The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Celtra.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
1st quartile AdWords video completes |
The number of times 25% of the video was consumed. |
metric |
1st quartile AdWords video views rate |
The ratio of 1st quartile AdWords video completes to AdWords impressions. |
metric |
1st quartile video completes |
The number of Video starts in which the video played for at least 25% of the duration. |
metric |
2nd quartile AdWords video completes |
The number of times 50% of the video was consumed. |
metric |
2nd quartile AdWords video views rate |
The ratio of 2nd quartile AdWords video completes to AdWords impressions. |
metric |
2nd quartile video completes |
The number of Video starts in which the video played for at least 50% of the duration. |
metric |
360 video average panning speed |
The average panning (angular) speed in longitude-latitude space (in degrees per second). |
metric |
360 video degrees panned |
The sum of distances between consecutive view directions in longitude-latitude space. |
metric |
360 video quadrant 1 views |
The number of times user saw quadrant 1 [-45° to 45°). |
metric |
360 video quadrant 2 views |
The number of times user saw quadrant 2 [45° to 135°). |
metric |
360 video quadrant 3 views |
The number of times user saw quadrant 3 [135° to 225°). |
metric |
360 video quadrant 4 views |
The number of times user saw quadrant 4 [225° to 315°). |
metric |
360 video swipe interaction rate |
The ratio of 360 video swipes to Inline video starts. |
metric |
360 video swipes |
The number of times users change view direction for more than 30° by swiping. |
metric |
360 video tilt interaction rate |
The ratio of 360 video tilts to Inline video starts. |
metric |
360 video tilts |
The number of times users change view direction for more than 30° by tilting the device. |
metric |
3rd quartile AdWords video completes |
The number of times 75% of the video was consumed. |
metric |
3rd quartile AdWords video views rate |
The ratio of 3rd quartile AdWords video completes to AdWords impressions. |
metric |
3rd quartile video completes |
The number of Video starts in which the video played for at least 75% of the duration. |
metric |
A/B test |
Name of the A/B test- as defined in the creative. |
dimension |
A/B test exposures |
The number of times a particular A/B test variant was chosen and displayed to users. |
metric |
A/B test optimized |
Whether the A/B test had optimization enabled or not in the creative. |
dimension |
A/B test successes |
The number of times a particular A/B test variant was successful. |
metric |
A/B test variant |
Variant of the A/B test. |
dimension |
A/B test variant choices |
The number of times a particular A/B test variant was chosen. |
metric |
Account ID |
The ID of the account. |
dimension |
Account identifier |
The subdomain of the account. |
dimension |
Account name |
The name of the account. |
dimension |
Ad engagement rate |
The ratio of Ad engagements to Rendered impressions. |
metric |
Ad engagements |
The number of impressions where the user interacted with the creative. |
metric |
Ad expansion rate |
The ratio of Ad expansions to Rendered impressions. |
metric |
Ad expansions |
The number of impressions in which the ad expanded. |
metric |
AdWords account |
The name of the AdWords account. |
dimension |
AdWords account currency code |
The currency of the AdWords Customer account. |
dimension |
AdWords account timezone |
The name of the timezone selected for the AdWords account. |
dimension |
AdWords ad group |
The name of the AdWords ad group. |
dimension |
AdWords ad group ID |
The AdWords ad group ID. |
dimension |
AdWords ad group status |
The status of the AdWords ad group. |
dimension |
AdWords campaign |
The name of the AdWords campaign. |
dimension |
AdWords campaign ID |
The AdWords campaign ID. |
dimension |
AdWords campaign status |
The status of the AdWords campaign. |
dimension |
AdWords clicks |
The number of times a user has clicked on an ad. |
metric |
AdWords cost |
The sum of AdWords cost-per-click and cost-per-thousand impressions costs. |
metric |
AdWords creative ID |
The AdWords ad ID. |
dimension |
AdWords creative status |
The status of the AdWords ad. |
dimension |
AdWords customer ID |
The ID of the AdWords customer. |
dimension |
AdWords customer name |
The name of the AdWords customer. |
dimension |
AdWords device type |
The device type where the AdWords impression was rendered. |
dimension |
AdWords engagements |
The number of engagements. |
metric |
AdWords first level network type |
The AdWords first level network type. |
dimension |
AdWords impressions |
The number of AdWords impressions. |
metric |
AdWords second level network type |
The AdWords second level network type (includes search partners). |
dimension |
AdWords video ID |
The AdWords video ID. |
dimension |
AdWords video channel ID |
The AdWords video channel ID. |
dimension |
AdWords video completes |
The number of times 100% of the video was consumed. |
metric |
AdWords video completion rate |
The ratio of AdWords video completes to AdWords impressions. |
metric |
AdWords video duration |
The duration of the video in milliseconds. |
dimension |
AdWords video title |
The title of the AdWords video. |
dimension |
AdWords video views |
The number of times AdWords video ads were viewed. |
metric |
Adobe cookie ID |
The ID of the Adobe cookie. |
dimension |
App store opens |
The number of times the user was led to the app store. |
metric |
Automatic inline video plays |
The number of Inline video plays in which the video was configured to start automatically. |
metric |
Average 360 video quadrant views |
The average number of quadrants seen. |
metric |
