Adform DMP#
The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Adform DMP.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field UI name |
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
Adform Revenue |
adformRevenue |
This metric shows Adform revenue |
metric |
Adform Revenue In Advertiser Currency |
adformRevenueInAdvertiserCurrency |
This metric shows Adform revenue in advertiser currency. |
metric |
Adform Revenue In Campaign Currency |
adformRevenueInCampaignCurrency |
This metric shows Adform revenue in campaign currency. |
metric |
Adform Revenue In Euro |
adformRevenueInEuro |
This metric shows Adform revenue in euro |
metric |
adformRevenueInPartnerPlatformCurrency |
adformRevenueInPartnerPlatformCurrency |
This metric shows Adform revenue in partner platform currency. |
metric |
Advertiser |
advertiser |
This dimension displays advertiser name. |
dimension |
Advertiser Currency |
advertiserCurrency |
Shows currency information of advertiser for Revenue metric. Currency is defined in inventory source settings. |
dimension |
Advertiser ID |
advertiserId |
This dimension groups data by Adform advertiser id. |
dimension |
Agency |
agency |
This dimension displays the agency name |
dimension |
Agency ID |
agencyId |
This dimension groups data by Adform agency id. |
dimension |
Campaign |
campaign |
This dimension group data by Adform campaign. |
dimension |
Campaign Currency |
campaignCurrency |
Shows currency information of campaign for Revenue metric. Currency is defined in inventory source settings. |
dimension |
Campaign ID |
campaignId |
This dimension groups data by Adform campaign id. |
dimension |
Categories Group |
categoriesGroup |
This dimension shows categories group. |
dimension |
Category |
category |
This dimmension shows the category. |
dimension |
Category IDs |
categoryIds |
This dimension shows list of category ids |
dimension |
Category Names |
categoryNames |
This dimension shows list of category names. |
dimension |
Contract ID |
contractId |
This dimension groups data by Adform contract id. |
dimension |
Country |
country |
Geographical dimension, groups information by visitor’s country e.g. Denmark, UK, USA, etc. |
dimension |
Country ID |
countryId |
countryId |
dimension |
Cross Device Impressions |
crossDeviceImpressions |
This metric shows the number of cross-device registered impressions. |
metric |
Cross Device Revenue |
crossDeviceRevenue |
This metric shows the cross-device revenue. |
metric |
Cross Device Revenue In Advertiser Currency |
crossDeviceRevenueInAdvertiserCurrency |
This metric shows the cross-device revenue in adverticer currency. |
metric |
Cross Device Revenue In Campaign Currency |
crossDeviceRevenueInCampaignCurrency |
This metric shows the cross-device revenue in campaign currency. |
metric |
Cross Device Revenue In Euro |
crossDeviceRevenueInEuro |
This metric shows the cross-device revenue in euro. |
metric |
Cross Device Revenue In Partner Platform Currency |
crossDeviceRevenueInPartnerPlatformCurrency |
This metric shows the cross-device revenue in partner platform currency. |
metric |
Data Provider |
dataProvider |
This dimension shows data provider name. |
dimension |
Data Provider Currency |
dataProviderCurrency |
This dimension shows data provider currency. |
dimension |
Data Provider ID |
dataProviderId |
This dimension groups data by Adform data provider id. |
dimension |
Data Provider Revenue |
dataProviderRevenue |
This metric shows Data provider revenue |
metric |
Data Provider Revenue In Advertiser Currency |
dataProviderRevenueInAdvertiserCurrency |
This metric shows the data provider revenue in adverticer currency. |
metric |
Data Provider Revenue In Campaign Currency |
dataProviderRevenueInCampaignCurrency |
This metric shows the data provider revenue in campaign currency. |
metric |
Data Provider Revenue In Euro |
dataProviderRevenueInEuro |
This metric shows Data provider revenue in euro. |
metric |
Data Provider Revenue In Partner Platform Currency |
dataProviderRevenueInPartnerPlatformCurrency |
This metric shows the data provider revenue in partner platform currency. |
metric |
Data Provider Status |
