The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Plista.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
additionalClicks |
Additional clicks |
metric |
additionals |
Additionals |
dimension |
adgroupid |
Ad group id |
dimension |
adid |
Ad id |
dimension |
after6Seconds |
After 6 seconds |
metric |
approved |
Approved |
metric |
basicSetup.currency |
Basic setup currency |
dimension |
basicSetup.domain.path |
Basic setup domain path |
dimension |
basicSetup.domain.ref |
Basic setup domain ref |
dimension |
basicSetup.domain.rel |
Basic setup domain rel |
dimension |
basicSetup.domain.version |
Basic setup domain version |
dimension |
basicSetup.enddate |
Basic setup enddate |
dimension | |
Basic setup name |
dimension |
basicSetup.product |
Basic setup product |
dimension |
basicSetup.satellite |
Basic setup satellite |
dimension |
basicSetup.startdate |
Basic setup start date |
dimension |
billedClicks |
Billed clicks |
metric |
billingInformation.customerIdent |
Billing information customer id ent |
dimension |
billingInformation.gFlowID |
Billing information g flow id |
dimension |
campaign.cpc |
Cost per clicks calculated as price / clicks |
metric |
campaign.cpm |
Campaign CPM |
metric |
campaign.cpoEvents.price |
Campaign CPO event price |
metric |
campaign.customerIdent |
Campaign customer id ent |
dimension |
campaign.dayBudget |
The daily budget of a campaign |
metric |
campaign.enddate |
The campaign end date |
dimension | |
The id of a campaign |
dimension | |
The name of a campaign |
dimension |
campaign.product |
The product of a campaign |
dimension |
campaign.startdate |
The campaign start date |
dimension |
campaign.totalBudget |
The total budget of a campaign |
metric |
clicks |
The number of clicks |
metric |
conversionRate |
Conversion Rate |
metric |
conversions |
The number of conversions |
metric |
cpm |
Cost per thousand impressions calculated as price /( impressions / 1000) |
metric |
cpoRate |
CPO rate |
metric |
cpoRevenue |
CPO revenue |
metric |
ctr |
Clich through rate calculated as clicks / impressions |
metric |
date |
Date |
dimension |
daybudgetFinishedAt |
Day budget finished at |
dimension |
events |
Events |
dimension |
finish |
Finish |
metric |
id |
Id |
dimension |
image |
Image |
dimension |
impressions |
The number of impressions |
metric |
item |
Item |
dimension |
miscellaneous.accountBlacklist |
Miscellaneous account blacklist |
metric |
miscellaneous.changedToTKP |
Miscellaneous changed to TKP |
metric |
miscellaneous.contentad |
Miscellaneous contentad |
metric |
miscellaneous.cpoPattern |
Miscellaneous cpo ppattern |
metric |
miscellaneous.crossite |
Miscellaneous crossite |
dimension |
miscellaneous.distribution |
Miscellaneous distribution |
dimension |
miscellaneous.distributionOff |
Miscellaneous distribution off |
metric |
miscellaneous.emailKeywords |
Miscellaneous email keywords |
dimension |
miscellaneous.ensembleOSR |
Miscellaneous ensemble OSR |
metric |
miscellaneous.followerCampaign |
Miscellaneous follower campaign |
dimension |
miscellaneous.followerCampaign.path |
Miscellaneous follower campaign path |
dimension |
miscellaneous.followerCampaign.ref |
Miscellaneous follower campaign ref |
dimension |
miscellaneous.followerCampaign.rel |
Miscellaneous follower campaign rel |
dimension |
miscellaneous.followerCampaign.version |
Miscellaneous follower campaign version |
dimension |
miscellaneous.osrTitleOnly |
Miscellaneous osr title only |
metric |
miscellaneous.pixel4thParty |
Miscellaneous pixel 4th party |
dimension |
performance.clicks |
Performance clicks |
metric |
performance.conversions |
Performance conversions |
metric |
performance.cpm |
Performance cpm |
metric |
performance.ctr |
Performance ctr |
metric |
performance.daybudget.diffDayBudgetYesterday |
Performance day budget diff day budget yesterday |
metric |
performance.daybudget.usedDayBudgetYesterday |
Performance day budget used day budget yesterday |
metric |
performance.daybudgetFinishedAt |
