The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Flashtalking.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
Category |
Content categories are used to group placements in reports. For example create categories such as ‘Sports’ or ’News’ and ‘Music’. |
dimension |
ClickNoScript |
A click on an ad where a no script tag was called rather than the script tag. |
metric |
ClickTag1 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 1 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag10 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 10 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag11 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 11 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag12 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 12 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag13 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 13 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag14 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 14 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag15 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 15 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag16 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 16 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag17 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 17 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag18 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 18 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag19 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 19 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag2 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 2 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag20 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 20 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag3 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 3 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag4 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 4 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag5 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 5 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag6 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 6 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag7 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 7 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag8 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 8 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
ClickTag9 |
The number of clicks on the clickTag 9 section of the Flash ad. Maximum of 20 variations. |
metric |
CombinedDeliveredImpressions |
Combination of Desktop and Mobile App and Mobile Web Rendered Impressions. |
metric |
ContentCategoryID |
ID associated with a Content Category |
dimension |
CostPerAquisition |
Total Cost/Acquisition |
metric |
CreativeDimensions |
The size in pixels of the creative asset. |
dimension |
CreativeGroup1ID |
ID associated with Creative Group 1 |
dimension |
CreativeGroup2ID |
ID associated with Creative Group 2 |
dimension |
FTCostType |
The media cost model for the placement (e.g. CPM or CPC) |
dimension |
MediaCostTotal |
The units of media cost type multiplied by media cost rate. For example for CPM (impressions/1000) x Media Cost Rate. |
metric |
PlacementId |
ID associated with a Placement |
dimension |
Strategy |
Strategies are used to group placements in reports. They are typically used to describe marketing approaches for each placement. For example ‘10 percent discount’ or ‘Free shipping’ and ‘Free Trial Membership. |
dimension |
StrategyID |
ID associated with a Strategy |
dimension |
ThirdPartyIDCreative |
In ad server there is a free form name for Third Party IDS (dimension name). |
dimension |
ThirdPartyIdPlacement |
Identifier for a placement created by a third party. |
dimension |
TotalConversionValue |
Total value captured as a passed value against the selected spotlights |
metric |
TotalConversionValuefromclicks |
Total value captured as a passed value against the selected spotlights following a click attributed event |
metric |
TotalConversionValuefromviews |
Total value captured as a passed value against the selected spotlights following a view attributed event |
metric |
TotalSpotRatefromclicks |
Calculated as (Total Spotlights (from clicks)/ Requested Impressions) * 100 |
metric |
TotalSpotRatefromviews |
Calculates as (Total Spotlights (from views)/ Requested Impressions) * 100 |
metric |
TotalSpotlightRate |
Calculated as (Total Spotlights/ Requested Impressions) * 100 |
metric |
TotalSpotlights |
The number of individual last touch attributed users that have reached any of the targeted spotlight pages. |
metric |
TotalSpotlightsfromclicks |
The number of individual last touch attributed users that have reached any of the targeted spotlight pages following a click |
metric |
TotalSpotlightsfromviews |
The number of individual last touch attributed users that have reached any of the targeted spotlight pages following an impression with no click |
metric |
U1 |
U1 |
dimension |
U2 |
U2 |
dimension |
adGapId |
Ad Gap Id |