Avg. audible inline video time |
The ratio of Inline video audible time to Inline video starts. The average time a video has played through with audible sound. |
metric |
Avg. exposure time |
The ratio of Exposure time to Impressions with exposure time. |
metric |
Avg. inline video mute time |
The ratio of Inline video mute time to Inline video starts. The average time an inline video has played through with muted audio. |
metric |
Avg. inline video play time |
The ratio of Inline video play time to Inline video starts`- i.e. the average time (in seconds) an inline video has played through. |
metric |
Avg. time spent on page |
The ratio of Time spent to Page views. The average time users have spent viewing the page(s). |
metric |
Avg. time spent on primary unit |
The average time users have spent viewing the primary unit. |
metric |
Avg. time spent on unit |
The ratio of Time spent to Unit views. The average time users have spent viewing the unit(s). |
metric |
Avg. video play time |
The ratio of Video play time to Video starts. The average amount of time (in seconds) a video has played through. |
metric |
Banner unit engagements |
The number of banner unit views in which the user interacted with the unit. Counted only for formats supporting banner unit and not supporting modal unit. |
metric |
Banner unit views |
The number of times banner unit has been displayed to the user. Counted only for formats that support banner unit and do not support modal unit. |
metric |
Baseline study group choice |
Indicates that study group choice is the baseline (the one that is shown to the control group for Creative Lift Study). |
dimension |
Brand ID |
The ID of the brand/advertiser. |
dimension |
Brand name |
The name of the brand/advertiser. |
dimension |
Campaign ID |
The ID of the campaign. |
dimension |
Campaign countries |
Countries running campaign. |
dimension |
Campaign creation date (UTC) |
UTC date when campaign was created. |
dimension |
Campaign name |
The name of the campaign. |
dimension |
Celtra cookie ID |
The ID of the Celtra cookie. |
dimension |
Clicks |
The number of impressions where a click occured. |
metric |
Clicks reported to external ad server |
The number of impressions where a click was reported to external ad server. |
metric |
Consumable inline video seconds |
The product of Inline video starts and Video length. |
metric |
Country |
The country name associated to countryCode. |
dimension |
Country code |
ISO 3166-1 two-letter ISO country code. |
dimension |
Creative ID |
The ID of the creative. |
dimension |
Creative creation date (UTC) |
UTC date when creative was created. |
dimension |
Creative load attempts |
The number of ad requests received by Celtra with potential to be loaded. |
metric |
Creative name |
The name of the creative. |
dimension |
Creative name |
The name of the creative. |
dimension |
Creative version |
The version of the creative that was loaded. |
dimension |
Custom event occurrences |
The number of custom event occurrences. |
metric |
Custom event occurrences unique by impression |
The number of custom event occurrences unique by Impression and Reporting label. |
metric |
DBM 1st quartile video views |
The number of times a video has been played to 25% of its entire length. |
metric |
DBM 2nd quartile video views |
The number of times a video has been played to 50% of its entire length. |
metric |
DBM 3rd quartile video views |
The number of times a video has been played to 75% of its entire length. |
metric |
DBM ad |
The name of the Trueview ad. |
dimension |
DBM ad ID |
The ID of the Trueview ad. |
dimension |
DBM ad group |
The name of the ad group. |
dimension |
DBM ad group ID |
The ID of the ad group. |
dimension |
DBM advertiser |
The name of the DBM advertiser. |
dimension |
DBM advertiser ID |
The DBM advertiser ID. |
dimension |
DBM advertiser integration code |
The integration code of the DBM advertiser. |
dimension |
DBM advertiser status |
The status of the DBM advertiser. |
dimension |
DBM clicks |
The number of times a user has clicked on an ad. |
metric |
DBM completed video views |
The number of times a video has been played to its end. |
metric |
DBM earned views |
The views of another video uploaded to your channel within 7 days- after watching your video ad. |
metric |
DBM engagement rate |
The ratio of DBM engagements to DBM impressions. |
metric |
DBM engagements |
The number of ad engagements. |
metric |
DBM impressions |
The number of loaded DBM impressions. |
metric |
DBM insertion order |
The name of the DBM insertion order. |
dimension |
DBM insertion order ID |
The DBM insertion order ID. |
dimension |
DBM insertion order integration code |
The integration code of the DBM insertion order. |
dimension |
DBM insertion order status |
The status of the DBM insertion order. |
dimension |
DBM lineitem |
The name of the DBM lineitem. |
dimension |
DBM lineitem ID |
The DBM lineitem ID. |
dimension |
DBM lineitem integration code |
The integration code of the DBM lineitem. |
dimension |
DBM lineitem status |
The status of the DBM lineitem. |
dimension |
DBM partner |
The name of the DBM partner. |
dimension |
DBM partner ID |
The DBM partner ID. |
dimension |
DBM partner status |
The status of the DBM partner. |
dimension |
DBM view rate |
The ratio of DBM views to DBM impressions. |
metric |
DBM views |
The number of Trueview views. |
metric |
Date (UTC) |
The date in UTC timezone presented in ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ format. |
dimension |
Date (account) |
The date in the account’s timezone. |
dimension |
Day (UTC) |
The day in UTC timezone presented in the ‘dd’ format. |
dimension |
Day (account) |
The day in the account’s timezone. |
dimension |
Device type |
