Google Ads#
The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Google Ads.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field UI name |
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
# Campaigns (BudgetReferenceCount) |
The number of campaigns actively using the budget. |
dimension |
% new sessions (PercentNewVisitors) |
Percentage of first-time sessions (from people who had never visited your site before); formatted as |
metric |
Accent color (multi asset responsive display) (MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdAccentColor) |
The accentColor setting for a MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAd. |
dimension |
Accent color (responsive) (AccentColor) |
The accent color for the responsive display ad. |
dimension |
Account (AccountDescriptiveName) |
The descriptive name of the Customer account. |
dimension |
Active View avg. CPM (ActiveViewCpm) |
Average cost of viewable impressions (ActiveViewImpressions). |
metric |
Active View measurable cost (ActiveViewMeasurableCost) |
The cost of the impressions you received that were measurable by Active View. |
metric |
Active View measurable impr. (ActiveViewMeasurableImpressions) |
The number of times your ads are appearing on placements in positions where they can be seen. |
metric |
Active View measurable impr. / impr. (ActiveViewMeasurability) |
The ratio of impressions that could be measured by Active View over the number of served impressions. |
metric |
Active View viewable CTR (ActiveViewCtr) |
How often people clicked your ad after it became viewable. |
metric |
Active View viewable impr. / measurable impr. (ActiveViewViewability) |
The percentage of time when your ad appeared on an Active View enabled site (measurable impressions) and was viewable (viewable impressions). |
metric |
Active View viewable impressions (ActiveViewImpressions) |
How often your ad has become viewable on a Display Network site. |
metric |
Ad (Headline) |
The ad headline for a TextAd. For other ad types such as TemplateAds; this field will contain a string representation of the key attributes of the ad. |
dimension |
Ad Avg. CPC (AverageCpc) |
The total cost of all clicks divided by the total number of clicks received. |
metric |
Ad Avg. position (AveragePosition) |
Your ad’s position relative to those of other advertisers. |
metric |
Ad CTR (Ctr) |
The number of clicks your ad receives (Clicks) divided by the number of times your ad is shown (Impressions). Percentage returned as |
metric |
Ad Clicks (Clicks) |
The number of clicks. |
metric |
Ad Groups (AdGroupCount) |
The count of AdGroup objects using the bidding strategy. |
metric |
Ad ID (AdId) |
ID of the main object of this row. |
dimension |
Ad ID (CreativeId) |
ID of the ad. |
dimension |
Ad ID (ExtensionPlaceholderCreativeId) |
ID of the ad where the extension appeared. |
dimension |
Ad ID (Id) |
ID of the main object of this row. |
dimension |
Ad Impressions (Impressions) |
Count of how often your ad has appeared on a search results page or website on the Google Network. |
metric |
Ad Schedule (Id) |
ID of the main object of this row. |
dimension |
Ad Variation Control Trial Arm ID (AdVariationControlTrialArmId) |
If the impression was part of an ad variation and in the control arm; this represents the ad variation control arm ID. |
dimension |
Ad Variation Treatment Trial Arm ID (AdVariationTreatmentTrialArmId) |
If the impression was part of an ad variation and in the treatment arm; this represents the ad variation treatment arm ID. |
dimension |
Ad Variation Trial ID (AdVariationTrialId) |
If the impression was part of an ad variation; this represents the ad variation trial ID. |
dimension |
Ad event type (ConversionAttributionEventType) |
The event type to which the conversion was attributed. |
dimension |
Ad format preference (multi asset responsive display) (MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdFormatSetting) |
The formatSetting setting for a MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAd. |
dimension |
Ad format preference (responsive) (FormatSetting) |
The format setting of the responsive display ad. |
dimension |
Ad group (AdGroupName) |
The name of the AdGroup. |
dimension |
Ad group ID (AdGroupId) |
The ID of the AdGroup. |
dimension |
Ad group creatives count (AdGroupCreativesCount) |
The count of AdGroupAd objects using the label. |
metric |
Ad group criteria count (AdGroupCriteriaCount) |
The count of AdGroupCriterion objects using the bidding strategy or label. |
metric |
Ad group state (AdGroupStatus) |
Status of the ad group. |
dimension |
Ad group type (AdGroupType) |
The type of ad group. |
dimension |
Ad groups count (AdGroupsCount) |
The count of ad groups using the bidding strategy or label. |
metric |
Ad relevance (CreativeQualityScore) |
The quality score of the ad. |
dimension |
Ad rotation mode (AdRotationMode) |
How often the ads in the ad group will be served relative to one another. |
dimension |
Ad state (CreativeStatus) |
Status of the ad. |
dimension |
Ad state (Status) |
The status of the main object in this row. For example; in a Campaign Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s Campaign. In an Ad Group Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s AdGroup. |
dimension |
Ad strength (AdStrengthInfo) |
The strength information of the ad. |
dimension |
Ad type (AdFormat) |
The underlying media format of the ad. |
dimension |
Ad type (AdType) |
The type of the Ad. If the ad’s type is not supported in the report request’s API version; this field will have the value |
dimension |
Added (IsBidOnPath) |
Indicates if the placement was added as a criterion. |
dimension |
Added/Excluded (QueryTargetingStatus) |
Indicates whether the search term is currently one of your targeted or excluded keywords. |
dimension |
Advertising Channel (AdvertisingChannelType) |
Primary serving target for ads in the campaign. |
dimension |
Advertising Sub Channel (AdvertisingChannelSubType) |
Optional refinement of the campaign’s AdvertisingChannelType. |
dimension |
Age Range (Criteria) |
Descriptive string for the Criterion. |
dimension |
Age Range state (Status) |
The status of the main object in this row. For example; in a Campaign Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s Campaign. In an Ad Group Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s AdGroup. |
dimension |
All conv. (AllConversions) |
Best estimate of the total number of conversions that Google Ads drives. Includes website; cross-device; and phone call conversions. This field is formatted with dot ( |
metric |
All conv. rate (AllConversionRate) |
AllConversions divided by total clicks that can be conversion-tracked. This is how often a click on your ad resulted in a conversion. Percentage returned as |
metric |
All conv. value (AllConversionValue) |
The total value of all of your conversions; including those that are estimated. This field is formatted with dot ( |
metric |
Allow flexible color (multi asset responsive display) (MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdAllowFlexibleColor) |
The allowFlexibleColor setting for a MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAd. |
dimension |
Allow flexible color (responsive) (AllowFlexibleColor) |
Whether the responsive display ad colors must be strictly used. |
dimension |
App final URL (CreativeFinalAppUrls) |
List of final app URLs of the ad. List entries will start with one of: a) |
dimension |
App final URL (FinalAppUrls) |
List of final app URLs of the main object of this row. List entries will start with one of: a) |
dimension |
Approval Status (ApprovalStatus) |
Approval status of the criterion. |
dimension |
Approval Status (ValidationDetails) |
Details about the validation state for the FeedItem.List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Approval status (CombinedApprovalStatus) |
Approval status that combines review state and status. |
dimension |
Attribute Values (AttributeValues) |
The FeedItem’s attribute values.List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Attribute Values (FeedItemAttributes) |
List of attribute values for the FeedItem. |
dimension |
Auto tagging enabled (IsAutoTaggingEnabled) |
Indicates if auto tagging is enabled on the account. |
dimension |
Auto-applied ad suggestion (Automated) |
Indicates if this ad is automatically created by Google Ads. |
dimension |
Avg. CPC (AverageCpc) |
The total cost of all clicks divided by the total number of clicks received. |
metric |
Avg. CPE (AverageCpe) |
The average amount that you’ve been charged for an ad engagement. This amount is the total cost of all ad engagements divided by the total number of ad engagements. |
metric |
Avg. CPM (AverageCpm) |
Average Cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM). |
metric |
Avg. CPV (AverageCpv) |
The average amount you pay each time someone views your ad. The average CPV is defined by the total cost of all ad views divided by the number of views. |
metric |
Avg. Cost (AverageCost) |
The average amount you pay per interaction. This amount is the total cost of your ads divided by the total number of interactions. |
metric |
Avg. impr. freq. per cookie (AverageFrequency) |
Average number of times a unique cookie was exposed to your ad over a given time period. Imported from Google Analytics. |
metric |
Avg. position (AveragePosition) |
Your ad’s position relative to those of other advertisers. |
metric |
Avg. session duration (seconds) (AverageTimeOnSite) |
Total duration of all sessions (in seconds) / number of sessions. Imported from Google Analytics. |
metric |
Base Ad group ID (BaseAdGroupId) |
The ID of base ad group of trial ad groups. For regular ad groups; this is equal to AdGroupId. For campaign-level user lists; this will always be 0. |
dimension |
Base Campaign ID (BaseCampaignId) |
The ID of base campaign of trial campaigns. For regular campaigns; this is equal to CampaignId. |
dimension |
Benchmark CTR (BenchmarkCtr) |
Indicates how other advertisers’ Shopping ads for similar products are performing based on how often people who see their ad end up clicking on it. |
metric |
Benchmark Max. CPC (BenchmarkAverageMaxCpc) |
Indicates how other advertisers are bidding on similar products.Values can be one of: a) a money amount in micros; b) |
metric |
Bid Strategy ID (BiddingStrategyId) |
The ID of the BiddingStrategyConfiguration. |
dimension |
Bid Strategy ID (Id) |
ID of the main object of this row. |
dimension |
Bid Strategy Name (BiddingStrategyName) |
The name of the BiddingStrategyConfiguration. |
dimension |
Bid Strategy Name (Name) |
The name of the main object in this row. For example; in a Campaign Performance Report this will be the name of each row’s Campaign. In an Ad Group Performance Report this will be the name of each row’s AdGroup. |
dimension |
Bid Strategy Type (BiddingStrategyType) |
The type of the BiddingStrategyConfiguration. |
dimension |
Bid Strategy Type (Type) |
The type of the main object in this row. For example; in a Bid Goal Performance Report this will be the type of the BiddingStrategyConfiguration. In a Shared Set Report this will be the type of the SharedSet. |
dimension |
Bid adj. (BidModifier) |
The bid modifier. To filter by this field; use values greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1. Percentage returned as |
dimension |
Bid adjustment (Target search page location) (PageOnePromotedBidModifier) |
Bid multiplier defined on the PageOnePromotedBiddingScheme. |
metric |
Bid automation (Target Outranking Share) (TargetOutrankShareBidChangesForRaisesOnly) |
Whether the TargetRoas strategy always follows bid estimate changes (false); or only increases (true). |
dimension |
Bid automation (Target search page location) (PageOnePromotedBidChangesForRaisesOnly) |
Whether the PageOnePromoted strategy always follows bid estimate changes (false); or only increases (true). |
dimension |
Bid limit (Maximize clicks) (TargetSpendBidCeiling) |
The largest max CPC bid that can be set by the TargetSpend BiddingStrategyConfiguration. |
metric |
Bid limit (Target search page location) (PageOnePromotedBidCeiling) |
Maximum bid limit for the PageOnePromotedBiddingScheme. |
metric |
Bidding Strategy Source (BiddingStrategySource) |
Indicates where the bidding strategy is associated i.e. campaign; ad group or ad group criterion. |
dimension |
Bounce rate (BounceRate) |
Percentage of clicks where the user only visited a single page on your site; formatted as |
metric |
Brand (Brand) |
The ProductBrand value of the product. |
dimension |
Budget (Amount) |
The daily budget. On the Campaign Performance Report this column reflects the entire shared budget if the campaign draws from a shared budget. |
metric |
Budget ID (BudgetId) |
The ID of the Budget. |
dimension |
Budget Name (BudgetName) |
The name of the Budget. |
dimension |
Budget explicitly shared (IsBudgetExplicitlyShared) |
Indicates if the budget is a shared budget (true) or specific to the campaign (false). |
dimension |
Budget period (Period) |
Period over which to spend the budget. |
dimension |
Budget state (BudgetStatus) |
The status of the Budget. |
dimension |
Budget usage (BudgetCampaignAssociationStatus) |
The status of the association between the Budget and the associated Campaign. |
dimension |
Business name (BusinessName) |
The business name in a reponsive display ad. |
dimension |
Business name (multi asset responsive display) (MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdBusinessName) |
The businessName setting for a MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAd. |
dimension |
CTR (Ctr) |
The number of clicks your ad receives (Clicks) divided by the number of times your ad is shown (Impressions). Percentage returned as |
metric |
Call source (CallTrackingDisplayLocation) |
Location (e.g.; ad or landing page) of the impression where the phone number was shown. |
dimension |
Call to action text (multi asset responsive display) (MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdCallToActionText) |
The callToActionText setting for a MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAd. |
dimension |
Call to action text (responsive) (CallToActionText) |
The call-to-action text for the responsive display ad. |
dimension |
Call type (CallType) |
The type of the call. |
dimension |
Call-only ad phone number (CallOnlyPhoneNumber) |
The phone number of call-only ad. |
dimension |
Caller area code (CallerNationalDesignatedCode) |
Area code of the caller. |
dimension |
Caller country code (CallerCountryCallingCode) |
Country code of the caller. |
dimension |
Campaign (AssociatedCampaignName) |
The name of a Campaign associated with the Budget. |
dimension |
Campaign (CampaignName) |
The name of the Campaign. |
dimension |
Campaign Group ID (CampaignGroupId) |
The ID of campaign group. |
dimension |
Campaign Group ID (Id) |