dimension |
altGifImpressions |
The number of times the backup GIF has been called from the ad server; mostly due to the user not having an HTML5 compatible browser. |
metric |
averageInteractionTime |
The average time the user has been interacting with the ad. |
metric |
backupGifclick |
The number of times the backup GIF has been clicks; mostly due to the user not having an HTML5 compatible browser. |
metric |
bookedCost |
Booked costs |
metric |
broadband |
The percentage of users who were on broadband internet connections. |
metric |
browser |
Browser the conversion occured in |
dimension |
campaign |
Coordinated media delivery plan that includes placements or creatives etc |
dimension |
campaignID |
ID associated with a Campaign |
dimension |
city_code |
City Code |
dimension |
clickThroughRate |
The number of clicks per impressions. Calculated as clicks/impressions. |
metric |
clickViewDate |
Date the attributed click or view was served on |
dimension |
clickViewHour |
Hour within the day the attributed click or view was served at |
dimension |
clicks |
The total number of times the ad has been clicked on. |
metric |
clientID |
ID of the client |
dimension |
clientName |
Name of the client |
dimension |
configID |
Configuration ID |
dimension |
configuration |
Configuration is one of the default names |
dimension |
conversionType |
Event associated with conversion either click or impression |
dimension |
costCapPeriod |
The time period a fix cost cap applies to. |
dimension |
costGroupID |
Identifier assigned by Report Builder to a cost group. |
dimension |
costGroupName |
A group of two or more placements within a single publisher that are bought as a package. |
dimension |
costPerClick |
The count of clicks multiplied by CPC or cost/count of clicks. |
metric |
country_code |
Country code |
dimension |
creative |
The visual advertisement that will be shown to users. |
dimension |
creativeGroup1 |
Collection of related creatives that have been grouped together. |
dimension |
creativeGroup2 |
Additional collection of related creatives that have been grouped together. |
dimension |
creativeID |
ID associated with a Creative |
dimension |
creativeType |
The classification of creative asset |
dimension |
currency |
The monetary unit used to buy or sell media (ex. USD or EUR or etc.) |
dimension |
date |
Date of performance |
dimension |
dimensions |
The size in pixels of the creative asset. |
dimension |
eMediaCostRate |
Effective Media Cost Rate - the fixed cost calculated CPM (see Cost Cap Period) or applied Media Cost Rate (CPM/CPC). |
metric |
endDate |
Placement End Date (inherited from Campaign when absent). |
dimension |
enhancedAveIntTime |
The average time the user has been interacting with the enhanced ad |
metric |
enhancedCTR |
The number of clicks per impressions on enhanced ad. Calculated as clicks/impressions. |
metric |
enhancedClick |
The total number of times the enhanced ad has been clicked on. |
metric |
enhancedImp |
The number of times the enhanced ad has been served |
metric |
enhancedInt |
The number of users who interacted with the enhanced ad |
metric |
enhancedIntRate |
The total number of interactions as a percentage of impressions requested for an enhancement ad |
metric |
enhancedIntTime |
The total time value of all interactions with enhanced ad |
metric |
expandClickThroughRate |
The number of clicks per impressions on expand ads. |
metric |
expandDimensions |
The size in pixels of the fully expanded creative. |
dimension |
expandRate |
The rate in which an ad is viewed in the expanded state (total number of expands/total impressions). |
metric |
expandViews |
The number of times ad expand ad was seen by a user while the ad was expanded. |
metric |
facebookClick |
Facebook Click |
metric |
flashtalkingunitcost |
The cost per thousands units if CPM or cost per unit if other buying model |
metric |
frequency |
Requested Impressions / Impression Reach |
metric |
ft_custom |
Custom |
dimension |
ft_section |
Section |
dimension |
fullscreen |
The number of video creatives that played in fullscreen mode |
metric |
geoMatch |
Geo match |
dimension |
geoProximityMatch |
Geo proximity match |
dimension |
goalimp |
Goal Impressions |
metric |
goalrate |
Goal Rate |
metric |
goalvalue |
Goal Value |
metric |
groupType |
Type of the group |
dimension |
guid |
Unique identifier of user |
dimension |
impressionsBooked |
Number of booked impressions |
metric |
impressionsDelivered |
Number of delivered impressions |
metric |
interactionRate |
The total number of interactions as a percentage of impressions requested. |
metric |
interactionsUniqueByImpressions |
The number of users who interacted with the ad. |
metric |
ispMatch |
Isp match |
dimension |
itemname |
Name of item |
dimension |
keyword |
Keyword |
dimension |
keywordMatch |
Keyword match |
dimension |
market |
Market |
dimension |
measuredRate |
The percentage of viewable and non-viewable impressions compared to the number of impressions |
metric |
mediaCostRate |
The rate applied to cost type. |
metric |
mediacosttype |
The cost model applied to media (CPM or CPC or CPA or fixed). |
dimension |
metro_code |
