Managing user permissions#

This guide explains the different permissions available to Adverity users, and how to change a user’s permissions in Adverity.


A user’s permissions determine which pages of Adverity they can access and what objects they can create. In Adverity, user permissions are controlled by the groups to which a user is assigned.


The user permissions explained in this guide are the same for all Adverity pricing plans. However, some features may not be available to you, depending on your Adverity pricing plan. For more information, contact your Adverity account manager.

Assigning user permissions#

Assign user permissions in Adverity by assigning the user to one or more groups.

To assign a user to a group in Adverity, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Administration page.

  2. In the secondary menu, click Users.

  3. Click on the email address of the user whose permissions are to be updated.

  4. In Groups, select the groups to which the user will be assigned.

    For more information on what permissions are associated with a group, see User permissions associated with each group.

  5. Click Save.

As a result, the user’s permissions are updated based on the groups to which you have assigned the user.

User permissions associated with each group#

The table below shows the groups a user can be assigned to, and the permissions associated with each group. Click the image to enlarge it.

If a group does not have access to an Adverity feature, this is indicated by an ×. If a group has access to an Adverity feature, the grid below describes the corresponding permissions.

The Administrator in root workspace role refers to a user who is assigned to the Administrator group in your root workspace (the top-level workspace in your organization).


Management API keys can only be generated by a user with Administrator permissions in the root workspace.
