The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Mailchimp.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
Abuse Reports (abuse_reports) |
Number of recipients that reported your email as spam. Subscribers that report a campaign as spam are automatically unsubscribed from your list. |
metric |
Activity Action (activity.action) |
Transposed type of activity |
dimension |
Activity IP (activity.ip) |
A string that uniquely identifies this activity. |
dimension |
Activity Timestamp (activity.timestamp) |
The time of the activity |
dimension |
Activity Type (activity.type) |
More detailed information about activity.action |
dimension |
Activity URL (activity.url) |
If the activity.action resulted in a click to landing page - it will be listed here |
dimension |
Average Subscription Rate (stats.avg_sub_rate) |
Average Subscribe Rate displays the number of people who have joined your list each month on average. |
metric |
Average Unsubscription Rate (stats.avg_unsub_rate) |
Average Unsubscribe Rate displays the number of people who have unsubscribed from the list each month on average. |
metric |
Campaign Count (stats.campaign_count) |
The number of campaigns |
metric |
Campaign ID (campaign_id) |
A string that uniquely identifies this campaign. |
dimension |
Campaign ID (id) |
A string that uniquely identifies this campaign. |
dimension |
Campaign Last Sent (stats.campaign_last_sent) |
The most recent instance of a sent email. |
dimension |
Campaign Title (campaign_title) |
The Title of the Campaign. |
dimension |
Campaign Type (type) |
The campaign type. |
dimension |
Cleaned Count (stats.cleaned_count) |
The count of valid email-adresses. |
metric |
Cleaned Count Since Send (stats.cleaned_count_since_send) |
The count of valid email-adresses. |
metric |
Click Rate (clicks.click_rate) |
Percentage of successfully delivered campaigns that registered a click. |
metric |
Click Rate (stats.click_rate) |
Average Click Rate shows an average of the click rates from every campaign you have sent to the list. |
metric |
Creation Date (date_created) |
Date of creation |
dimension |
Date of Last List Subscribe (stats.last_sub_date) |
Date of last subscription |
dimension |
Date of Last List Unsubscribe (stats.last_unsub_date) |
Date of last unsubscription |
dimension |
Email Address (email_address) |
The list member’s email address. |
dimension |
Email ID (email_id) |
A string that uniquely identifies an email adress. |
dimension |
Emails Sent (emails_sent) |
The number of emails sent |
metric |
Facebook Likes (facebook_likes.facebook_likes) |
The number of facebook likes resulted out of your campaign. |
metric |
Forward Opens (forwards.forwards_opens) |
Number of times the campaign was opened by someone who was forwarded the campaign using a Forward to a Friend form. |
metric |
Hard Bounces (bounces.hard_bounces) |
A hard bounce indicates a permanent reason an email cannot be delivered. In most cases - bounced email addresses are removed automatically and immediately from the active subscribers and placed in the Cleaned portion of your list. Cleaned subscribers will be excluded from future campaign sends to this list. While there are many reasons an email address may hard bounce - these are some common reasons this could happen. |
metric |
Last Click (clicks.last_click) |
The most recent instance of a recipient clicking a tracked link in the campaign. |
dimension |
Last Open (opens.last_open) |
The most recent instance of a recipient opening the campaign. |
dimension |
List ID (id) |
A string that uniquely identifies this list. |
dimension |
List ID (list_id) |
A string that uniquely identifies this list. |
dimension |
List Name (name) |
The name of the list. |
dimension |
Member Count (stats.member_count) |
The number of members in this list. |
metric |
Member Count Since Send (stats.member_count_since_send) |
The number of members in this list since the last send. |
metric |
Merge Var Count (stats.merge_field_count) |
The number of members in this list. |
metric |
Open Rate (opens.open_rate) |
Percentage of successfully delivered campaigns that registered as an open. |
metric |
Recipient Likes (facebook_likes.recipient_likes) |
The number of facebook likes resulted out of your campaign. |
metric |
Send Time (send_time) |
The time of the send. |
dimension |
Soft Bounces (bounces.soft_bounces) |
While there are many reasons an email address may soft bounce - these are some common reasons this could happen. |
metric |
Syntax Errors (bounces.syntax_errors) |
Malformed or incomplete email addresses are treated as syntax errors and won’t be added to your list. |
metric |
Target Subscription Rate (stats.target_sub_rate) |
Mailbox is full (over quota). |
metric |
Total Clicks (clicks.clicks_total) |
Recipient email server is down or offline. |
metric |
Total Forwards (forwards.forwards_count) |
Email message is too large. |
metric |
Total Opens (opens.opens_total) |
Number of recipients that opened this campaign any number of times. |
metric |
Unique Clicks (clicks.unique_clicks) |
Percentage of recipients that registered as an open who also clicked a link in your campaign. |
metric |
Unique Likes (facebook_likes.unique_likes) |
The number of unique likes |
metric |
Unique Opens (opens.unique_opens) |
The number of unique opens |
metric |
Unique Subscriber Clicks (clicks.unique_subscriber_clicks) |
The number of unique subscriptions |
metric |
Unsubscribe Count (stats.unsubscribe_count) |
The number of unsubscriptions |
metric |
Unsubscribe Count (unsubscribed) |
Number of subscribers that opted out of your list using the unsubscribe link in this campaign. |
metric |
Unsubscribe Count Since Send (stats.unsubscribe_count_since_send) |
Number of subscribers that opted out of your list using the unsubscribe link in this campaign - since the send out of your campaign |
metric |