Adobe Analytics#
The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Adobe Analytics.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
Activity (activity) |
Activity |
dimension |
Audio Support (mobileaudiosupport) |
Audio formats supported by mobile device. |
dimension |
Average Page Depth |
Displays on average how far within a visit each value was fired. This metric is valuable in determining how far within a visit your audience reaches a given page or prop value. Average Page Depth is available on any variable with pathing enabled. |
dimension |
Average Time Spent on Page |
Represents the average time spent on a page within a visit. |
metric |
Average Time Spent on Site |
Represents the average time spent on a site within a visit. |
metric |
Bookmark URL Length (mobilemaxbookmarkurllength) |
The maximum bookmark URL length supported by the mobile device, in characters. |
dimension |
Bounce rate |
Shows the percentage of visits that contain a single hit. Bounce rate uses the Bounces metric and is calculated as: Bounces divided by Entries. |
metric |
Bounces |
A visit that consists of a single server call. For example, a single page visit is a bounce if a visitor does not interact with the page in a way that sends data to Adobe, such as clicking a link or a video start. If more than a single hit is received in a visit, a Bounce is not counted. |
metric |
Browser (browser) |
Web browser (for example, Internet Explorer 7.0, Firefox 2.0.8). |
dimension |
Browser Height (browserheight) |
Browser frame height (in pixels). |
dimension |
Browser Type (browsertype) |
Web browser vendor (for example, Microsoft, Mozilla, Apple). |
dimension |
Browser URL Length (mobilemaxbrowserurllength) |
The maximum Web browser URL length supported by the mobile device, in characters. |
dimension |
Browser Width (browserwidth) |
Browser frame width (in pixels). |
dimension |
Cart Additions |
The number of times an item was added to a shopping cart. This value comes from the scAdd event. |
metric |
Cart Removals |
The number of times an item was removed from a shopping cart. This value comes from the scRemove event. |
metric |
Cart Views |
The number of times the contents of the shopping cart are viewed by the customer. |
metric |
Carts |
The number of times a new shopping cart was opened or initialized. |
metric |
Category (category) |
Groups of products, organized into a category. |
dimension |
Checkouts |
An event that occurs when customers arrive at the checkout stage of a purchase. The checkout stage usually occurs just before a purchase is finalized, and usually involves the customer entering personal information (such as their shipping and billing information). You have control over the events on your site that qualify as checkouts. This value comes from the scCheckout event. |
metric |
Color Depth (mobilecolordepth) |
Number of simultaneous display colors supported by mobile device. |
dimension |
Connection Type (connectiontype) |
Internet connection type used to access site. |
dimension |
Cookie Support (mobilecookiesupport) |
Mobile device with cookies enabled. |
dimension |
Cookies Enabled (cookiesenabled) |
Web browser that has cookies enabled. |
dimension |
Custom Link (linkcustom) |
Link usage (user-preferred links). |
dimension |
Customer (New, Return, Loyal) |
Categories of the Customer Loyalty report: |
metric |
Customer Loyalty (customerloyalty) |
The Customer Loyalty classification. |
dimension |
DRM (mobiledrm) |
The type of Digital Rights Management (DRM) supported by the mobile device (Forward Lock, Combined Delivery, Separate Delivery). |
dimension |
Daily Return Visits |
Displays the number of visitors to your website more than once on a given day. A day is defined as the last 24-hour period. |
metric |
Decoration Mail Support (mobilemaildecoration) |
A boolean value that indicates if the mobile device supports Email decorations (animation). |
dimension |
Device Number Transmit (ON/OFF) (mobiledevicenumbe… |
Indicates if Device Number Transmit is On or Off on the mobile device. |
dimension |
Device Type (mobiledevicetype) |
Mobile device type. |
dimension |
Devices (mobiledevicename) |
Mobile device name. |
dimension |
Domain (domain) |