ID of the main object of this row. |
dimension |
Campaign Group Name (Name) |
The name of the main object in this row. For example; in a Campaign Performance Report this will be the name of each row’s Campaign. In an Ad Group Performance Report this will be the name of each row’s AdGroup. |
dimension |
Campaign Group Status (Status) |
The status of the main object in this row. For example; in a Campaign Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s Campaign. In an Ad Group Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s AdGroup. |
dimension |
Campaign ID (AssociatedCampaignId) |
The ID of a Campaign associated with the Budget. |
dimension |
Campaign ID (CampaignId) |
The ID of the Campaign. |
dimension |
Campaign Trial Type (CampaignTrialType) |
The type of campaign. This shows if the campaign is a trial campaign or not. |
dimension |
Campaign location target (CampaignLocationTargetId) |
Location ID of the matching campaign criterion. |
dimension |
Campaign serving status (ServingStatus) |
Indicates if the Campaign is serving ads. |
dimension |
Campaign state (AssociatedCampaignStatus) |
The status of a Campaign associated with the Budget. |
dimension |
Campaign state (CampaignStatus) |
The status of the Campaign. |
dimension |
Campaigns (CampaignCount) |
The count of Campaign objects using the bidding strategy. |
metric |
Campaigns count (CampaignsCount) |
The count of Campaign objects using the label. |
metric |
Can manage clients (CanManageClients) |
Indicates if the account is an MCC account (true) or a regular Google Ads account (false). |
dimension |
Categories (CategoryPaths) |
The themes of the pages in your website domain derived from your website’s structure. |
dimension |
Category (1st level) (CategoryL1) |
The ProductBiddingCategory level 1 value of the product. |
dimension |
Category (2nd level) (CategoryL2) |
The ProductBiddingCategory level 2 value of the product. |
dimension |
Category (3rd level) (CategoryL3) |
The ProductBiddingCategory level 3 value of the product. |
dimension |
Category (4th level) (CategoryL4) |
The ProductBiddingCategory level 4 value of the product. |
dimension |
Category (5th level) (CategoryL5) |
The ProductBiddingCategory level 5 value of the product. |
dimension |
Channel (Channel) |
Channel of the product. |
dimension |
Channel Exclusivity (ChannelExclusivity) |
Channel exclusivity of the product. |
dimension |
City (CityCriteriaId) |
ID of the city Location associated with the impression. You can look up the corresponding name and other information using LocationCriterionService. |
dimension |
City (Location of interest) (AoiCityCriteriaId) |
ID of the city of the Location criterion matching the area of interest |
dimension |
City (Physical location) (LopCityCriteriaId) |
ID of the city of the Location criterion matching the location of presence |
dimension |
Click Assisted Conv. (ClickAssistedConversions) |
The total number of conversions for which this keyword; ad; ad group; or campaign contributed to one or more assisted clicks. |
metric |
Click Assisted Conv. / Last Click Conv. (ClickAssistedConversionsOverLastClickConversions) |
The total number of conversions for which this keyword; ad; ad group; or campaign received in assisted clicks divided by the total number of conversions for which it triggered the last click. |
metric |
Click Assisted Conv. Value (ClickAssistedConversionValue) |
The total value of all conversions for which this keyword; ad; ad group; or campaign triggered assisted clicks. |
metric |
Click share (SearchClickShare) |
The number of clicks you’ve received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of clicks you were eligible to receive. A percentage returned as |
metric |
Click type (ClickType) |
Indicates the click type for metric fields such as Impressions. Since ads that serve can be attributed to multiple click types; metric fields may be double-counted and thus totals may not be accurate; especially for Display network campaigns. |
dimension |
Clicks (Clicks) |
The number of clicks. |
metric |
Client Customer Id |
The Client Customer ID. |
dimension |
Client Customer Name |
The name of the Client. |
dimension |
Client name (CustomerDescriptiveName) |
The descriptive name of the Customer. |
dimension |
Combined Clicks (CombinedAdsOrganicClicks) |
Clicks from ads or organic search results. |
metric |
Combined Clicks/Query (CombinedAdsOrganicClicksPerQuery) |
CombinedAdsOrganicClicks divided by CombinedAdsOrganicQueries. This field is formatted with dot ( |
metric |
Combined Queries (CombinedAdsOrganicQueries) |
Total number of searches that returned pages from your site in the organic search results or triggered one of your ads. |
metric |
Competitor domain (Target Outranking Share) (TargetOutrankShareCompetitorDomain) |
The competitor’s visible domain URL for the TargetRoas strategy. |
dimension |
Condition (ProductCondition) |
The ProductCanonicalCondition of the product. |
dimension |
Content Impr. share (ContentImpressionShare) |
The impressions you’ve received on the Display Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive. A percentage returned as |
metric |
Content Lost IS (budget) (ContentBudgetLostImpressionShare) |
The estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show on the Display Network but didn’t because your budget was too low. A percentage returned as |
metric |
Content Lost IS (rank) (ContentRankLostImpressionShare) |
The estimated percentage of impressions on the Display Network that your ads didn’t receive due to poor Ad Rank. A percentage returned as |
metric |
Content Network Bid Dimension (ContentBidCriterionTypeGroup) |
The type of criteria the ad group uses for absolute bids on the Display Network. |
dimension |
Conv. rate (ConversionRate) |
The number of conversions divided by total clicks that can be tracked to conversions. Percentage returned as |
metric |
Conv. value (current model) (CurrentModelAttributedConversionValue) |
Shows how your historic ConversionValue data would look under the attribution model you’ve currently selected. This field is formatted with dot ( |
metric |
Conversion Tracker Id (ConversionTrackerId) |
ID of the conversion tracker. |
dimension |
Conversion adjustment (ConversionAdjustment) |
Whether the conversion was adjusted or the conversion is original one. |
dimension |
Conversion category (ConversionCategoryName) |
A category that describes the action the user will take to complete a conversion. Prevents zero-conversion rows from being returned. Values: |
dimension |
Conversion name (ConversionTypeName) |
The name of the conversion type. Prevents zero-conversion rows from being returned. |
dimension |
Conversion source (ExternalConversionSource) |
The source of conversion such as website; import from calls. |
dimension |
Conversions (Conversions) |
The number of conversions for all conversion actions that you have opted into optimization. This field is formatted with dot ( |
metric |
Conversions (current model) (CurrentModelAttributedConversions) |
Shows how your historic Conversions data would look under the attribution model you’ve currently selected. This field is formatted with dot ( |
metric |
Cost (Cost) |
The sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) costs during this period. |
metric |
Cost / all conv. (CostPerAllConversion) |
Total cost divided by all conversions. |
metric |
Cost / conv. (CostPerConversion) |
The Cost attributable to conversion-tracked clicks divided by the number of conversions |
metric |
Cost / conv. (current model) (CostPerCurrentModelAttributedConversion) |
Shows how your historic CostPerConversion data would look under the attribution model you’ve currently selected. This field is formatted with dot ( |
metric |
Country/Territory (CountryCriteriaId) |
ID of the country Location associated with the impression. You can look up the corresponding name and other information using LocationCriterionService. |
dimension |
Country/Territory (Location of interest) (AoiCountryCriteriaId) |
ID of the country of the Location criterion matching the area of interest (AOI) associated with the impression. You can look up the corresponding name and other information using LocationCriterionService. |
dimension |
Country/Territory (Physical location) (LopCountryCriteriaId) |
ID of the country of the Location criterion matching the location of presence (LOP) associated with the impression. You can look up the corresponding name and other information using LocationCriterionService. |
dimension |
Criteria Display Name (DisplayName) |
Descriptive string for the Criterion. |
dimension |
Criteria Type (CriteriaType) |
The type of the Criterion. |
dimension |
Criteria Type (CriterionType) |
The type of criterion. |
dimension |
Criterion (Criteria) |
Descriptive string for the Criterion. |
dimension |
Criterion ID (Id) |
ID of the main object of this row. |
dimension |
Criterion serving status (SystemServingStatus) |
Serving status of the criterion. |
dimension |
Cross-device conv. (CrossDeviceConversions) |
Conversions from when a customer clicks on an ad on one device; then converts on a different device or browser. Cross-device conversions are already included in your AllConversions column. This field is formatted with dot ( |
metric |
Currency (AccountCurrencyCode) |
The currency of the Customer account. |
dimension |
Custom label 0 (CustomAttribute0) |
The ProductCustomAttribute level 0 value of the product. |
dimension |
Custom label 1 (CustomAttribute1) |
The ProductCustomAttribute level 1 value of the product. |
dimension |
Custom label 2 (CustomAttribute2) |
The ProductCustomAttribute level 2 value of the product. |
dimension |
Custom label 3 (CustomAttribute3) |
The ProductCustomAttribute level 3 value of the product. |
dimension |
Custom label 4 (CustomAttribute4) |
The ProductCustomAttribute level 4 value of the product. |
dimension |
Custom parameter (CreativeUrlCustomParameters) |
List of custom parameters of the ad. CustomParameters elements are returned in JSON map format. |
dimension |
Custom parameter (UrlCustomParameters) |
Custom URL parameters of the main object of this row. CustomParameters elements are returned in JSON map format. |
dimension |
Customer ID (ExternalCustomerId) |
The Customer ID. |
dimension |
Day (Date) |
The date formatted as yyyy-MM-dd. |
dimension |
Day of week (DayOfWeek) |
The name of the day of the week; e.g.; |
dimension |
Days to conversion (ConversionLagBucket) |
Days between click and conversion. |
dimension |
Days to conversion or adjustment (ConversionAdjustmentLagBucket) |
The number of days between the impression and the conversion or between the impression and adjustments to the conversion. |
dimension |
Default max. CPC (CpcBid) |
Cost per click bid. Values can be one of: a) a money amount in micros; b) |
dimension |
Delivery method (DeliveryMethod) |
Budget delivery method. Determines the rate at which the budget is spent. |
dimension |
Description (Description) |
The descriptive text of an expanded text ad or responsive display ad. |
dimension |
Description line 1 (Description1) |
Line 1 description of the Ad. |
dimension |
Description line 2 (Description2) |
Line 2 description of the Ad. |
dimension |
Descriptions (multi asset responsive display) (MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDescriptions) |
The descriptions setting for a MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAd. List elements are returned in JSON list format. Each list element has fields from AssetLink and TextAsset entities. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Desktop bid adj. (AdGroupDesktopBidModifier) |
Desktop bid modifier override at the ad group level. |
dimension |
Desktop bid adj. (CampaignDesktopBidModifier) |
Desktop bid modifier override at the campaign level. |
metric |
Destination URL (CreativeDestinationUrl) |
Destination URL of the ad. |
dimension |
Destination URL (CriteriaDestinationUrl) |
Destination URL of the criterion that triggered ads. |
dimension |
Destination URL (DestinationUrl) |
Destination URL for the impression. |
dimension |
Device (Device) |
Device type where the impression was shown. |
dimension |
Device preference (DevicePreference) |
Platform ID of the device preference. You can look up the corresponding name and other information in the Platforms reference. |
metric |
Disapproval reasons (DisapprovalShortNames) |
List of reasons why the FeedItem is not approved.List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Display URL (DisplayUrl) |
Display URL of the Ad. |
dimension |
Distance from location extensions (DistanceBucket) |
Grouping of user distance from location extensions. |
dimension |
Domain (Domain) |
The domain of the URL (placement) where the impression was shown. |
dimension |
Duration (seconds) (CallDuration) |
The duration of the call; in seconds. |
dimension |
Dynamic ad target (Parameter) |
The WebpageParameter criterion. |
dimension |
Dynamically generated Headline (Line1) |
The dynamically generated headline of the Dynamic Search Ad. |
dimension |
End date (EndDate) |
The end date of the campaign; formatted as yyyy-MM-dd. |
dimension |
End date (EndTime) |
The end time in which the FeedItem is no longer effective and will stop serving |
dimension |
End date (FeedItemEndTime) |
End time at which the FeedItem is no longer effective and will stop serving. |
dimension |
End time (CallEndTime) |
The end date and time of the call. |
dimension |
Engagement rate (EngagementRate) |
How often people engage with your ad after it’s shown to them. This is the number of ad expansions divided by the number of times your ad is shown. Percentage returned as |
metric |
Engagements (Engagements) |
The number of engagements. An engagement occurs when a viewer expands your Lightbox ad. Also; in the future; other ad types may support engagement metrics. |
metric |
Enhanced CPC enabled (EnhancedCpcEnabled) |
Indicates if enhanced CPC is enabled on the bidding strategy. |
dimension |
Est. add. clicks/wk (first position bid) (EstimatedAddClicksAtFirstPositionCpc) |
Estimate of how many clicks per week you might get by changing your keyword bid to the value in FirstPositionCpc. |
dimension |
Est. add. cost/wk (first position bid) (EstimatedAddCostAtFirstPositionCpc) |
Estimate of how your cost per week might change when changing your keyword bid to the value in FirstPositionCpc.Values can be one of: a) a money amount in micros; b) |
metric |
Estimated change in weekly clicks at recommended Budget (RecommendedBudgetEstimatedChangeInWeeklyClicks) |
The estimated change in weekly clicks if the recommended budget is applied. |
metric |
Estimated change in weekly cost at recommended Budget (RecommendedBudgetEstimatedChangeInWeeklyCost) |
The estimated change in weekly cost if the recommended budget is applied.Values can be one of: a) a money amount in micros; b) |
metric |
