The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Emplifi.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
attachments |
Array of objects containing details about post attachments. Fields: title- description- url- image_url. |
dimension |
author_id |
Author profile id. |
dimension |
boards_change |
Absolute change of boards count lifetime. |
metric |
boards_lifetime |
Boards count - lifetime value. |
metric |
comments |
Number of comments on page posts. |
metric |
comments_by_image_filter |
Number of comments of profile posts by used image filter of that post. |
metric |
comments_by_ppd_status |
Number of comments on page posts by paid status (organic/paid/unknown) based on PPD. |
metric |
comments_by_type |
Number of comments on page posts by post type. |
metric |
comments_by_video_filter |
Number of comments of profile posts by used video filter of that post. |
metric |
comments_change |
Absolute change of comments count on uploaded videos. |
metric |
coordinates |
Represents the geographic location of this Tweet as reported by the user or client application. The inner coordinates array is formatted as geoJSON (longitude first- then latitude). |
dimension |
created_time |
post created time. |
dimension |
dislikes |
The number of users who have indicated that they disliked the video. |
metric |
dislikes_change |
Absolute change of dislikes count on uploaded videos. |
metric |
duration |
The length of the video [s]. |
metric |
entities |
Entities provide metadata and additional contextual information about content posted on Twitter. |
dimension |
fans_change |
Absolute change of fans count of a page. |
metric |
fans_lifetime |
Total number of likes (=fans) of a page. |
metric |
ff_ratio |
Absolute change of following count lifetime. |
metric |
followers_change |
Absolute change of followers count lifetime. |
metric |
followers_lifetime |
Followers count - lifetime value. |
metric |
following_change |
Absolute change of following count lifetime. |
metric |
following_lifetime |
Following count - lifetime value. |
metric |
id |
Facebook post id. |
dimension |
in_reply_to_user_id |
If the represented Tweet is a reply- this field will contain the integer representation of the original Tweet’s author ID. |
dimension |
incoming |
Number of all incoming activities (mentions + retweets + replies) created by others mentioning this profile. |
metric |
incoming_questions |
Number of user tweets that are also marked as a question. |
metric |
incoming_questions_average_response_time |
Average reponse time (mins) of responded user questions. |
metric |
incoming_questions_responded |
Number of user tweets that are marked as a question and that are responded (profile reply). |
metric |
incoming_questions_responded_by_time |
Number of responded user questions by response time category. |
metric |
incoming_questions_response_rate |
Ratio of user questions and responded user questions. |
metric |
incoming_replies |
Number of replies made by others. |
metric |
incoming_retweets |
Number of retweets made by others. |
metric |
incoming_tweets |
Number of user tweets. User tweet is considered any incoming activity (mention- reply)- exluding retweets. |
metric |
incoming_tweets_average_response_time |
Average reponse time (mins) of responded user tweets. |
metric |
incoming_tweets_responded |
Number of user tweets that are responded (profile reply). |
metric |
incoming_tweets_responded_by_time |
Number of responded user tweets by response time category. |
metric |
incoming_tweets_response_rate |
Ratio of user tweets and responded user tweets. |
metric |
insights_activity |
Number of activities created about your Page. (Total Count) |
metric |
insights_activity_by_activity_type |
Number of activities about your Page by activity type. (Total Count) |
metric |
insights_activity_unique |
Number of people sharing activity about your page. These activity include liking your Page- posting to your Page’s timeline- liking- commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts- answering a question you posted- responding to one of your events- mentioning your Page- tagging your Page in a photo or checking in at your location. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_activity_unique_by_activity_type |
Number of people talking about your Page- by activity type. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_activity_unique_by_age_gender |
Number of People Talking About the Page by user age and gender (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_activity_unique_by_city |
Number of People Talking About the Page by user city. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_activity_unique_by_country |
Number of People Talking About the Page by user country (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_activity_unique_by_locale |
Number of People Talking About the Page by user language. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_engaged_fan |
People who have liked your page and engaged with your post. |
metric |
insights_engaged_users |
