The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Webtrekk.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
% of All Visitors, |
% of All Visitors, |
metric |
% of All Visits, |
% of All Visits, |
metric |
A/B Testgruppe, |
A/B Testgruppe, |
dimension |
A/B Testvariante, |
A/B Testvariante, |
dimension |
A3 Prepaid Exit Process Steps, |
A3 Prepaid Exit Process Steps, |
dimension |
A3 Prepaid Process Step Amount, |
A3 Prepaid Process Step Amount, |
metric |
A3 Prepaid Process Step Exits, |
A3 Prepaid Process Step Exits, |
metric |
A3 Prepaid Process Steps, |
A3 Prepaid Process Steps, |
dimension |
ANID GK Buchung, |
ANID GK Buchung, |
dimension |
ANID GK Registrierung, |
ANID GK Registrierung, |
dimension |
dimension |
Abandoned Product Value, |
Abandoned Product Value, |
metric |
Ad Media Path (Aggregated), |
Ad Media Path (Aggregated), |
dimension |
Ad Media Path, |
Ad Media Path, |
dimension |
Add to Shopping Cart Rate %, |
Add to Shopping Cart Rate %, |
metric |
Added to Shopping Cart FN-Tarife, |
Added to Shopping Cart FN-Tarife, |
dimension |
Added to Shopping Cart ProduktArt MoFu, |
Added to Shopping Cart ProduktArt MoFu, |
dimension |
Added to Shopping Cart Service2Sales Produkte,…} |
Added to Shopping Cart Service2Sales Produkte,…} |
dimension |
Aktions-Detail, |
Aktions-Detail, |
dimension |
Aktiver Tab, |
Aktiver Tab, |
dimension |
Aktivierung Dienst, |
Aktivierung Dienst, |
dimension |
Alias in the Customer Journey, |
Alias in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
Alias, |
Alias, |
dimension |
Angeklicktes Suchergebnis, |
Angeklicktes Suchergebnis, |
dimension |
Anzahl Suchergebnisse (Gesamt), |
Anzahl Suchergebnisse (Gesamt), |
metric |
Anzahl Suchergebnisse pro Seite, |
Anzahl Suchergebnisse pro Seite, |
dimension |
App-ID in the Customer Journey, |
App-ID in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
App-ID, |
App-ID, |
dimension |
App-Version, |
App-Version, |
dimension |
Assists, |
Assists, |
metric |
Assists, Unique, |
Assists, Unique, |
metric |
Attribution (last, external) of Bestellung, |
Attribution (last, external) of Bestellung, |
dimension |
Attribution (last, external) of Lead De-Mail,…} |
Attribution (last, external) of Lead De-Mail,…} |
dimension |
Attribution (last, internal) of Bestellung, |
Attribution (last, internal) of Bestellung, |
dimension |
Avg Play Duration, |
Avg Play Duration, |
metric |
Avg Run Time, |
Avg Run Time, |
metric |
Avg. Order Value (Month 0), |
Avg. Order Value (Month 0), |
metric |
Avg. Order Value (Month 1), |
Avg. Order Value (Month 1), |
metric |
Avg. Order Value (Month 10), |
Avg. Order Value (Month 10), |
metric |
Avg. Order Value (Month 11), |
Avg. Order Value (Month 11), |
metric |
Avg. Order Value (Month 12), |
Avg. Order Value (Month 12), |
metric |
Avg. Order Value (Month 2), |
Avg. Order Value (Month 2), |
metric |
Avg. Order Value (Month 3), |
Avg. Order Value (Month 3), |
metric |
Avg. Order Value (Month 4), |
Avg. Order Value (Month 4), |
metric |
Avg. Order Value (Month 5), |
Avg. Order Value (Month 5), |
metric |
Avg. Order Value (Month 6), |
Avg. Order Value (Month 6), |
metric |
Avg. Order Value (Month 7), |
Avg. Order Value (Month 7), |
metric |
Avg. Order Value (Month 8), |
Avg. Order Value (Month 8), |
metric |
Avg. Order Value (Month 9), |
Avg. Order Value (Month 9), |
metric |
B2 FestnetzTriple Play Exit Process Steps, |
B2 FestnetzTriple Play Exit Process Steps, |
dimension |
B2 FestnetzTriple Play Process Step Amount, |
B2 FestnetzTriple Play Process Step Amount, |
metric |
B2 FestnetzTriple Play Process Step Exits, |
B2 FestnetzTriple Play Process Step Exits, |
metric |
B2 FestnetzTriple Play Process Steps, |
B2 FestnetzTriple Play Process Steps, |
dimension |
B3 Festnetz Double Play BK Exit Process Steps,…} |
B3 Festnetz Double Play BK Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
B3 Festnetz Double Play BK Process Step Amount,…} |
B3 Festnetz Double Play BK Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
B3 Festnetz Double Play BK Process Step Exits,…} |
B3 Festnetz Double Play BK Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
B3 Festnetz Double Play BK Process Steps, |
B3 Festnetz Double Play BK Process Steps, |
dimension |
B4 Festnetz Triple Play BK Exit Process Steps,…} |
B4 Festnetz Triple Play BK Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
B4 Festnetz Triple Play BK Process Step Amount,…} |
B4 Festnetz Triple Play BK Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
B4 Festnetz Triple Play BK Process Step Exits,…} |
B4 Festnetz Triple Play BK Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
B4 Festnetz Triple Play BK Process Steps, |
B4 Festnetz Triple Play BK Process Steps, |
dimension |
Bauherrenantragstatus, |
Bauherrenantragstatus, |
dimension |
Benutzerrang, |
Benutzerrang, |
dimension |
Benutzerrang, |
Benutzerrang, |
dimension |
Benutzerrolle, |
Benutzerrolle, |
dimension |
Benutzerrolle, |
Benutzerrolle, |
dimension |
Bestellmenge, |
Bestellmenge, |
metric |
Besuchertyp, |
Besuchertyp, |
dimension |
Bounce Pages, |
Bounce Pages, |
dimension |
Bounce Rate %, |
Bounce Rate %, |
metric |
Bounces, |
Bounces, |
metric |
Brand Search %, |
Brand Search %, |
metric |
Brand Search, |
Brand Search, |
dimension |
Browser Language, |
Browser Language, |
dimension |
Browser Resolution, |
Browser Resolution, |
dimension |
Browser, |
Browser, |
dimension |
Browsers, Unique, |
Browsers, Unique, |
metric |
CG01 - Domain (Bounce Pages), |
CG01 - Domain (Bounce Pages), |
dimension |
CG01 - Domain (Entry Page), |
CG01 - Domain (Entry Page), |
dimension |
CG01 - Domain (Exit Page), |
CG01 - Domain (Exit Page), |
dimension |
CG01 - Domain, |
CG01 - Domain, |
dimension |
CG02 - Navigationsebene 1 (Bounce Pages), |
CG02 - Navigationsebene 1 (Bounce Pages), |
dimension |
CG02 - Navigationsebene 1 (Entry Page), |
CG02 - Navigationsebene 1 (Entry Page), |
dimension |
CG02 - Navigationsebene 1 (Exit Page), |
CG02 - Navigationsebene 1 (Exit Page), |
dimension |
CG02 - Navigationsebene 1, |
CG02 - Navigationsebene 1, |
dimension |
CG03 - Navigationsebene 2 (Bounce Pages), |
CG03 - Navigationsebene 2 (Bounce Pages), |
dimension |
CG03 - Navigationsebene 2 (Entry Page), |
CG03 - Navigationsebene 2 (Entry Page), |
dimension |
CG03 - Navigationsebene 2 (Exit Page), |
CG03 - Navigationsebene 2 (Exit Page), |
dimension |
CG03 - Navigationsebene 2, |
CG03 - Navigationsebene 2, |
dimension |
CG04 - Navigationsebene 3 (Bounce Pages), |
CG04 - Navigationsebene 3 (Bounce Pages), |
dimension |
CG04 - Navigationsebene 3 (Entry Page), |
CG04 - Navigationsebene 3 (Entry Page), |
dimension |
CG04 - Navigationsebene 3 (Exit Page), |
CG04 - Navigationsebene 3 (Exit Page), |
dimension |
CG04 - Navigationsebene 3, |
CG04 - Navigationsebene 3, |
dimension |
CG05 - Navigationsebene 4 (Bounce Pages), |
CG05 - Navigationsebene 4 (Bounce Pages), |
dimension |
CG05 - Navigationsebene 4 (Entry Page), |
CG05 - Navigationsebene 4 (Entry Page), |
dimension |
CG05 - Navigationsebene 4 (Exit Page), |
CG05 - Navigationsebene 4 (Exit Page), |
dimension |
CG05 - Navigationsebene 4, |
CG05 - Navigationsebene 4, |
dimension |
CG06 - Navigationsebene 5 (Bounce Pages), |
CG06 - Navigationsebene 5 (Bounce Pages), |
dimension |
CG06 - Navigationsebene 5 (Entry Page), |
CG06 - Navigationsebene 5 (Entry Page), |
dimension |
CG06 - Navigationsebene 5 (Exit Page), |
CG06 - Navigationsebene 5 (Exit Page), |
dimension |
CG06 - Navigationsebene 5, |
CG06 - Navigationsebene 5, |
dimension |
CG07 - Navigationsebene 6 (Bounce Pages), |
CG07 - Navigationsebene 6 (Bounce Pages), |
dimension |
CG07 - Navigationsebene 6 (Entry Page), |
CG07 - Navigationsebene 6 (Entry Page), |
dimension |
CG07 - Navigationsebene 6 (Exit Page), |
CG07 - Navigationsebene 6 (Exit Page), |
dimension |
CG07 - Navigationsebene 6, |
CG07 - Navigationsebene 6, |
dimension |
CG08 - Seitenzielgruppe (Bounce Pages), |
CG08 - Seitenzielgruppe (Bounce Pages), |
dimension |
CG08 - Seitenzielgruppe (Entry Page), |
CG08 - Seitenzielgruppe (Entry Page), |
dimension |