Estimated change in weekly interactions at recommended Budget (RecommendedBudgetEstimatedChangeInWeeklyInteractions) |
The estimated change in weekly interactions if the recommended budget is applied. |
metric |
Estimated change in weekly views at recommended Budget (RecommendedBudgetEstimatedChangeInWeeklyViews) |
The estimated change in weekly views if the recommended budget is applied. |
metric |
Excluded (IsPathExcluded) |
Indicates if the URL or placement is currently excluded. |
dimension |
Exclusion (Criteria) |
Descriptive string for the Criterion. |
dimension |
Expanded Dynamic Search Ad Description 2 (ExpandedDynamicSearchCreativeDescription2) |
The description 2 of the expanded dynamic search ad. |
dimension |
Expanded Text Ad Description 2 (ExpandedTextAdDescription2) |
The description 2 of the expanded text ad. |
dimension |
Expanded Text Ad Headline 3 (ExpandedTextAdHeadlinePart3) |
The headline part 3 of the expanded text ad. |
dimension |
Expanded landing page (ExpandedFinalUrlString) |
The final URL with ValueTrack parameters replaced with their final rendered values. |
dimension |
Expected clickthrough rate (SearchPredictedCtr) |
Clickthrough rate compared to that of other advertisers. |
dimension |
Explicitly shared (IsBudgetExplicitlyShared) |
Indicates if the budget is a shared budget (true) or specific to the campaign (false). |
dimension |
Feed ID (FeedId) |
The Feed ID. |
dimension |
Feed placeholder type (ExtensionPlaceholderType) |
Placeholder type indicating the type of extension. |
dimension |
Feed placeholder type (PlaceholderType) |
Placeholder type indicating the type of extension. |
dimension |
Final URL (CreativeFinalUrls) |
List of final URLs of the ad. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Final URL (EffectiveFinalUrl) |
Effective final URL of the impressions. |
dimension |
Final URL (FinalUrl) |
Final URL of the impressions. |
dimension |
Final URL (FinalUrls) |
List of final URLs of the main object of this row.UrlList elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Final URL suffix (CreativeFinalUrlSuffix) |
The URL template for appending params to final URL of an ad. |
dimension |
Final URL suffix (FinalUrlSuffix) |
URL template for appending params to final URL. |
dimension |
First level sub-categories (Category1) |
First level theme category of the pages in your website domain. |
dimension |
First page CPC (FirstPageCpc) |
Estimate of the CPC bid required in order to show your ad on the first page of search results.Usually a number in micros; but may be prefixed with |
dimension |
First position CPC (FirstPositionCpc) |
Estimate of the amount you might need to pay for your ad to be displayed in the first position at the top of the first page of Google search results.Usually a number in micros; but may be prefixed with |
dimension |
Free click rate (CreativeConversionRate) |
The number of clicks that converted divided by your total clicks that can be tracked to a conversion. This is how often a click on your ad resulted in a conversion. Percentage returned as |
metric |
Free click type (ConversionTrackerId) |
ID of the conversion tracker. |
metric |
Free clicks (CreativeConversions) |
The number of clicks that converted within your chosen conversion window. |
metric |
Gender (Criteria) |
Descriptive string for the Criterion. For more information on the format of criteria types in reports |
dimension |
Gender state (Status) |
The status of the main object in this row. For example; in a Campaign Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s Campaign. In an Ad Group Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s AdGroup. |
dimension |
Gmail ad business name (GmailTeaserBusinessName) |
The business name in the GmailAd teaser. |
dimension |
Gmail ad description (GmailTeaserDescription) |
The description in the GmailAd teaser. |
dimension |
Gmail ad header image media id (GmailCreativeHeaderImageMediaId) |
The ID of the header image in the GmailAd. |
dimension |
Gmail ad headline (GmailTeaserHeadline) |
The headline in the GmailAd teaser. |
dimension |
Gmail ad logo image media id (GmailCreativeLogoImageMediaId) |
The ID of the logo image in the GmailAd teaser. |
dimension |
Gmail ad marketing image call to action text (MarketingImageCallToActionText) |
The call-to-action text for the GmailAd. |
dimension |
Gmail ad marketing image call to action text color (MarketingImageCallToActionTextColor) |
The call-to-action text color for the GmailAd. |
dimension |
Gmail ad marketing image description (MarketingImageDescription) |
The description of the marketing image in the GmailAd. |
dimension |
Gmail ad marketing image headline (MarketingImageHeadline) |
The headline of the marketing image in the GmailAd. |
dimension |
Gmail ad marketing image media id (GmailCreativeMarketingImageMediaId) |
The ID of the marketing image in the GmailAd. |
dimension |
Gmail clicks to website (GmailSecondaryClicks) |
The number of clicks to your landing page on the expanded state of Gmail ads. |
metric |
Gmail forwards (GmailForwards) |
The number of times your ad was forwarded to someone else as a message. |
metric |
Gmail saves (GmailSaves) |
The number of times someone has saved your Gmail ad to their inbox as a message. |
metric |
Google Click ID (GclId) |
The Google Click ID. |
dimension |
Has Quality Score (HasQualityScore) |
Whether the QualityScore field of the criterion has value. Use this field in a report request predicate to include or exclude criteria with or without a value for the QualityScore field. |
dimension |
Has recommended Budget (HasRecommendedBudget) |
Whether there is a recommended budget for this object. |
dimension |
Headline 1 (HeadlinePart1) |
The first part of an expanded text ad headline. |
dimension |
Headline 2 (HeadlinePart2) |
The second part of an expanded text ad headline. |
dimension |
Headlines (multi asset responsive display) (MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdHeadlines) |
The headline setting for a MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAd. List elements are returned in JSON list format. Each list element has fields from AssetLink and TextAsset entities. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Hour of day (HourOfDay) |
The hour of day as a number between 0 and 23; inclusive. |
metric |
Image Ad URL (ImageAdUrl) |
Prefix this value with |
dimension |
Image Height (ImageCreativeImageHeight) |
The height of the image ad. For other ad types; this will have no values. |
metric |
Image ID (responsive) (EnhancedDisplayCreativeMarketingImageMediaId) |
The ID of the marketing image used in the ResponsiveDisplayAd. |
dimension |
Image Mime Type (ImageCreativeMimeType) |
Image mime type. Only populated for image ads. |
metric |
Image Width (ImageCreativeImageWidth) |
The width of the image ad. For other ad types; this will have no values. |
metric |
Image ad name (ImageCreativeName) |
Name for the image ad. |
dimension |
Images (multi asset responsive display) (MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImages) |
The marketingImages setting for a MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAd. List elements are returned in JSON list format. Each list element has fields from AssetLink and ImageAsset entities. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Impr. (Abs. Top) % (AbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage) |
The percent of your ad impressions that are shown as the very first ad above the organic search results. See this Help Center article for details. A percentage returned as |
metric |
Impr. (Top) % (TopImpressionPercentage) |
The percent of your ad impressions that are shown anywhere above the organic search results. See this Help Center article for details. A percentage returned as |
metric |
Impr. Assisted Conv. (ImpressionAssistedConversions) |
Total number of conversions for which this object triggered assist impressions prior to the last click. |
metric |
Impr. Assisted Conv. / Last Click Conv. (ImpressionAssistedConversionsOverLastClickConversions) |
Total number of conversions for which this object triggered assist impressions divided by the total number of conversions for which this object triggered the last click. |
metric |
Impr. Assisted Conv. Value (ImpressionAssistedConversionValue) |
Total value of all conversions for which this object triggered assist impressions. |
metric |
Impressions (Impressions) |
Count of how often your ad has appeared on a search results page or website on the Google Network. |
metric |
Interaction Rate (InteractionRate) |
How often people interact with your ad after it is shown to them. This is the number of interactions divided by the number of times your ad is shown. Percentage returned as |
metric |
Interaction Types (InteractionTypes) |
The types of interactions that are reflected in the Interactions; InteractionRate; and AverageCost columns. |
dimension |
Interactions (Interactions) |
The number of interactions. An interaction is the main user action associated with an ad format–clicks for text and shopping ads; views for video ads; and so on. |
metric |
Invalid click rate (InvalidClickRate) |
The percentage ( |
metric |
Invalid clicks (InvalidClicks) |
Number of clicks Google considers illegitimate and doesn’t charge you for. |
metric |
Is Targetable (IsTargetingLocation) |
Indicates whether the row’s location (among all of the locations associated with an impression) was the targeting location for the impressions in that row. |
dimension |
Is negative (IsNegative) |
Indicates if the criterion for this row is a negative (exclusion) criterion. |
dimension |
Is restricting (IsRestrict) |
A value of ‘true’ indicates that the criterion type is used for bidding and restricting targeting. A value of ‘false’ indicates that the criterion type is used only for bidding. This will have the opposite value from that of targetAll for the criteria’s corresponding AdGroup.TargetingSettingDetail. For example; if the TargetingSettingDetail for criterionTypeGroup = PLACEMENT has targetAll = true; then the IsRestrict field will be false for Placement criteria. |
dimension |
Item ID (FeedItemId) |
The FeedItem ID. |
dimension |
Item Id (OfferId) |
Offer/item ID of the product. |
dimension |
Item state (FeedItemStatus) |
Status of the FeedItem. |
dimension |
Item state (Status) |
The status of the main object in this row. For example; in a Campaign Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s Campaign. In an Ad Group Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s AdGroup. |
dimension |
Keyword (Criteria) |
Descriptive string for the Criterion. For more information on the format of criteria types in reports |
dimension |
Keyword (KeywordTextMatchingQuery) |
Keyword that matched the query and triggered the ad. |
dimension |
Keyword / Placement (Criteria) |
Descriptive string for the Criterion. For more information on the format of criteria types in reports; see the Criteria prefixes section of the reporting guide. |
dimension |
Keyword / Placement (CriteriaParameters) |
Descriptive string for the Criterion. For more information on the format of criteria types in reports; see the Criteria prefixes section of the reporting guide. |
dimension |
Keyword ID (CriteriaId) |
The Criterion ID. |
dimension |
Keyword ID (CriterionId) |
The Criterion ID. |
dimension |
Keyword ID (Id) |
ID of the main object of this row. |
dimension |
Keyword ID (KeywordId) |
The ID of the Keyword that triggered the ad. |
dimension |
Keyword ID (KeywordTargetingId) |
The ID of the feed item’s keyword targeting. |
dimension |
Keyword state (Status) |
The status of the main object in this row. For example; in a Campaign Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s Campaign. In an Ad Group Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s AdGroup. |
dimension |
Keyword/Placement destination URL (CriteriaDestinationUrl) |
Destination URL of the criterion that triggered ads. |
dimension |
Keyword/Placement state (AdGroupCriterionStatus) |
Status of the ad group criterion (keyword; placement; etc.). |
dimension |
Keyword/Placement state (Status) |
The status of the main object in this row. For example; in a Campaign Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s Campaign. In an Ad Group Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s AdGroup. |
dimension |
Keywords (AdGroupCriteriaCount) |
The count of AdGroupCriterion objects using the bidding strategy or label. |
metric |
Label ID (LabelId) |
The ID of the Label. |
dimension |
Label IDs (LabelIds) |
List of label IDs for the main object of this row. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Label name (LabelName) |
The name of the Label. |
dimension |
Labels (Labels) |
List of label names for the main object of this row. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Landing Page Title (Title) |
Title of the landing page. |
dimension |
Landing page (UnexpandedFinalUrlString) |
The final URL with ValueTrack parameter templates left in place. |
dimension |
Landing page experience (PostClickQualityScore) |
The quality score of the landing page. |
dimension |
Landscape logo ID (responsive) (EnhancedDisplayCreativeLandscapeLogoImageMediaId) |
The ID of the landscape logo image. |
dimension |
Landscape logos (multi asset responsive display) (MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLandscapeLogoImages) |
The landscapeLogoImages setting for a MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAd. List elements are returned in JSON list format. Each list element has fields from AssetLink and ImageAsset entities. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Language (LanguageCriteriaId) |
Language of the product information. |
dimension |
Limited budgets (Target search page location) (PageOnePromotedRaiseBidWhenBudgetConstrained) |
Whether the PageOnePromoted strategy is allowed to raise bids if the campaign is |
dimension |
Location (Id) |
ID of the main object of this row. |
dimension |
Location (Target search page location) (PageOnePromotedStrategyGoal) |
Strategy goal of where impressions will show on search result pages. |
dimension |
Location type (LocationType) |
The type of location. AREA_OF_INTEREST indicates a location that was searched for; or a location derived from viewed content. LOCATION_OF_PRESENCE is the actual physical location of the user. |
dimension |
Logo ID (responsive) (EnhancedDisplayCreativeLogoImageMediaId) |
The ID of the logo image used in the ResponsiveDisplayAd. |
dimension |
Logos (multi asset responsive display) (MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLogoImages) |
The logoImages setting for a MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAd. List elements are returned in JSON list format. Each list element has fields from AssetLink and ImageAsset entities. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Long headline (LongHeadline) |