The device type that was recorded in an impression. |
dimension |
Effective render rate |
The ratio of Rendered impressions to Creative load attempts. |
metric |
End card CTR |
The ratio of End card clickthroughs to Video completes. |
metric |
End card clickthroughs |
The number of Video completes in which a clickthrough occurred on the end card. |
metric |
End card engagement rate |
The ratio of End card engagements to Video completes. |
metric |
End card engagements |
The number of impressions where the user interacted with the end card of the Video format. |
metric |
Error |
The specific error. |
dimension |
Errors |
The number of times an error occurred. |
metric |
Event set ID |
The ID of the Celtra event set in which the external event was registered. |
dimension |
Event set name |
The name of the Celtra event set in which the external event was registered. |
dimension |
Experimental unit value |
The value of Unit of randomization. |
dimension |
Exposure time |
The aggregate time (in seconds) in which some portion of the creative is displayed- as detectable in the current environment. |
metric |
Exposure time 3s bucket |
The grouping of Impressions with exposure time in a bucket of specific Exposure time. |
dimension |
External ad server |
The external Ad Server through which the ad was trafficked. |
dimension |
External bundle ID |
The Bundle ID of the app inventory- e.g.- com.company.app- as provided by the external Ad Server. |
dimension |
External campaign ID |
The ID of the campaign on the external Ad Server. |
dimension |
External campaign name |
The name of the campaign on the external Ad Server. |
dimension |
External creative ID |
The ID of the creative on the external Ad Server. |
dimension |
External creative height |
The height of the creative- as provided by the external Ad Server. |
dimension |
External creative name |
The name of the creative on the external Ad Server. |
dimension |
External creative width |
The width of the creative- as provided by the external Ad Server. |
dimension |
External event ID |
External event ID. |
dimension |
External event app ID |
The ID of external app or site in which the external event was registered or ‘(unknown)’ if not applicable. |
dimension |
External event app name |
The name of external app or site in which the external event was registered or ‘(unknown)’ if not applicable. |
dimension |
External event name |
External event name. |
dimension |
External event occurrences |
The number of times an external event occurred. |
metric |
External event source |
Name of the external event source (e.g. Tune- Kochava- Adjust). |
dimension |
External impression ID |
The external impression identifier. |
dimension |
External line item ID |
The ID of the line item on the external Ad Server. |
dimension |
External placement ID |
The ID of the placement on the external Ad Server. |
dimension |
External placement name |
The name of the placement on the external Ad Server. |
dimension |
External site ID |
The ID of the site on the external Ad Server. |
dimension |
External site name |
The name of the site on the external Ad Server. |
dimension |
External supplier ID |
The ID of the supplier (publisher or exchange) on the external Ad Server. |
dimension |
External supplier name |
The name of the supplier (publisher or exchange) on the external Ad Server. |
dimension |
External user id |
The id of the user on the external Ad Server. |
dimension |
Facebook 1st quartile video views |
The number of times video was watched at 25% of its length- including watches that skipped to this point. |
metric |
Facebook 2nd quartile video views |
The number of times video was watched at 50% of its length- including watches that skipped to this point. |
metric |
Facebook 3nd quartile video views |
The number of times video was watched at 75% of its length- including watches that skipped to this point. |
metric |
Facebook account ID |
Facebook Account ID. |
dimension |
Facebook clicks |
The number of Facebook clicks. |
metric |
Facebook completions |
The number of times video was watched at 100% of its length- including watches that skipped to this point. |
metric |
Facebook device |
Type of user’s device. |
dimension |
Facebook impressions |
The number of Facebook impressions. |
metric |
Facebook likes |
The number of Facebook likes. |
metric |
Facebook link clicks |
The number of Facebook link clicks. |
metric |
Facebook page ID |
Facebook page ID. |
dimension |
Facebook page engagements |
The number of Facebook page engagements. |
metric |
Facebook platform position |
Position of the ad in the platform. |
dimension |
Facebook post engagement |
The number of Facebook post engagements. |
metric |
Facebook post reactions |
The number of Facebook post reactions. |
metric |
Facebook publisher platform |
Name of publisher platform. |
dimension |
Facebook share attempts |
The number of times users attempted to share creative content on Facebook. |
metric |
Facebook video ten seconds played |
The number of times video was watched for an aggregate of at least 10 seconds- or for nearly its length- whichever happened first. |
metric |
Fallback availability rate |
The ratio of Fallback content available shows to Fallback component views. |
metric |
Fallback component views |
The number of times Fallback component has been displayed to the user. |
metric |
Fallback content available shows |
The number of Fallback component views in which the fallback element was available. |
metric |
Filename |
Filename of uploaded video asset. |
dimension |
Form submission attempts |
The number of times users have attempted to submit a form. |
metric |
Form submission successes |
The number of times users successfully submitted a form. |
metric |