CG08 - Seitenzielgruppe (Exit Page), |
CG08 - Seitenzielgruppe (Exit Page), |
dimension |
CG08 - Seitenzielgruppe, |
CG08 - Seitenzielgruppe, |
dimension |
CG09 - Seitenname (Bounce Pages), |
CG09 - Seitenname (Bounce Pages), |
dimension |
CG09 - Seitenname (Entry Page), |
CG09 - Seitenname (Entry Page), |
dimension |
CG09 - Seitenname (Exit Page), |
CG09 - Seitenname (Exit Page), |
dimension |
CG09 - Seitenname, |
CG09 - Seitenname, |
dimension |
CG10 - Seitentyp (Bounce Pages), |
CG10 - Seitentyp (Bounce Pages), |
dimension |
CG10 - Seitentyp (Entry Page), |
CG10 - Seitentyp (Entry Page), |
dimension |
CG10 - Seitentyp (Exit Page), |
CG10 - Seitentyp (Exit Page), |
dimension |
CG10 - Seitentyp, |
CG10 - Seitentyp, |
dimension |
CG11 - Page PublishingDate (Bounce Pages), |
CG11 - Page PublishingDate (Bounce Pages), |
dimension |
CG11 - Page PublishingDate (Entry Page), |
CG11 - Page PublishingDate (Entry Page), |
dimension |
CG11 - Page PublishingDate (Exit Page), |
CG11 - Page PublishingDate (Exit Page), |
dimension |
CG11 - Page PublishingDate, |
CG11 - Page PublishingDate, |
dimension |
CG12 - Page PublishingDate, |
CG12 - Page PublishingDate, |
metric |
CG14 Sales / Service (Bounce Pages), |
CG14 Sales / Service (Bounce Pages), |
dimension |
CG14 Sales / Service (Entry Page), |
CG14 Sales / Service (Entry Page), |
dimension |
CG14 Sales / Service (Exit Page), |
CG14 Sales / Service (Exit Page), |
dimension |
CG14 Sales / Service, |
CG14 Sales / Service, |
dimension |
CG15 Festnetz / Mobilfunk (Bounce Pages), |
CG15 Festnetz / Mobilfunk (Bounce Pages), |
dimension |
CG15 Festnetz / Mobilfunk (Entry Page), |
CG15 Festnetz / Mobilfunk (Entry Page), |
dimension |
CG15 Festnetz / Mobilfunk (Exit Page), |
CG15 Festnetz / Mobilfunk (Exit Page), |
dimension |
CG15 Festnetz / Mobilfunk, |
CG15 Festnetz / Mobilfunk, |
dimension |
CG16 - Prozessschritte (Bounce Pages), |
CG16 - Prozessschritte (Bounce Pages), |
dimension |
CG16 - Prozessschritte (Entry Page), |
CG16 - Prozessschritte (Entry Page), |
dimension |
CG16 - Prozessschritte (Exit Page), |
CG16 - Prozessschritte (Exit Page), |
dimension |
CG16 - Prozessschritte, |
CG16 - Prozessschritte, |
dimension |
CK01 - Aktionsbereich, |
CK01 - Aktionsbereich, |
dimension |
CK02 - Aktionsziel, |
CK02 - Aktionsziel, |
dimension |
CK03 - Teaser-Art, |
CK03 - Teaser-Art, |
dimension |
CK04 - Teaser-Position, |
CK04 - Teaser-Position, |
dimension |
CK05 - Teaser-Thema, |
CK05 - Teaser-Thema, |
dimension |
CK06 - Teaser-Link, |
CK06 - Teaser-Link, |
dimension |
CK07 - Teaser-Slide, |
CK07 - Teaser-Slide, |
dimension |
CK08 - Play Time, |
CK08 - Play Time, |
metric |
CK24 - Klickbereich Suche, |
CK24 - Klickbereich Suche, |
dimension |
CK25 - Klickposition Suche, |
CK25 - Klickposition Suche, |
dimension |
CK26 - Angeklicktes Suchergebnis, |
CK26 - Angeklicktes Suchergebnis, |
dimension |
Campaign Audience, |
Campaign Audience, |
metric |
Campaign CPO, |
Campaign CPO, |
metric |
Campaign CTR, |
Campaign CTR, |
metric |
Campaign Clicks (imported), |
Campaign Clicks (imported), |
metric |
Campaign Clicks, |
Campaign Clicks, |
metric |
Campaign Contact Rate %, |
Campaign Contact Rate %, |
metric |
Campaign Costs Sales Relation %, |
Campaign Costs Sales Relation %, |
metric |
Campaign Costs, |
Campaign Costs, |
metric |
Campaign Lifecycle Contacts Avg, |
Campaign Lifecycle Contacts Avg, |
metric |
Campaign Lifecycle Contacts, |
Campaign Lifecycle Contacts, |
dimension |
Campaign Lifecycle Contacts, |
Campaign Lifecycle Contacts, |
metric |
Campaign Lifecycle Duration (Avg Days), |
Campaign Lifecycle Duration (Avg Days), |
metric |
Campaign Lifecycle Duration (Days), |
Campaign Lifecycle Duration (Days), |
dimension |
Campaign ROI, |
Campaign ROI, |
metric |
Campaign Search Phrases in Customer Journey,…} |
Campaign Search Phrases in Customer Journey,…} |
dimension |
Campaign Type, |
Campaign Type, |
dimension |
Campaign Views (imported), |
Campaign Views (imported), |
metric |
Campaign Views, |
Campaign Views, |
metric |
Campaign eCPC, |
Campaign eCPC, |
metric |
Campaign eCPM, |
Campaign eCPM, |
metric |
City, |
City, |
dimension |
Clicks per Visit, |
Clicks per Visit, |
metric |
Clicks, |
Clicks, |
metric |
Color Depth, |
Color Depth, |
dimension |
Contact Value in Customer Journey, |
Contact Value in Customer Journey, |
metric |
Contacts in Campaign Lifecycle Avg, |
Contacts in Campaign Lifecycle Avg, |
metric |
Contacts in Customer Journey, Unique, |
Contacts in Customer Journey, Unique, |
metric |
ContentConsumerID, |
ContentConsumerID, |
dimension |
Conversion Initiator %, |
Conversion Initiator %, |
metric |
Conversion Initiator, |
Conversion Initiator, |
metric |
Conversion Rate %, |
Conversion Rate %, |
metric |
Conversion Rate (Month 0) %, |
Conversion Rate (Month 0) %, |
metric |
Conversion Rate (Month 1) %, |
Conversion Rate (Month 1) %, |
metric |
Conversion Rate (Month 10) %, |
Conversion Rate (Month 10) %, |
metric |
Conversion Rate (Month 11) %, |
Conversion Rate (Month 11) %, |
metric |
Conversion Rate (Month 12) %, |
Conversion Rate (Month 12) %, |
metric |
Conversion Rate (Month 2) %, |
Conversion Rate (Month 2) %, |
metric |
Conversion Rate (Month 3) %, |
Conversion Rate (Month 3) %, |
metric |
Conversion Rate (Month 4) %, |
Conversion Rate (Month 4) %, |
metric |
Conversion Rate (Month 5) %, |
Conversion Rate (Month 5) %, |
metric |
Conversion Rate (Month 6) %, |
Conversion Rate (Month 6) %, |
metric |
Conversion Rate (Month 7) %, |
Conversion Rate (Month 7) %, |
metric |
Conversion Rate (Month 8) %, |
Conversion Rate (Month 8) %, |
metric |
Conversion Rate (Month 9) %, |
Conversion Rate (Month 9) %, |
metric |
Conversion Rate, Unique, |
Conversion Rate, Unique, |
metric |
Conversion Supporter %, |
Conversion Supporter %, |
metric |
Conversion Supporter, |
Conversion Supporter, |
metric |
Conversion Transformer %, |
Conversion Transformer %, |
metric |
Conversion Transformer, |
Conversion Transformer, |
metric |
Conversion Value Supported, |
Conversion Value Supported, |
metric |
Conversionvalue Avg, |
Conversionvalue Avg, |
metric |
Cookie, |
Cookie, |
dimension |
Country, |
Country, |
dimension |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 0), |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 0), |
metric |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 1), |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 1), |
metric |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 10), |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 10), |
metric |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 11), |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 11), |
metric |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 12), |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 12), |
metric |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 2), |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 2), |
metric |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 3), |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 3), |
metric |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 4), |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 4), |
metric |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 5), |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 5), |
metric |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 6), |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 6), |
metric |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 7), |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 7), |
metric |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 8), |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 8), |
metric |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 9), |
Cumulated Order Value (Month 9), |
metric |
Customer Lifetime Value, |
Customer Lifetime Value, |
metric |
Day before Customer Journey End, |
Day before Customer Journey End, |
dimension |
Day in Customer Journey Ø, |
Day in Customer Journey Ø, |
metric |
Day since Customer Journey Start, |
Day since Customer Journey Start, |
dimension |