The long format of the headline in a responsive display ad. |
dimension |
Long headline (multi asset responsive display) (MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLongHeadline) |
The callToActionText setting for a MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAd. AssetLink object is returned in JSON map format. |
dimension |
Low quality keywords (Target Outranking Share) (TargetOutrankShareRaiseBidWhenLowQualityScore) |
Whether the TargetRoas strategy is allowed to raise bids on keywords with lower-range quality scores. |
dimension |
Low quality keywords (Target search page location) (PageOnePromotedRaiseBidWhenLowQualityScore) |
Whether the PageOnePromoted strategy is allowed to raise bids on keywords with lower-range quality scores. |
dimension |
Lower Bid limit (Target CPA) (TargetCpaMaxCpcBidFloor) |
The minimum CPC bid limit for the Target CPA bidding strategy. |
metric |
Lower Bid limit (Target ROAS) (TargetRoasBidFloor) |
Minimum bid limit that applies to all keywords managed by the TargetRoas BiddingStrategyConfiguration. |
metric |
MC Id (MerchantId) |
ID of the Google Merchant Center account associated with the products being advertised. |
dimension |
MCA Id (AggregatorId) |
The multi-client account ID from Merchant Center. |
dimension |
Main color (multi asset responsive display) (MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMainColor) |
The mainColor setting for a MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAd. |
dimension |
Main color (responsive) (MainColor) |
The main color for the responsive display ad. |
dimension |
Match type (CriteriaTypeName) |
The descriptive name of the CriteriaType. |
dimension |
Match type (KeywordMatchType) |
The match type for the Keyword. |
dimension |
Match type (QueryMatchType) |
Match type of the keyword that triggered the ad. |
dimension |
Match type (QueryMatchTypeWithVariant) |
Match type of the keyword that triggered the ad; including variants. See for an explanation of close variants. |
dimension |
Max CPC source (CpcBidSource) |
Source of the CPC bid. |
dimension |
Max CPM Source (CpmBidSource) |
Source of the CPM bid. |
dimension |
Max CPV source (CpvBidSource) |
The source of the cost per view bid. |
dimension |
Max. CPC (CpcBid) |
Cost per click bid. Values can be one of: a) a money amount in micros; b) |
dimension |
Max. CPM (CpmBid) |
CPM (cost per thousand impressions) bid.Values can be one of: a) a money amount in micros; b) |
dimension |
Max. CPV (CpvBid) |
Cost per view bid.Values can be one of: a) a money amount in micros; b) |
dimension |
Member Count (MemberCount) |
The number of entities in the shared set. |
metric |
Metro area (Location of interest) (AoiMetroCriteriaId) |
ID of the metro area of the Location criterion matching the area of interest (AOI) associated with the impression. You can look up the corresponding name and other information using LocationCriterionService. |
dimension |
Metro area (MetroCriteriaId) |
ID of the metro area Location associated with the impression. You can look up the corresponding name and other information using LocationCriterionService. |
dimension |
Metro area (Physical location) (LopMetroCriteriaId) |
ID of the metro area of the Location criterion matching the location of presence (LOP) associated with the impression. You can look up the corresponding name and other information using LocationCriterionService. |
dimension |
Mobile bid adj. (AdGroupMobileBidModifier) |
Mobile bid modifier override at ad group level. |
dimension |
Mobile bid adj. (CampaignMobileBidModifier) |
Mobile bid modifier of the campaign. To filter by this field; use values greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1. Percentage returned as |
metric |
Mobile final URL (CreativeFinalMobileUrls) |
List of final mobile URLs of the ad. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Mobile final URL (FinalMobileUrls) |
List of final mobile URLs of the main object of this row.UrlList elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Mobile speed score (SpeedScore) |
A measure of how quickly your page loads after clicks on your mobile ads. The score is a range from 1 to 10; 10 being fastest. |
metric |
Mobile-friendly click rate (PercentageMobileFriendlyClicks) |
The percentage of mobile clicks that go to a mobile-friendly page. |
metric |
Month (Month) |
The first day of the month; formatted as yyyy-MM-dd. |
dimension |
Month of Year (MonthOfYear) |
The name of the month of the year; e.g.; |
dimension |
Most specific location (MostSpecificCriteriaId) |
ID of the most specific Location criterion associated with the impression. You can look up the corresponding name and other information using LocationCriterionService. |
dimension |
Most specific location target (Location of interest) (AoiMostSpecificTargetId) |
The most specific location target (Location of interest). |
dimension |
Most specific location target (Physical location) (LopMostSpecificTargetId) |
The most specific location target (Physical location). |
dimension |
Negative keyword (Criteria) |
Descriptive string for the Criterion. |
dimension |
Network (AdNetworkType1) |
First level network type. |
dimension |
Network (with search partners) (AdNetworkType2) |
Second level network type (includes search partners). |
dimension |
Non-Removed Ad Groups (NonRemovedAdGroupCount) |
The count of non-removed ad groups using the bidding strategy. |
metric |
Non-Removed Campaigns (NonRemovedCampaignCount) |
The count of non-removed campaigns using the bidding strategy. |
metric |
Non-Removed Keywords (NonRemovedAdGroupCriteriaCount) |
The count of non-removed ad group criteria using the bidding strategy. |
metric |
Organic Average Position (OrganicAveragePosition) |
Average top position of your organic listing (or multiple listings) for each query. This field is formatted with dot ( |
metric |
Organic Clicks (OrganicClicks) |
Number of times someone clicked your site’s listing in the unpaid results for a particular query. |
metric |
Organic Clicks/Query (OrganicClicksPerQuery) |
Number of clicks you’ve received on your organic search listings divided by the total number of searches that returned pages from your site. This field is formatted with dot ( |
metric |
Organic Listings (OrganicImpressions) |
Number of organic search listing impressions. |
metric |
Organic Listings/Query (OrganicImpressionsPerQuery) |
Average number of times a page from your site was listed per query. This field is formatted with dot ( |
metric |
Organic Queries (OrganicQueries) |
Total number of searches that returned organic search results for your site over the given period. |
metric |
PTR (OfflineInteractionRate) |
Number of phone calls received (NumOfflineInteractions) divided by the number of times your phone number is shown (NumOfflineImpressions). |
metric |
Page (Page) |
Page number in search results where the ad was shown. |
dimension |
Pages / session (AveragePageviews) |
Average number of pages viewed per session. Imported from Google Analytics. |
metric |
Parent Criterion ID (ParentCriterionId) |
Criterion ID of the product partition’s parent. |
dimension |
Parental status (Criteria) |
Descriptive string for the Criterion. |
dimension |
Parental status state (Status) |
The status of the main object in this row. For example; in a Campaign Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s Campaign. In an Ad Group Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s AdGroup. |
dimension |
Partition Type (PartitionType) |
The partition type of the ProductPartition criterion. |
dimension |
Path 1 (Path1) |
The text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL for an expanded text ad. |
dimension |
Path 2 (Path2) |
In addition to |
dimension |
Phone calls (NumOfflineInteractions) |
Number of offline phone calls. |
metric |
Phone impressions (NumOfflineImpressions) |
Number of offline phone impressions. |
metric |
Placement (Criteria) |
Descriptive string for the Criterion. |
dimension |
Placement state (Status) |
The status of the main object in this row. For example; in a Campaign Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s Campaign. In an Ad Group Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s AdGroup. |
dimension |
Policy (PolicySummary) |
Policy information for an ad. |
dimension |
Price prefix (multi asset responsive display) (MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDynamicSettingsPricePrefix) |
The dynamicSettingsPricePrefix setting for a MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAd. |
dimension |
Price prefix (responsive) (PricePrefix) |
The prefix shown before prices. |
dimension |
Product Group (ProductGroup) |
Path to the ProductPartition; including all of its parent partitions. |
dimension |
Product Title (ProductTitle) |
The title of the product. |
dimension |
Product type (1st level) (ProductTypeL1) |
The ProductType level 1 value of the product. |
dimension |
Product type (2nd level) (ProductTypeL2) |
The ProductType level 2 value of the product. |
dimension |
Product type (3rd level) (ProductTypeL3) |
The ProductType level 3 value of the product. |
dimension |
Product type (4th level) (ProductTypeL4) |
The ProductType level 4 value of the product. |
dimension |
Product type (5th level) (ProductTypeL5) |
The ProductType level 5 value of the product. |
dimension |
Promotion text (multi asset responsive display) (MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDynamicSettingsPromoText) |
The dynamicSettingsPromoText setting for a MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAd. |
dimension |
Promotion text (responsive) (PromoText) |
The promotion text for the responsive display ad. |
dimension |
Quality score (QualityScore) |
The quality score of the AdGroupCriterion. Ranges from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest). If quality score information is missing; then |
dimension |
Quarter (Quarter) |
The first day of the quarter; formatted as yyyy-MM-dd. Uses the calendar year for quarters; e.g.; the second quarter of 2014 starts on 2014-04-01. |
dimension |
Query (SearchQuery) |
Query that led to the impression. |
dimension |
Recommended Budget amount (RecommendedBudgetAmount) |
The recommended budget amount. |
metric |
Reference Count (ReferenceCount) |
The number of campaigns that actively use the shared set. |
metric |
Region (Location of interest) (AoiRegionCriteriaId) |
ID of the region of the Location criterion matching the area of interest (AOI) associated with the impression. You can look up the corresponding name and other information using LocationCriterionService. |
dimension |
Region (Physical location) (LopRegionCriteriaId) |
ID of the region of the Location criterion matching the location of presence (LOP) associated with the impression. You can look up the corresponding name and other information using LocationCriterionService. |
dimension |
Region (RegionCriteriaId) |
ID of the region Location associated with the impression. You can look up the corresponding name and other information using LocationCriterionService. |
dimension |
Relative CTR (RelativeCtr) |
Your clickthrough rate (Ctr) divided by the average clickthrough rate of all advertisers on the websites that show your ads. Measures how your ads perform on Display Network sites compared to other ads on the same sites. |
metric |
Responsive Search Ad descriptions (ResponsiveSearchAdDescriptions) |
A JSON string including details about all descriptive text for a responsive search ad; including the asset text; pinning; and performance label. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Responsive Search Ad headlines (ResponsiveSearchAdHeadlines) |
A JSON string including details about all headlines for a responsive search ad; including the asset text; pinning; and performance label. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Responsive Search Ad path 1 (ResponsiveSearchAdPath1) |
The text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL for a responsive search ad. |
dimension |
Responsive Search Ad path 2 (ResponsiveSearchAdPath2) |
In addition to |
dimension |
Scheduling (Scheduling) |
Schedule specifying when the FeedItem may serve.FeedItemScheduling elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Search Exact match IS (SearchExactMatchImpressionShare) |
The impressions you’ve received divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive on the Search Network for search terms that matched your keywords exactly (or were close variants of your keyword); regardless of your keyword match types. A percentage returned as |
metric |
Search Impr. share (SearchImpressionShare) |
The impressions you’ve received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive. A percentage returned as |
metric |
Search Lost IS (budget) (SearchBudgetLostImpressionShare) |
The estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show on the Search Network but didn’t because your budget was too low. A percentage returned as |
metric |
Search Lost IS (rank) (SearchRankLostImpressionShare) |
The estimated percentage of impressions on the Search Network that your ads didn’t receive due to poor Ad Rank. A percentage returned as |
metric |
Search Result Type (SerpType) |
The type of search result. |
dimension |
Search abs. top IS (SearchAbsoluteTopImpressionShare) |
The impressions you’ve received in the absolute top location (the very first ad above the organic search results) divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive in the top location. See this Help Center article for details. A percentage returned as |
metric |
Search lost abs. top IS (budget) (SearchBudgetLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare) |
The number estimating how often your ad wasn’t the very first ad above the organic search results due to a low budget. See this Help Center article for details. A percentage returned as |
metric |
Search lost abs. top IS (rank) (SearchRankLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare) |
The number estimating how often your ad wasn’t the very first ad above the organic search results due to poor Ad Rank. See this Help Center article for details. A percentage returned as |
metric |
Search lost top IS (budget) (SearchBudgetLostTopImpressionShare) |
The number estimating how often your ad didn’t show anywhere above the organic search results due to a low budget. See this Help Center article for details. A percentage returned as |
metric |
Search lost top IS (rank) (SearchRankLostTopImpressionShare) |
The number estimating how often your ad didn’t show anywhere above the organic search results due to poor Ad Rank. See this Help Center article for details. A percentage returned as |
metric |
Search term (Query) |
If the string for this attribute is longer than 128 char bytes; the returned result will NOT be a single aggregated row. |
dimension |
