Collecting data from Google Campaign Manager 360#
This guide explains how to collect data from Google Campaign Manager 360. To learn how to collect data from a different data source, go back to the Available data sources in Adverity overview.
For a list of the fields that you can collect from Google Campaign Manager 360, see Google Campaign Manager 360.
Collecting data from Google Campaign Manager 360 comes with the following limitations:
You can only collect data on the fields and reports made available to you within the Google Campaign Manager 360 user interface. For more information on user permissions in Google Campaign Manager 360, see the Google documentation.
In some cases, browser settings or application settings may prevent Google Search Ads 360 from directly measuring conversions, and imported goals and transactions. Conversion metrics are scaled when there is enough data to meet accuracy thresholds. When scaling is applied to account for data that cannot be measured due to factors such as browser settings, this may result in fractions, which are then rounded. This rounding may result in discrepancies within data. For more information about discrepancies, see the Google documentation.
Before you start collecting data from Google Campaign Manager 360, perform all of the following actions:
Ensure that you have a user profile with access to a Google Campaign Manager 360 account that is enabled for API access.
Ensure that you have the user profile permissions needed to fetch data using the Google Campaign Manager 360 API.
To fetch data on profiles and advertisers, you need the following permissions:
Read and write access to Google Campaign Manager 360 trafficking
Read and write access to Google Campaign Manager 360 reporting
Read and write access to Google Campaign Manager 360 offline conversions
Creating a datastream to collect data from Google Campaign Manager 360#
The basics of creating a datastream to collect data from any data source are explained in our guide to Collecting data in Adverity. This guide contains information about the specific steps to create a datastream to fetch data from Google Campaign Manager 360.
Configuration: Choose the data you want to collect from Google Campaign Manager 360#
To choose what data to collect and customize the Google Campaign Manager 360 datastream configuration, follow these steps:
(Optional) Rename your datastream.
In Profiles, select the profiles for which to collect data. If you do not select any items in a drop-down list, Adverity collects data for all items in the drop-down list.
In Report type, select the type of data to collect from Google Campaign Manager 360. The selected report type determines the additional fields to populate. For more information, see Advanced Google Campaign Manager 360 tips. In this example, select Standard.
In Dimensions and Metrics, change the list of fields that you want to see in your data extract.
In Advertiser filter, select the DCM advertisers for which to collect data. If you do not select any items in a drop-down list, Adverity collects data for all items in the drop-down list.
For information on configuring other Google Campaign Manager 360 fields, see Advanced Google Campaign Manager 360 tips.
What’s next?#
Apply Data Mapping to your collected data to harmonize data collected from different sources in Adverity.
Transform your data to meet your needs by creating and applying transformations to your datastream.
Load your data into Explore & Present to visualize your data in Adverity.
Load your data into an external destination of your choice.
Troubleshooting Google Campaign Manager 360#
I see an error message when fetching data from Google Campaign Manager 360#
The This account has exceeded its quota of [x] reports per day
message appears because you are trying to fetch more data than Google
Campaign Manager 360 allows.
The quota limit works as follows:
Each Google Campaign Manager 360 account or user profile has a daily limit on the number of ad-hoc reports that can be run in a 24-hour period.
Each floodlight configuration ID selected in your datastream requires a separate report.
When you select multiple floodlight configuration IDs, Adverity must generate multiple reports from Google Campaign Manager 360.
For example, if you select 5 floodlight configuration IDs across 2 profiles, this will count as 10 reports against your daily quota.
To resolve this issue:
Reduce the number of floodlight configuration IDs you’re fetching data for.
If you’ve selected Retrieve data for all floodlight config IDs, choose specific IDs instead.
Consider splitting your data collection across multiple days.
For persistent quota issues, contact Google to request an increase to your account’s report quota.
For more information on quotas, see the Google Campaign Manager 360 documentation.
Advanced Google Campaign Manager 360 tips#
Configuring data collection from Google Campaign Manager 360#
In the Settings tab of your Google Campaign Manager 360 datastream overview, you can configure a number of additional settings:
Depending on what you select in Report type, different fields are available.
- Dimension Filters
Enter a valid JSON expression to collect data for specific dimensions. For more information on the Dimensions Filter, see Configuring the |dimension| filter with a JSON expression below.
- Filter expired campaigns
Select this checkbox to collect data only for active campaigns.
- Report Specific section
Depending on the selected Report type, the Report Specific section contains a set of optional fields to configure. The STANDARD report type does not contain the report specific section.
In Reports, select the custom reports created in Google Campaign Manager 360 for which you want to collect data. For more information, see the Google Documentation.
In Floodlight config IDs, select the floodlight IDs for which to collect data.
Use the checkboxes to specify data to include in the data extract.
In Level, select the level at which you want to collect data.
In Fields, change the list of fields that you want to see in the data extract.
In Floodlight config IDs, select the floodlight IDs for which to collect, or select the checkbox to collect data for all floodlight IDs.
Configure the available conversion metric fields.
In Activity filters, enter activity filters to collect data for specific floodlights activities.
In Reach by Frequency Breakdown, select the frequency breakdown for which to collect data.
- Advertisers
Select the GCM Advertisers with floodlight activities from which to collect data. This field is populated with the GCM Advertisers associated with your Google Campaign Manager 360 account that also have at least one floodlight activity. A floodlight activity is a specific conversion you want to track, such as the completion of a purchase or a visit to a page on your site.
- Activity metrics
Select the floodlight activity metrics for which to collect data.
- Sweep activity metrics
Select this checkbox to remove activity metrics with zero values from the data extract.
This feature can only be used when collecting data for profiles that use the “en” locale.
Configuring the dimension filter with a JSON expression#
When configuring a Google Campaign Manager 360 datastream, you can configure a dimension filter for most datastream types. Enter a JSON expression into the dimension filter to collect data on certain fields. Use the dimension filter to collect highly-specific data from your data source.
To configure data collection from a datastream, follow these steps:
Go to the Datastreams page.
Open the Google Campaign Manager 360 datastream by clicking on its name.
In the top navigation panel, click Settings.
In Dimension Filter, enter a valid JSON expression.
Click Save.
Examples of a JSON expression#
Typically, a JSON expression would take the following format.
"kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue",
"dimensionName": string,
"value": string,
"id": string,
"matchType": string
You can use multiple expressions within a single JSON expression.
For example, use a JSON expression to retrieve data from a Google Campaign Manager 360 datastream.
The values to retrieve are as follows:
Two specific values (8069163 and 8067471) for the dimension
.These two vales are associated with another specific value (Adverity), which belongs to the dimension
To retrieve this set of data, enter the following JSON expression into Dimension Filter.
"dimensionName": "activityId",
"kind": "dfareporting#dimensionFilter",
"value": "8069163"
"dimensionName": "activityId",
"kind": "dfareporting#dimensionFilter",
"value": "8067471"
"dimensionName": "site",
"kind": "dfareporting#dimensionFilter",
"id": "5147781",
"value": "Adverity"