Days, |
Days, |
dimension |
Defektes Kundengerät, |
Defektes Kundengerät, |
dimension |
Device Class in Customer Journey, |
Device Class in Customer Journey, |
dimension |
Device Class, |
Device Class, |
dimension |
Devices Producer, |
Devices Producer, |
dimension |
Devices in Customer Journey, |
Devices in Customer Journey, |
dimension |
Devices, |
Devices, |
dimension |
DownloadSpeed, |
DownloadSpeed, |
dimension |
Duration (Seconds), |
Duration (Seconds), |
metric |
E-Mail CRM 1 in the Customer Journey, |
E-Mail CRM 1 in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
E-Mail CRM 1, |
E-Mail CRM 1, |
dimension |
E-Mail CRM 2 in the Customer Journey, |
E-Mail CRM 2 in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
E-Mail CRM 2, |
E-Mail CRM 2, |
dimension |
End device Visitor Ids, |
End device Visitor Ids, |
dimension |
Endgeraet (Live Analytics), |
Endgeraet (Live Analytics), |
dimension |
Endgeräte (E-Commerce), |
Endgeräte (E-Commerce), |
dimension |
Engagement (Campaigns), |
Engagement (Campaigns), |
metric |
Engagement Avg (Campaigns), |
Engagement Avg (Campaigns), |
metric |
Entries, |
Entries, |
metric |
Entry Page, |
Entry Page, |
dimension |
Entry Rate %, |
Entry Rate %, |
metric |
Entry Sources, |
Entry Sources, |
dimension |
Events, |
Events, |
dimension |
Exit Page, |
Exit Page, |
dimension |
Exit Rate %, |
Exit Rate %, |
metric |
Exits, |
Exits, |
metric |
External Search Phrases, |
External Search Phrases, |
dimension |
External Search Words, |
External Search Words, |
dimension |
FAQ Suche: Suchphrase, |
FAQ Suche: Suchphrase, |
dimension |
FAQ Suche: Suchresultate, |
FAQ Suche: Suchresultate, |
dimension |
FN-Tarife, |
FN-Tarife, |
dimension |
FN_Alterscluster, |
FN_Alterscluster, |
dimension |
FN_Anrede, |
FN_Anrede, |
dimension |
FN_Bindefrist, |
FN_Bindefrist, |
dimension |
FN_Kunde, |
FN_Kunde, |
dimension |
FN_Land, |
FN_Land, |
dimension |
dimension |
FN_Segement, |
FN_Segement, |
dimension |
FN_Tarif, |
FN_Tarif, |
dimension |
Fehlermeldung, |
Fehlermeldung, |
dimension |
Filter - Beitragstypen, |
Filter - Beitragstypen, |
dimension |
Filter - Kategorien, |
Filter - Kategorien, |
dimension |
First Element in Campaign Lifecycle, |
First Element in Campaign Lifecycle, |
metric |
Follower Pages, |
Follower Pages, |
dimension |
Fomulartyp, |
Fomulartyp, |
dimension |
Form Abandon Rate %, |
Form Abandon Rate %, |
metric |
Form Field Abandon Rate %, |
Form Field Abandon Rate %, |
metric |
Form Field Abandons, |
Form Field Abandons, |
metric |
Form Field Completion Rate %, |
Form Field Completion Rate %, |
metric |
Form Field Values, |
Form Field Values, |
dimension |
Form Fields, |
Form Fields, |
dimension |
Forms, |
Forms, |
dimension |
GK Checkout FN Exit Process Steps, |
GK Checkout FN Exit Process Steps, |
dimension |
GK Checkout FN Process Step Amount, |
GK Checkout FN Process Step Amount, |
metric |
GK Checkout FN Process Step Exits, |
GK Checkout FN Process Step Exits, |
metric |
GK Checkout FN Process Steps, |
GK Checkout FN Process Steps, |
dimension |
GK Checkout MoFu Exit Process Steps, |
GK Checkout MoFu Exit Process Steps, |
dimension |
GK Checkout MoFu Process Step Amount, |
GK Checkout MoFu Process Step Amount, |
metric |
GK Checkout MoFu Process Step Exits, |
GK Checkout MoFu Process Step Exits, |
metric |
GK Checkout MoFu Process Steps, |
GK Checkout MoFu Process Steps, |
dimension |
GK FN Double Play Exit Process Steps, |
GK FN Double Play Exit Process Steps, |
dimension |
GK FN Double Play Process Step Amount, |
GK FN Double Play Process Step Amount, |
metric |
GK FN Double Play Process Step Exits, |
GK FN Double Play Process Step Exits, |
metric |
GK FN Double Play Process Steps, |
GK FN Double Play Process Steps, |
dimension |
GK FN Double Play ab Verfügbarkeit Exit Process Steps,…} |
GK FN Double Play ab Verfügbarkeit Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
GK FN Double Play ab Verfügbarkeit Process Step Amount,…} |
GK FN Double Play ab Verfügbarkeit Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
GK FN Double Play ab Verfügbarkeit Process Step Exits,…} |
GK FN Double Play ab Verfügbarkeit Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
GK FN Double Play ab Verfügbarkeit Process Steps,…} |
GK FN Double Play ab Verfügbarkeit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
GK FN Double Play mit optional Tarifdetails Exit Process Steps,…} |
GK FN Double Play mit optional Tarifdetails Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
GK FN Double Play mit optional Tarifdetails Process Step Amount,…} |
GK FN Double Play mit optional Tarifdetails Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
GK FN Double Play mit optional Tarifdetails Process Step Exits,…} |
GK FN Double Play mit optional Tarifdetails Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
GK FN Double Play mit optional Tarifdetails Process Steps,…} |
GK FN Double Play mit optional Tarifdetails Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
GK MoFu Tarif only Exit Process Steps, |
GK MoFu Tarif only Exit Process Steps, |
dimension |
GK MoFu Tarif only Process Step Amount, |
GK MoFu Tarif only Process Step Amount, |
metric |
GK MoFu Tarif only Process Step Exits, |
GK MoFu Tarif only Process Step Exits, |
metric |
GK MoFu Tarif only Process Steps, |
GK MoFu Tarif only Process Steps, |
dimension |
GK MoFu Tarif only ohne Config Page Exit Process Steps,…} |
GK MoFu Tarif only ohne Config Page Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
GK MoFu Tarif only ohne Config Page Process Step Amount,…} |
GK MoFu Tarif only ohne Config Page Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
GK MoFu Tarif only ohne Config Page Process Step Exits,…} |
GK MoFu Tarif only ohne Config Page Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
GK MoFu Tarif only ohne Config Page Process Steps,…} |
GK MoFu Tarif only ohne Config Page Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
GK MoFu mit Handy Exit Process Steps, |
GK MoFu mit Handy Exit Process Steps, |
dimension |
GK MoFu mit Handy Process Step Amount, |
GK MoFu mit Handy Process Step Amount, |
metric |
GK MoFu mit Handy Process Step Exits, |
GK MoFu mit Handy Process Step Exits, |
metric |
GK MoFu mit Handy Process Steps, |
GK MoFu mit Handy Process Steps, |
dimension |
GK MoFu mit Handy über Tarif Exit Process Steps,…} |
GK MoFu mit Handy über Tarif Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
GK MoFu mit Handy über Tarif Process Step Amount,…} |
GK MoFu mit Handy über Tarif Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
GK MoFu mit Handy über Tarif Process Step Exits,…} |
GK MoFu mit Handy über Tarif Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
GK MoFu mit Handy über Tarif Process Steps, |
GK MoFu mit Handy über Tarif Process Steps, |
dimension |
GK MoFu mit Handy über Tarif ohne Config Page Exit Process Steps,…} |
GK MoFu mit Handy über Tarif ohne Config Page Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
GK MoFu mit Handy über Tarif ohne Config Page Process Step Amount,…} |
GK MoFu mit Handy über Tarif ohne Config Page Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
GK MoFu mit Handy über Tarif ohne Config Page Process Step Exits,…} |
GK MoFu mit Handy über Tarif ohne Config Page Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
GK MoFu mit Handy über Tarif ohne Config Page Process Steps,…} |
GK MoFu mit Handy über Tarif ohne Config Page Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
GK Portal Community Suchergebnisseite Losungsseite Exit Process Steps,…} |
GK Portal Community Suchergebnisseite Losungsseite Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
GK Portal Community Suchergebnisseite Losungsseite Process Step Amount,…} |
GK Portal Community Suchergebnisseite Losungsseite Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
GK Portal Community Suchergebnisseite Losungsseite Process Step Exits,…} |
GK Portal Community Suchergebnisseite Losungsseite Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
GK Portal Community Suchergebnisseite Losungsseite Process Steps,…} |
