of users who have been added to the dashboard as collaborators.

Dashboard shared to

(Shared dashboards tab) The Adverity users with whom the dashboard has been shared.

Dashboard shared by

(Shared dashboards tab) The user or users who shared the dashboard with other Adverity users.

Last accessed

(Shared dashboards tab) The date on which the dashboard was most recently accessed by any user.


(Public links tab) The public link that external users can use to access this dashboard.


(Public links tab) If this column contains a check mark image3, the public link is currently enabled.


(Public links tab) The date on which the public link will expire.

Adding yourself to a dashboard as a collaborator#

The Add as collaborator table lists the dashboards in your current workspace and all its child workspaces on which you are not a collaborator. You can search for dashboards by name using the search bar above the table.

To add yourself as a collaborator to a dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Add as collaborator tab by following the steps above.

  2. In the row for the dashboard on which you want to collaborate, click Add me as a collaborator.

As a result, you will be added to the selected dashboard as a collaborator.

Restoring a deleted dashboard#

The Deleted dashboards table lists all dashboards in your current workspace and all its child workspaces that have been deleted. You can search for dashboards by name using the search bar above the table.

To restore a deleted dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Deleted dashboards tab by following the steps above.

  2. In the row for the dashboard you want to restore, click Restore.

As a result, the selected dashboard is restored to its original workspace. For more information about deleting and restoring dashboards, see Deleting dashboards.

Managing shared dashboards#

The Shared dashboards table lists all dashboards in your current workspace and all its child workspaces to which Adverity users have been invited as viewers. For more information, see Inviting dashboard viewers.

You can filter the dashboards in the table by users who have shared a dashboard with viewers or who have been invited as viewers.

To remove viewers or shares from one or more|dashboard|s, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Shared dashboards tab by following the steps above.

  2. To remove all viewers from a specific dashboard, in the row for the dashboard from which you want to remove all viewers, click Remove shares.

    Then, in the confirmation dialog, click OK.

  3. To remove a specific viewer from all dashboards that they can view, use the filter above the table to find dashboards shared to this user, and click Remove selected shares.

    This viewer will no longer be able to access any Adverity dashboards.

  4. To remove all viewers that have been added to a dashboard by a specific user, use the filter above the table to find dashboards shared by this user, and click Remove selected shares.

    The viewers who have been given access to one or more dashboards by the selected Adverity user will no longer be able to access these dashboards. If they have been given access to a different dashboard by another Adverity user, they will still be able to access this dashboard.

As a result, your changes are made immediately.