Number of people who engaged with your Page. Engagement includes any click or activity created. (Unique Users). |
metric |
insights_engagement |
Total number of likes and comments on the media object. |
metric |
insights_engagement_rate |
Reach shows you how many people were exposed to your content and Reach Engagement Rate shows you how many of those reached people actually interacted with it. |
metric |
insights_fan_adds |
Number of new people who have liked your Page. |
metric |
insights_fan_adds_by_paid_non_paid_unique |
New likes by paid and non-paid : Number of new people who have liked your page broken down by paid and non-paid. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_fan_adds_unique |
New Likes : Number of new people who have liked your Page (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_fan_removes |
Number of Unlikes of your Page (Total Count) |
metric |
insights_fan_removes_unique |
Number of Unlikes of your Page (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_fans_by_like_source |
Breakdown of Number of Page likes from the most common places where people can like your Page. (Total Count) |
metric |
insights_fans_by_like_source_unique |
Number of people who liked your Page- broken down by the most common places where people can like your Page. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_fans_by_unlike_source_unique |
Number of people who unliked your Page- broken down by the most common places where people can unlike your Page. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_fans_city |
Aggregated location data- sorted by city- number of people who like your Page. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_fans_gender_age_lifetime |
Aggregated demographic data about the people who like your Page based on the age and gender information they provide in their user profiles. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_fans_lifetime |
Number of people who have liked your Page. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_fans_lifetime_by_country |
Lifetime value of number of fans grouped by country. |
metric |
insights_fans_locale_lifetime |
Aggregated language data about the people who like your Page based on the default language setting selected when accessing Facebook. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_fans_online |
Number of people who liked your Page and when they are online (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_fans_online_by_hour |
Number of your fans who saw any posts on Facebook on a given day- broken down by hour of day in PST (Pacific Standard Time) |
metric |
insights_followers_by_city_by_day |
The cities of the Business Account’s followers. |
metric |
insights_followers_by_country_by_day |
The countries of the Business Account’s followers. |
metric |
insights_followers_by_gender_by_age_by_day |
The gender and age distribution of the Business Account’s followers. |
metric |
insights_followers_by_locale_by_day |
The number of followers broken down by language preferences. |
metric |
insights_impressions |
Number of impressions seen of any content associated with your Page. (Total Count) |
metric |
insights_impressions_by_paid_non_paid |
Number of impressions seen of any content associated with your page broken down by paid and non-paid. (Total Count) |
metric |
insights_impressions_fan |
The number of impressions for your Page post by people who have liked your Page |
metric |
insights_impressions_fan_paid |
The number of impressions for your Page post by people who like your Page in an Ad or Sponsored Story |
metric |
insights_impressions_organic |
Number of times your posts were seen in News Feed or ticker or on visits to your Page. These impressions can be by people who have liked your Page and people who haven’t. (Total Count) |
metric |
insights_impressions_paid |
Number of impressions of a Sponsored Story or Ad pointing to your Page. (Total Count) |
metric |
insights_impressions_viral |
Number of impressions of an activity published by a friend about your Page. These activities include liking your Page- posting to your Page’s Wall- liking- commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts- answering a Question you posted- RSVPing to one of your events- mentioning your Page- phototagging your Page or checking in at your Place. (Total Count) |
metric |
insights_impressions_viral_frequency_distribution |
Number of people your Page reached from a story published by a friend- broken down by how many times people saw activities about your Page. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_negative_feedback |
Number of times people have given negative feedback to your Page. (Total Count) |
metric |
insights_negative_feedback_unique |
The number of people who took a negative action in your post (e.g.- hid it) |
metric |
insights_paid_status |
Whether the post has been promoted (received any paid impression) or not |
dimension |
insights_positive_feedback |
Number of times people have given positive feedback to your Page. (Total Count) |
metric |
insights_post_clicks |
