The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Brevo.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field UI name |
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
Campaign Test Status |
abTesting |
Status of A/B Test for the campaign. abTesting = false means it is disabled, & abTesting = true means it is enabled. |
dimension |
Browser |
browser |
Browser |
dimension |
Total Clicks |
clickers |
Number of total clicks for the campaign |
metric |
Complaints |
complaints |
Number of complaints (Spam reports) for the campaign |
metric |
Campaign Created At |
createdAt |
Creation UTC date-time of the campaign (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ) |
dimension |
Deferred Emails |
deferred |
Number of deferred emails for the campaign |
metric |
Delivered Emails |
delivered |
Number of delivered emails for the campaign |
metric |
Device |
device |
Device |
dimension |
Domain |
domain |
Domain of the email |
dimension |
Campaign Footer |
footer |
Footer of the campaign |
dimension |
Hard Bounces |
hardBounces |
Number of harbounce for the campaign |
metric |
Campaign Header |
header |
Header of the campaign |
dimension |
Campaign HTML Content |
htmlContent |
HTML content of the campaign |
dimension |
Campaign ID |
id |
ID of the campaign |
dimension |
Inline Image Status |
inlineImageActivation |
Status of inline image. inlineImageActivation = false means image can’t be embedded, & inlineImageActivation = true means image can be embedded, in the email. |
dimension |
Link |
link |
Link |
dimension |
Links Clicks |
links_clicks |
Number of clicks for the links |
metric |
Folder ID |
list_folderId |
ID of the folder |
dimension |
Campaign List ID |
list_id |
List Id of email campaign (only in case of get email campaign(s)(not for global stats)) |
dimension |
Campaign List Name |
list_name |
List name of email campaign |
dimension |
Total Blacklisted |
list_totalBlacklisted |
Number of total blacklisted |
metric |
Total Subscribers |
list_totalSubscribers |
Number of total subscribers |
metric |
Mirror Link Status |
mirrorActive |
Status of mirror links in campaign. mirrorActive = false means mirror links are deactivated, & mirrorActive = true means mirror links are activated, in the campaign |
dimension |
Mirror Clicks |
mirrorClick |
Number of clicks on mirror link |
metric |
Campaign Modified At |
modifiedAt |
UTC date-time of last modification of the campaign (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ) |
dimension |
Campaign Name |
name |
Name of the campaign |
dimension |
Campaign Recipients |
recipients |
Recipients of the campaign |
dimension |
Campaign Recipients Exclusion Lists |
recipients_exclusionLists |
Recipients Exclusion Lists of the campaign |
dimension |
Campaign Recipients Lists |
recipients_lists |
Recipients lists of the campaign |
dimension |
Campaign Recurring Trigger |
recurring |
FOR TRIGGER ONLY! Type of trigger campaign. recurring = false means contact can receive the same Trigger campaign only once, & recurring = true means contact can receive the same Trigger campaign several times |
dimension |
Remaining Emails |
remaining |
Number of remaning emails to send |
metric |
Reply To Email |
replyTo |
Email defined as the “Reply to” of the campaign |
dimension |
Campaign Return Bounce |
returnBounce |
Total number of non-delivered campaigns for a particular campaign id. |
metric |
Return Bounce |
returnBounce |
Campaign Scheduled At |
scheduledAt |
UTC date-time on which campaign is scheduled (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSZ) |
dimension |
Send At Best Time |
sendAtBestTime |
It is true if you have chosen to send your campaign at best time, otherwise it is false |
dimension |
Campaign Sender |
sender |
Sender of the campaign |
dimension |
Campaign Sender Email |
sender_email |
Sender email of the campaign |
dimension |
Campaign Sender ID |
sender_id |
Sender id of the campaign |
dimension |
Camapaign Sender Name |
sender_name |
Sender name of the campaign |
dimension |
Sent Emails |
sent |
Number of sent emails for the campaign |
metric |
Campaign Sent Date |
sentDate |
Sent UTC date-time of the campaign (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). Only available if status of the campaign is sent |
dimension |
Campaign Share Link |
shareLink |
Link to share the campaign on social medias |
dimension |
Soft Bounces |
softBounces |
nces |
metric |
Campaign Test Groups Size |
splitRule |
The size of your ab-test groups. Only available if abTesting flag of the campaign is true |
dimension |
Campaign Statistics |
statistics |
Statistics of the campaign |
dimension |
Campaign Subject |
subject |
Subject of the campaign. Only available if adTesting flag of th campaign is false |
dimension |
Campaign Test Subject A |
subjectA |
Subject A of the ab-test campaign. Only available if abTesting flag of the campaign is true |
dimension |
Campaign Test Subject B |
subjectB |
Subject B of the ab-test campaign. Only available if abTesting flag of the campaign is true |
dimension |
Campaign Tag |
tag |
Tag of the campaign |
dimension |
Test Sent |
testSent |
Retrieved the status of test email sending. (true = Test email has been sent false = Test email has not been sent) |
dimension |
To Field |
toField |
Customisation of the “to” field of the campaign |
dimension |
Unique Clicks |
uniqueClicks |
Number of unique clicks for the campaign |
metric |
Unique Views |
uniqueViews |
Number of unique openings for the campaign |
metric |
Unsubscriptions |
unsubscriptions |
Number of unsubscription for the campaign |
metric |
Viewed |
viewed |
Number of openings for the campaign |
metric |
Winner Criteria |
winnerCriteria |
Criteria for the winning version. Only available if abTesting flag of the campaign is true |
dimension |
Winner Delay |
winnerDelay |
The duration of the test in hours at the end of which the winning version will be sent. Only available if abTesting flag of the campaign is true |
metric |