GK Portal Community Suchergebnisseite Losungsseite Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
GK Portal GK Service Community Suchergebnis Lösung Exit Process Steps,…} |
GK Portal GK Service Community Suchergebnis Lösung Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
GK Portal GK Service Community Suchergebnis Lösung Process Step Amount,…} |
GK Portal GK Service Community Suchergebnis Lösung Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
GK Portal GK Service Community Suchergebnis Lösung Process Step Exits,…} |
GK Portal GK Service Community Suchergebnis Lösung Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
GK Portal GK Service Community Suchergebnis Lösung Process Steps,…} |
GK Portal GK Service Community Suchergebnis Lösung Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
GK Portal Hotline Exit Process Steps, |
GK Portal Hotline Exit Process Steps, |
dimension |
GK Portal Hotline Process Step Amount, |
GK Portal Hotline Process Step Amount, |
metric |
GK Portal Hotline Process Step Exits, |
GK Portal Hotline Process Step Exits, |
metric |
GK Portal Hotline Process Steps, |
GK Portal Hotline Process Steps, |
dimension |
GK Portal Online Service Hotline Exit Process Steps,…} |
GK Portal Online Service Hotline Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
GK Portal Online Service Hotline Process Step Amount,…} |
GK Portal Online Service Hotline Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
GK Portal Online Service Hotline Process Step Exits,…} |
GK Portal Online Service Hotline Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
GK Portal Online Service Hotline Process Steps,…} |
GK Portal Online Service Hotline Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
GK Service Community Suchergebnis. Lösungsseite Exit Process Steps,…} |
GK Service Community Suchergebnis. Lösungsseite Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
GK Service Community Suchergebnis. Lösungsseite Process Step Amount,…} |
GK Service Community Suchergebnis. Lösungsseite Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
GK Service Community Suchergebnis. Lösungsseite Process Step Exits,…} |
GK Service Community Suchergebnis. Lösungsseite Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
GK Service Community Suchergebnis. Lösungsseite Process Steps,…} |
GK Service Community Suchergebnis. Lösungsseite Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
Global Device VisitorId, |
Global Device VisitorId, |
dimension |
Gross Margin cumulated (10%), |
Gross Margin cumulated (10%), |
metric |
Gross Margin total (10%), |
Gross Margin total (10%), |
metric |
Gutscheincode vorhanden (Page), |
Gutscheincode vorhanden (Page), |
dimension |
Gutscheincode vorhanden(Session), |
Gutscheincode vorhanden(Session), |
dimension |
Gutscheinkampagnennamen (Page), |
Gutscheinkampagnennamen (Page), |
dimension |
Gutscheinkampagnennamen (Session), |
Gutscheinkampagnennamen (Session), |
dimension |
Hersteller, |
Hersteller, |
dimension |
Hours prior to Conversion, |
Hours prior to Conversion, |
metric |
Hours, |
Hours, |
dimension |
Internal Search Phrases, |
Internal Search Phrases, |
dimension |
Internal/External Campaign in the Customer Journey,…} |
Internal/External Campaign in the Customer Journey,…} |
dimension |
Internal/External Campaign, |
Internal/External Campaign, |
dimension |
Internes Werbemittel, |
Internes Werbemittel, |
dimension |
Internet Provider, |
Internet Provider, |
dimension |
Java, |
Java, |
dimension |
Javascript, |
Javascript, |
dimension |
KK Agentur in the Customer Journey, |
KK Agentur in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Agentur, |
KK Agentur, |
dimension |
KK Endgerät in the Customer Journey, |
KK Endgerät in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Endgerät, |
KK Endgerät, |
dimension |
KK Geschäftsfall in the Customer Journey, |
KK Geschäftsfall in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Geschäftsfall, |
KK Geschäftsfall, |
dimension |
KK Internet/Marketing in the Customer Journey,…} |
KK Internet/Marketing in the Customer Journey,…} |
dimension |
KK Internet/Marketing, |
KK Internet/Marketing, |
dimension |
KK Kampagnenname in the Customer Journey, |
KK Kampagnenname in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Kampagnenname, |
KK Kampagnenname, |
dimension |
KK Kanal kurz in the Customer Journey, |
KK Kanal kurz in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Kanal kurz, |
KK Kanal kurz, |
dimension |
KK Kanal lang in the Customer Journey, |
KK Kanal lang in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Kanal lang, |
KK Kanal lang, |
dimension |
KK Link-Nr in the Customer Journey, |
KK Link-Nr in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Link-Nr, |
KK Link-Nr, |
dimension |
KK Motivname in the Customer Journey, |
KK Motivname in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Motivname, |
KK Motivname, |
dimension |
KK Optionen in the Customer Journey, |
KK Optionen in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Optionen, |
KK Optionen, |
dimension |
KK Platzierung in the Customer Journey, |
KK Platzierung in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Platzierung, |
KK Platzierung, |
dimension |
KK Portal/Partner in the Customer Journey, |
KK Portal/Partner in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Portal/Partner, |
KK Portal/Partner, |
dimension |
KK Produktgruppe in the Customer Journey, |
KK Produktgruppe in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Produktgruppe, |
KK Produktgruppe, |
dimension |
KK Produktlinie in the Customer Journey, |
KK Produktlinie in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Produktlinie, |
KK Produktlinie, |
dimension |
KK Targeting in the Customer Journey, |
KK Targeting in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Targeting, |
KK Targeting, |
dimension |
KK Tarif in the Customer Journey, |
KK Tarif in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Tarif, |
KK Tarif, |
dimension |
KK Trackingtyp in the Customer Journey, |
KK Trackingtyp in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Trackingtyp, |
KK Trackingtyp, |
dimension |
KK VO/VPNR in the Customer Journey, |
KK VO/VPNR in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
dimension |
KK Vermarkter/Netzwerk in the Customer Journey,…} |
KK Vermarkter/Netzwerk in the Customer Journey,…} |
dimension |
KK Vermarkter/Netzwerk, |
KK Vermarkter/Netzwerk, |
dimension |
KK Werbemittelformat (Pixel) in the Customer Journey,…} |
KK Werbemittelformat (Pixel) in the Customer Journey,…} |
dimension |
KK Werbemittelformat (Pixel), |
KK Werbemittelformat (Pixel), |
dimension |
KK Werbemitteltyp in the Customer Journey, |
KK Werbemitteltyp in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Werbemitteltyp, |
KK Werbemitteltyp, |
dimension |
KK Ziel-URL in the Customer Journey, |
KK Ziel-URL in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Ziel-URL, |
KK Ziel-URL, |
dimension |
KK Zielgruppe in the Customer Journey, |
KK Zielgruppe in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Zielgruppe, |
KK Zielgruppe, |
dimension |
KK Zubehör in the Customer Journey, |
KK Zubehör in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
KK Zubehör, |
KK Zubehör, |
dimension |
Keyword in the Customer Journey, |
Keyword in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
Keyword, |
Keyword, |
dimension |
Klickposition Suchergebnis, |
Klickposition Suchergebnis, |
dimension |
Kosten einmalig, |
Kosten einmalig, |
metric |
Kosten monatlich, |
Kosten monatlich, |
metric |
KundenSegment, |
KundenSegment, |
dimension |
Kundenbenachrichtung, |
Kundenbenachrichtung, |
dimension |
Kundengeraeterueckgabe, |
Kundengeraeterueckgabe, |
dimension |
Kundenrueckgabegrund, |
Kundenrueckgabegrund, |
dimension |
Kundenserviceangebot, |
Kundenserviceangebot, |
dimension |
Kundenserviceauswahl, |
Kundenserviceauswahl, |
dimension |
Last Element in Customer Journey, |
Last Element in Customer Journey, |
metric |
Last Form Field Cursor %, |
Last Form Field Cursor %, |
metric |
