Currency Conversion#

This guide explains how to use the Currency Conversion transformation to convert currency-based metrics in your data table from one currency to another.


The Currency Conversion transformation provides a user-friendly interface that helps you to select the column that contains the currency to convert and the currencies to convert between. The Currency Conversion transformation uses the currency custom script instruction in the background.


Adverity uses the exchange rate from your chosen exchange rate provider for the specific date to convert between currencies. If the exchange rate is not available for the date or if no date column is specified, Adverity uses the latest available exchange rate.

This video guide explains how to create and configure a Currency Conversion transformation.


Before you complete the procedure in this guide, perform all of the following actions:

Configuring the Currency Conversion transformation#

This guide explains how to configure the Currency Conversion transformation. Before completing this step, start creating a transformation by following the instructions in Using Adverity’s transformations. To configure this transformation, follow these steps:

  1. Under the Configuration tab, in the Source column drop-down menu, select the field that contains values in the source currency.

  2. In the Exchange rate provider drop-down menu, select an organization from which to use an exchange rate.

  3. In the From currency drop-down menu, select the source currency. If you have multiple currencies in a column in the data extract, select Automatic. This list of available currencies changes based on the organization selected in the Exchange rate provider field.

  4. If you selected Automatic in From currency, select the column that contains information about currencies in Currency column.

  5. In the To currency drop-down menu, select the target currency.

  6. In the Date column drop-down menu, select the field in your data table that contains the dates associated with the currency-based metric.

  7. (Optional) By default, Adverity replaces the existing values in the field that contained the values text in the source currency. To preserve the original field and add the converted values to a new field, select Add additional column in the Action drop-down menu.


You can preview your transformation in the Preview tab. Here, you can see how your current transformation instructions will transform the data you have previously collected using the selected datastream.

Click Refresh Preview at the bottom of the Configuration tab to see the preview of your latest changes.

For more information about the preview, see Previewing transformations.