The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Adjust.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
Average Daily Active Users (ADAU) |
The average number of DAU in the selected period. Calculation: average DAU = (DAU of day1 + DAU of day2 + … + DAU of dayN)/the number of days |
metric |
Average Monthly Active Users (AMAU) |
The average number of MAU in the selected period. Calculation: average MAU = (MAU of day1 + MAU of day2 + … + MAU of dayN)/the number of days |
metric |
Average Weekly Active Users (AWAU) |
The average number of WAU in the selected period. Calculation: average WAU = (WAU of day1 + WAU of day2 + … + WAU of dayN)/the number of days |
metric |
CTR (Click Through Rate) |
The ratio of clicks to impressions. Calculation: CTR = Clicks / Impressions |
metric |
Click Conversion Rate |
The percentage of users that, having clicked the ad, go on to install an app.Calculation: CCR = Installs / Clicks |
metric |
Click Cost |
The sum of click costs. |
metric |
Clicks |
The total number of clicks in a given period. When we speak of clicks, we refer exclusively to clicks on a tracker link. |
metric |
Cohort Gross Profit |
The gross profit of your cohort. Calculation: CGP = cohort_revenue - cost |
metric |
Cohort Size |
The number of users who install your app during the specified period-after-install. |
metric |
Conversion Per User |
The amount of conversion events triggered. Calculation: CPU = Converted Users / Cohort Size |
metric |
Conversions Per Active User |
The average number of conversion events triggered by retained users. Calculation: CPAU = Converted Users / Retained Users |
metric |
Converted User Size |
In a given period-period-after-install, the number of users who converted that many periods ago. |
metric |
Converted Users |
The number of unique users who triggered a given event in the specified period-after-install. One user might contribute to multiple days-after-install. |
metric |
Cost |
The sum of all engagement costs. Calculation: Cost = click_cost + impression_cost + install_cost |
metric |
DAU (Daily Active Users) |
The number of unique users that have opened the app during a given day. |
metric |
Deattributions |
The number of users who have been deattributed (i.e., reattributed away from their install tracker) during the specified period-after-install. |
metric |
Effective Cost Per Click |
The effective cost per click. Calculation: ECPC = cost / paid_clicks |
metric |
Effective Cost Per Install |
The effective cost per install. Calculation: ECPI = cost / paid_installs |
metric |
Effective Cost Per Mille |
The effective cost per mille (thousand impressions). Calculation: ECPM = cost / paid_impressions * 1000 |
metric |
Events |
The total number of events triggered. |
metric |
Events Per Active User |
The average number of events retained users trigger. Calculation: EPAU = Events / Retained Users |
metric |
Events Per Converted User |
The average number of events converted users trigger in a given period. Calculation: EPCU = Events / Converted Users |
metric |
Events Per Day |
The total number of events triggered in a given day. |
metric |
Events Per User |
The average number of events triggered by a cohort member. Calculation: EPU = Events / Cohort Size |
metric |
First Events |
The number of events triggered for the first time by a user. The relationship between First Events and Events is similar to the one between Installs and Sessions. |
metric |
GDPR Forgets |
The total number of users who have exercised their right to be forgotten. Adjust permanently deletes the historical personal data for all of these users but retains their aggregated data for Dashboard reporting. Their device data will no longer be received by Adjust or appear anywhere in the Adjust Dashboard in the future. |
metric |
Impression Conversion Rate |
The percentage of users that, having registered an ad impression, go on to install the app within 24 hours. Calculation: ICR = Installs / Impressions |
metric |
Impression Cost |
The sum of impression costs. |
metric |
Impressions |
The number of registered impressions in a given period. These are typically defined as the number of users who have been shown the ad, or viewed a video ad through to the end. The exact definition can vary depending on which network you are working with and how they implement the campaigns. |
metric |
Install Cost |
The sum of install costs. |
metric |
Installs |
The total number of installs in a given period. We define an install as when a user installs and then opens the app for the first time. The user must open the app for the install to be counted. |
metric |
LTV (Lifetime Value) |
The average revenue a cohort member generates for the duration of their usage. Calculation: LTV = Revenue Total in Cohort / Cohort Size |
metric |
MAU (Monthly Active Users) |
For a given day, the number of unique users that have opened the app within the preceding 30 days (including the given day). |
metric |
Paid Clicks |
The total number of clicks for which there is cost data. |
metric |
Paid Impressions |
The total number of impressions for which there is cost data. |
metric |
Paid Installs |
The total number of installs for which there is cost data. |
metric |
Paying User LTV (Lifetime Value) |
The average revenue a paying cohort member generated for the duration of their usage. Calculation: PULTV = Revenue Total in Cohort / Paying User Size |
metric |
Paying User Rate |
The percentage of cohort members who are paying users. Calculation: PUR = Paying Users / Cohort Size |
metric |
Paying User Size |
The number of paying users who installed the app at least N periods ago for the N-th period-after-install, with N representing the number of days. |
metric |
Paying Users |
The total number of paying users in a cohort. |
metric |
Paying Users Retention Rate |
The number of unique paying users who return to your app in the days following install. Calculation: PURR = Paying Users / Retained Users |