Number of clicks on any of your content. Clicks generating activity are included in “Other Clicks.” Activities generated without clicks on page content (e.g.- liking the page in Timeline) are not included. (Total Count) |
metric |
insights_post_clicks_by_type |
Number of clicks on any of your content- by type. Clicks generating activity are included in “Other Clicks.” Activities generated without clicks on page content (e.g.- liking the page in Timeline) are not included. Other clicks is defined as ‘Clicks not on the content of the post- such as page title clicks or click to see more. |
metric |
insights_post_clicks_by_type_unique |
The number of people who clicked anywhere in your post without generating an activity- broken-down by post click type. |
metric |
insights_post_clicks_unique |
Number of people who clicked on any of your content. Clicks that create activity are included in “Other Clicks.” Activities that are created without clicking on Page content (ex- liking the Page from timeline) are not included. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_post_clicks_unique_by_type |
Number of of people who clicked on any of your content- by type. Clicks that create activity are included in “Other Clicks.” Activities that are created without clicking on Page content (ex- liking the Page from timeline) are not included. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_post_engagement_by_day |
Total number of likes and comments on the posts. |
metric |
insights_post_engagement_by_type_by_day |
Total engagement (likes and comments) broken down by post type (video- carousel album- carousel- image). |
metric |
insights_post_impressions |
Number of impressions that came from all of your posts. (Total Count) |
metric |
insights_post_impressions_by_day |
The number of times posts have been seen. |
metric |
insights_post_impressions_by_paid_non_paid |
Number of impressions that came from all of your posts broken down by paid and non-paid. (Total Count) |
metric |
insights_post_impressions_by_type_by_day |
The number of times posts have been seen- broken down by post type. |
metric |
insights_post_impressions_frequency_distribution |
Number of people who saw your Page posts- broken down by how many times people saw your posts. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_post_impressions_paid |
Number of impressions of your Page posts in an Ad or Sponsored Story. (Total Count) |
metric |
insights_post_interactions_by_day |
The number of Likes- Comments and Saves posts received. The data source of this chart is different from the post_engagement. As a result- the number of interactions may vary. |
metric |
insights_post_interactions_by_int_type_by_day |
The number of Likes- Comments and Saves posts received- broken down by the type of Interactions. The data source of this chart is different from the post_engagement. As a result- the number of interactions may vary. |
metric |
insights_post_reach |
Number of people who saw any of your Page posts. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_post_reach_by_paid_non_paid |
Number of impressions that came from all of your posts broken down by paid and non-paid. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_post_reach_organic |
Number of people who saw your Page posts in news feed or ticker- or on your Page’s timeline. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_post_reach_paid |
Number of people who saw your Page posts in an ad or sponsored story. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_post_saves_by_day |
Total number of saves on the posts. |
metric |
insights_post_saves_by_type_by_day |
Total number of saves broken down by post type (video- carousel album- carousel- image). |
metric |
insights_post_video_views_by_day |
The number of times videos have been viewed. |
metric |
insights_post_video_views_by_type_by_day |
The number of times videos have been viewed- broken down by video type. |
metric |
insights_profile_all_clicks_by_day |
The number of times user clicked on a specific contact on your Business Account’s profile. |
metric |
insights_profile_email_contacts_by_day |
Total number of taps on the email link in the Business Account’s profile. |
metric |
insights_profile_get_directions_clicks_by_day |
Total number of taps on the directions link in the Business Account’s profile. |
metric |
insights_profile_impressions_by_day |
Total number of times the Business Account’s media objects (i.e. posts- stories and promotions) have been viewed. Does not include profile views. |
metric |
insights_profile_phone_call_clicks_by_day |
Total number of taps on the call link in the Business Account’s profile. |
metric |
insights_profile_reach_by_day |
Unique Impressions (Reach) refers to the number of different people who see your post. One person can see your post 5 times but is only counted once toward Reach. |
metric |
insights_profile_text_message_clicks_by_day |
Total number of taps on the text message link in the Business Account’s profile. |
metric |
insights_profile_views_by_day |
