Apple Search Ads#
The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Apple Search Ads.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
adChannelType |
dimension |
adFormat |
dimension |
adGroupCreativeSetId |
metric |
adGroupDeleted |
Indicates whether the adgroup has been soft deleted or not. |
dimension |
adGroupDisplayStatus |
dimension |
adGroupId |
Search Ads-assigned, globally unique identifier |
dimension |
adGroupName |
Has to be unique within the organization. |
dimension |
adGroupServingStateReasons |
When an adgroup is not running, a list of reasons will be returned as strings |
dimension |
adGroupServingStateReasons.0 |
metric |
adGroupServingStatus |
Whether the adgroup is actually serving or not. |
dimension |
adGroupStatus |
Values are: ENABLED (default), PAUSED |
dimension |
ageRange |
Age range |
dimension |
app.adamId |
AdamID of the promoted app |
dimension |
app.appName |
App name |
dimension |
automatedKeywordsOptIn |
Indicates whether Search Match has been enabled for this adgroup or not. |
dimension |
avgCPA.amount |
Average cost-per-acquisition is total spend divided by the number of conversions received within a period. |
metric |
avgCPA.currency |
The currency of the average cost-per-acquisition |
dimension |
avgCPT.amount |
Average cost per thousand. |
metric |
avgCPT.currency |
Currency of the average cost per thousand |
dimension |
bidAmount.amount |
Your bid amount to display your ad for the matching text value. |
metric |
bidAmount.currency |
Currency of the bid amount |
dimension |
bidRecommendation.bidMax |
metric |
bidRecommendation.bidMin |
metric |
campaignId |
Search Ads-assigned, globally unique identifier |
dimension |
campaignName |
Has to be unique within the organization. |
dimension |
campaignStatus |
Values are: ENABLED (default), PAUSED |
dimension |
conversionRate |
The conversion rate (CR) is the total number of conversions received within a period divided by total number of taps within the same period. |
metric |
conversions |
The total number of downloads or redownloads resulting from an ad within the reporting period. Search Ads conversions are attributed within a 30 day tap-through window. |
metric |
conversionsLATOff |
Conversions from users who have not enabled Limit Ad Tracking (LAT) on their device. |
metric |
conversionsLATOn |
Conversions from users who have enabled Limit Ad Tracking (LAT) on their device. |
metric |
conversionsNewDownloads |
These represent app downloads from new users who have never before installed your app. |
metric |
conversionsRedownloads |
Redownloads occur when a user downloads your app, deletes it, and downloads the same app again following a tap on an ad on the App Store, or downloads the same app to an additional device. |
metric |
countriesOrRegions |
dimension |
countryCode |
Country code |
dimension |
cpaGoal.amount |
You may optionally define your Cost Per Acquisition goal |
metric |
cpaGoal.currency |
Currency of the Cost per acquisition goal |
dimension |
creationTime |
metric |
creativeSetId |
dimension |
creativeSetLanguageDisplayName |
dimension |
creativeSetName |
dimension |
dailyBudget.amount |
When this daily cap is reached, your ads will stop appearing for that day and will restart on the next day, if there is still budget remaining for your campaign |
metric |
dailyBudget.currency |
Currency of the daily budget |
dimension |
date |
Date |
dimension |
defaultCpcBid.amount |
You must define your default Cost Per Click bid when creating a campaign |
metric |
defaultCpcBid.currency |
Currency of the default cost per click bid |
dimension |
deleted |
Indicates whether the campaign/adgroup/keyword has been soft deleted or not. |
dimension |
deviceClass |
Device class |
dimension |
displayStatus |
dimension |
endTime |
The time the designated campaign/adgroup ends |
dimension |
gender |
Gender |
dimension |
impressions |
The number of times your ad appeared in App Store search results within the reporting time period. |
metric |
installs |
metric |
keyword |
Keyword |
dimension |
keywordDisplayStatus |
Keyword display status |
dimension |
keywordId |
Keyword ID |
dimension |
keywordStatus |
Values are: ACTIVE (default), PAUSED |
dimension |
latOffInstalls |
metric |
latOnInstalls |
metric |
localSpend.amount |
Local spend |
metric |
localSpend.currency |
Currency of local spend |
dimension |
matchType |
Values are: EXACT, BROAD (default) |
dimension |
modificationTime |
When the object was last modified. |
dimension |
newDownloads |
metric |
orgId |
dimension |
organizationId |
The ID associated with your account in the web UI. |
dimension |
organizationName |
Organization name |
dimension |
redownloads |
metric |
searchTermSource |
Search term source |
dimension |
searchTermText |
Search term |
dimension |
servingStateReasons |
When a campaign is not running, a list of reasons will be returned as strings |
dimension |
servingStatus |
Whether the campaign is actually serving or not. |
dimension |
startTime |
The time the designated campaign/adgroup starts |
dimension |
status |
dimension |
storefront |
The app store territory in which you want to promote your app. |
dimension |
tapThroughRate |
The tap-through rate (TTR) is the number of times your ad was tapped by customers divided by the total impressions your ad received. |
metric |
taps |
The number of times your ad was tapped by users within the reporting time period. |
metric |
targetingDimensions |
metric |
totalBudget.amount |
Total budget |
metric |
totalBudget.currency |
Currency of total budget |
dimension |
ttr |
metric |