Collecting data from Facebook Business Invoice#

This guide explains how to collect data from Facebook Business Invoice. To learn how to collect data from a different data source, go back to the Available data sources in Adverity overview.


For a list of the fields that you can collect from Facebook Business Invoice, see Facebook Business Invoice.


Before you start collecting data from Facebook Business Invoice, perform all of the following actions:

  • Ensure that the account you use to connect to Facebook Business Invoice has the correct roles and permissions to collect the data. Edit these roles and permissions in Facebook Business Manager. For more information, see the Facebook documentation.

  • Add the Employee or higher business manager role to the account.

  • Add the Finance analyst or higher finance role to the account:

  • For an ad account, add the View performance permission.

Creating a datastream to collect data from Facebook Business Invoice#

The basics of creating a datastream to collect data from any data source are explained in our guide to Collecting data in Adverity. This guide contains information about the specific steps to create a datastream to fetch data from Facebook Business Invoice.

Configuration: Choose the data you want to collect from Facebook Business Invoice#

To choose what data to collect and customize the Facebook Business Invoice datastream configuration, follow these steps:

  1. (Optional) Rename your datastream.

  2. In Fields, change the list of fields that you want to see in your data extract.

  3. In Businesses, select the businesses for which to collect data. If you do not select any items in a drop-down list, Adverity collects data for all items in the drop-down list.

What’s next?#