Format |
The format of the creative. |
dimension |
Goals |
The goals of the campaign. |
dimension |
Hour of day (UTC) |
The hour in UTC timezone presented in the ‘hh’ format. |
dimension |
Hour of day (account) |
The hour in account’s timezone. |
dimension |
Hour timestamp (UTC) |
The timestamp of the beginning of the hour in UTC timezone presented in the ‘yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss’ format. |
dimension |
Hour timestamp (account) |
The timestamp of the beginning of the hour in the account’s timezone presented in the ‘yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss’ format. |
dimension |
Image blob hash |
The blob hash of the image that the user attempted to download. |
dimension |
Impressions with advertising identifier passed |
The number of impressions with advertising identifier passed through the tag or URL. |
metric |
Impressions with advertising identifier requested in the tag |
The number of impressions for which the platform advertising id was requested in the Celtra tag. |
metric |
Impressions with advertising identifier tracking limited |
The number of impressions for which we know that the user has limited advertising tracking. |
metric |
Impressions with advertising identifier tracking unlimited |
The number of impressions for which we know that the user has not limited advertising tracking. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘Ad placement is Interstitial, but creative is not.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘Ad placement is Interstitial- but creative is not.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘Ad served into a non-friendly iframe.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘Ad served into a non-friendly iframe.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘Ad served into a webpage that is not mobile-optimized.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘Ad served into a webpage that is not mobile-optimized.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘Creative expanded before appearing.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘Creative expanded before appearing.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘Creative is Interstitial format, but ad placement is not.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘Creative is Interstitial format- but ad placement is not.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘Creative used Mobile Web adapter in MRAID environment.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘Creative used Mobile Web adapter in MRAID environment.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘Feed value was unavailable.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘Feed value was unavailable.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘Identifier is in multiple derived audiences.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘Identifier is in multiple derived audiences.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘Identifier not matched any derived audience.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘Identifier not matched any derived audience.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘More than one sticky ad served into page.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘More than one sticky ad served into page.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘Placement is too small to fit any of the unit variants defined on the Creative.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘Placement is too small to fit any of the unit variants defined on the Creative.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘Tracking event limit reached.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘Tracking event limit reached.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘Unit of randomization (e.g. platformAdvId) was unavailable.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘Unit of randomization (e.g. platformAdvId) was unavailable.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘Unsupported OS on mobile device or browser on non-mobile device.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘Unsupported OS on mobile device or browser on non-mobile device.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘Unused.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘Unused.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘VPAID Creative; No MasterVideo component on the master screen.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘VPAID Creative; No MasterVideo component on the master screen.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘VPAID Creative; No Video component on the first screen.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘VPAID Creative; No Video component on the first screen.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘VPAID is not available.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘VPAID is not available.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘clickUrl is non-empty and contains a value that is not a URL.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘clickUrl is non-empty and contains a value that is not a URL.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘mraid object doesn’t exist.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘mraid object doesn’t exist.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with error ‘mraid.getPlacementType is not available or returns an invalid value.’ |
The number of impressions- in which ‘mraid.getPlacementType is not available or returns an invalid value.’ error occurred. |
metric |
Impressions with exposure time |
The number of impressions where Exposure time is greater than zero. |
metric |
Incrementality control group percentage |