Lead De-Mail, |
Lead De-Mail, |
dimension |
Leads AWS, |
Leads AWS, |
dimension |
Liveperson Unit, |
Liveperson Unit, |
dimension |
Login Status (Session), |
Login Status (Session), |
dimension |
Loginstatus, |
Loginstatus, |
dimension |
Lösungsquote, |
Lösungsquote, |
dimension |
MF Last_modified_date, |
MF Last_modified_date, |
dimension |
MF Order_Status, |
MF Order_Status, |
dimension |
MF_Alterscluster, |
MF_Alterscluster, |
dimension |
MF_Anrede, |
MF_Anrede, |
dimension |
MF_Anzahl_CombiCard, |
MF_Anzahl_CombiCard, |
dimension |
MF_Anzahl_Multisim, |
MF_Anzahl_Multisim, |
dimension |
MF_Bindefrist, |
MF_Bindefrist, |
dimension |
MF_Diamantkunde, |
MF_Diamantkunde, |
dimension |
MF_Kunde, |
MF_Kunde, |
dimension |
MF_Land, |
MF_Land, |
dimension |
dimension |
MF_Tarif, |
MF_Tarif, |
dimension |
Materialnummer, |
Materialnummer, |
dimension |
Maximum Run Time %, |
Maximum Run Time %, |
metric |
Media Bandwidth (Bit/Second), |
Media Bandwidth (Bit/Second), |
dimension |
Media Chapter 1, |
Media Chapter 1, |
metric |
Media Chapter 10, |
Media Chapter 10, |
metric |
Media Chapter 2, |
Media Chapter 2, |
metric |
Media Chapter 3, |
Media Chapter 3, |
metric |
Media Chapter 4, |
Media Chapter 4, |
metric |
Media Chapter 5, |
Media Chapter 5, |
metric |
Media Chapter 6, |
Media Chapter 6, |
metric |
Media Chapter 7, |
Media Chapter 7, |
metric |
Media Chapter 8, |
Media Chapter 8, |
metric |
Media Chapter 9, |
Media Chapter 9, |
metric |
Media Player Actions, |
Media Player Actions, |
dimension |
Media Player Mute, |
Media Player Mute, |
dimension |
Media Player Volume, |
Media Player Volume, |
dimension |
Media Run Time, |
Media Run Time, |
metric |
Media Run Time, |
Media Run Time, |
dimension |
Media Views complete, |
Media Views complete, |
metric |
Media Views, |
Media Views, |
metric |
Media, |
Media, |
dimension |
Mindestproduktlaufzeit, |
Mindestproduktlaufzeit, |
dimension |
Minutes, |
Minutes, |
dimension |
MoFu Tarif only (neu) Exit Process Steps, |
MoFu Tarif only (neu) Exit Process Steps, |
dimension |
MoFu Tarif only (neu) Process Step Amount, |
MoFu Tarif only (neu) Process Step Amount, |
metric |
MoFu Tarif only (neu) Process Step Exits, |
MoFu Tarif only (neu) Process Step Exits, |
metric |
MoFu Tarif only (neu) Process Steps, |
MoFu Tarif only (neu) Process Steps, |
dimension |
MoFu Tarif only Exit Process Steps, |
MoFu Tarif only Exit Process Steps, |
dimension |
MoFu Tarif only Process Step Amount, |
MoFu Tarif only Process Step Amount, |
metric |
MoFu Tarif only Process Step Exits, |
MoFu Tarif only Process Step Exits, |
metric |
MoFu Tarif only Process Steps, |
MoFu Tarif only Process Steps, |
dimension |
MoFu mit Handy Exit Process Steps, |
MoFu mit Handy Exit Process Steps, |
dimension |
MoFu mit Handy Process Step Amount, |
MoFu mit Handy Process Step Amount, |
metric |
MoFu mit Handy Process Step Exits, |
MoFu mit Handy Process Step Exits, |
metric |
MoFu mit Handy Process Steps, |
MoFu mit Handy Process Steps, |
dimension |
MoFu mit Handy über Tarif Exit Process Steps,…} |
MoFu mit Handy über Tarif Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
MoFu mit Handy über Tarif Process Step Amount,…} |
MoFu mit Handy über Tarif Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
MoFu mit Handy über Tarif Process Step Exits,…} |
MoFu mit Handy über Tarif Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
MoFu mit Handy über Tarif Process Steps, |
MoFu mit Handy über Tarif Process Steps, |
dimension |
Mobile Visits, |
Mobile Visits, |
metric |
Months, |
Months, |
dimension |
Netspeed, |
Netspeed, |
dimension |
New Visit Rate %, |
New Visit Rate %, |
metric |
New Visitor Rate % (Campaigns), |
New Visitor Rate % (Campaigns), |
metric |
New Visitors, |
New Visitors, |
metric |
New Visits, |
New Visits, |
metric |
New vs. Returning, |
New vs. Returning, |
dimension |
Nexus Suche - Business Community Exit Process Steps,…} |
Nexus Suche - Business Community Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
Nexus Suche - Business Community Process Step Amount,…} |
Nexus Suche - Business Community Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
Nexus Suche - Business Community Process Step Exits,…} |
Nexus Suche - Business Community Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
Nexus Suche - Business Community Process Steps,…} |
Nexus Suche - Business Community Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
Nexus Suche - Business Community zum GK Portal Exit Process Steps,…} |
Nexus Suche - Business Community zum GK Portal Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
Nexus Suche - Business Community zum GK Portal Process Step Amount,…} |
Nexus Suche - Business Community zum GK Portal Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
Nexus Suche - Business Community zum GK Portal Process Step Exits,…} |
Nexus Suche - Business Community zum GK Portal Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
Nexus Suche - Business Community zum GK Portal Process Steps,…} |
Nexus Suche - Business Community zum GK Portal Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
Nexus Suche - GK Portal Exit Process Steps, |
Nexus Suche - GK Portal Exit Process Steps, |
dimension |
Nexus Suche - GK Portal Process Step Amount,…} |
Nexus Suche - GK Portal Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
Nexus Suche - GK Portal Process Step Exits, |
Nexus Suche - GK Portal Process Step Exits, |
metric |
Nexus Suche - GK Portal Process Steps, |
Nexus Suche - GK Portal Process Steps, |
dimension |
Nexus Suche - GK Portal zur Business Community Exit Process Steps,…} |
Nexus Suche - GK Portal zur Business Community Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
Nexus Suche - GK Portal zur Business Community Process Step Amount,…} |
Nexus Suche - GK Portal zur Business Community Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
Nexus Suche - GK Portal zur Business Community Process Step Exits,…} |
Nexus Suche - GK Portal zur Business Community Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
Nexus Suche - GK Portal zur Business Community Process Steps,…} |
Nexus Suche - GK Portal zur Business Community Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
Nexus Suche - SAYT GK Portal Exit Process Steps,…} |
Nexus Suche - SAYT GK Portal Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
Nexus Suche - SAYT GK Portal Process Step Amount,…} |
Nexus Suche - SAYT GK Portal Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
Nexus Suche - SAYT GK Portal Process Step Exits,…} |
Nexus Suche - SAYT GK Portal Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
Nexus Suche - SAYT GK Portal Process Steps, |
Nexus Suche - SAYT GK Portal Process Steps, |
dimension |
Operating System, |
Operating System, |
dimension |
Optionen (E-Commerce), |
Optionen (E-Commerce), |
dimension |
Order Value (Attribution last, external), |
Order Value (Attribution last, external), |
metric |
Order Value (Attribution last, internal), |
Order Value (Attribution last, internal), |
metric |
Order Value Avg, |
Order Value Avg, |
metric |
Order Value, |
Order Value, |
metric |
Organic Source %, |
Organic Source %, |
metric |
Organization, |
Organization, |
dimension |
Origin Type, |
Origin Type, |
dimension |
Other Sources, |
Other Sources, |
dimension |
Page Duration Avg, |
Page Duration Avg, |
metric |
Page Impr. per Visit, |
Page Impr. per Visit, |
metric |
Page Impressions, |
Page Impressions, |
metric |
Page Impressions, Unique, |
Page Impressions, Unique, |
metric |
Page URL, |
Page URL, |
dimension |
Pages, |
Pages, |
dimension |
Partnername (Klartext), |
Partnername (Klartext), |
dimension |
Personalisierungsvariante (Aktion), |
Personalisierungsvariante (Aktion), |
dimension |
Personalisierungsvariante, |
Personalisierungsvariante, |
dimension |
PingTime, |
PingTime, |
dimension |
Play Duration, |
Play Duration, |
metric |
Plugins, |
Plugins, |
dimension |
Portal VO, |
Portal VO, |
dimension |
Position before Customer Journey Ende, |
Position before Customer Journey Ende, |
dimension |
Position in Campaign Lifecycle Avg, |