ISPs and organizations used to access site. |
dimension |
Entries |
Entries represents the number of times a given value is captured as the first value in a visit. Entries can occur only once per visit. However, it is not necessarily the first hit if the variable is not defined. |
metric |
Entry Page (entrypage) |
Page used to enter the site. |
dimension |
Exit Link (linkexit) |
Third-party links where client exits your site. |
dimension |
Exits |
The number of times a given value is captured as the last value in a visit. Exits can occur only once per visit. |
metric |
Experience (experience) |
Experience |
dimension |
File Download (linkdownload) |
Links to downloaded content. |
dimension |
First Touch Marketing Channel (firsttouchchannel b… |
First touch marketing channel. |
dimension |
First Touch Marketing Channel (firsttouchchannel) |
First touch marketing channel. |
dimension |
First Touch Marketing Channel Detail (firsttouchch… |
Detailed version of the First touch marketing channel. |
dimension |
GeoSegmentation City (geocity) |
City. |
dimension |
GeoSegmentation Country (geocountry) |
Country. |
dimension |
GeoSegmentation Region (georegion) |
Geographical region. |
dimension |
GeoSegmentation State (geostate) |
State |
dimension |
GeoSegmentation U.S. DMA (geodma) |
Designated Market Area. |
dimension |
Image Support (mobileimagesupport) |
Mobile device with image support enabled. |
dimension |
Information Services (mobileinformationservices) |
The information services supported by the mobile device. |
dimension |
Instances |
The number of times that a value was set for a variable. Instances are counted for all hit types, but are not counted when a value is recorded for a variable on a subsequent hit due to persistence. |
metric |
Java Enabled (javaenabled) |
Web browser that has Java enabled. |
dimension |
Java Version (mobilejavavm) |
The Java version running on the mobile device. |
dimension |
JavaScript Enabled (javascriptenabled) |
Web browser that has JavaScript enabled. |
dimension |
JavaScript Version (javascriptversion) |
Version of JavaScript used on the Web browser. |
dimension |
Language (language) |
Web browser language. |
dimension |
Last Touch Marketing Channel (lasttouchchannel by … |
Last touch marketing channel. |
dimension |
Last Touch Marketing Channel (lasttouchchannel) |
Last touch marketing channel. |
dimension |
Last Touch Marketing Channel Detail (lasttouchchan… |
Detailed version of the Last touch marketing channel. |
dimension |
Mail URL Length (mobilemaxmailurllength) |
The maximum Email URL length supported by the mobile device, in characters. |
dimension |
Manufacturers (mobilemanufacturer) |
The mobile device manufacturer. |
dimension |
Mobile Carrier (mobilecarrier) |
Mobile service provider. Not supported by inline segments. |
dimension |
Mobile Device ID (mobiledeviceid) |
The mobile device ID |
dimension |
Mobile Views |
The number of times a page is viewed or a dimension is set when accessed via a mobile device. Ad hoc analysis only. Instead of using the mobile views metric, we recommend applying the “Visits from Mobile Devices” segment. |
metric |
Monitor Color Depth (monitorcolordepth) |
Number of simultaneous display colors supported by mobile device. |
dimension |
Monitor Resolution (monitorresolution) |
Client’s monitor resolution. |
dimension |
Natural Search Engine (searchenginenatural) |
Search engine used to locate the site. |
dimension |
Natural Search Keyword (searchenginenaturalkeyword… |
The natural (not paid) search engine keyword used to find the site. |
dimension |
Natural Search Page Rank (searchenginenaturalpager… |
Search engine results rank. |
dimension |
Net Protocols (mobilenetprotocols) |
The network protocols supported by the mobile device (GPRS, Edge, etc.) |
dimension |
New Engagements |
New Engagements is a Marketing Channel reporting metric that counts new visitors that come as a result of a channel. This metric also counts visitors who have not been to your site in the last 30 days. A New Engagement is an eVar set at the beginning of each visit (original allocation). First-touch channels can also be New Engagements, depending on visitor engagement expiration setting. |