Metro Code |
dimension |
metro_name |
Metro ID |
dimension |
narrowband |
The percentage of users who were on narrowband internet connections. |
metric |
natSearchClick |
Nat search click |
metric |
natsearchtponly |
Nat search tp only |
metric |
noScriptGifImpressions |
The number of times the backup GIF has been called from the ad server due to the user not having JavaScript installed/enabled on their computer. |
metric |
nonViewableRenderedImp |
Impressions measured as non-viewable when an ad is not rendered to a browser and less 50% of the pixels in the ad were on an in-focus browser tab on the viewable space of the browser page or they were viewable for less that one continuous second. |
metric |
os |
Operating System the Conversion occured on |
dimension |
percentageNonViewable |
Calculated as ( non-viewable impressions / rendered impressions) x 100 |
metric |
percentageUndetermined |
Calculated as (undetermined served impressions / rendered impressions) x 100 where udetermined impression occurred in an environment where Flashtalking determined that they could not accurately detect the visible status of an ad. |
metric |
percentageViewable |
Calculated as (viewable served impressions / rendered impressions) x 100 |
metric |
placement |
An object that contains tags and represents a unit of available ad space on a web page. |
dimension |
profitPerThousandImpressions |
ROI / (Impressions/1000) |
metric |
retargetingMatch |
Retargeting match |
dimension |
richAveIntTime |
The average time the user has been interacting with the rich media ad |
metric |
richCTR |
The number of clicks per impressions on rich media ad. Calculated as clicks/impressions. |
metric |
richClick |
The total number of times the rich media ad has been clicked on. |
metric |
richImp |
The number of times the rich media ad has been served |
metric |
richInt |
The number of users who interacted with the rich media ad |
metric |
richIntRate |
The total number of interactions as a percentage of impressions requested for an rich media ad |
metric |
richIntTime |
The total time value of all interactions with rich media ad |
metric |
salesHour |
Hour of Day the Sale occured at |
dimension |
salesTimestamp |
Time The sale occured at |
dimension |
salesType |
Type of sales |
dimension |
salesValue |
The sales value of the order as provided by the advertiser on confirmation page |
metric |
site |
Publisher or ad network or website or SSP which provides inventory space where media can be bought. |
dimension |
siteID |
ID associated with a Site |
dimension |
soundOn |
The number of users who clicked on the sound on button. |
metric |
spotlightID |
ID Associated with Spotlight |
dimension |
spotlightName |
Spotlight Name as it Appears in Flashtalking Spot Manager |
dimension |
standardCTR |
The number of clicks per impressions on standard ad. Calculated as clicks/impressions. |
metric |
standardClick |
The total number of times the standard ad has been clicked on. |
metric |
standardImp |
The number of times the standard ad has been served |
metric |
startDate |
Placement Start Date (inherited from Campaign when absent). |
dimension |
timeToSale |
The lapsed time in hours from the last click / view event prior to the conversion. |
metric |
totalCost |
The combination of media total cost and FT Cost. |
metric |
totalIncome |
Total Income |
metric |
totalInteractionTime |
The total time value of all interactions. |
metric |
totalProfit |
Calculated as (Total Income - Total Cost) |
metric |
transactionID |
Id of transaction |
dimension |
transaction_quantity |
Number of transactions |
metric |
undetermined |
Undetermined Impressions occurred in an environment where Flashtalking determined that they could not accurately detect the visible status of an ad. |
metric |
uniqueUserClicks |
The number of unique users who clicked the ad. |
metric |
uniqueUsers |
The number of unique users |
metric |
uniqueuserClickthroughRate |
Unique users click through rate |
metric |
vid1Average |
The average percentage of the video 1 that has been viewed. |
metric |
vid1Played100 |
The number of times video 1 is viewed to completion. |
metric |
vid1Played25 |
The number of times video 1 is viewed to 25% completion. |
metric |
vid1Played50 |
The number of times video 1 is viewed to 50% completion. |
metric |
vid1Played75 |
The number of times video 1 is viewed to 75% completion. |
metric |
vid1Replay |
The number of users who replayed the video 1. |
metric |
vid1Start |
The number of users the video 1 began to play for. |
metric |
vid2Average |
The average percentage of the video 2 that has been viewed. |
metric |
vid2Played100 |
The number of times video 2 is viewed to completion. |
metric |
vid2Played25 |
The number of times video 2 is viewed to 25% completion. |
metric |
vid2Played50 |
The number of times video 2 is viewed to 50% completion. |
metric |
vid2Played75 |
The number of times video 2 is viewed to 75% completion. |
metric |
vid2Replay |
The number of users who replayed the video 2. |
metric |
vid2Start |
The number of users the video 2 began to play for. |
metric |
vid3Average |
The average percentage of the video 3 that has been viewed. |
metric |