Search top IS (SearchTopImpressionShare) |
The impressions you’ve received in the top location (anywhere above the organic search results) compared to the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive in the top location. See this Help Center article for details. A percentage returned as |
metric |
Second level sub-categories (Category2) |
Second level theme category of the pages in your website domain. |
dimension |
Shared Set ID (SharedSetId) |
The ID of the SharedSet. |
dimension |
Shared Set Name (Name) |
The name of the main object in this row. For example; in a Campaign Performance Report this will be the name of each row’s Campaign. In an Ad Group Performance Report this will be the name of each row’s AdGroup. |
dimension |
Shared Set Name (SharedSetName) |
The name of the SharedSet. |
dimension |
Shared Set Type (SharedSetType) |
The type of the SharedSet. |
dimension |
Shared Set Type (Type) |
The type of the main object in this row. For example; in a Bid Goal Performance Report this will be the type of the BiddingStrategyConfiguration. In a Shared Set Report this will be the type of the SharedSet. |
dimension |
Short headline (ShortHeadline) |
The short format of the headline in a responsive display ad. |
dimension |
Square image ID (responsive) (EnhancedDisplayCreativeMarketingImageSquareMediaId) |
The ID of the square marketing image. |
dimension |
Square images (multi asset responsive display) (MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImages) |
The squareMarketingImages setting for a MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAd. List elements are returned in JSON list format. Each list element has fields from AssetLink and ImageAsset entities. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Start date (FeedItemStartTime) |
Start time when the FeedItem is effective and can begin serving. |
dimension |
Start date (StartDate) |
The start date of the campaign; formatted as yyyy-MM-dd |
dimension |
Start date (StartTime) |
The start time in which the FeedItem is effective and can begin serving. |
dimension |
Start time (CallStartTime) |
The start date and time of the call. |
dimension |
State (Status) |
The status of the main object in this row. For example; in a Campaign Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s Campaign. In an Ad Group Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s AdGroup. |
dimension |
Status (CallStatus) |
The status of the call. |
dimension |
Store Id (StoreId) |
Store ID of the product. |
dimension |
System managed Entity Source (SystemManagedEntitySource) |
Indicates the source of a system-generated entity. |
dimension |
Tablet bid adj. (AdGroupTabletBidModifier) |
Tablet bid modifier override at the ad group level. |
dimension |
Tablet bid adj. (CampaignTabletBidModifier) |
Tablet bid modifier override at the campaign level. |
metric |
Target CPA (TargetCpa) |
The current target CPA set on the Target CPA bidding strategy. |
metric |
Target CPA source (TargetCpaBidSource) |
The level at which the target CPA bid was set. This is applicable only at the ad group level. |
dimension |
Target ROAS (EffectiveTargetRoas) |
The effective target ROAS; taking overrides into account. |
dimension |
Target ROAS (Maximize Conversion Value) (MaximizeConversionValueTargetRoas) |
The target ROAS that was set for maximizing revenue while averaging the target return on ad spend. |
metric |
Target ROAS (TargetRoas) |
The desired revenue (based on conversion data) per unit of spend for the TargetRoas BiddingStrategyConfiguration. |
metric |
Target ROAS Source (EffectiveTargetRoasSource) |
The source of the effective target ROAS; taking overrides into account. |
dimension |
Target ad group ID (TargetingAdGroupId) |
Ad group ID of the feed item’s adGroupTargeting. |
dimension |
Target campaign ID (TargetingCampaignId) |
Campaign ID of the feed item’s campaignTargeting. |
dimension |
Target keyword match type (KeywordMatchType) |
The match type for the Keyword. |
dimension |
Target keyword match type (KeywordTargetingMatchType) |
Match type of the feed item’s keywordTargeting. |
dimension |
Target keyword text (Criteria) |
Descriptive string for the Criterion. |
dimension |
Target keyword text (KeywordTargetingText) |
Text of the feed item’s keywordTargeting. |
dimension |
Target location (GeoTargetingCriterionId) |
Location ID of the feed item’s geoTargeting. |
dimension |
Target location restriction (GeoTargetingRestriction) |
The type of location that can be used for targeting. |
dimension |
Target outranking share (TargetOutrankShare) |
Target fraction of auctions where the advertiser should outrank the competitor. |
metric |
Target spend (Maximize clicks) (TargetSpendSpendTarget) |
The spend target under which to maximize clicks. Specified by the TargetSpend BiddingStrategyConfiguration. |
metric |
Targeting Mode (IsAutoOptimized) |
Indicates if Display Campaign Optimizer is enabled for the ad group. Corresponds to the ad group’s ExplorerAutoOptimizerSetting. |
dimension |
Test account (IsTestAccount) |
Indicates if the account is a test account. |
dimension |
This extension vs. Other (IsSelfAction) |
Indicates if the extension for the placeholder feed item of this row was clicked (true) or merely displayed (false). |
dimension |
Time zone (AccountTimeZone) |
Name of the timezone selected for the Customer account. For example: |
dimension |
Top level categories (Category0) |
Top level theme category of the pages in your website domain. |
dimension |
Top of page CPC (TopOfPageCpc) |
Estimate of the CPC bid required in order to show your ad on the top of the first page of search results.Usually a number in micros; but may be prefixed with |
dimension |
Top vs. Other (Slot) |
The position of the Ad. |
dimension |
Topic (Criteria) |
Descriptive string for the Criterion. For more information on the format of criteria types in reports |
dimension |
Topic state (Status) |
The status of the main object in this row. For example; in a Campaign Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s Campaign. In an Ad Group Performance Report this will be the status of each row’s AdGroup. |
dimension |
Total Budget amount (TotalAmount) |
The total budget amount; if you set a campaign’s total budget in the Google Ads UI. Currently; campaign total budgets are only available for video campaigns with a specific start and end date. See this Help Center article to learn more about this option. |
metric |
Total conv. value (ConversionValue) |
The sum of conversion values for all conversions. This field is formatted with dot ( |
metric |
Tracking template (CreativeTrackingUrlTemplate) |
Tracking template of the ad. |
dimension |
Tracking template (EffectiveTrackingUrlTemplate) |
Effective tracking URL of the impressions. |
dimension |
Tracking template (TrackingUrlTemplate) |
Tracking template of the main object of this row. |
dimension |
URL (CriteriaParameters) |
Descriptive string for the Criterion. |
dimension |
URL (Url) |
The dynamically selected destination URL of the impression. |
dimension |
Universal App Ad descriptions (UniversalAppAdDescriptions) |
The list of descriptions of the Universal App ad. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Universal App Ad headlines (UniversalAppAdHeadlines) |
The list of headers of the Universal App ad. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Universal App Ad html5 media bundles (UniversalAppAdHtml5MediaBundles) |
The HTML5 media bundles attached to the ad. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Universal App Ad images (UniversalAppAdImages) |
The marketing images attached to the ad. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Universal App Ad mandatory ad text (UniversalAppAdMandatoryAdText) |
The ad text that must be displayed when the ad is served. |
dimension |
Universal App Ad youTube videos (UniversalAppAdYouTubeVideos) |
The YouTube videos attached to the ad. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
Upper Bid limit (Target CPA) (TargetCpaMaxCpcBidCeiling) |
The maximum CPC bid limit for the Target CPA bidding strategy. |
metric |
Upper Bid limit (Target ROAS) (TargetRoasBidCeiling) |
Maximum bid limit that applies to all keywords managed by the TargetRoas BiddingStrategyConfiguration. |
metric |
Upper Max Cpc Bid limit (Target Outranking Share) (TargetOutrankShareMaxCpcBidCeiling) |
The TargetRoas strategy’s ceiling on max CPC bids. |
metric |
User List ID (UserListId) |
The ID of the UserList (audience). |
dimension |
User lists count (UserListsCount) |
The count of UserList objects using the label. |
metric |
Valid AMP click rate (PercentageValidAcceleratedMobilePagesClicks) |
The percentage of ad clicks to AMP (accelerated mobile pages) landing pages that reach a valid AMP page. |
metric |
Value / all conv. (ValuePerAllConversion) |
The value; on average; of all conversions. This field is formatted with dot ( |
metric |
Value / conv. (ValuePerConversion) |
The total value of your conversions divided by the total number of conversions. This field is formatted with dot ( |
metric |
Value / conv. (current model) (ValuePerCurrentModelAttributedConversion) |
Shows how your historic ValuePerConversion data would look under the attribution model you’ve currently selected. This field is formatted with dot ( |
metric |
Vertical ID (VerticalId) |
The ID of vertical. |
dimension |
Video Channel Id (VideoChannelId) |
The video channel ID. |
dimension |
Video Duration (VideoDuration) |
The duration of the video in milliseconds. |
metric |
Video Id (VideoId) |
The video ID. |
dimension |
Video Title (VideoTitle) |
The video title. |
dimension |
Video played to 100% (VideoQuartile100Rate) |
Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched all of your video. Percentage returned as |
metric |
Video played to 25% (VideoQuartile25Rate) |
Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 25% of your video. Percentage returned as |
metric |
Video played to 50% (VideoQuartile50Rate) |
Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 50% of your video. Percentage returned as |
metric |
Video played to 75% (VideoQuartile75Rate) |
Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 75% of your video. Percentage returned as |
metric |
View rate (VideoViewRate) |
The number of views your TrueView video ad receives divided by its number of impressions; including thumbnail impressions for TrueView in-display ads. Percentage returned as |
metric |
View-through conv. (ViewThroughConversions) |
The total number of view-through conversions. These happen when a customer sees a Display network ad; then later completes a conversion on your site without interacting with (e.g. clicking on) another ad. |
metric |
Views (VideoViews) |
The number of times your video ads were viewed. |
metric |
Week (Week) |
The date for the Monday of the week; formatted as yyyy-MM-dd. |
dimension |
Year (Year) |
The year; formatted as yyyy. |
dimension |
Youtube videos (multi asset responsive display) (MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdYouTubeVideos) |
YouTube video ID of the YouTube assets of multi-asset responsive display ad. List elements are returned in JSON list format. |
dimension |
id (id) |
ID of the main object of this row. |
dimension |
Account Budget adjusted spending limit |
account_budget.adjusted_spending_limit_micros |
dimension |
Account Budget adjusted spending limit type |
account_budget.adjusted_spending_limit_type |
dimension |
Account Budget amount served |
account_budget.amount_served_micros |
dimension |
Account Budget approved end date time |
account_budget.approved_end_date_time |
dimension |
Account Budget approved end time type |
account_budget.approved_end_time_type |
dimension |
Account Budget approved spending limit |
account_budget.approved_spending_limit_micros |
dimension |
Account Budget approved spending limit type |
account_budget.approved_spending_limit_type |
dimension |
Account Budget approved start date time |
account_budget.approved_start_date_time |
dimension |
Account Budget billing setup |
account_budget.billing_setup |
dimension |
Account Budget ID | |
dimension |
Account Budget name | |
dimension |
Account Budget notes |
account_budget.notes |
dimension |
Account Budget proposed end date time |
account_budget.proposed_end_date_time |
dimension |
Account Budget proposed end time type |
account_budget.proposed_end_time_type |
dimension |
Account Budget proposed spending limit |
account_budget.proposed_spending_limit_micros |
dimension |
Account Budget proposed spending limit type |
account_budget.proposed_spending_limit_type |
dimension |
Account Budget proposed start date time |
account_budget.proposed_start_date_time |
dimension |
Account Budget PO Number |
account_budget.purchase_order_number |
dimension |
Account Budget resource name |
account_budget.resource_name |
dimension |
Account Budget status |
account_budget.status |
dimension |
Account Budget total adjustments |
account_budget.total_adjustments_micros |
dimension |
Ad rotation mode |
ad_group.ad_rotation_mode |
dimension |
Base ad group ID |
ad_group.base_ad_group |
dimension |
Ad group Campaign ID |
ad_group.campaign |
dimension |
Default max. CPC |
ad_group.cpc_bid_micros |
dimension |
Maximum CPM |
ad_group.cpm_bid_micros |
dimension |
Maximum CPV |
ad_group.cpv_bid_micros |
dimension |
Content network bid dimension |
ad_group.display_custom_bid_dimension |
dimension |
Target CPA (ad group) |
ad_group.effective_target_cpa_micros |
dimension |
Target CPA source |
ad_group.effective_target_cpa_source |
dimension |
Target ROAS (ad group) |
ad_group.effective_target_roas |
dimension |
Target ROAS source |
ad_group.effective_target_roas_source |
dimension |
Ad group optimizer |
ad_group.explorer_auto_optimizer_setting.opt_in |
dimension |
Ad group final URL template |
ad_group.final_url_suffix |
dimension |
Ad group ID | |
dimension |
Ad group labels |
ad_group.labels |
dimension |
Ad group | |
dimension |
Ad group CPC bid amount (%) |
ad_group.percent_cpc_bid_micros |
dimension |
Ad group resource name |
ad_group.resource_name |
dimension |
Ad group state |
ad_group.status |
dimension |
Ad group target CPA |
ad_group.target_cpa_micros |
dimension |
Ad group target CPM |
ad_group.target_cpm_micros |
dimension |
Ad group target ROAS |
ad_group.target_roas |
dimension |
Is restricting |
ad_group.targeting_setting.target_restrictions |
dimension |
Ad group tracking URL template |
ad_group.tracking_url_template |
dimension |
Ad group type |
ad_group.type |
dimension |
Ad group URL custom parameters |
ad_group.url_custom_parameters |
dimension |
Auto-applied ad suggestion | |
dimension |
Universal app ad descriptions | |
dimension |
Universal app ad headlines | |
dimension |
Universal app ad HTML5 media bundles | |
dimension |
Universal app ad images | |
dimension |
Universal app ad mandatory ad text | |
dimension |