metric |
Occurrences |
The number of times a specific value is captured, plus the number of page views for which the given value persisted. In other words, Occurrences are the sum of page views and page events. Occurrences are available only in ad hoc analysis. |
metric |
Operating System (deprecated) (mobileos) |
The operating system running on the mobile device. |
dimension |
Operating System (operatingsystem) |
Client operating system. |
dimension |
Operating System Type (operatingsystemtype) |
Client operating system type. |
dimension |
Orders |
The number of orders made on your website during the selected time period. You can break down individual time periods by other metrics to show the items (such as products or campaigns) that contributed to the most orders during that time frame. |
metric |
Original Entry Page (entrypageoriginal) |
Page used to enter the site. |
dimension |
Original Referring Domain (referringdomainoriginal… |
Domains that referred client to the site on their first visit. |
dimension |
PTT (mobilepushtotalk) |
Boolean value that indicates if the mobile device supports Push to Talk (PTT). |
dimension |
Page (page) |
Page names. |
dimension |
Page Depth |
The average number of clicks it takes users to get to a certain page in the website. |
metric |
Page Depth (pagedepth) |
The visitor’s maximum page depth (number of clicks into the Web site), calculated from the landing page. Not supported by inline segments. |
dimension |
Page Events |
Page events consist of image request data from non-standard image requests. Sources of non-standard image requests are download links, exit links, and custom link tracking. |
metric |
Page Views |
A Page View is counted for each server call that is sent. This metric represents total instances of Page View. TrackLink calls are not counted as page views and do not increment the Page Views metric. |
metric |
Pages Not Found (pagesnotfound) |
The number of times a visitor encountered a missing page (HTTP 404 error). |
dimension |
Paid Search Engine (searchenginepaid) |
Search engine with paid result placement. |
dimension |
Paid Search Keyword (searchenginepaidkeyword) |
The paid search engine keyword used to find the site. |
dimension |
Path Length (pathlength) |
Number of pages viewed during the visit. |
dimension |
Path Views |
The Path Views metric is based on pathing data, which is tracked for all users who accept persistent cookies. |
metric |
Product (product by ProductCode) |
Individual products code. |
dimension |
Product (product) |
Individual products. |
dimension |
Product Views |
Instance of the Product View being set. Occurs when the product detail page is viewed. This value comes from the prodView event. |
metric |
Referrer (referrer) |
Domain or URL that client came from. |
dimension |
Referrer Type (referrertype) |
Type of referrer. Options include Hard drive, Other Web site, Search engine, Social, andTyped/Bookmarked. |
dimension |
Referring Domain (referringdomain) |
Domains that referred client to the site. |
dimension |
Reloads |
Counted when the same page name is loaded twice in a row. This typically indicates that the page was refreshed. Note that visiting the same page twice in the same visit does not count as a reload unless both visits occurred in-a-row. |
metric |
Report Suite (reportsuite) |
Used to generate report suite summary reports. |
dimension |
Report Suite ID |
Report Suite ID. |
dimension |
Report Suite Totals (accountsummary) |
Corresponds to the Account Summary report in Analytics. |
dimension |
Return Frequency (returnfrequency) |
Number of clients that return, and how soon they return. |
dimension |
Return Visits |
Shows the number of visits where visit number is greater than 1. Return Visits includes non-cookied visitors. |
metric |
Revenue |
Revenue is captured on the purchase event, and is defined as the total dollar amount for the sum of the order for each product. This value comes from the purchase event. |
metric |
Screen Height (mobilescreenheight) |
Mobile device screen height (in pixels). |
dimension |
Screen Sizes (mobilescreensize) |
Mobile device screen size (in inches). |
dimension |
Screen Width (mobilescreenwidth) |
Mobile device screen width (in pixels). |