Position in Campaign Lifecycle Avg, |
metric |
Position in Campaign Lifecycle, |
Position in Campaign Lifecycle, |
metric |
Position prior to Conversion, |
Position prior to Conversion, |
metric |
Position since Customer Journey Start, |
Position since Customer Journey Start, |
dimension |
Preceding Pages, |
Preceding Pages, |
dimension |
Preisnachlass einmalig, |
Preisnachlass einmalig, |
metric |
Preisnachlass monatlich, |
Preisnachlass monatlich, |
metric |
Product Added to Cart, |
Product Added to Cart, |
dimension |
Product Conversion Rate, |
Product Conversion Rate, |
metric |
Product Images, |
Product Images, |
dimension |
Product List Position Avg. (products added to cart),…} |
Product List Position Avg. (products added to cart),…} |
metric |
Product List Position Avg. (purchased products) ,…} |
Product List Position Avg. (purchased products) ,…} |
metric |
Product List Position Avg. (viewed products in List) ,…} |
Product List Position Avg. (viewed products in List) ,…} |
metric |
Product List Position Avg. (viewed products),…} |
Product List Position Avg. (viewed products),…} |
metric |
Products in Basket Avg, |
Products in Basket Avg, |
metric |
Products, |
Products, |
dimension |
Produkt Bundle, |
Produkt Bundle, |
dimension |
Produkt Direct Add, |
Produkt Direct Add, |
dimension |
Produkt Familie, |
Produkt Familie, |
dimension |
Produkt Geschäftsfall, |
Produkt Geschäftsfall, |
dimension |
Produkt Gruppe, |
Produkt Gruppe, |
dimension |
Produkt Kategorie, |
Produkt Kategorie, |
dimension |
Produkt Klasse, |
Produkt Klasse, |
dimension |
Produkt VO, |
Produkt VO, |
dimension |
Produkt Verfügbarkeit, |
Produkt Verfügbarkeit, |
dimension |
ProduktArt MoFu, |
ProduktArt MoFu, |
dimension |
Produktart, |
Produktart, |
dimension |
Prüfkategorie, |
Prüfkategorie, |
dimension |
Purchased FN-Tarife, |
Purchased FN-Tarife, |
dimension |
Purchased Products, |
Purchased Products, |
dimension |
Purchased ProduktArt MoFu, |
Purchased ProduktArt MoFu, |
dimension |
Purchased Service2Sales Produkte, |
Purchased Service2Sales Produkte, |
dimension |
Qty A/B Testgruppe, |
Qty A/B Testgruppe, |
metric |
Qty A/B Testvariante, |
Qty A/B Testvariante, |
metric |
Qty ANID GK Buchung, |
Qty ANID GK Buchung, |
metric |
Qty ANID GK Registrierung, |
Qty ANID GK Registrierung, |
metric |
Qty ANID PK, |
Qty ANID PK, |
metric |
Qty Abandoned Form Fields, |
Qty Abandoned Form Fields, |
metric |
Qty Abandoned Forms, |
Qty Abandoned Forms, |
metric |
Qty Abandoned Products, |
Qty Abandoned Products, |
metric |
Qty Ad media, Unique, |
Qty Ad media, Unique, |
metric |
Qty Aktions-Detail, |
Qty Aktions-Detail, |
metric |
Qty Aktiver Tab, |
Qty Aktiver Tab, |
metric |
Qty Aktivierung Dienst, |
Qty Aktivierung Dienst, |
metric |
Qty Angeklicktes Suchergebnis, |
Qty Angeklicktes Suchergebnis, |
metric |
Qty Anzahl Suchergebnisse (Gesamt), |
Qty Anzahl Suchergebnisse (Gesamt), |
metric |
Qty Anzahl Suchergebnisse pro Seite, |
Qty Anzahl Suchergebnisse pro Seite, |
metric |
Qty App-Version, |
Qty App-Version, |
metric |
Qty Bauherrenantragstatus, |
Qty Bauherrenantragstatus, |
metric |
Qty Benutzerrang, |
Qty Benutzerrang, |
metric |
Qty Benutzerrang, |
Qty Benutzerrang, |
metric |
Qty Benutzerrolle, |
Qty Benutzerrolle, |
metric |
Qty Benutzerrolle, |
Qty Benutzerrolle, |
metric |
Qty Bestellmenge, |
Qty Bestellmenge, |
metric |
Qty Besuchertyp, |
Qty Besuchertyp, |
metric |
Qty Brand Search, |
Qty Brand Search, |
metric |
Qty CG12 - Page PublishingDate, |
Qty CG12 - Page PublishingDate, |
metric |
Qty CK01 - Aktionsbereich, |
Qty CK01 - Aktionsbereich, |
metric |
Qty CK02 - Aktionsziel, |
Qty CK02 - Aktionsziel, |
metric |
Qty CK03 - Teaser-Art, |
Qty CK03 - Teaser-Art, |
metric |
Qty CK04 - Teaser-Position, |
Qty CK04 - Teaser-Position, |
metric |
Qty CK05 - Teaser-Thema, |
Qty CK05 - Teaser-Thema, |
metric |
Qty CK06 - Teaser-Link, |
Qty CK06 - Teaser-Link, |
metric |
Qty CK07 - Teaser-Slide, |
Qty CK07 - Teaser-Slide, |
metric |
Qty CK08 - Play Time, |
Qty CK08 - Play Time, |
metric |
Qty CK24 - Klickbereich Suche, |
Qty CK24 - Klickbereich Suche, |
metric |
Qty CK25 - Klickposition Suche, |
Qty CK25 - Klickposition Suche, |
metric |
Qty CK26 - Angeklicktes Suchergebnis, |
Qty CK26 - Angeklicktes Suchergebnis, |
metric |
Qty Campaign Source %, |
Qty Campaign Source %, |
metric |
Qty Campaign Source, |
Qty Campaign Source, |
metric |
Qty ContentConsumerID, |
Qty ContentConsumerID, |
metric |
Qty Customer Lifetime Value, |
Qty Customer Lifetime Value, |
metric |
Qty Defektes Kundengerät, |
Qty Defektes Kundengerät, |
metric |
Qty DownloadSpeed, |
Qty DownloadSpeed, |
metric |
Qty Endgeräte (E-Commerce), |
Qty Endgeräte (E-Commerce), |
metric |
Qty External Search Phrases, |
Qty External Search Phrases, |
metric |
Qty External Search Words, |
Qty External Search Words, |
metric |
Qty FAQ Suche: Suchphrase, |
Qty FAQ Suche: Suchphrase, |
metric |
Qty FAQ Suche: Suchresultate, |
Qty FAQ Suche: Suchresultate, |
metric |
Qty Fehlermeldung, |
Qty Fehlermeldung, |
metric |
Qty Filter - Beitragstypen, |
Qty Filter - Beitragstypen, |
metric |
Qty Filter - Kategorien, |
Qty Filter - Kategorien, |
metric |
Qty Fomulartyp, |
Qty Fomulartyp, |
metric |
Qty Form Fields Data, |
Qty Form Fields Data, |
metric |
Qty Form Fields Displayed, |
Qty Form Fields Displayed, |
metric |
Qty Form Started, |
Qty Form Started, |
metric |
Qty Gutscheincode vorhanden (Page), |
Qty Gutscheincode vorhanden (Page), |
metric |
Qty Gutscheincode vorhanden(Session), |
Qty Gutscheincode vorhanden(Session), |
metric |
Qty Gutscheinkampagnennamen (Page), |
Qty Gutscheinkampagnennamen (Page), |
metric |
Qty Gutscheinkampagnennamen (Session), |
Qty Gutscheinkampagnennamen (Session), |
metric |
Qty Hersteller, |
Qty Hersteller, |
metric |
Qty Internal Search Phrases, |
Qty Internal Search Phrases, |
metric |
Qty Internes Werbemittel, |
Qty Internes Werbemittel, |
metric |
Qty Klickposition Suchergebnis, |
Qty Klickposition Suchergebnis, |
metric |
Qty Kosten einmalig, |
Qty Kosten einmalig, |
metric |
Qty Kosten monatlich, |
Qty Kosten monatlich, |
metric |
Qty KundenSegment, |
Qty KundenSegment, |
metric |
Qty Kundenbenachrichtung, |
Qty Kundenbenachrichtung, |
metric |
Qty Kundengeraeterueckgabe, |
Qty Kundengeraeterueckgabe, |
metric |
Qty Kundenrueckgabegrund, |
Qty Kundenrueckgabegrund, |
metric |
Qty Kundenserviceangebot, |
Qty Kundenserviceangebot, |
metric |
Qty Kundenserviceauswahl, |
Qty Kundenserviceauswahl, |
metric |
Qty Last Form Field Cursor, |
Qty Last Form Field Cursor, |
metric |
Qty Lead De-Mail (Attribution last, external),…} |
Qty Lead De-Mail (Attribution last, external),…} |
metric |
Qty Lead De-Mail, |
Qty Lead De-Mail, |
metric |
Qty Leads AWS, |
Qty Leads AWS, |
metric |
Qty Liveperson Unit, |
Qty Liveperson Unit, |
metric |
Qty Login Status (Session), |
Qty Login Status (Session), |
metric |
Qty Loginstatus, |
Qty Loginstatus, |
metric |
Qty Lösungsquote, |
Qty Lösungsquote, |
metric |
Qty MF Last_modified_date, |
Qty MF Last_modified_date, |
metric |
Qty MF Order_Status, |
Qty MF Order_Status, |
metric |
Qty Materialnummer, |
Qty Materialnummer, |
metric |
Qty Media Player Actions, |
Qty Media Player Actions, |
metric |
Qty Media, Unique, |
Qty Media, Unique, |
metric |
Qty Mindestproduktlaufzeit, |
Qty Mindestproduktlaufzeit, |
metric |
Qty Optionen (E-Commerce), |
Qty Optionen (E-Commerce), |
metric |
Qty Orders (Attribution last, internal), |
Qty Orders (Attribution last, internal), |
metric |
Qty Orders, |
Qty Orders, |
metric |
Qty Organic Source, |
Qty Organic Source, |
metric |
Qty Partnername (Klartext), |
Qty Partnername (Klartext), |
metric |
Qty Personalisierungsvariante (Aktion), |
Qty Personalisierungsvariante (Aktion), |
metric |
Qty Personalisierungsvariante, |
Qty Personalisierungsvariante, |
metric |
Qty PingTime, |
Qty PingTime, |
metric |
Qty Portal VO, |
Qty Portal VO, |
metric |
Qty Preisnachlass einmalig, |
Qty Preisnachlass einmalig, |
metric |
Qty Preisnachlass monatlich, |
Qty Preisnachlass monatlich, |
metric |
Qty Product Added to Cart, |
