Loading data into Tableau#

This guide explains how to load data into Tableau for further analysis.


Before you complete the procedure in this guide, perform all of the following actions:


To load data from a datastream into Tableau, you need to create a new Tableau destination in Adverity, and then enter the credentials generated in Adverity in Tableau.

This guide explains each of these processes in the sections below.

Creating a Tableau destination#

  1. Go to the Destinations page.

  2. Click + Create destination. This will automatically open a pop-up window on the right-hand side of your screen.

  3. In Name, enter a name for the destination.

  4. In the Date range drop-down menu, select the date range for which you want to include data in the data share:


    Select this option to load data for a fixed date range that does not depend on the current date into Tableau.

    After selecting this option, click the date picker on the right and select a date range. To add data for the current date only, in the date picker, select the current date as the start and end of the date range.

    Moving end

    Select this option to load data for a date range that starts on a specific date and always ends on the current date into Tableau.

    After selecting this option, click the date picker on the right and select the start data for the date range.

    Open end

    Select this option to load data for a date range that starts on a specific date and has no end date into Tableau.

    After selecting this option, click the date picker on the right and select the start data for the date range.

    Last x days/weeks/months/quarters/years

    Select this option to load data for a specific amount of time before the current date into Tableau.

    After selecting this option, in the field that appears next to the drop-down menu, enter the number of days/weeks/months/quarters/years before the current date for which to add data.

    All time

    Select this option to add all available data to the data share, from the first to the last date when data is available. This option may increase load times.

  5. In Dimensions, select the dimensions that you want to load into Tableau. You must select at least one dimension.

  6. In Metrics, select the metrics that you want to load into Tableau. You must select at least one metric.

  7. (Optional) In Filters, click + Add filter and define the data to load into Tableau:

    Select dimension

    Select a dimension from your data extract or a dimension created by Adverity based on which you want to filter data.


    Select a condition that the values of the filter must meet.

    Select value

    Enter the values for the filter.

    To create an additional condition for the filter, click + Add filter. The resulting filter is a combination of all conditions using AND logic.


    Applying dimension filters will reduce the amount of data included in the data share.

  8. (Optional) Click image1 Data preview to preview the data that will be loaded into Tableau.

    The preview displays up to 50 rows.

  9. Click Create.

  10. In the Destination credentials dialog that appears, copy the credentials for this new destination to finish setting up this destination in Tableau.

Entering the destination credentials in Tableau#

To finish creating your new Tableau destination, make sure you have copied the credentials shown in Adverity when you created the destination.

To find these credentials again, go to the Destinations page, click the name of the destination in the table, and then click image2 View credentials.

To enter these credentials in Tableau, follow these steps:

  1. Select the OData connection type.

  2. In Server, enter the URL generated in Adverity.

  3. In Authentication, select the Username and password authentication type.

  4. In Username and Password, enter the username and password generated in Adverity.


For more information, see the Tableau documentation.

Configuring a scheduled refresh in Tableau#

To keep your data up-to-date in Tableau without needing to manually refresh the data, schedule a refresh in Tableau.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Publish a workbook using the Tableau desktop version.

  2. Go to your Tableau online version.

  3. Find your workbook.

  4. Configure the refresh settings. For more information, see the Tableau documentation.