Universal app ad Youtube videos | |
dimension |
App engagement ad descriptions | |
dimension |
App engagement ad headlines | |
dimension |
App engagement ad images | |
dimension |
App engagement ad videos | |
dimension |
Call only ad business name | |
dimension |
Call only ad call tracked | |
dimension |
Call only ad conversion action | |
dimension |
Call only ad conversion reporting state | |
dimension |
Call only ad country code | |
dimension |
Call only ad disable call conversion | |
dimension |
Call only ad headline 1 | |
dimension |
Call only ad headline 2 | |
dimension |
Call only ad path 1 | |
dimension |
Call only ad path 2 | |
dimension |
Call only ad phone number | |
dimension |
Call only ad phone number verification URL | |
dimension |
Call only ad description 1 | |
dimension |
Call only ad description 2 | |
dimension |
Device preference | |
dimension |
Ad product type | |
dimension |
Media bundle | |
dimension |
Display URL | |
dimension |
Expanded dynamic search ad description | |
dimension |
Expanded dynamic search ad description 2 | |
dimension |
Description | |
dimension |
Expanded text ad description 2 | |
dimension |
Headline 1 | |
dimension |
Headline 2 | |
dimension |
Expanded text ad headline 3 | |
dimension |
Path 1 | |
dimension |
Path 2 | |
dimension |
Final app URLs | |
dimension |
Mobile final URL | |
dimension |
Final URL suffix | |
dimension |
Final URL | |
dimension |
Gmail ad header image media ID | |
dimension |
Gmail ad marketing image media ID | |
dimension |
Gmail ad marketing image headline | |
dimension |
Gmail ad marketing image call to action text | |
dimension |
Gmail ad marketing image call to action text color | |
dimension |
Gmail ad URL collection ID | |
dimension |
Gmail ad marketing image description | |
dimension |
Gmail ad product images | |
dimension |
Gmail ad product videos | |
dimension |
Gmail ad business name | |
dimension |
Gmail ad description | |
dimension |
Gmail ad headline | |
dimension |
Gmail ad logo image media ID | |
dimension |
Hotel ad details | |
dimension |
Ad ID | |
dimension |
Image ad URL | |
dimension |
Image mime type | |
dimension |
Image ad name | |
dimension |
Image height | |
dimension |
Image width | |
dimension |
Image ad preview image URL | |
dimension |
Image ad preview image height (px) | |
dimension |
Image ad preview image width (px) | |
dimension |
Legacy app install ID | |
dimension |
Accent color (responsive) | |
dimension |
Allow flexible color (responsive) | |
dimension |
Business name | |
dimension |
Call to action text (responsive) | |
dimension |
Description (responsive) | |
dimension |
Ad format preference (responsive) | |
dimension |
Landscape logo ID (responsive) | |
dimension |
Long headline | |
dimension |
Main color (responsive) | |
dimension |
Image ID (responsive) | |
dimension |
Price prefix (responsive) | |
dimension |
Promotion text (responsive) | |
dimension |
Short headline | |
dimension |
Logo ID (responsive) | |
dimension |
Square image ID (responsive) | |
dimension |
Ad name | |
dimension |
Ad resource name | |
dimension |
Accent color (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Allow flexible color (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Business name (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Call to action text (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Descriptions (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Ad format preference (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Headlines (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Landscape logos (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Long headline (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Main color (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Images (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Image URL 01 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Image URL 02 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Image URL 03 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Image URL 04 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Image URL 05 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Image URL 06 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Image URL 07 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Image URL 08 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Image URL 09 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Image URL 10 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Image URL 11 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Image URL 12 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Image URL 13 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Image URL 14 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Image URL 15 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Price prefix (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Promotion text (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Logos (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Square images (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Square image URL 01 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Square image URL 02 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Square image URL 03 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Square image URL 04 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Square image URL 05 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Square image URL 06 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Square image URL 07 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Square image URL 08 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Square image URL 09 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Square image URL 10 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Square image URL 11 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Square image URL 12 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Square image URL 13 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Square image URL 14 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Square image URL 15 (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Youtube videos (multi asset responsive display) | |
dimension |
Responsive search ad descriptions | |
dimension |
Responsive search ad headlines | |
dimension |
Responsive search ad path 1 | |
dimension |
Responsive search ad path 2 | |
dimension |
Comparison listing ad headline | |
dimension |
Product ad details | |
dimension |
Smart shopping ad details | |
dimension |
System managed entity source | |
dimension |
Description line 1 | |
dimension |
Description line 2 | |
dimension |
Ad headline | |
dimension |
Ad tracking URL template | |
dimension |
Ad type | |
dimension |
Ad URL collections | |
dimension |
Ad URL customer parameters | |
dimension |
Bumper ad companion banner | |
dimension |
In-stream ad CTA label | |
dimension |
In-stream ad CTA headline | |
dimension |
In-stream ad companion banner | |
dimension |
Video ad media file | |
dimension |
Non-skippable ad companion banner | |
dimension |
Outstream video description | |
dimension |
Outstream video headline | |
dimension |
Ad strength |
ad_group_ad.ad_strength |
dimension |
Ad group ad labels |
ad_group_ad.labels |
dimension |
Policy information approval status |
ad_group_ad.policy_summary.approval_status |
dimension |
Policy information policy topic entries |
ad_group_ad.policy_summary.policy_topic_entries |
dimension |
Ad policy review state |
ad_group_ad.policy_summary.review_state |
dimension |
Policy information review status |
ad_group_ad.policy_summary.review_status |
dimension |
Ad resource name |
ad_group_ad.resource_name |
dimension |
Ad state |
ad_group_ad.status |
dimension |
Ad asset view ad group |
ad_group_ad_asset_view.ad_group_ad |
dimension |
Ad asset view ad asset |
ad_group_ad_asset_view.asset |
dimension |
Ad asset field type |
ad_group_ad_asset_view.field_type |
dimension |
Ad asset view performance label |
ad_group_ad_asset_view.performance_label |
dimension |
Ad asset view policy summary |
ad_group_ad_asset_view.policy_summary |
dimension |
Ad asset view resource name |
ad_group_ad_asset_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Ad group ad label |
ad_group_ad_label.label |
dimension |
Ad group ad label resource name |
ad_group_ad_label.resource_name |
dimension |
Audience view resource name |
ad_group_audience_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Ad group bid modifier resource name |
ad_group_bid_modifier.resource_name |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Age range type |
ad_group_criterion.age_range.type |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Approval Status |
ad_group_criterion.approval_status |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Bid Modifier |
ad_group_criterion.bid_modifier |
dimension |
Ad Group CPC (cost-per-click) bid |
ad_group_criterion.cpc_bid_micros |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion ID |
ad_group_criterion.criterion_id |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion display name |
ad_group_criterion.display_name |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion The effective CPC (cost-per-click) bid |
ad_group_criterion.effective_cpc_bid_micros |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion effective CPC bid source |
ad_group_criterion.effective_cpc_bid_source |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion The effective CPM |
ad_group_criterion.effective_cpm_bid_micros |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion effective CPM |
ad_group_criterion.effective_cpm_bid_source |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion The effective CPV (cost-per-view) bid |
ad_group_criterion.effective_cpv_bid_micros |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Source of the effective CPV bid |
ad_group_criterion.effective_cpv_bid_source |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion final mobile URLs |
ad_group_criterion.final_mobile_urls |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion URL template |
ad_group_criterion.final_url_suffix |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion final URLs |
ad_group_criterion.final_urls |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Gender type |
ad_group_criterion.gender.type |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Keyword match type |
ad_group_criterion.keyword.match_type |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Keyword text |
ad_group_criterion.keyword.text |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Parent |
ad_group_criterion.listing_group.parent_ad_group_criterion |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion listing group type |
ad_group_criterion.listing_group.type |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Is negative |
ad_group_criterion.negative |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Parental status type |
ad_group_criterion.parental_status.type |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Placement URL |
ad_group_criterion.placement.url |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Estimated add clicks first position CPC |
ad_group_criterion.position_estimates.estimated_add_clicks_at_first_position_cpc |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Estimated add cost first position CPC |
ad_group_criterion.position_estimates.estimated_add_cost_at_first_position_cpc |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Estimate first page CPC bid |
ad_group_criterion.position_estimates.first_page_cpc_micros |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Estimate first position CPC bid |
ad_group_criterion.position_estimates.first_position_cpc_micros |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Estimate top of page CPC bid |
ad_group_criterion.position_estimates.top_of_page_cpc_micros |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Creative quality score |
ad_group_criterion.quality_info.creative_quality_score |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Landing page quality score |
ad_group_criterion.quality_info.post_click_quality_score |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Quality score |
ad_group_criterion.quality_info.quality_score |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Predicted CTR |
ad_group_criterion.quality_info.search_predicted_ctr |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Status |
ad_group_criterion.status |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Serving status |
ad_group_criterion.system_serving_status |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Category |
ad_group_criterion.topic.path |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion Topic Constant |
ad_group_criterion.topic.topic_constant |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion tracking URL template |
ad_group_criterion.tracking_url_template |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion URL custom parameters |
ad_group_criterion.url_custom_parameters |
dimension |
Ad Group Criterion User List |
ad_group_criterion.user_list.user_list |
dimension |
Ad schedule view resource name |
ad_schedule_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Age range view resource name |
age_range_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Book on Google |
asset.book_on_google_asset |
dimension |
Asset ID | |
dimension |
Full image file size |
asset.image_asset.file_size |
dimension |
Full image height (px) |
asset.image_asset.full_size.height_pixels |
dimension |
Full image URL |
asset.image_asset.full_size.url |
dimension |
Full image width (px) |
asset.image_asset.full_size.width_pixels |
dimension |
Image media type |
asset.image_asset.mime_type |
dimension |
Asset name | |
dimension |
Asset policy summary |
asset.policy_summary |
dimension |
Asset resource name |
asset.resource_name |
dimension |
Text asset |
asset.text_asset.text |
dimension |
Asset type |
asset.type |
dimension |
Youtube video ID |
asset.youtube_video_asset.youtube_video_id |
dimension |
Asset field type |
asset_field_type_view.field_type |
dimension |
Asset field type view resource name |
asset_field_type_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Bidding strategy campaign count |
bidding_strategy.campaign_count |
dimension |
Bidding strategy currency |
bidding_strategy.currency_code |
dimension |
Enhanced CPC bidding strategy |
bidding_strategy.enhanced_cpc |
dimension |
Bid strategy ID | |
dimension |
Maximize conversion value |
bidding_strategy.maximize_conversion_value |
dimension |
Maximize conversions |
bidding_strategy.maximize_conversions |
dimension |
Bid strategy name | |
dimension |
Non-removed campaigns |
bidding_strategy.non_removed_campaign_count |
dimension |
Bidding strategy resource name |
bidding_strategy.resource_name |
dimension |
Bid strategy state |
bidding_strategy.status |