Total number of unique users who have viewed the Business Account’s profile. |
metric |
insights_profile_website_clicks_by_day |
Total number of taps on the website link in the Business Account’s profile. |
metric |
insights_reach |
Number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_reach_by_age_gender |
Total Page Reach by age and gender. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_reach_by_paid_non_paid |
Number of impressions seen of any content associated with your page broken down by paid and non-paid. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_reach_engagement |
Number of people who engaged with your Page per Number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page. Engagement includes any click or activity created. |
metric |
insights_reach_fan |
The number of people who have like your Page who saw your Page post |
metric |
insights_reach_fan_paid |
The number of people who have like your Page and saw your Page post in an Ad or Sponsored Story |
metric |
insights_reach_organic |
Number of people who visited your Page- or saw your Page or one of its posts in news feed or ticker. These can be people who have liked your Page and people who haven’t. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_reach_paid |
Number of people who saw a sponsored story or ad pointing to your Page. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_reach_viral |
Number of people who saw your Page or one of its posts from a activity shared by a friend. These activities include liking your Page- posting to your Page’s timeline- liking- commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts- answering a question you posted- responding to one of your events- mentioning your Page- tagging your Page in a photo or checking in at your location. (Unique Users) |
metric |
insights_reactions |
Number of reactions on any of your content. |
metric |
insights_reactions_by_type |
Number of reactions on any of your content by type. |
metric |
insights_reactions_by_type_total |
The number of reactions to a page’s post by reaction type. |
metric |
insights_reactions_like_total |
The number of “like” reactions to a post. |
metric |
insights_saved |
Total number of unique accounts that have saved the media object. |
metric |
insights_stories |
The number of stories created about your Page (Stories) |
metric |
insights_story_adds |
The number of stories generated about your Page post. |
metric |
insights_storytellers |
The number of people sharing stories about your page (‘People Talking About This’ / PTAT). These stories include liking your Page- posting to your Page’s Wall- liking- commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts- answering a Question you posted- RSVPing to one of your events- mentioning your Page- phototagging your Page or checking in at your Place |
metric |
insights_video_avg_time_watched |
The average length of time (in milliseconds) people spent viewing your video |
metric |
insights_video_complete_views_30s |
Number of times page’s videos have been viewed for more than 30 seconds |
metric |
insights_video_complete_views_30s_autoplayed |
Number of times page’s autoplayed videos have been viewed for more than 30 seconds |
metric |
insights_video_complete_views_30s_click_to_play |
Number of times page’s videos have been viewed after the user clicks on play for more than 30 seconds |
metric |
insights_video_complete_views_30s_clicked_to_play |
Total number of times page’s videos have been viewed to the end- or viewed after the user clicks on play for more than 30 seconds |
metric |
insights_video_complete_views_30s_organic |
Number of times page’s videos have been viewed for more than 30 seconds by organic reach |
metric |
insights_video_complete_views_30s_paid |
Total number of times page’s promoted videos have been viewed to the end- or for more than 30 seconds |
metric |
insights_video_complete_views_30s_repeat_views |
Number of times that people replay a page’s videos for more than 30 seconds |
metric |
insights_video_complete_views_30s_unique |
Number of times page’s videos have been played for unique people for more than 30 seconds |
metric |
insights_video_complete_views_organic |
The number of times your video was organically viewed from the beginning to 95% of its length |
metric |
insights_video_complete_views_organic_unique |
The number of people who viewed your video organically from the beginning to 95% of its length |
metric |
insights_video_complete_views_paid |
The number of times your video was viewed via paid impression from the beginning to 95% of its length |
metric |
insights_video_complete_views_paid_unique |
The number of people who viewed your video via paid impression from the beginning to 95% of its length |
metric |
insights_video_repeat_views |
Number of times that people replay a page’s videos for more than 3 seconds |
metric |
insights_video_retention_graph |
Percentage of viewers at each interval. Video length is divided into short buckets. Each key in response represents a bucket. Values are percent of people saw the video in that bucket |
