The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from CreatorIQ.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field UI name |
Field API name |
Use in Adverity |
Age |
Age |
metric |
AverageViewDuration |
Average View Duration |
metric |
AvgStreamConcurrentViews |
Avg Stream Concurrent Views |
dimension |
BaseMetric |
Base Metric |
dimension |
BaseMetricValue |
Base Metric Value |
metric |
BillingName |
BillingName |
dimension |
BrandKeyword |
Brand Keyword |
dimension |
BrandId |
BrandId |
metric |
BrandName |
BrandName |
dimension |
Business |
Business |
metric |
CampaignId |
Campaign Id |
metric |
CampaignName |
Campaign Name |
dimension |
CampaignStatus |
Campaign Status |
dimension |
City |
City |
dimension |
Clicks |
Clicks |
dimension |
CloseUps |
Close Ups |
dimension |
CombinedBaseMetricValue |
Combined Base Metric Value |
metric |
Comments |
Comments |
metric |
ConversionMetrics |
ConversionMetrics |
dimension |
ConversionMetricsByMonth |
ConversionMetricsByMonth |
dimension |
ConversionMetricsByPostType |
ConversionMetricsByPostType |
dimension |
ConversionMetricsList |
ConversionMetricsList |
dimension |
Country |
Country |
dimension |
CreatedBy |
CreatedBy |
dimension |
DateContentSubmitted |
Date Content Submitted |
dimension |
DateInvited |
Date Invited |
dimension |
DateRequirementsCompletedLastPostDate |
Date Requirements Completed Last Post Date |
dimension |
DateSubmitted |
Date Submitted |
dimension |
DateSubmittedUTC |
Date Submitted UTC |
dimension |
DateSubmittedDate |
DateSubmittedDate |
dimension |
DateTimeCreated |
DateTimeCreated |
dimension |
Description |
Description |
dimension |
Dislikes |
Dislikes |
metric |
Duration |
Duration |
metric |
EarnedMedia |
Earned Media |
metric |
dimension |
EmailExists |
Email Exists |
metric |
EndDate |
End Date |
dimension |
Engagement |
Engagement |
metric |
EngagementRate |
Engagement Rate |
metric |
EstimatedImpressions |
Estimated Impressions |
metric |
EstimatedImpressionsFlag |
Estimated Impressions Flag |
metric |
EstimatedReach |
Estimated Reach |
metric |
EstimatedReachFlag |
Estimated Reach Flag |
metric |
EthnicBackground |
Ethnic Background |
dimension |
Exits |
Exits |
dimension |
ExtendedReach |
Extended Reach |
dimension |
FB IG Id |
metric |
FacebookComments |
Facebook Comments |
dimension |
FacebookLikes |
Facebook Likes |
dimension |
FacebookShares |
Facebook Shares |
dimension |
FlagshipProperty |
Flagship Property |
dimension |
Followers |
Followers |
metric |
FollowersAtTimeOfPost |
Followers At Time Of Post |
metric |
Follows |
Follows |
dimension |
Gender |
Gender |
dimension |
GooglePlusShares |
Google Plus Shares |
dimension |
IGBaseMetricValue |
IG Base Metric Value |
metric |
IGCombinedBaseMetricValue |
IG Combined Base Metric Value |
dimension |
IGCombinedEngagement |
IG Combined Engagement |
dimension |
IGEngagement |
IG Engagement |
metric |
IGPaidBaseMetricValue |
IG Paid Base Metric Value |
dimension |
IGPaidEngagement |
IG Paid Engagement |
dimension |
Id |
Id |
dimension |
Impressions |
Impressions |
metric |
InstagramShares |
Instagram Shares |
dimension |
Language |
Language |
dimension |
Language2 |
Language2 |
dimension |
LastUpdated |
Last Updated |
dimension |
LastModified |
LastModified |
dimension |
LastModifiedBy |
LastModifiedBy |
dimension |
LastUpdatedDate |
LastUpdatedDate |
dimension |
Likes |
Likes |
metric |
LinkBroken |
Link Broken |
metric |
LinkClicks |
Link Clicks |
metric |
LinkClicksByLabel |
LinkClicksByLabel |
dimension |
LinkClicksByMonth |
LinkClicksByMonth |
dimension |
LinkClicksByPostType |
LinkClicksByPostType |
dimension |
LinkClicksNumberOfDestinations |
LinkClicksNumberOfDestinations |
metric |
Linked |
Linked |
metric |
LogoURL |
Logo URL |
dimension |
ManualImpressionsFlag |
Manual Impressions Flag |
metric |
ManualReachFlag |
Manual Reach Flag |
metric |
MetricSources |
Metric Sources |
dimension |
MinutesWatched |
Minutes Watched |
dimension |
Network |
Network |
dimension |
NetworkImpressions |
Network Impressions |
dimension |
NetworkPublisherId |
Network Publisher Id |
metric |
NotFound |
Not Found |
metric |
OneTimeFollowers |
OneTimeFollowers |
metric |
OneTimeReach |
OneTimeReach |
metric |
PartnerId |
Partner Id |
metric |
PeakStreamConcurrentViews |
Peak Stream Concurrent Views |
dimension |
PhoneNumber1 |
Phone Number1 |
dimension |
PinterestShares |
Pinterest Shares |
dimension |
Post |
Post |
dimension |
PostId |
Post Id |
dimension |
PostLink |
Post Link |
dimension |
PostTitle |
Post Title |
dimension |
PostType |
Post Type |
dimension |
Posts |
Posts |
metric |
ProfileVisits |
Profile Visits |
dimension |
PublisherId |
Publisher Id |
metric |
PublisherName |
Publisher Name |
dimension |
PublisherStatus |
Publisher Status |
dimension |
Reach |
Reach |
metric |
Replies |
Replies |
dimension |
RequirementLinked |
Requirement Linked |
metric |
Retweets |
Retweets |
dimension |
SavedPicture |
Saved Picture |
dimension |
Saves |
Saves |
metric |
Score |
Score |
metric |
SocialId |
Social Id |
metric |
SocialMediaValue |
Social Media Value |
metric |
SocialNetwork |
Social Network |
dimension |
SocialNetworkId |
Social Network Id |
dimension |
StartDate |
Start Date |
dimension |
State |
State |
dimension |
Status |
Status |
dimension |
StickerTaps |
Sticker Taps |
dimension |
SubmitByDate |
Submit By Date |
dimension |
SwipeAways |
Swipe Aways |
dimension |
SwipeUps |
Swipe Ups |
dimension |
TapsBack |
Taps Back |
dimension |
TapsForward |
Taps Forward |
dimension |
Thumbnail |
Thumbnail |
dimension |
TotalReach |
Total Reach |
metric |
TotalShares |
Total Shares |
metric |
TotalViewTime |
TotalViewTime |
metric |
TwitterShares |
Twitter Shares |
dimension |
Type |
Type |
dimension |
Unlinked |
Unlinked |
metric |
UpdatedBy |
Updated By |
dimension |
UserName |
User Name |
dimension |
UserNameTitle |
User Name Title |
dimension |
Verified |
Verified |
metric |
Views |
Views |
metric |
Votes |
Votes |
dimension |
ZipCode |
Zip Code |
dimension |
isVerifiedBySocialNetwork |
is Verified By Social Network |
metric |