Introduction to the dbt Projects page#
This feature is in beta stage. To join the beta program, please reach out to
The dbt Projects page is where you can manage the execution of your dbt Core projects.
Add your dbt project to Adverity to run and schedule dbt job runs on the selected data warehouse. You can view the history of the job runs and their logs to monitor the executions.
This feature is available only to users with Administrator permissions in the root workspace of your organization.
After you have added at least one dbt project in Adverity, the dbt Projects page provides an overview of your projects. The dbt Projects page is organized in two tabs, providing you an overview of the added dbt projects and their job runs.
Click here to select the tab of the dbt Projects page.
Click here to add a new dbt project. For more information, see Adding a dbt project.
In the Projects tab, click here for more options.
In the Job runs tab, use these filters to view your job runs according to different properties.
Projects tab#
The table in the middle of the Projects tab contains important information about the added projects in the following columns:
Name - the name of the project
Warehouse - the warehouse to which the project will be applied. The warehouse is selected from the existing Adverity destinations
Last run - the date and time of the last job run for the project
Click Select an action in a specific project’s
row in the table to perform additional actions with this
project. The actions you can perform are:
Run - starts a job run for this project. For more information, see Running a dbt project.
Delete - deletes this project from Adverity. This action does not affect the Git repository of the project
Job runs tab#
The table in the middle of the Job runs tab contains the history of the job runs for all projects in the following columns:
Date created - the date and time when the job run started
Status - the current status of the job run
Project - the name of the project executed during the job run
Warehouse - the name of the warehouse to which the transformation is applied in the job run
To view the log of a job, click on its row in the table.
The filters above the table allow you to view specific job runs in the table. You can apply more than one filter at the same time to view specific runs:
Status - displays all job runs with the selected status
Date created - displays all job runs that started within the selected date range