dataProviderStatus |
This dimension shows data provider status e.g. Active. |
dimension |
Data Types |
dataTypes |
This dimension shows list of data types. |
dimension |
Date |
date |
Time dimension e.g. 01/01/2017 |
dimension |
idHitsBySources |
dimension |
idOptIns |
metric |
idOptOuts |
metric |
idTotalsBySources |
dimension |
Impressions |
impressions |
This metric shows the number of registered impressions for the selected dimension. An impression occurs when a user is exposed to an advertisement. |
metric |
Line Item |
lineItem |
Line item is a delivery strategy within campaign. |
dimension |
Line Item ID |
lineItemId |
Line item is a delivery strategy within campaign. |
dimension |
Lookalike Impressions |
lookalikeImpressions |
This metric shows the number of registered impressions for the lookalike audience. |
metric |
Lookalike Revenue |
lookalikeRevenue |
This metric shows the revenue of the lookalike audience. |
metric |
Lookalike Revenue In Advertiser Currency |
lookalikeRevenueInAdvertiserCurrency |
This metric shows the lookalike revenue in adverticer currency. |
metric |
Lookalike Revenue In Campaign Currency |
lookalikeRevenueInCampaignCurrency |
This metric shows the lookalike revenue in campaign currency. |
metric |
Lookalike Revenue In Euro |
lookalikeRevenueInEuro |
This metric shows the revenue in euro of the lookalike audience. |
metric |
Lookalike Revenue In Partner Platform Currency |
lookalikeRevenueInPartnerPlatformCurrency |
This metric shows the lookalike revenue in partner platform currency. |
metric |
Order |
order |
This dimension groups data by order. |
dimension |
Order ID |
orderId |
This dimension groups data by order id. |
dimension |
Partner Platform Currency |
partnerPlatformCurrency |
Shows currency information of partner platform for Revenue metric. Currency is defined in inventory source settings. |
dimension |
Placement ID |
placementId |
This dimension groups data by placement id. |
dimension |
Revenue |
revenue |
This metric shows sum of winning prices that are taken from delivering direct campaign ad or ad from SSP. Revenue for SSP might be gross or net, depending on agreement. |
metric |
Revenue In Advertiser Currency |
revenueInAdvertiserCurrency |
This metric shows the revenue in adverticer currency. |
metric |
Revenue In Campaign Currency |
revenueInCampaignCurrency |
This metric shows the revenue in campaign currency. |
metric |
Revenue In Euro |
revenueInEuro |
This metric shows sum of winning prices that are taken from delivering direct campaign ad or ad from SSP. Revenue for SSP might be gross or net, depending on agreement. |
metric |
Revenue In Partner Platform Currency |
revenueInPartnerPlatformCurrency |
This metric shows the revenue in partner platform currency. |
metric |
Segment |
segment |
This dimention shows the segment. |
dimension |
Segment IDs |
segmentIds |
This dimention shows list of segment ids. |
dimension |
Segment Names |
segmentNames |
This dimentions shows list of segment names. |
dimension |
Segment Ref IDs |
segmentRefIds |
This dimention shows the list of segment ref ids. |
dimension |
Segments Group |
segmentsGroup |
dimension |
Segments Group ID |
segmentsGroupId |
This dimension groups data by segments group id. |
dimension |
Source |
source |
This dimension groups data by source. |
dimension |
Source ID |
sourceId |
This dimension groups data by source id. |
dimension |
Total |
total |
metric |
Total Hits |
totalHits |
metric |
Unified Taxonomies |
unifiedTaxonomies |
This dimension shows the list of unified taxonomies. |
dimension |
Unified Taxonomy |
unifiedTaxonomy |
This dimension shows the unified taxonomy. |
dimension |
Unified Taxonomy ID |
unifiedTaxonomyId |
This dimension groups data by the unified taxonomy id. |
dimension |
Unified Taxonomy IDs |
unifiedTaxonomyIds |
This dimension shows the list of unified taxonomy ids. |
dimension |
Unique |
unique |
metric |
Unique Hits |
uniqueHits |
metric |
uniqueIdHitsBySources |
dimension |
uniqueIdIncrementsBySources |
dimension |
uniqueIdTotalsBySources |
dimension |
uniqueIdUpdatesBySources |
dimension |
Update Hits |
updateHits |
metric |