Performance day budget finished at |
dimension |
performance.dof |
Performance dof |
metric |
performance.dofYesterday |
Performance dof yesterday |
metric |
performance.forecast |
Performance forecast |
metric |
performance.pace |
Performance pace |
metric |
performance.roi |
Performance roi |
metric |
performance.runtime.enddate |
Performance runtime end date |
dimension |
performance.runtime.remaining |
Performance runtime remaining |
metric |
performance.runtime.startdate |
Performance runtime start date |
dimension | |
Performance runtime today |
dimension |
performance.seen |
Performance seen |
metric |
performance.totalbudget.diffTotalBudget |
Performance total budget diff total budget |
metric |
performance.totalbudget.totalbudget |
Performance total budget total budget |
metric |
performance.totalbudget.totalbudgetUsed |
Performance total budget total budget used |
metric |
postView |
Post View |
metric |
price |
Price |
metric |
priceindex |
Price index |
metric |
pricingBilling.autoupdateDaybudget |
Pricing billing autoupdate day budget |
metric |
pricingBilling.dayBudget |
Pricing billing day budget |
metric |
pricingBilling.goals.clicks |
Pricing billing goals clicks |
metric |
pricingBilling.goals.dailyClicks |
Pricing billing goals daily clicks |
metric |
pricingBilling.goals.dailyImpressions |
Pricing billing goals daily impressions |
metric |
pricingBilling.goals.engagements |
Pricing billing goals engagements |
metric |
pricingBilling.goals.impressions |
Pricing billing goals impressions |
metric |
pricingBilling.pricePerAction.cpc |
Pricing billing price per action cpc |
metric |
pricingBilling.pricePerAction.cpm |
Pricing billing price per action cpm |
metric |
pricingBilling.pricePerAction.cpoEvents |
Pricing billing price per action cpo events |
dimension |
pricingBilling.pricePerAction.engagements |
Pricing billing price per action engagements |
metric |
pricingBilling.totalBudget |
Pricing billing totalBudget |
metric |
reporting.autoreporting |
Reporting autoreporting |
metric |
reporting.ccRecipients |
Reporting cc recipients |
dimension |
reporting.customData.adStats |
Reporting custom data ad stats |
metric |
reporting.customData.channelStats |
Reporting custom data channel stats |
metric |
reporting.customData.conversionStats |
Reporting custom data conversion stats |
metric |
reporting.customData.extraClicks |
Reporting custom data extra clicks |
metric |
reporting.customData.overrideLang |
Reporting custom data override lang |
metric |
reporting.customData.siteStats |
Reporting custom data site stats |
metric |
reporting.customData.videoStats |
Reporting custom data video stats |
metric |
reporting.language |
Reporting language |
dimension |
roi |
metric |
start |
Start |
metric |
status |
Status |
metric |
tagsAttributes.contentLanugage |
Tags attributes content lanugage |
dimension |
targeting.campaignFilter.deviceType |
Targeting campaign filter device type |
dimension |
targeting.geoPublisher |
Targeting geo publisher |
dimension |
targeting.geoUser |
Targeting geo user |
dimension |
targeting.keywords |
Targeting keywords |
dimension |
targeting.schedule.endhour |
Targeting schedule end hour |
metric |
targeting.schedule.friday |
Targeting schedule friday |
metric |
targeting.schedule.monday |
Targeting schedule monday |
metric |
targeting.schedule.saturday |
Targeting schedule saturday |
metric |
targeting.schedule.starthour |
Targeting schedule start hour |
metric |
targeting.schedule.sunday |
Targeting schedule sunday |
metric |
targeting.schedule.thursday |
Targeting schedule thursday |
metric |
targeting.schedule.tuesday |
Targeting schedule tuesday |
metric |
targeting.schedule.wednesday |
Targeting schedule wednesday |
metric |
text |
Text |
dimension |
timezone |
Timezone |
dimension |
uniqueConversions |
Unique conversions |
metric |
uniques |
Uniques |
metric |
url |
dimension |
viewTime25 |
View time 25 |
metric |
viewTime50 |
View time 50 |
metric |
viewTime75 |
View time 75 |
metric |