vid3Played100 |
The number of times video 3 is viewed to completion. |
metric |
vid3Played25 |
The number of times video 3 is viewed to 25% completion. |
metric |
vid3Played50 |
The number of times video 3 is viewed to 50% completion. |
metric |
vid3Played75 |
The number of times video 3 is viewed to 75% completion. |
metric |
vid3Replay |
The number of users who replayed the video 3. |
metric |
vid3Start |
The number of users the video 3 began to play for. |
metric |
vid4Average |
The average percentage of the video 4 that has been viewed. |
metric |
vid4Played100 |
The number of times video 4 is viewed to completion. |
metric |
vid4Played25 |
The number of times video 4 is viewed to 25% completion. |
metric |
vid4Played50 |
The number of times video 4 is viewed to 50% completion. |
metric |
vid4Played75 |
The number of times video 4 is viewed to 75% completion. |
metric |
vid4Replay |
The number of users who replayed the video 4. |
metric |
vid4Start |
The number of users the video 4 began to play for. |
metric |
vid5Average |
The average percentage of the video 5 that has been viewed. |
metric |
vid5Played100 |
The number of times video 5 is viewed to completion. |
metric |
vid5Played25 |
The number of times video 5 is viewed to 25% completion. |
metric |
vid5Played50 |
The number of times video 5 is viewed to 50% completion. |
metric |
vid5Played75 |
The number of times video 5 is viewed to 75% completion. |
metric |
vid5Replay |
The number of users who replayed the video 5. |
metric |
vid5Start |
The number of users the video 5 began to play for. |
metric |
vid6Average |
The average percentage of the video 6 that has been viewed. |
metric |
vid6Played100 |
The number of times video 6 is viewed to completion. |
metric |
vid6Played25 |
The number of times video 6 is viewed to 25% completion. |
metric |
vid6Played50 |
The number of times video 6 is viewed to 50% completion. |
metric |
vid6Played75 |
The number of times video 6 is viewed to 75% completion. |
metric |
vid6Replay |
The number of users who replayed the video 6. |
metric |
vid6Start |
The number of users the video 6 began to play for. |
metric |
vid7Average |
The average percentage of the video 7 that has been viewed. |
metric |
vid7Played100 |
The number of times video 7 is viewed to completion. |
metric |
vid7Played25 |
The number of times video 7 is viewed to 25% completion. |
metric |
vid7Played50 |
The number of times video 7 is viewed to 50% completion. |
metric |
vid7Played75 |
The number of times video 7 is viewed to 75% completion. |
metric |
vid7Replay |
The number of users who replayed the video 7. |
metric |
vid7Start |
The number of users the video 7 began to play for. |
metric |
vid8Average |
The average percentage of the video 8 that has been viewed. |
metric |
vid8Played100 |
The number of times video 8 is viewed to completion. |
metric |
vid8Played25 |
The number of times video 8 is viewed to 25% completion. |
metric |
vid8Played50 |
The number of times video 8 is viewed to 50% completion. |
metric |
vid8Played75 |
The number of times video 8 is viewed to 75% completion. |
metric |
vid8Replay |
The number of users who replayed the video 8. |
metric |
vid8Start |
The number of users the video 8 began to play for. |
metric |
vid9Average |
The average percentage of the video 9 that has been viewed. |
metric |
vid9Played100 |
The number of times video 9 is viewed to completion. |
metric |
vid9Played25 |
The number of times video 9 is viewed to 25% completion. |
metric |
vid9Played50 |
The number of times video 9 is viewed to 50% completion. |
metric |
vid9Played75 |
The number of times video 9 is viewed to 75% completion. |
metric |
vid9Replay |
The number of users who replayed the video 9. |
metric |
vid9Start |
The number of users the video 9 began to play for. |
metric |
videoAveIntTime |
The average time the user has been interacting with the video ad |
metric |
videoCTR |
The number of clicks per impressions on video ad. |
metric |
videoClick |
The total number of times the video ad has been clicked on. |
metric |
videoImp |
The number of times the video ad has been served |
metric |
videoInt |
The number of users who interacted with the video ad |
metric |
videoIntRate |
The total number of interactions as a percentage of impressions requested for an video ad |
metric |
videoIntTime |
The total time value of all interactions with video ad |
metric |
viewability |
Dimension that aims to track only impressions that were actually seen by users. If an ad is loaded at the bottom of a webpage but a user doesn’t scroll down far enough to see it that impression would be deemed non-viewable. |
dimension |
viewableImpressions |
Viewable Impressions measured as viewable when an advertisement is rendered to a browser and greater than or equal to 50% of the pixels in the advertisement were on an in-focus browser tab on the viewable space of the browser page for at least one continuous second. |
metric |
viewableRate |
The percentage of ads served that were actually seen by a user. Calculated as (Viewable Impressions / (Viewable Impressions + Non-Viewable Impressions) |
metric |
zipCodeMatch |
zipCodeMatch |
dimension |