dimension |
Upper bid limit (target CPA) |
bidding_strategy.target_cpa.cpc_bid_ceiling_micros |
dimension |
Lower bid limit (target CPA) |
bidding_strategy.target_cpa.cpc_bid_floor_micros |
dimension |
Target CPA |
bidding_strategy.target_cpa.target_cpa_micros |
dimension |
Bidding strategy target impression share maximum CPC bid (micros) |
bidding_strategy.target_impression_share.cpc_bid_ceiling_micros |
dimension |
Bidding strategy target location |
bidding_strategy.target_impression_share.location |
dimension |
Bidding strategy target impression share location fraction (micros) |
bidding_strategy.target_impression_share.location_fraction_micros |
dimension |
Upper bid limit (target ROAS) |
bidding_strategy.target_roas.cpc_bid_ceiling_micros |
dimension |
Lower bid limit (target ROAS) |
bidding_strategy.target_roas.cpc_bid_floor_micros |
dimension |
Target ROAS |
bidding_strategy.target_roas.target_roas |
dimension |
Bid limit (maximize clicks) |
bidding_strategy.target_spend.cpc_bid_ceiling_micros |
dimension |
Target spend (maximize clicks) |
bidding_strategy.target_spend.target_spend_micros |
dimension |
Bid strategy type |
bidding_strategy.type |
dimension |
Billing Setup end date time |
billing_setup.end_date_time |
dimension |
Billing Setup ID | |
dimension |
Billing Setup payments account |
billing_setup.payments_account |
dimension |
Billing Setup payments account ID |
billing_setup.payments_account_info.payments_account_id |
dimension |
Billing Setup payments account name |
billing_setup.payments_account_info.payments_account_name |
dimension |
Billing Setup payments profile ID |
billing_setup.payments_account_info.payments_profile_id |
dimension |
Billing Setup payments profile name |
billing_setup.payments_account_info.payments_profile_name |
dimension |
Billing Setup secondary payments profile id |
billing_setup.payments_account_info.secondary_payments_profile_id |
dimension |
Billing Setup resource name |
billing_setup.resource_name |
dimension |
Billing Setup start date time |
billing_setup.start_date_time |
dimension |
Billing Setup status |
billing_setup.status |
dimension |
Call duration seconds |
call_view.call_duration_seconds |
dimension |
Call status |
call_view.call_status |
dimension |
Call tracking display location |
call_view.call_tracking_display_location |
dimension |
Caller area code |
call_view.caller_area_code |
dimension |
Caller country code |
call_view.caller_country_code |
dimension |
End call date time |
call_view.end_call_date_time |
dimension |
Call view resource name |
call_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Start call date time |
call_view.start_call_date_time |
dimension |
Call view type |
call_view.type |
dimension |
Ad serving optimization status |
campaign.ad_serving_optimization_status |
dimension |
Advertising sub channel |
campaign.advertising_channel_sub_type |
dimension |
Advertising channel |
campaign.advertising_channel_type |
dimension |
App campaign app ID |
campaign.app_campaign_setting.app_id |
dimension |
App campaign app store |
campaign.app_campaign_setting.app_store |
dimension |
App campaign goal type bidding strategy |
campaign.app_campaign_setting.bidding_strategy_goal_type |
dimension |
Base campaign ID |
campaign.base_campaign |
dimension |
Campaign Bid strategy ID |
campaign.bidding_strategy |
dimension |
Bid strategy type (campaign) |
campaign.bidding_strategy.type |
dimension |
Budget ID |
campaign.campaign_budget |
dimension |
Commission rate (micros) |
campaign.commission.commission_rate_micros |
dimension |
Campaign domain name |
campaign.dynamic_search_ads_setting.domain_name |
dimension |
Campaign page feeds |
campaign.dynamic_search_ads_setting.feeds |
dimension |
Campaign domain language code |
campaign.dynamic_search_ads_setting.language_code |
dimension |
Campaign use supplied URLs only |
campaign.dynamic_search_ads_setting.use_supplied_urls_only |
dimension |
End date |
campaign.end_date |
dimension |
Campaign trial type |
campaign.experiment_type |
dimension |
Final URL suffix |
campaign.final_url_suffix |
dimension |
Campaign frequency caps |
campaign.frequency_caps |
dimension |
Negative geo_targeting type |
campaign.geo_target_type_setting.negative_geo_target_type |
dimension |
Positive geo targeting type |
campaign.geo_target_type_setting.positive_geo_target_type |
dimension |
Hotel center account ID |
campaign.hotel_setting.hotel_center_id |
dimension |
Campaign ID | |
dimension |
Campaign labels |
campaign.labels |
dimension |
Location source |
campaign.local_campaign_setting.location_source_type |
dimension |
Enhanced CPC enabled |
campaign.manual_cpc.enhanced_cpc_enabled |
dimension |
CPM bidding strategy |
campaign.manual_cpm |
dimension |
CPV bidding strategy |
campaign.manual_cpv |
dimension |
Target ROAS (maximize conversion value) |
campaign.maximize_conversion_value.target_roas |
dimension |
Maximize conversions bidding strategy |
campaign.maximize_conversions |
dimension |
Campaign | |
dimension |
Target content network |
campaign.network_settings.target_content_network |
dimension |
Target google search |
campaign.network_settings.target_google_search |
dimension |
Target partner search network |
campaign.network_settings.target_partner_search_network |
dimension |
Target search network |
campaign.network_settings.target_search_network |
dimension |
Optimization goal types |
campaign.optimization_goal_setting.optimization_goal_types |
dimension |
Campaign optimization score |
campaign.optimization_score |
dimension |
Campaign payment mode |
campaign.payment_mode |
dimension |
Percentage CPC maximum bid (micros) |
campaign.percent_cpc.cpc_bid_ceiling_micros |
dimension |
Campaign Percent CPC enhanced enabled |
campaign.percent_cpc.enhanced_cpc_enabled |
dimension |
Real time bidding opt-in |
campaign.real_time_bidding_setting.opt_in |
dimension |
Campaign resource name |
campaign.resource_name |
dimension |
Campaign conversion optimization actions |
campaign.selective_optimization.conversion_actions |
dimension |
Campaign serving status |
campaign.serving_status |
dimension |
Shopping campaign priority |
campaign.shopping_setting.campaign_priority |
dimension |
Shopping campaign enable local products |
campaign.shopping_setting.enable_local |
dimension |
Shopping campaign merchant ID |
campaign.shopping_setting.merchant_id |
dimension |
Shopping campaign sales country |
campaign.shopping_setting.sales_country |
dimension |
Start date |
campaign.start_date |
dimension |
Campaign state |
campaign.status |
dimension |
CPA bidding maximum CPC (micros) |
campaign.target_cpa.cpc_bid_ceiling_micros |
dimension |
CPA bidding minimum CPC (micros) |
campaign.target_cpa.cpc_bid_floor_micros |
dimension |
CPA bidding target CPA (micros) |
campaign.target_cpa.target_cpa_micros |
dimension |
Target campaign CPM |
campaign.target_cpm |
dimension |
Impression share bidding CPC maximum bid (micros) |
campaign.target_impression_share.cpc_bid_ceiling_micros |
dimension |
Impression share bidding location |
campaign.target_impression_share.location |
dimension |
Impression share bidding location fraction (micros) |
campaign.target_impression_share.location_fraction_micros |
dimension |
ROAS bidding maximum CPC (micros) |
campaign.target_roas.cpc_bid_ceiling_micros |
dimension |
ROAS bidding minimum CPC (micros) |
campaign.target_roas.cpc_bid_floor_micros |
dimension |
ROAS bidding target ROAS |
campaign.target_roas.target_roas |
dimension |
Target spend bidding maximum CPC (micros) |
campaign.target_spend.cpc_bid_ceiling_micros |
dimension |
Target spend bidding target spend (micros) |
campaign.target_spend.target_spend_micros |
dimension |
Campaign target restrictions |
campaign.targeting_setting.target_restrictions |
dimension |
Campaign tracking URL |
campaign.tracking_setting.tracking_url |
dimension |
Tracking template |
campaign.tracking_url_template |
dimension |
Custom parameter |
campaign.url_custom_parameters |
dimension |
Vanity pharma URL display mode |
campaign.vanity_pharma.vanity_pharma_display_url_mode |
dimension |
Vanity pharma URL text |
campaign.vanity_pharma.vanity_pharma_text |
dimension |
Campaign brand safety setting |
campaign.video_brand_safety_suitability |
dimension |
Campaign audience view resource name |
campaign_audience_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Bid modifier |
campaign_bid_modifier.bid_modifier |
dimension |
Bid modifier campaign |
campaign_bid_modifier.campaign |
dimension |
Bid modifier criterion ID |
campaign_bid_modifier.criterion_id |
dimension |
Bid modifier interaction ID |
campaign_bid_modifier.interaction_type.type |
dimension |
Bid modifier resource name |
campaign_bid_modifier.resource_name |
dimension |
Budget |
campaign_budget.amount_micros |
dimension |
Delivery method |
campaign_budget.delivery_method |
dimension |
Explicitly shared |
campaign_budget.explicitly_shared |
dimension |
Has recommended budget |
campaign_budget.has_recommended_budget |
dimension |
Campaign budget ID | |
dimension |
Budget name | |
dimension |
Budget period |
campaign_budget.period |
dimension |
Recommended budget amount |
campaign_budget.recommended_budget_amount_micros |
dimension |
Estimated change in weekly clicks at recommended budget |
campaign_budget.recommended_budget_estimated_change_weekly_clicks |
dimension |
Estimated change in weekly cost at recommended budget |
campaign_budget.recommended_budget_estimated_change_weekly_cost_micros |
dimension |
Estimated change in weekly interactions at recommended budget |
campaign_budget.recommended_budget_estimated_change_weekly_interactions |
dimension |
Estimated change in weekly views at recommended budget |
campaign_budget.recommended_budget_estimated_change_weekly_views |
dimension |
Campaign budget reference count |
campaign_budget.reference_count |
dimension |
Campaign budget resource name |
campaign_budget.resource_name |
dimension |
Budget state |
campaign_budget.status |
dimension |
Total budget amount |
campaign_budget.total_amount_micros |
dimension |
Campaign budget type |
campaign_budget.type |
dimension |
Campaign Criterion bid modifier |
campaign_criterion.bid_modifier |
dimension |
Campaign Criterion ID |
campaign_criterion.criterion_id |
dimension |
Campaign Criterion keyword text |
campaign_criterion.keyword.text |
dimension |
Campaign Criterion location geo target constant |
campaign_criterion.location.geo_target_constant |
dimension |
Campaign Criterion is negative |
campaign_criterion.negative |
dimension |
Campaign Criterion placement URL |
campaign_criterion.placement.url |
dimension |
Campaign Criterion resource name |
campaign_criterion.resource_name |
dimension |
Campaign Criterion type |
campaign_criterion.type |
dimension |
Campaign Criterion User List |
campaign_criterion.user_list.user_list |
dimension |
Click View Ad |
click_view.ad_group_ad |
dimension |
City (location of interest) | |
dimension |
Country/territory (location of interest) | |
dimension |
Metro area (location of interest) |
click_view.area_of_interest.metro |
dimension |
Most specific location target (location of interest) |
click_view.area_of_interest.most_specific |
dimension |
Region (location of interest) |
click_view.area_of_interest.region |
dimension |
Click view campaign location target |
click_view.campaign_location_target |
dimension |
Google click ID |
click_view.gclid |
dimension |
City (physical location) | |
dimension |
Country/territory (physical location) | |
dimension |
Metro area (physical location) |
click_view.location_of_presence.metro |
dimension |
Most specific location target (physical location) |
click_view.location_of_presence.most_specific |
dimension |
Region (physical location) |
click_view.location_of_presence.region |
dimension |
Page |
click_view.page_number |
dimension |
Click view resource name |
click_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Conversion action app ID |
conversion_action.app_id |
dimension |
Conversion action attribution model |
conversion_action.attribution_model_settings.attribution_model |
dimension |
Conversion action data driven model status |
conversion_action.attribution_model_settings.data_driven_model_status |
dimension |
Conversion action category |
conversion_action.category |
dimension |
Conversion action click through lookback window (days) |
conversion_action.click_through_lookback_window_days |
dimension |
Conversion action counting type |
conversion_action.counting_type |
dimension |
Conversion action ID | |
dimension |
Conversion action include in conversions metric |
conversion_action.include_in_conversions_metric |
dimension |
Conversion action name | |
dimension |
Conversion action owner customer |
conversion_action.owner_customer |
dimension |
Conversion action phone call duration (seconds) |
conversion_action.phone_call_duration_seconds |
dimension |
Conversion action resource name |
conversion_action.resource_name |
dimension |
Conversion action status |
conversion_action.status |
dimension |
Conversion action tag snippets |
conversion_action.tag_snippets |
dimension |
Conversion action type |
conversion_action.type |
dimension |
Conversion action always use default value |
conversion_action.value_settings.always_use_default_value |
dimension |
Conversion action default currency code |
conversion_action.value_settings.default_currency_code |
dimension |
Conversion action default value |
conversion_action.value_settings.default_value |
dimension |
Conversion action view through lookback window (days) |
conversion_action.view_through_lookback_window_days |
dimension |
Auto tagging enabled |
customer.auto_tagging_enabled |
dimension |
Customer call conversion action |
customer.call_reporting_setting.call_conversion_action |
dimension |
Customer call conversion reporting enabled |
customer.call_reporting_setting.call_conversion_reporting_enabled |
dimension |
Customer call reporting enabled |
customer.call_reporting_setting.call_reporting_enabled |
dimension |
Customer conversion tracking ID |
customer.conversion_tracking_setting.conversion_tracking_id |
dimension |
Customer cross account conversion tracking ID |
customer.conversion_tracking_setting.cross_account_conversion_tracking_id |
dimension |
Currency |
customer.currency_code |
dimension |
Client name |
customer.descriptive_name |
dimension |
Customer final URL suffix |
customer.final_url_suffix |
dimension |
Customer partner program badge |
customer.has_partners_badge |
dimension |
Customer ID | |
dimension |
Can manage clients |
customer.manager |
dimension |
Customer name | |
dimension |
Customer optimization score |
customer.optimization_score |
dimension |
Customer optimization score weight |
customer.optimization_score_weight |
dimension |
Customer pay per conversion eligibility reasons |
customer.pay_per_conversion_eligibility_failure_reasons |
dimension |
Customer resource name |
customer.resource_name |
dimension |