The percentage of experimentalUnits (e.g. impressions- devices- people) allocated to control group for given Advertising Lift Study. |
dimension |
Inline Video Local ID |
The Local ID of the video. |
dimension |
Inline video audibility rate |
The ratio of Inline video audible time to Inline video play time. The average percent of video played with audible sound. |
metric |
Inline video audible time |
The aggregate time (in seconds) an inline video has played through with audible sound. |
metric |
Inline video completion rate |
The ratio of Inline video completions to Inline video starts. |
metric |
Inline video completions |
The number of Inline video starts in which the inline video played to the end. |
metric |
Inline video consumption rate |
The ratio of Unique inline video play time to Consumable inline video seconds. The average percent of video consumed. |
metric |
Inline video feature views |
The number of times a particular Inline video feature has been displayed to the user. |
metric |
Inline video first quarter play rate |
The ratio of Inline video first quarter views to Inline video starts. |
metric |
Inline video first quarter views |
The number of Inline video starts in which the inline video played through the first Quarter marker of the video. |
metric |
Inline video fourth quarter play rate |
The ratio of Inline video fourth quarter views to Inline video starts. |
metric |
Inline video fourth quarter views |
The number of Inline video starts in which the video played through the fourth Quarter marker of the video. |
metric |
Inline video measured rate |
The ratio of Measurable inline video plays to Inline video plays. |
metric |
Inline video mute rate |
The ratio of Inline video mutes to Inline video plays initially audible. |
metric |
Inline video mute time |
The aggregate time (in seconds) an inline video has played through with sound disabled. |
metric |
Inline video mutes |
The number of Inline video plays initially audible`- in which the video was subsequently muted. |
metric |
Inline video play rate |
The ratio of User-initiated inline video plays to User-initiated inline video feature views. |
metric |
Inline video play time |
The aggregate time (in seconds) an inline video has played through. |
metric |
Inline video plays |
The number of times the inline video component started loading a video file. |
metric |
Inline video plays initially audible |
The number of Inline video plays where the inline video was initially audible. |
metric |
Inline video plays initially muted |
The number of Inline video plays where the video was initially muted. |
metric |
Inline video quarter marker unique views |
The number of times inline video played through a specific ‘quarter marker’ of the video- unique per Inline video play. |
metric |
Inline video second marker unique views |
The number of times inline video played through a specific ‘second marker’ of the video- unique per Video play. |
metric |
Inline video second quarter play rate |
The ratio of Inline video second quarter views to Inline video starts. |
metric |
Inline video second quarter views |
The number of Inline video starts in which the video played through the second Quarter marker of the video. |
metric |
Inline video sound off play rate |
The ratio of Inline video plays initially muted to Inline video plays. |
metric |
Inline video sound on play rate |
The ratio of Inline video plays initially audible to Inline video plays. |
metric |
Inline video start rate |
The ratio of Inline video starts to Measurable inline video plays. |
metric |
Inline video starts |
The number of Measurable inline video plays in which the video has been played for at least 1 second. |
metric |
Inline video third quarter play rate |
The ratio of Inline video third quarter views to Inline video starts. |
metric |
Inline video third quarter views |
The number of Inline video starts in which the inline video played through the third Quarter marker of the video. |
metric |
Inline video unmute rate |
The ratio of Inline video unmutes to Inline video plays initially muted. |
metric |
Inline video unmutes |
The number of Inline video plays initially muted`- in which the inline video was subsequently unmuted. |
metric |
Intended audibility |
Intended audibility for a given Inline Video component. |
dimension |
Intended device type |
The device type for which the creative was intended. |
dimension |
Intentional ad expansions |
The number of impressions in which the user intentionally expanded the ad. |
metric |
Invalid impression reason |
The reason for impression to be deemed invalid. This can be a consequence of General Invalid Traffic filtration or due to incomplete- erroneous or abnormal data received. |
dimension |
Invalid requested impressions |
The number of impressions that were invalid. |
metric |
Is 360 video |
Indicates whether the inline video is a 360 video or not. |
dimension |
Is unit view accidental |
Indicates if the unit was rendered to the user as a result of an unintentional interaction. |
dimension |
Language |
The language- provided by the HTTP Request for the browser. |
dimension |
Load rate |
The ratio of Loaded impressions to Creative load attempts. |
metric |
Loaded impressions |
The number of times where the creative was loaded to the point where it could be displayed. |
metric |
Location address |
Address of the location as stored in a location table. |
dimension |
Location city |
City where the location is located as stored in a location table. |
dimension |
Location country |
Country where the location is located as stored in a location table. |
dimension |
Location direction clicks |
The number of times users tapped on the direction icon of the location. |
metric |