metric |
Reattribution reinstalls |
The total number of reinstalls that also led to a reattribution in a given period. |
metric |
Reattributions |
Reattribution is the movement of a user onto a new segment following their return to your app after a period of absence, generally as the result of a retargeting or re-engagement campaign. |
metric |
Reinstalls |
The total number of reinstalls in a given period. |
metric |
Reinstalls Per Day |
The total number of reinstalls per day |
metric |
Reinstalls Total |
The total number of reinstalls for a cohort s current and all previous periods |
metric |
Retained Users |
The total number of unique cohort members who returned to your app following their install day. |
metric |
Retention Rate |
The percentage of unique cohort members that returned to the app in the days following install. Calculation: RR = Total Retained Users DWM / Cohort Size |
metric |
Return On Investment |
The return on investment. Calculation: ROI = cohort_gross_profit / cost |
metric |
Revenue |
The amount of revenue a cohort generates per period. |
metric |
Revenue Events |
The number of revenue events triggered in a period. |
metric |
Revenue Events Per Active User |
The average number or revenue events triggered by retained users. Calculation: REPAU = Revenue Events / Retained Users |
metric |
Revenue Events Per Paying User |
The average number of revenue events triggered by paying users. Calculation: REPPU = Revenue Events / Paying Users |
metric |
Revenue Events Per User |
The average number of revenue events generated per cohort member. Calculation: REPU = Revenue Events / Cohort Size |
metric |
Revenue Events Total in Cohort |
Total number of revenue events triggered by all users in the cohort leading up to and including the latest time period (D/W/M); this is cumulative, so it will only remain the same or increase over time. |
metric |
Revenue Per Day |
The amount of revenue a cohort generates per day. |
metric |
Revenue Per Event |
The average amount of revenue generated for each in-app event, including non-revenue events. |
metric |
Revenue Per Event |
The average amount of revenue generated per each event. Calculation: RPE = Revenue / Events |
metric |
Revenue Per Paying User |
The average amount of revenue a paying user generates. Calculation: RPPU = Revenue / Paying User Size |
metric |
Revenue Per Revenue Event |
The average amount of revenue generated per each Revenue Event. This differs from the Revenue Per Event metric in that it averages only events that trigger revenue and not all Events. Calculation: RPRE = Revenue / Revenue Events |
metric |
Revenue Per User |
The average amount of revenue generated by each cohort member. Calculation: RPU = Revenue / Cohort Size |
metric |
Revenue Total |
The accumulated revenue for a cohort s current and all previous periods |
metric |
Revenue Total In Cohort |
The total revenue accumulated in a certain period from users who installed at least that many periods ago. |
metric |
Revenue to Cost ratio |
The revenue generated by users who installed within your selected timeframe as a percentage of your ad spend Calculation: RCR = cohort_revenue / cost |
metric |
Revenue-to-cost Ratio |
The revenue-to-cost ratio. Calculation: cohort_revenue/cost |
metric |
Sessions |
A session is every time that a user opens the application. There must be a 30 minute break between use, otherwise it is counted as the same session. For example, if a user opens an app every five minutes over a hour long period, this is counted as one session as there was not a sufficient break between any of the uses. |
metric |
Sessions Per Day |
Total number of sessions recorded for all users within specified cohort period. Calculation: SPU = Total Sessions Per DWM / Total Retained Users DWM |
metric |
Sessions Per User |
The average amount of sessions per unique user in the given period. Calculation: SPU = Sessions / Retained Users |
metric |
Time Spent |
The total sum of time users spent in-app during the cohort period. Time spent is measured in seconds. |
metric |
Time Spent Per Session |
Average amount of time spent by users on install day and days following, per session, within specified cohort period. Calculation: TSPS = Total Time Spent / Sessions Note: For day 0, week 0, or month 0 cohort calculations, ensure you subtract any install sessions |
metric |
Time Spent Per User |
Average amount of time spent within specified cohort period. Note that this metric uses the full cohort size as dividend. Calculation: TSPU = Total Time Spent / Cohort Size |
metric |
Uninstall (cohort) |
The total number of uninstalls from users who installed within your selected timeframe. |
metric |
Uninstalls |
The total number uninstalls in a given period. |
metric |
Uninstalls Per Day |
The total number of uninstalls per day |
metric |
Uninstalls Total |
The total number of uninstalls for a cohort s current and all previous periods |
metric |
WAU (Weekly Active Users) |
For a given day, the number of unique users that have opened the app within the preceding seven days (including the given day). |
metric |
app_token |
App Token. |
dimension |
cohort revenue |
Total revenue from users who were (re)attributed within your selected timeframe |
metric |
limit ad tracking install rate |
Proportion of installs from devices with Limit Ad Tracking enabled: limit_ad_tracking_installs / installs |
metric |
limit ad tracking installs |
Number of installs from devices with Limit Ad Tracking enabled |
metric |
limit ad tracking reattribution rate |
Proportion of reattributions from devices with Limit Ad Tracking enabled: limit_ad_tracking_reattributions / reattributions |
metric |
limit ad tracking reattributions |
Number of reattributions from devices with Limit Ad Tracking enabled |
metric |
return on investment |
The ROI metric derived by cohort_gross_profit / cost |
metric |
revenue per event |
Total revenue divided by number of events. |
metric |