metric |
insights_video_retention_graph_autoplayed |
Percentage of viewers at each interval where the video started playing automatically. Video length is divided into short buckets. Each key in response represents a bucket. Values are percent of people saw the video in that bucket |
metric |
insights_video_view_time |
The total number of milliseconds your video was watched- including replays and views less than 3 seconds. |
metric |
insights_video_view_time_by_age_bucket_and_gender |
The total time- in milliseconds- your video played for your Top Audiences- age and gender |
metric |
insights_video_view_time_by_country_id |
The total number of minutes your video played for your Top 45 Locations - Countries |
metric |
insights_video_view_time_organic |
Total time (in milliseconds) video has been viewed without paid promotion |
metric |
insights_video_view_time_paid |
Total time (in milliseconds) video has been viewed with paid promotion |
metric |
insights_video_views |
Number of times page’s videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds |
metric |
insights_video_views_autoplayed |
Number of times page’s autoplayed videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds |
metric |
insights_video_views_click_to_play |
Number of times page’s videos have been viewed after the user clicks on play for more than 3 seconds |
metric |
insights_video_views_clicked_to_play |
Number of times people clicked to play your video and viewed it more than 3 seconds |
metric |
insights_video_views_organic |
Number of times page’s videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds by organic reach |
metric |
insights_video_views_organic_unique |
The number of people who viewed at least 3 seconds of your video organically |
metric |
insights_video_views_paid |
Number of times page’s promoted videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds |
metric |
insights_video_views_paid_unique |
The number of people who viewed at least 3 seconds of your video via paid impression |
metric |
insights_video_views_unique |
Number of times page’s videos have been played for unique people for more than 3 seconds |
metric |
insights_views |
Page views (Total Count) |
metric |
interaction_change |
Absolute change of interactions (likes + dislikes + comments) count on uploaded videos. |
metric |
interactions |
Number of interactions on page posts. |
metric |
interactions_by_image_filter |
Number of interactions of profile posts by used image filter of that post. |
metric |
interactions_by_ppd_status |
Number of interactions on page posts by paid status (organic/paid/unknown) based on PPD. |
metric |
interactions_by_type |
Number of interactions on page posts by post type. |
metric |
interactions_by_video_filter |
Number of interactions of profile posts by used video filter of that post. |
metric |
interactions_per_1000_fans |
Number of interactions per thousand fans. |
metric |
interactions_per_1000_fans_by_type |
Number of interactions per thousand fans by type. |
metric |
interactions_per_1000_followers |
Number of interactions (likes and comments) per thousand followers. |
metric |
interactions_per_1000_followers_by_image_filter |
Number of interactions (likes and comments) per thousand followers by used image filter. |
metric |
interactions_per_1000_followers_by_type |
Number of interactions (likes and comments) per thousand followers by used post type. |
metric |
interactions_per_1000_followers_by_video_filter |
Number of interactions (likes and comments) per thousand followers by used video filter. |
metric |
interactions_per_1000_subscribers |
Number of interactions per thousand subscribers. |
metric |
is_published |
Is post published |
dimension |
language |
Indicates a BCP 47 language identifier corresponding to the machine-detected language of the Tweet text. |
dimension |
likes |
Number of likes of profile posts. |
metric |
likes_by_image_filter |
Number of likes of profile posts by used image filter of that post. |
metric |
likes_by_post_type |
Number of likes of profile posts by post type. |
metric |
likes_by_video_filter |
Number of likes of profile posts by used video filter of that post. |
metric |
likes_change |
Absolute change of likes count on uploaded videos. |
metric |
listed_change |
Absolute change of listed count lifetime. |
metric |
listed_lifetime |
Listed count - lifetime value (how many times profile has been listed). |
metric |
mentions |
List of profile ids mentioned. |
dimension |
message |
Facebook post contents. |
dimension |
network_name |
Name of network. |
dimension |
page_id |
Facebook page id for the published post. |
dimension |
page_posts |
Number of page posts. |
metric |
page_posts_by_app |
Number of page posts by application via it was posted (any facebook app is “web”). |
metric |
page_posts_by_ppd_status |
Number of page posts by paid status (organic/paid/unknown) based on PPD. |
metric |
page_posts_by_type |
Number of page posts by post type. |
metric |
pins_change |
Absolute change of pins count lifetime. |
metric |