Location email clicks |
The number of times users clicked on the email icon of the location. |
metric |
Location id |
Location ID of the location stored in a location table. |
dimension |
Location name |
Name of the location as stored in a location table. |
dimension |
Location phone calls |
The number of phone calls initiated from the location. |
metric |
Location state |
State where the location is located as stored in a location table. |
dimension |
Location views |
The number of times the location has been displayed to the user. |
metric |
Location website opens |
The number of times the user was led to an external website of the location. |
metric |
Locator engagement rate |
The ratio of Locator engagements to Locator feature views. |
metric |
Locator engagements |
The number of times the locator component has been displayed to the user and the user interacted with the component. |
metric |
Locator feature views |
The number of times the locator component has been displayed to the user. |
metric |
Locator list views |
The number of times the list view has been displayed to users. |
metric |
Locator map views |
The number of times the map view has been displayed to users. |
metric |
Locator search clicks |
The number of times users tapped on the location search button. |
metric |
Measurable inline video plays |
The number of Inline video plays in which video tracking was available. |
metric |
Modal unit engagements |
The number of modal unit views in which the user interacted with the unit. Counted only for formats supporting modal unit. |
metric |
Modal unit views |
The number of times modal unit has been displayed to the user. |
metric |
Month (UTC) |
The month in UTC timezone presented in ‘mm’ format. |
dimension |
Month (account) |
The month in the account’s timezone. |
dimension |
Object local ID |
Local ID of the component. |
dimension |
Object name |
The name of the component. |
dimension |
Page Local ID |
The Local ID of the page. |
dimension |
Page depth |
The number of unique pages in the unit visited as part of the impression. |
dimension |
Page engagement rate |
The ratio of Page engagements to Page views. |
metric |
Page engagements |
The number of page views in which the user interacted with the page. |
metric |
Page name |
The name of the page. |
dimension |
Page views |
The number of times a Page name has been displayed to the user. |
metric |
Phone calls |
The number of phone calls initiated from the ad. |
metric |
Photo selections |
The number of times the user selected a photo. |
metric |
Pin on Pinterest attempts |
The number of times the user was led to the Pinterest pin page. |
metric |
Placement ID |
The ID of the placement in which the creative was trafficked. |
dimension |
Placement creation date (UTC) |
UTC date when placement was created. |
dimension |
Placement name |
The name of the placement in which the creative was trafficked. |
dimension |
Platform |
The platform on which the creative was loaded. |
dimension |
Platform advertising ID |
The unmodified value of platform advertising ID (IDFA for iOS- AAID for Android). |
dimension |
Platform advertising ID passed rate |
The ratio of Impressions with advertising identifier passed to Impressions with advertising identifier requested in the tag. |
metric |
Platform advertising ID requested in tag rate |
The ratio of Impressions with advertising identifier requested in the tag to Requested impressions. |
metric |
Play audibility |
Indicates whether a given Inline Video was played with or without sound. |
dimension |
Play setting |
The initial setting of how a given Inline Video play started. |
dimension |
Player mode |
Indicates the player mode. Possible values: ‘display’- ‘display-action’ and ‘(unknown)’. |
dimension |
Primary unit engagement rate |
The number of unit shows with interaction on primary unit divided by unit shows of the primary unit. |
metric |
Primary unit engagements |
The number of primary unit views in which the user interacted with the unit. |
metric |
Primary unit views |
The number of times primary unit has been displayed to the user. |
metric |
Product |
The Product on which the creative is built. |
dimension |
Quarter marker |
Indicates what specific quarter an Inline Video has played through using each quarter within the entire length of the video as an index. |
dimension |
Render rate |
The ratio of Rendered impressions to Loaded impressions. |
metric |
Rendered impressions |
The number of Loaded impressions in which the creative content appeared (best-effort- optimistic) and started playing (if animated or video). |
metric |
Reporting label |
A text description used for reporting- as specified in the creative. |
dimension |
Request timestamp (UTC) |
The timestamp presented in the ‘yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS’ format. |
dimension |
Requested impressions |
The number of ad requests received by Celtra. |
metric |
Requested video impressions |
The number of ad requests for video creatives received by Celtra. |
metric |
The SDK used for serving the ad. |
dimension |
Save image attempts |
The number of times users attempted to save an image. |
metric |
Save the date attempts |
The number of times users attempted to save the date. |
metric |
Second marker |
Indicates what specific second a video has played through using each individual second in the length (capped at 120 seconds) of the inline video as an index. |
dimension |
Session ID |
The Celtra Session ID. |
dimension |
Shared asset blob hash |
The blob hash of the asset (predefined image- video or user-generated content) that was shared in a message or on a social network. |
dimension |
Shared type |
The type of object that was shared in a message or on a social network. |