Qty Product Added to Cart, |
metric |
Qty Product Views, |
Qty Product Views, |
metric |
Qty Products, Unique, |
Qty Products, Unique, |
metric |
Qty Produkt Bundle, |
Qty Produkt Bundle, |
metric |
Qty Produkt Direct Add, |
Qty Produkt Direct Add, |
metric |
Qty Produkt Familie, |
Qty Produkt Familie, |
metric |
Qty Produkt Geschäftsfall, |
Qty Produkt Geschäftsfall, |
metric |
Qty Produkt Gruppe, |
Qty Produkt Gruppe, |
metric |
Qty Produkt Kategorie, |
Qty Produkt Kategorie, |
metric |
Qty Produkt Klasse, |
Qty Produkt Klasse, |
metric |
Qty Produkt VO, |
Qty Produkt VO, |
metric |
Qty Produkt Verfügbarkeit, |
Qty Produkt Verfügbarkeit, |
metric |
Qty Produktart, |
Qty Produktart, |
metric |
Qty Purchased Products (Attribution last, internal),…} |
Qty Purchased Products (Attribution last, internal),…} |
metric |
Qty Purchased Products, |
Qty Purchased Products, |
metric |
Qty SKU, |
Qty SKU, |
metric |
Qty Scrolltiefe, |
Qty Scrolltiefe, |
metric |
Qty Seite im Cache, |
Qty Seite im Cache, |
metric |
Qty Seiten ID, |
Qty Seiten ID, |
metric |
Qty Seitentyp, |
Qty Seitentyp, |
metric |
Qty Slider-Name, |
Qty Slider-Name, |
metric |
Qty Sources, |
Qty Sources, |
metric |
Qty Submitted Forms, |
Qty Submitted Forms, |
metric |
Qty Suchergebnisseite, |
Qty Suchergebnisseite, |
metric |
Qty Suchfilter - Themen, |
Qty Suchfilter - Themen, |
metric |
Qty Suchfilter - Zeitraum, |
Qty Suchfilter - Zeitraum, |
metric |
Qty Suchfilter, |
Qty Suchfilter, |
metric |
Qty Suchinitialisierung, |
Qty Suchinitialisierung, |
metric |
Qty Suchkategorie, |
Qty Suchkategorie, |
metric |
Qty Suchresultat (Interne Suche), |
Qty Suchresultat (Interne Suche), |
metric |
Qty Tarife (E-Commerce), |
Qty Tarife (E-Commerce), |
metric |
Qty Tealium-Profil, |
Qty Tealium-Profil, |
metric |
Qty Teaser - Inhalt, |
Qty Teaser - Inhalt, |
metric |
Qty Teaser - Item Page in Widget, |
Qty Teaser - Item Page in Widget, |
metric |
Qty Teaser - Item Position in Widget, |
Qty Teaser - Item Position in Widget, |
metric |
Qty Teaser - Konversionen, |
Qty Teaser - Konversionen, |
metric |
Qty Teaser - Name, |
Qty Teaser - Name, |
metric |
Qty Teaser - Platzierung, |
Qty Teaser - Platzierung, |
metric |
Qty Teaser - Regel, |
Qty Teaser - Regel, |
metric |
Qty Teaser - Variante, |
Qty Teaser - Variante, |
metric |
Qty Teaser - Zielgruppe, |
Qty Teaser - Zielgruppe, |
metric |
Qty Thema Kontaktzuführung, |
Qty Thema Kontaktzuführung, |
metric |
Qty UploadSpeed, |
Qty UploadSpeed, |
metric |
Qty VO/VPNR, |
Qty VO/VPNR, |
metric |
Qty VPNR TSG iPad, |
Qty VPNR TSG iPad, |
metric |
Qty Verfügbarkeit Adressstatus, |
Qty Verfügbarkeit Adressstatus, |
metric |
Qty Vertragstyp, |
Qty Vertragstyp, |
metric |
Qty Warenkorb-Prozess-Typ, |
Qty Warenkorb-Prozess-Typ, |
metric |
Qty Zahlunsgmethode, |
Qty Zahlunsgmethode, |
metric |
Qty abversion, |
Qty abversion, |
metric |
Qty redaktionierte Inhalte, |
Qty redaktionierte Inhalte, |
metric |
Qty shop basket type, |
Qty shop basket type, |
metric |
Qty shop_customer_stock, |
Qty shop_customer_stock, |
metric |
Qty shop_order_business_case, |
Qty shop_order_business_case, |
metric |
Qty wb/vb, |
Qty wb/vb, |
metric |
Quarters, |
Quarters, |
dimension |
Rank in Basket (Attribution last, internal),…} |
Rank in Basket (Attribution last, internal),…} |
metric |
Rank in Basket Avg, |
Rank in Basket Avg, |
metric |
Rank in Basket, |
Rank in Basket, |
metric |
Referrer URLs, |
Referrer URLs, |
dimension |
Region, |
Region, |
dimension |
Remarketing Rev. Potential of new Users (attr.),…} |
Remarketing Rev. Potential of new Users (attr.),…} |
metric |
Remarketing Rev. Potential of new Users, |
Remarketing Rev. Potential of new Users, |
metric |
Remarketing Rev. Potential of reg. Users (attr.),…} |
Remarketing Rev. Potential of reg. Users (attr.),…} |
metric |
Remarketing Rev. Potential of reg. Users, |
Remarketing Rev. Potential of reg. Users, |
metric |
Repeat Visitors (2 Visits), |
Repeat Visitors (2 Visits), |
metric |
Repeat Visitors (3 Visits), |
Repeat Visitors (3 Visits), |
metric |
Repeat Visitors (4 Visits), |
Repeat Visitors (4 Visits), |
metric |
Repeat Visitors (> 4 Visits), |
Repeat Visitors (> 4 Visits), |
metric |
Repeat Visitors, |
Repeat Visitors, |
metric |
Returning Visit Rate %, |
Returning Visit Rate %, |
metric |
Returning Visitor (Campaigns), |
Returning Visitor (Campaigns), |
metric |
Returning Visitors, |
Returning Visitors, |
metric |
Returning Visits, |
Returning Visits, |
metric |
Revenue Uplift %, |
Revenue Uplift %, |
metric |
Revenue Uplift, |
Revenue Uplift, |
metric |
Run Time, |
Run Time, |
metric |
SEM Keywords in Customer Journey, |
SEM Keywords in Customer Journey, |
dimension |
SKU, |
SKU, |
dimension |
Screen Resolution, |
Screen Resolution, |
dimension |
Scrolltiefe, |
Scrolltiefe, |
dimension |
Search Engines, |
Search Engines, |
dimension |
Search Phrases (Campaigns), |
Search Phrases (Campaigns), |
dimension |
Search Phrases Path (Aggregated), |
Search Phrases Path (Aggregated), |
dimension |
Search Phrases Path, |
Search Phrases Path, |
dimension |
Second Follower Pages, |
Second Follower Pages, |
dimension |
Second Preceding Pages, |
Second Preceding Pages, |
dimension |
Seite im Cache, |
Seite im Cache, |
dimension |
Seiten ID, |
Seiten ID, |
dimension |
Seitentyp, |
Seitentyp, |
dimension |
Service2Sales Produkte, |
Service2Sales Produkte, |
dimension |
Session IDs, |
Session IDs, |
dimension |
Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate %, |
Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate %, |
metric |
Slider-Name, |
Slider-Name, |
dimension |
Social Media Sources, |
Social Media Sources, |
dimension |
Source - Organic vs. Campaign, |
Source - Organic vs. Campaign, |
dimension |
Source in the Customer Journey, |
Source in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
Source, |
Source, |
dimension |
Submit Rate %, |
Submit Rate %, |
metric |
Suchergebnisseite, |
Suchergebnisseite, |
dimension |
Suchfilter - Themen, |
Suchfilter - Themen, |
dimension |
Suchfilter - Zeitraum, |
Suchfilter - Zeitraum, |
dimension |
Suchfilter, |
Suchfilter, |
dimension |
Suchinitialisierung, |
Suchinitialisierung, |
dimension |
Suchkategorie, |
Suchkategorie, |
dimension |
Suchresultat (Interne Suche), |
Suchresultat (Interne Suche), |
dimension |
THC BC Suchergebnisseite Frage stellen beantworten Exit Process Steps,…} |
THC BC Suchergebnisseite Frage stellen beantworten Exit Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
THC BC Suchergebnisseite Frage stellen beantworten Process Step Amount,…} |
THC BC Suchergebnisseite Frage stellen beantworten Process Step Amount,…} |
metric |
THC BC Suchergebnisseite Frage stellen beantworten Process Step Exits,…} |
THC BC Suchergebnisseite Frage stellen beantworten Process Step Exits,…} |
metric |
THC BC Suchergebnisseite Frage stellen beantworten Process Steps,…} |
THC BC Suchergebnisseite Frage stellen beantworten Process Steps,…} |
dimension |
Tarife (E-Commerce), |
Tarife (E-Commerce), |
dimension |
Tealium-Profil, |
Tealium-Profil, |
dimension |
Teamkenner in the Customer Journey, |
Teamkenner in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
Teamkenner, |
Teamkenner, |
dimension |
Teaser - Ansichten, |
Teaser - Ansichten, |
metric |
Teaser - Inhalt, |
Teaser - Inhalt, |
dimension |
Teaser - Item Page in Widget, |
Teaser - Item Page in Widget, |
dimension |
Teaser - Item Position in Widget, |
Teaser - Item Position in Widget, |
dimension |
Teaser - Klicks, |
Teaser - Klicks, |
metric |
Teaser - Konversionen, |
Teaser - Konversionen, |
metric |
Teaser - Name, |
Teaser - Name, |
dimension |
Teaser - Page Engagement, |
Teaser - Page Engagement, |
metric |
Teaser - Platzierung, |
Teaser - Platzierung, |
dimension |
Teaser - Post View Conversion Rate, |
Teaser - Post View Conversion Rate, |
metric |
Teaser - Regel, |
Teaser - Regel, |
dimension |
Teaser - Variante, |
Teaser - Variante, |
dimension |
Teaser - Zielgruppe, |
Teaser - Zielgruppe, |
dimension |
Thema Kontaktzuführung, |
Thema Kontaktzuführung, |
dimension |