pins_lifetime |
Pins count - lifetime value |
metric |
post_labels |
Array of post labels for given post and account |
dimension |
ppd_status |
Indicates whether the post was organic- paid or unknown based on PPD algorithm. |
dimension |
profile_activities |
Number of all activities (tweets + retweets + replies) created by the profile. |
metric |
profile_activities_by_app |
Number of all activities posted by profile by application via it was posted. |
metric |
profile_id |
Id of profile. |
dimension |
profile_insights_enabled |
Whether Insights Metrics are enabled. |
dimension |
profile_labels |
Labels of profile. |
dimension |
profile_name |
Name of profile. |
dimension |
profile_picture |
Picture of profile. |
dimension |
profile_posts |
Number of profile posts. |
metric |
profile_posts_by_image_filter |
Number of profile posts by used image filter of that post. |
metric |
profile_posts_by_type |
Number of profile posts by post type. |
metric |
profile_posts_by_video_filter |
Number of profile posts by used video filter of that post. |
metric |
profile_replies |
Number of replies made by profile. |
metric |
profile_retweets |
Number of retweets made by profile. |
metric |
profile_timezone |
Timezone of profile. |
dimension |
profile_tweets |
Number of tweets made by profile. |
metric |
published_time |
The date and time when the video was published. |
dimension |
reactions |
Number of reactions on page posts. |
metric |
reactions_by_ppd_status |
Number of reactions on page posts by paid status (organic/paid/unknown) based on PPD. |
metric |
reactions_by_reaction_type |
Number of reactions on page posts by reaction type (like- love- haha- etc…). |
metric |
reactions_by_type |
Number of reactions on page posts by post type. |
metric |
repins |
Number of repins on profile pins. |
metric |
replies |
Number of replies on profile tweets and replies. |
metric |
retweeted_user_id |
If the represented Tweet is a retweet- this field will contain the integer representation of the original Tweet’s author ID. |
dimension |
retweets |
Number of retweets on profile tweets and replies. |
metric |
shares |
Number of shares on page posts. |
metric |
shares_by_ppd_status |
Number of shares on page posts by paid status (organic/paid/unknown) based on PPD. |
metric |
shares_by_type |
Number of shares on page posts by post type. |
metric |
source |
id: HTML-formatted string linking to utility used to create the tweet; name: name of the utility |
dimension |
story |
Text from stories not intentionally generated by users- such as those generated when two people become friends- or when someone else posts on the person’s wall. |
dimension |
subscribers_change |
Absolute change of subscribers count lifetime. |
metric |
subscribers_count_lifetime |
Subscribers count - lifetime value. |
metric |
type |
Facebook post type. |
dimension |
universal_video_id |
The publishers asset management code for this video. Only available in case the post type is a video. |
dimension |
url |
Link to facebook post. |
dimension |
user_posts |
Number of user posts. |
metric |
user_posts_average_response_time |
Average reponse time (mins) of responded user posts. |
metric |
user_posts_by_app |
Number of user posts by application via it was posted (any facebook app is “web”). |
metric |
user_posts_responded |
Number of user posts that are responded (at least 1 page comment). |
metric |
user_posts_responded_by_time |
Number of responded user posts by response time category. |
metric |
user_posts_response_rate |
Ratio of user posts and responded user posts. |
metric |
user_questions |
Number of user posts that are marked as a question. |
metric |
user_questions_average_response_time |
Average reponse time (mins) of responded user questions. |
metric |
user_questions_responded |
Number of user posts that are marked as a question and that are responded (at least 1 page comment). |
metric |
user_questions_responded_by_time |
Number of responded user questions by response time category. |
metric |
user_questions_response_rate |
Ratio of user questions and responded user questions. |
metric |
video_change |
Absolute change of videos count lifetime. |
metric |
video_count_lifetime |
Video count - lifetime value. |
metric |
video_id |
The id of the video object. |
dimension |
video_length |
Duration of the video in seconds. Only available in case the post type is a video. |
metric |
video_view_time |
The number of time the video has been viewed multiplied by duration [s]. |
metric |
video_views |
The number of times the video has been viewed. |
metric |
viewed_time_change |
Absolute change of viewed time (in seconds) lifetime. Viewed time for each video is number of views multiplied by length of the video. |
metric |
viewed_time_lifetime |
Viewed time (in seconds) of all uploaded videos - lifetime value. Viewed time for each video is number of views multiplied by length of the video. |
metric |
views_change |
Absolute change of views count lifetime. |
metric |
views_count_lifetime |
Views count of all uploaded videos - lifetime value. |
metric |