dimension |
Shared url |
The URL that was shared in a message or on a social network. |
dimension |
Snapchat 25% attachment quartile |
The number of long form video views to 25%. Available only for ads with LONGFORM_VIDEO attachment. |
metric |
Snapchat 25% quartile |
The number of Snapchat video views to 25%. |
metric |
Snapchat 25% quartile rate |
The ratio of Snapchat 25% quartile to Snapchat impressions. |
metric |
Snapchat 50% attachment quartile |
The number of long form video views to 50%. Available only for ads with LONGFORM_VIDEO attachment. |
metric |
Snapchat 50% quartile |
The number of Snapchat video views to 50%. |
metric |
Snapchat 50% quartile rate |
The ratio of Snapchat 50% quartile to Snapchat impressions. |
metric |
Snapchat 75% attachment quartile |
The number of long form video views to 75%. Available only for ads with LONGFORM_VIDEO attachment. |
metric |
Snapchat 75% quartile |
The number of Snapchat video views to 75%. |
metric |
Snapchat 75% quartile rate |
The ratio of Snapchat 75% quartile to Snapchat impressions. |
metric |
Snapchat Android installs |
The number of Android app installs. Available only for ads with APP_INSTALL attachment. |
metric |
Snapchat account name |
The name of Snapchat account. |
dimension |
Snapchat account timezone |
The timezone of Snapchat account. |
dimension |
Snapchat ad ID |
The id of the Snapchat ad. |
dimension |
Snapchat ad name |
The name of the Snapchat ad. |
dimension |
Snapchat ad review status |
The ad review status of Snapchat ad. |
dimension |
Snapchat ad squad ID |
The ad squad ID of Snapchat ad. |
dimension |
Snapchat ad status |
The status of Snapchat ad. |
dimension |
Snapchat ad type |
The type of Snapchat ad. |
dimension |
Snapchat attachment completions |
The number of long form video views to completion. Available only for ads with LONGFORM_VIDEO attachment. |
metric |
Snapchat attachment frequency |
The average number of attachment views per user reached. Can only be provided in combination with Snapchat ad ID dimension. Available for any ad type with attachment. |
metric |
Snapchat attachment uniques |
The number of unique attachment impressions. Can only be provided in combination with Snapchat ad ID dimension. Available for any ad type with attachment. |
metric |
Snapchat attachment view time |
The attachment view time (in milliseconds). Available for any ad type with attachment. |
metric |
Snapchat avg. attachment screen time |
The average attachment view time (in milliseconds). Can only be provided in combination with Snapchat ad ID dimension. Available for any ad type with attachment. |
metric |
Snapchat avg. screen time |
The ratio of Snapchat screen time to Snapchat impressions. The average time spent on Top Snap ad (in milliseconds). |
metric |
Snapchat completions |
The number of Snapchat video views to completion. |
metric |
Snapchat creative ID |
The creative ID of Snapchat ad. |
dimension |
Snapchat frequency |
The average number of impressions per user reached. Can only be provided in combination with Snapchat ad ID dimension. |
metric |
Snapchat iOS installs |
The number of iOS app installs. Available only for ads with APP_INSTALL attachment. |
metric |
Snapchat impressions |
The number of Snapchat impressions. |
metric |
Snapchat installs |
The number of app installs. Available only for ads with APP_INSTALL attachment. |
metric |
Snapchat screen time |
The time spent on Top Snap ad (in milliseconds). |
metric |
Snapchat spend |
The amount spent on Snapchat (in micro-currency). |
metric |
Snapchat swipe up rate |
The ratio of Snapchat swipe ups to Snapchat impressions. |
metric |
Snapchat swipe ups |
The number of Snapchat swipe ups. |
metric |
Snapchat uniques |
The number of unique impressions. Can only be provided in combination with Snapchat ad ID dimension. |
metric |
Snapchat video completion rate |
The ratio of Snapchat completions to Snapchat impressions. |
metric |
Snapchat video view rate |
The ratio of Snapchat video views to Snapchat impressions. |
metric |
Snapchat video views |
The number of Snapchat impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds of consecutive watch time or a swipe up action on the Top Snap. |
metric |
Source |
The source of the video. |
dimension |
Source type |
The source type of the video file. Either ‘FILE’ or ‘URL’. |
dimension |
State/province |
The state or province name associated to principalSubdivisionCode. |
dimension |
State/province code |
State or province. The second part of ISO 3166-2- up to three alphanumeric characters. |
dimension |
Study ID |
The ID of the study. |
dimension |
Study group choice ID |
The ID of the chosen study group. |
dimension |
Study group choice name |
The name of the chosen study group. |
dimension |
Study group choice weight |
The (non-normalized) weight of the chosen study group. |
dimension |
Study name |
The name of the study. |
dimension |
Study parameter choices |
The number of times a particular study choice was chosen. |
metric |
Study success event |
The event that is considered a success in the study. |
dimension |
Study success event Tune Android site event ID |
The Tune Android site event ID used as the Study success event. |
dimension |
Study success event Tune iOS site event ID |
The Tune iOS site event ID used as the Study success event. |
dimension |
Study type |
The type of the study. |
dimension |
Supplier ID |
The ID of the supplier. |
dimension |
Supplier name |
The name of the supplier. |
dimension |
Time on banner unit |
The Time spent on banner unit. Calculated only for formats that support banner unit and do not support modal unit. |
metric |
Time on modal unit |
The Time spent on modal unit for formats that support modal unit. |
metric |
