Executing Smart Naming Conventions on conditions

Executing Smart Naming Conventions on conditions#

This guide explains how to execute different Smart Naming Convention transformations depending on the values in a row of the data extract.


Configure which Smart Naming Convention transformations should be executed for a row based on the data in the data extract. Define complex conditions using AND/OR logic and combine multiple conditions.


Before you read this guide, perform all of the following actions:

Creating execution conditions#

This guide explains how to configure the Condition transformation. Before completing this step, start creating a transformation by following the instructions in Using Adverity’s transformations.

To define conditions for transformation execution, follow these steps:

  1. The WHEN section of the page is where you define the conditions that must be met to execute a certain transformation:


    Select the column which contains the values upon which the condition is based.


    From the drop-down field, select the operator for the condition. The list of operators differs depending on if a metric or dimension is selected in the Column field.

    For dates, choose one of the following operators:

    • before

    • after

    • is empty

    • is not empty

    • has structure (regex)

    For columns with Boolean values, choose one of the following operators:

    • is true

    • is false


    (Optional) Select this checkbox to make the condition case-sensitive. Once selected, the values in the selected column must match the values in the Value column exactly to satisfy the condition criteria. This checkbox will not be present if a metric is selected in the Column field.


    Enter the value for the condition.

    The Value field may not be active if certain columns or operators are selected. For example, selecting a column with a Boolean value or the operator is empty will cause the Value field to be hidden as it is not required in these cases.

    + And

    (Optional) Click + And to add another condition and fill in the Column, Operator, and Value fields for the additional condition.

    + Or

    (Optional) Click + Or to add another condition and fill in the Column, Operator, and Value fields for the additional condition.

  2. The THEN section of the page is where you define the action for the rows with matching values:


    Select if you want to execute a transformation for the rows with matching values or skip them.


    Select a Smart Naming Convention transformation you want to apply to the rows with matching values.

  3. (Optional) Click + Add condition to define multiple conditions.

  4. The OTHERWISE section of the page is where you define the Smart Naming Convention transformation that is executed when conditions defined above are not met:


    Select if you want to execute a transformation for the rows with matching values or skip them.


    Select a Smart Naming Convention transformation you want to apply to the rows with matching values.


You can preview your transformation in the Preview tab. Here, you can see how your current transformation instructions will transform the data you have previously collected using the selected datastream.

Click Refresh Preview at the bottom of the Configuration tab to see the preview of your latest changes.

For more information about the preview, see Previewing transformations.