dimension |
Search Engine (searchengine) |
Search engine used to locate site. |
dimension |
Search Keyword (searchenginekeyword) |
Search engine keyword used to locate the site. |
dimension |
Searches |
Searches is not a default metric - it is always a custom metric. |
metric |
Server (server) |
Pages hosted by the same server. |
dimension |
Single Access |
Single Access is defined by the number of visits to your site that contained a single unique Page Name value. If a user comes to your site and clicks a tracked link, triggers an event (such as a video view), or reloads the page, the visit is still considered a Single Access visit. As long as value for the pageName variable does not change, any number of requests can be sent and the visit is still considered a Single Access. |
metric |
Site Section (sitesection) |
Groups of Web pages, organized into a site. |
dimension |
State (state) |
U.S. state. |
dimension |
Survey (surveybase) |
The unclassified Survey element. Use this element with classifications retrieved via ReportSuite.GetClassifications where c_view = survey. |
dimension |
Test&Target (tntbase by 3rd Id) |
The unclassified Test & Target element by 3rd Id |
dimension |
Test&Target (tntbase by Active Dates) |
The unclassified Test & Target element by Active Dates |
dimension |
Test&Target (tntbase by Analytics Reporting) |
The unclassified Test & Target element by Analytics Reporting |
dimension |
Test&Target (tntbase by Campaign > Recipe) |
The unclassified Test & Target element by Campaign > Recipe |
dimension |
Test&Target (tntbase by Campaign Id) |
The unclassified Test & Target element by Campaign Id |
dimension |
Test&Target (tntbase by Campaign) |
The unclassified Test & Target element by Campaign |
dimension |
Test&Target (tntbase by Control Experience) |
The unclassified Test & Target element by Control Experience |
dimension |
Test&Target (tntbase by Recipe Id) |
The unclassified Test & Target element by Recipe Id |
dimension |
Test&Target (tntbase by Recipe) |
The unclassified Test & Target element by by Recipe |
dimension |
Test&Target (tntbase) |
The unclassified Test & Target element. Use this element with classifications retrieved via ReportSuite.GetClassifications where c_view = tnt. |
dimension |
Time Prior to Event (timeprior) |
Client time zone. |
dimension |
Time Spent |
Metrics that report on the amount of time visitors spend on a page, site, or per visit. |
metric |
Time Spent Per Visit (timevisit) |
Duration of client visit. |
dimension |
Time Zone (timezone) |
Client time zone. |
dimension |
Top Level Domain (topleveldomain) |
Originating domain extension (.com, .net, .gov, .edu, .org, and country extensions). |
dimension |
Total |
Total metrics report the value of all report line items for a reported period. If a filter is currently selected, the total might represent the filtered total instead of the report suite total. If no filter is selected total represents the report suite total. |
metric |
Tracking Code (trackingcode by Campaigns) |
Tracking code by Campaigns |
dimension |
Tracking Code (trackingcode by Creative Elements) |
Tracking code by Creative Elements |
dimension |
Tracking Code (trackingcode) |
Tracking code |
dimension |
Unique Customer |
(Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly) |
metric |
Units |
The total units that were ordered for the selected time period. Because you have many units purchased per order, Units is a vital metric that reveals general inventory movement. |
metric |
Video Concurrent Viewers (videoconcurrentviewers) |
Video Concurrent View |
dimension |
Video Support (mobilevideosupport) |
Mobile device with video support enabled. |
dimension |
Videos (videos) |
Videos viewed. (v14) |
dimension |
Visit Number (visitnumber) |
Number of visits to site. Not supported by inline segments. |
dimension |
Visitors |
The number of unique visitors to your site for a selected hour, day, week, month, quarter, or year. |
metric |
Visits |
A sequence of page views in a sitting. The visits metric is commonly used in reports that display the number of user sessions within the selected time period. |
metric |
ZIP/Postal Code (zip) |
Client zip code. |
dimension |