Time in Campaign Lifecycle (Days), |
Time in Campaign Lifecycle (Days), |
metric |
Time in Campaign Lifecycle, |
Time in Campaign Lifecycle, |
dimension |
Time prior to Conversion Avg (Impulse Conversion),…} |
Time prior to Conversion Avg (Impulse Conversion),…} |
metric |
Traffic Source - Organic vs. Campaign, |
Traffic Source - Organic vs. Campaign, |
dimension |
Traffic Sources Path (Aggregated), |
Traffic Sources Path (Aggregated), |
dimension |
Traffic Sources Path, |
Traffic Sources Path, |
dimension |
Turnover Rate %, |
Turnover Rate %, |
metric |
URM - Age, |
URM - Age, |
dimension |
URM - Campaign New Visitors CLV, |
URM - Campaign New Visitors CLV, |
metric |
URM - City, |
URM - City, |
dimension |
URM - Country, |
URM - Country, |
dimension |
URM - Custom Visitor Id, |
URM - Custom Visitor Id, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Discount Value, |
URM - Customer Discount Value, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Macro Status, |
URM - Customer Macro Status, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Micro Status, |
URM - Customer Micro Status, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Order Value, |
URM - Customer Order Value, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Orders w. Discounts, |
URM - Customer Orders w. Discounts, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Orders, |
URM - Customer Orders, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Page Impressions, |
URM - Customer Page Impressions, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Profile Conversion Rate %, |
URM - Customer Profile Conversion Rate %, |
metric |
URM - Customer Profile Days since First Contact,…} |
URM - Customer Profile Days since First Contact,…} |
dimension |
URM - Customer Profile Days since Last Contact,…} |
URM - Customer Profile Days since Last Contact,…} |
dimension |
URM - Customer Profile Days since Last Order,…} |
URM - Customer Profile Days since Last Order,…} |
dimension |
URM - Customer Profile Discount Value, |
URM - Customer Profile Discount Value, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Profile Discounts %, |
URM - Customer Profile Discounts %, |
metric |
URM - Customer Profile Last Micro Customer Journey ,…} |
URM - Customer Profile Last Micro Customer Journey ,…} |
dimension |
URM - Customer Profile Macro Status, |
URM - Customer Profile Macro Status, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Profile Micro Status, |
URM - Customer Profile Micro Status, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Profile Order Value Avg, |
URM - Customer Profile Order Value Avg, |
metric |
URM - Customer Profile Order Value, |
URM - Customer Profile Order Value, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Profile Orders w. Discount, |
URM - Customer Profile Orders w. Discount, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Profile Orders, |
URM - Customer Profile Orders, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Profile Page Impressions, |
URM - Customer Profile Page Impressions, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Profile RFE Group, |
URM - Customer Profile RFE Group, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Profile RFM Group, |
URM - Customer Profile RFM Group, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Profile Visit Frequency Avg. (Days),…} |
URM - Customer Profile Visit Frequency Avg. (Days),…} |
metric |
URM - Customer Profile Visits, |
URM - Customer Profile Visits, |
dimension |
URM - Customer RFE Group, |
URM - Customer RFE Group, |
dimension |
URM - Customer RFM Group, |
URM - Customer RFM Group, |
dimension |
URM - Customer Visits, |
URM - Customer Visits, |
dimension |
URM - Days between contacts, |
URM - Days between contacts, |
dimension |
URM - Days between orders, |
URM - Days between orders, |
dimension |
URM - Days since Contact, |
URM - Days since Contact, |
dimension |
URM - Days since Order, |
URM - Days since Order, |
dimension |
URM - E-Mail Opt-in, |
URM - E-Mail Opt-in, |
dimension |
URM - Email Receiver Id, |
URM - Email Receiver Id, |
dimension |
URM - Gender, |
URM - Gender, |
dimension |
URM - Last Visit with a Purchase, |
URM - Last Visit with a Purchase, |
dimension |
URM - Last Visit, |
URM - Last Visit, |
dimension |
URM - Postal Code, |
URM - Postal Code, |
dimension |
URM - Street, |
URM - Street, |
dimension |
URM - Visitor Id, |
URM - Visitor Id, |
dimension |
UploadSpeed, |
UploadSpeed, |
dimension |
dimension |
VPNR TSG iPad, |
VPNR TSG iPad, |
dimension |
Value Product Added to Cart, |
Value Product Added to Cart, |
metric |
Value Product Views, |
Value Product Views, |
metric |
Value Purchased Products (Attribution last, internal),…} |
Value Purchased Products (Attribution last, internal),…} |
metric |
Value Purchased Products, |
Value Purchased Products, |
metric |
Verfügbarkeit Adressstatus, |
Verfügbarkeit Adressstatus, |
dimension |
Verfügbarkeit Auswahl, |
Verfügbarkeit Auswahl, |
dimension |
Verfügbarkeit Ergebnis, |
Verfügbarkeit Ergebnis, |
dimension |
Vertragstyp, |
Vertragstyp, |
dimension |
Viewed FN-Tarife, |
Viewed FN-Tarife, |
dimension |
Viewed Products, |
Viewed Products, |
dimension |
Viewed ProduktArt MoFu, |
Viewed ProduktArt MoFu, |
dimension |
Viewed Service2Sales Produkte, |
Viewed Service2Sales Produkte, |
dimension |
Visit Duration Avg, |
Visit Duration Avg, |
metric |
Visit Time, |
Visit Time, |
dimension |
Visitors %, |
Visitors %, |
metric |
Visitors (Campaigns), |
Visitors (Campaigns), |
metric |
Visitors cumulated %, |
Visitors cumulated %, |
metric |
Visitors, |
Visitors, |
metric |
Visitors, Daily Unique, |
Visitors, Daily Unique, |
metric |
Visitors, Monthly Unique, |
Visitors, Monthly Unique, |
metric |
Visitors, Weekly Unique, |
Visitors, Weekly Unique, |
metric |
Visitors, Yearly Unique, |
Visitors, Yearly Unique, |
metric |
Visitors, returning % (Month 0), |
Visitors, returning % (Month 0), |
metric |
Visitors, returning % (Month 1), |
Visitors, returning % (Month 1), |
metric |
Visitors, returning % (Month 10), |
Visitors, returning % (Month 10), |
metric |
Visitors, returning % (Month 11), |
Visitors, returning % (Month 11), |
metric |
Visitors, returning % (Month 12), |
Visitors, returning % (Month 12), |
metric |
Visitors, returning % (Month 2), |
Visitors, returning % (Month 2), |
metric |
Visitors, returning % (Month 3), |
Visitors, returning % (Month 3), |
metric |
Visitors, returning % (Month 4), |
Visitors, returning % (Month 4), |
metric |
Visitors, returning % (Month 5), |
Visitors, returning % (Month 5), |
metric |
Visitors, returning % (Month 6), |
Visitors, returning % (Month 6), |
metric |
Visitors, returning % (Month 7), |
Visitors, returning % (Month 7), |
metric |
Visitors, returning % (Month 8), |
Visitors, returning % (Month 8), |
metric |
Visitors, returning % (Month 9), |
Visitors, returning % (Month 9), |
metric |
Visits (Campaigns), |
Visits (Campaigns), |
metric |
Visits Campaigns %, |
Visits Campaigns %, |
metric |
Visits Organic %, |
Visits Organic %, |
metric |
Visits Organic, |
Visits Organic, |
metric |
Visits Paid, |
Visits Paid, |
metric |
Visits per Visitor, |
Visits per Visitor, |
metric |
Visits with Brand Search Phrase %, |
Visits with Brand Search Phrase %, |
metric |
Visits with Brand Search Phrase, |
Visits with Brand Search Phrase, |
metric |
Visits with Search Phrase, |
Visits with Search Phrase, |
metric |
Visits, |
Visits, |
metric |
Warenkorb-Prozess-Typ, |
Warenkorb-Prozess-Typ, |
dimension |
Weekdays, |
Weekdays, |
dimension |
Weeks, |
Weeks, |
dimension |
Werbemittel in the Customer Journey, |
Werbemittel in the Customer Journey, |
dimension |
Werbemittel, |
Werbemittel, |
dimension |
Years, |
Years, |
dimension |
Zahlunsgmethode, |
Zahlunsgmethode, |
dimension |
abversion, |
abversion, |
dimension |
redaktionierte Inhalte, |
redaktionierte Inhalte, |
dimension |
shop basket type, |
shop basket type, |
dimension |
shop_customer_stock, |
shop_customer_stock, |
dimension |
shop_order_business_case, |
shop_order_business_case, |
dimension |
wb/vb, |
wb/vb, |
dimension |