Time on page known |
Indicates if the time the user spent on the page is known or not. |
dimension |
Time on primary unit |
The Time spent on primary unit. |
metric |
Time spent |
The aggregate time users have spent with the ad content (in seconds). |
metric |
Tweet attempts |
The number of times the user was led to the Twitter tweet page. |
metric |
Twitter 1st quartile views |
The number of Twitter ad video first quartile views. |
metric |
Twitter 2nd quartile views |
The number of Twitter ad video midpoint quartile views. |
metric |
Twitter 3rd quartile views |
The number of Twitter ad video third quartile views. |
metric |
Twitter account ID |
Twitter account ID. |
dimension |
Twitter account timezone |
Twitter account timezone. |
dimension |
Twitter ad ID |
Twitter ad ID. |
dimension |
Twitter ad group ID |
Twitter ad group ID. |
dimension |
Twitter ad status |
Twitter ad status. |
dimension |
Twitter app clicks |
The number of Twitter app clicks. |
metric |
Twitter clicks |
The number of Twitter ad clicks. |
metric |
Twitter engagements |
The number of Twitter ad engagements. |
metric |
Twitter follows |
The number of Twitter follows. |
metric |
Twitter impressions |
The number of Twitter ad impressions. |
metric |
Twitter likes |
The number of Twitter ad likes. |
metric |
Twitter placement |
Twitter placement. |
dimension |
Twitter profile opens |
The number of times users have opened a Twitter profile. |
metric |
Twitter replies |
The number of Twitter ad replies. |
metric |
Twitter retweets |
The number of Twitter ad retweets. |
metric |
Twitter share attempts |
The number of times users attempted to share creative content on Twitter. |
metric |
Twitter video completions |
The number of Twitter ad video completions. |
metric |
Twitter video starts |
The number of Twitter ad video starts. |
metric |
Twitter video views |
The number of Twitter ad video views. |
metric |
Type of error |
The type of Error. |
dimension |
Unique inline video play time |
The aggregate non-overlapping time (in seconds) an inline video has played through. |
metric |
Unit |
The name of the unit- for example: ‘banner’- ‘modal’. |
dimension |
Unit engagement rate |
The ratio of Unit engagements to Unit views. |
metric |
Unit engagements |
The number of unit views in which the user interacted with the unit. |
metric |
Unit of randomization |
The unit used for randomization into Treatment(s) / Control groups in the study. |
dimension |
Unit variant |
Name of the unit variant for impressions. |
dimension |
Unit variant (first rendered per impression) |
Name of the unit variant that was the first one rendered in an impression. |
dimension |
Unit variant Local ID |
The Local ID of the unit variant. |
dimension |
Unit variant engagement rate |
The ratio of Unit variant engagements to Unit variant views. |
metric |
Unit variant engagements |
The number of Unit variant views where the user interacted with the creative. |
metric |
Unit variant height |
Height of the unit variant for impressions. |
dimension |
Unit variant height (first rendered per impression) |
Height of the unit variant that was the first one rendered in an impression. |
dimension |
Unit variant views |
The number of times a creative Unit variant has been displayed to the user. |
metric |
Unit variant width |
Width of the unit variant for impressions. |
dimension |
Unit variant width (first rendered per impression) |
Width of the unit variant that was the first one rendered in an impression. |
dimension |
Unit views |
The number of times a creative Unit has been displayed to the user. |
metric |
User-initiated inline video feature views |
The number of times a particular Inline video feature with User-initiated play setting has been displayed to the user. |
metric |
User-initiated inline video plays |
The number of Inline video plays that happened as a consequence of a user interaction (and not automatically). |
metric |
VAST version |
The VAST version. |
dimension |
Video CTR |
The ratio of Video clicks to Video starts. |
metric |
Video clicks |
The number of Video starts in which a click occured. |
metric |
Video completes |
The number of Video starts in which the video was fully played. |
metric |
Video completion rate |
The ratio of Video completes to Video starts. The percentage of Video starts in which the video was fully played. |
metric |
Video consumable seconds |
The product of Video starts and Video length. |
metric |
Video consumption rate |
The ratio of Video play time to Video consumable seconds. The average percent of video consumed. |
metric |
Video length |
The length of the video in seconds- rounded up to the nearest second. |
dimension |
Video length |
The length of the video in seconds- rounded up to the nearest second. |
dimension |
Video play time |
The aggregate non-overlapping time (in seconds) a video has played through. |
metric |
Video starts |
The number of times a video was loaded and playback began. |
metric |
Video website opens |
The number of times the user was led to an external website- for Video. |
metric |
Website opens |
The sum of Website opens on screen and Video website opens. |
metric |
Website opens on screen |
The number of times the user was led to an external website- from a particular screen. |
metric |
Week (UTC) |
The week in UTC timezone presented in format ‘yyyy-ww’ where ww is in 01-53 (ISO week- starting on Monday). |
dimension |
Week (account) |
The week of the year in the account’s timezone. |
dimension |
WhatsApp share attempts |
The number of times users attempted to share creative content on WhatsApp. |
metric |
Year (UTC) |
The year in UTC timezone presented in ‘yyyy’ format. |
dimension |
Year (account) |
The year in the account’s timezone. |
dimension |