Test account |
customer.test_account |
dimension |
Time zone |
customer.time_zone |
dimension |
Customer tracking URL template |
customer.tracking_url_template |
dimension |
Criteria display name |
detail_placement_view.display_name |
dimension |
Domain (detail placement) |
detail_placement_view.group_placement_target_url |
dimension |
Detail view placement string |
detail_placement_view.placement |
dimension |
Detail view placement type |
detail_placement_view.placement_type |
dimension |
Detail view resource name |
detail_placement_view.resource_name |
dimension |
URL (detail placement) |
detail_placement_view.target_url |
dimension |
Display keyword view resource name |
display_keyword_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Distance from location extensions |
distance_view.distance_bucket |
dimension |
Distance view resource name |
distance_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Dynamic search ads campaign has matching keyword |
dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view.has_matching_keyword |
dimension |
Dynamic search ads campaign has negative keyword |
dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view.has_negative_keyword |
dimension |
Dynamic search ads campaign has negative URL |
dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view.has_negative_url |
dimension |
Dynamically generated Headline |
dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view.headline |
dimension |
dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view.landing_page |
dimension |
Dynamic search ad page_url |
dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view.page_url |
dimension |
Dynamic search ad resource name |
dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Search term (dynamic search ads) |
dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view.search_term |
dimension |
Expanded landing page |
expanded_landing_page_view.expanded_final_url |
dimension |
Expanded landing page view resource name |
expanded_landing_page_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Extension feed item ad schedules |
extension_feed_item.ad_schedules |
dimension |
Affiliated location feed item address line 1 |
extension_feed_item.affiliate_location_feed_item.address_line_1 |
dimension |
Affiliated location feed item address line 2 |
extension_feed_item.affiliate_location_feed_item.address_line_2 |
dimension |
Affiliated location feed item business name |
extension_feed_item.affiliate_location_feed_item.business_name |
dimension |
Affiliated location feed item chain ID |
extension_feed_item.affiliate_location_feed_item.chain_id |
dimension |
Affiliated location feed item chain name |
extension_feed_item.affiliate_location_feed_item.chain_name |
dimension |
Affiliated location feed item city | |
dimension |
Affiliated location feed item country code |
extension_feed_item.affiliate_location_feed_item.country_code |
dimension |
Affiliated location feed item phone number |
extension_feed_item.affiliate_location_feed_item.phone_number |
dimension |
Affiliated location feed item postal code |
extension_feed_item.affiliate_location_feed_item.postal_code |
dimension |
Affiliated location feed item province |
extension_feed_item.affiliate_location_feed_item.province |
dimension |
App feed item app ID |
extension_feed_item.app_feed_item.app_id |
dimension |
App feed item app store |
extension_feed_item.app_feed_item.app_store |
dimension |
App feed item mobile URLs |
extension_feed_item.app_feed_item.final_mobile_urls |
dimension |
App feed item URL suffix |
extension_feed_item.app_feed_item.final_url_suffix |
dimension |
App feed item URLs |
extension_feed_item.app_feed_item.final_urls |
dimension |
App feed item link text |
extension_feed_item.app_feed_item.link_text |
dimension |
App feed item URL template |
extension_feed_item.app_feed_item.tracking_url_template |
dimension |
Call feed item conversion action |
extension_feed_item.call_feed_item.call_conversion_action |
dimension |
Call feed item conversion reporting state |
extension_feed_item.call_feed_item.call_conversion_reporting_state |
dimension |
Call feed item conversion tracking disabled |
extension_feed_item.call_feed_item.call_conversion_tracking_disabled |
dimension |
Call feed item tracking enabled |
extension_feed_item.call_feed_item.call_tracking_enabled |
dimension |
Call feed item country code |
extension_feed_item.call_feed_item.country_code |
dimension |
Call feed item phone number |
extension_feed_item.call_feed_item.phone_number |
dimension |
Call feed item callout text |
extension_feed_item.callout_feed_item.callout_text |
dimension |
Extension feed item device |
extension_feed_item.device |
dimension |
Extension feed item end datetime |
extension_feed_item.end_date_time |
dimension |
Extension feed item extension type |
extension_feed_item.extension_type |
dimension |
Hotel callout feed item language code |
extension_feed_item.hotel_callout_feed_item.language_code |
dimension |
Hotel callout feed item text |
extension_feed_item.hotel_callout_feed_item.text |
dimension |
Extension feed item ID | |
dimension |
Image feed item |
extension_feed_item.image_feed_item |
dimension |
Location feed item address line 1 |
extension_feed_item.location_feed_item.address_line_1 |
dimension |
Location feed item address line 2 |
extension_feed_item.location_feed_item.address_line_2 |
dimension |
Location feed item business name |
extension_feed_item.location_feed_item.business_name |
dimension |
Location feed item city | |
dimension |
Location feed item country code |
extension_feed_item.location_feed_item.country_code |
dimension |
Location feed item phone number |
extension_feed_item.location_feed_item.phone_number |
dimension |
Location feed item postal code |
extension_feed_item.location_feed_item.postal_code |
dimension |
Location feed item province |
extension_feed_item.location_feed_item.province |
dimension |
Price feed item final URL suffix |
extension_feed_item.price_feed_item.final_url_suffix |
dimension |
Price feed item language code |
extension_feed_item.price_feed_item.language_code |
dimension |
Price feed item price offerings |
extension_feed_item.price_feed_item.price_offerings |
dimension |
Price feed item price qualifier |
extension_feed_item.price_feed_item.price_qualifier |
dimension |
Price feed item URL template |
extension_feed_item.price_feed_item.tracking_url_template |
dimension |
Price feed item type |
extension_feed_item.price_feed_item.type |
dimension |
Promotion feed item discount modifier |
extension_feed_item.promotion_feed_item.discount_modifier |
dimension |
Promotion feed item final mobile URLs |
extension_feed_item.promotion_feed_item.final_mobile_urls |
dimension |
Promotion feed item final URL suffix |
extension_feed_item.promotion_feed_item.final_url_suffix |
dimension |
Promotion feed item final URLs |
extension_feed_item.promotion_feed_item.final_urls |
dimension |
Promotion feed item language code |
extension_feed_item.promotion_feed_item.language_code |
dimension |
Promotion feed item money discount (micros) |
extension_feed_item.promotion_feed_item.money_amount_off.amount_micros |
dimension |
Promotion feed item discount currency code |
extension_feed_item.promotion_feed_item.money_amount_off.currency_code |
dimension |
Promotion feed item occasion |
extension_feed_item.promotion_feed_item.occasion |
dimension |
Promotion feed item orders over amount (micros) |
extension_feed_item.promotion_feed_item.orders_over_amount.amount_micros |
dimension |
Promotion feed item orders over currency code |
extension_feed_item.promotion_feed_item.orders_over_amount.currency_code |
dimension |
Promotion feed item discount (%) |
extension_feed_item.promotion_feed_item.percent_off |
dimension |
Promotion feed item promotion code |
extension_feed_item.promotion_feed_item.promotion_code |
dimension |
Promotion feed item promotion end date |
extension_feed_item.promotion_feed_item.promotion_end_date |
dimension |
Promotion feed item promotion start date |
extension_feed_item.promotion_feed_item.promotion_start_date |
dimension |
Promotion feed item promotion target |
extension_feed_item.promotion_feed_item.promotion_target |
dimension |
Promotion feed item tracking URL template |
extension_feed_item.promotion_feed_item.tracking_url_template |
dimension |
Promotion feed item resource name |
extension_feed_item.resource_name |
dimension |
Sitelink feed item final mobile URLs |
extension_feed_item.sitelink_feed_item.final_mobile_urls |
dimension |
Sitelink feed item final URL suffix |
extension_feed_item.sitelink_feed_item.final_url_suffix |
dimension |
Sitelink feed item final URLs |
extension_feed_item.sitelink_feed_item.final_urls |
dimension |
Sitelink feed item line 1 |
extension_feed_item.sitelink_feed_item.line1 |
dimension |
Sitelink feed item line 2 |
extension_feed_item.sitelink_feed_item.line2 |
dimension |
Sitelink feed item link text |
extension_feed_item.sitelink_feed_item.link_text |
dimension |
Sitelink feed item tracking URL template |
extension_feed_item.sitelink_feed_item.tracking_url_template |
dimension |
Extension feed item start datetime |
extension_feed_item.start_date_time |
dimension |
Extension feed item status |
extension_feed_item.status |
dimension |
Structured snippet feed item header |
extension_feed_item.structured_snippet_feed_item.header |
dimension |
Structured snippet feed item values |
extension_feed_item.structured_snippet_feed_item.values |
dimension |
Extension feed item targeted ad group |
extension_feed_item.targeted_ad_group |
dimension |
Extension feed item targeted campaign |
extension_feed_item.targeted_campaign |
dimension |
Extension feed item targeted geo target constant |
extension_feed_item.targeted_geo_target_constant |
dimension |
Extension feed item targeted keyword match type |
extension_feed_item.targeted_keyword.match_type |
dimension |
Extension feed item targeted keyword text |
extension_feed_item.targeted_keyword.text |
dimension |
Text message feed item business name |
extension_feed_item.text_message_feed_item.business_name |
dimension |
Text message feed item country code |
extension_feed_item.text_message_feed_item.country_code |
dimension |
Text message feed item extension text |
extension_feed_item.text_message_feed_item.extension_text |
dimension |
Text message feed item phone number |
extension_feed_item.text_message_feed_item.phone_number |
dimension |
Text message feed item text |
extension_feed_item.text_message_feed_item.text |
dimension |
Attribute values |
feed_item.attribute_values |
dimension |
Feed item end date time |
feed_item.end_date_time |
dimension |
Feed ID |
feed_item.feed |
dimension |
Target location restriction |
feed_item.geo_targeting_restriction |
dimension |
Item ID | |
dimension |
Feed item policy infos |
feed_item.policy_infos |
dimension |
Feed item resource name |
feed_item.resource_name |
dimension |
Feed item start date time |
feed_item.start_date_time |
dimension |
Item state |
feed_item.status |
dimension |
Feed item URL custom parameters |
feed_item.url_custom_parameters |
dimension |
Feed item target ad group |
feed_item_target.ad_group |
dimension |
Feed item target ad schedule |
feed_item_target.ad_schedule |
dimension |
Feed item target campaign |
feed_item_target.campaign |
dimension |
Feed item target device |
feed_item_target.device |
dimension |
Feed item target feed item |
feed_item_target.feed_item |
dimension |
Feed item target ID |
feed_item_target.feed_item_target_id |
dimension |
Feed item target type |
feed_item_target.feed_item_target_type |
dimension |
Feed item geo target constant resource name |
feed_item_target.geo_target_constant |
dimension |
Feed item target keyword match type |
feed_item_target.keyword.match_type |
dimension |
Feed item target keyword text |
feed_item_target.keyword.text |
dimension |
Feed item target resource name |
feed_item_target.resource_name |
dimension |
Feed item target status |
feed_item_target.status |
dimension |
Feed placeholder type |
feed_placeholder_view.placeholder_type |
dimension |
Feed placeholder view resource name |
feed_placeholder_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Gender view resource name |
gender_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Geographic view country criterion ID |
geographic_view.country_criterion_id |
dimension |
Location type |
geographic_view.location_type |
dimension |
Geographic view resource name |
geographic_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Group placement view display name |
group_placement_view.display_name |
dimension |
Group placement view placement |
group_placement_view.placement |
dimension |
Group placement view placement type |
group_placement_view.placement_type |
dimension |
Group placement view resource name |
group_placement_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Domain |
group_placement_view.target_url |
dimension |
Hotel group view resource name |
hotel_group_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Hotel performance view resource name |
hotel_performance_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Keyword view resource name |
keyword_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Label ID | |
dimension |
Label Name | |
dimension |
Landing page view resource name |
landing_page_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Landing page |
landing_page_view.unexpanded_final_url |
dimension |
Location view resource name |
location_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Managed placement view resource name |
managed_placement_view.resource_name |
dimension |
MCC ID | |
dimension |
MCC name | |
dimension |
Absolute Top Impression (%) |
metrics.absolute_top_impression_percentage |
metric |
Active view average CPM |
metrics.active_view_cpm |
metric |
Active view viewable CTR |
metrics.active_view_ctr |
metric |
Active view viewable impressions |
metrics.active_view_impressions |
metric |
Active view measurability |
metrics.active_view_measurability |
metric |
Active view measurable cost |
metrics.active_view_measurable_cost_micros |
metric |
Active view measurable impressions |
metrics.active_view_measurable_impressions |
metric |
Active view viewability |
metrics.active_view_viewability |
metric |
All conversions |
metrics.all_conversions |
metric |
All conversions (by conversion time) |
metrics.all_conversions_by_conversion_date |
metric |
All conversions from click to call |
metrics.all_conversions_from_click_to_call |
metric |
All conversions from directions |
metrics.all_conversions_from_directions |
metric |
All conversion rate |
metrics.all_conversions_from_interactions_rate |
metric |
All conversions from interactions per interaction value |
metrics.all_conversions_from_interactions_value_per_interaction |
metric |
All conversions from menu |
metrics.all_conversions_from_menu |
metric |
All conversions from order |
metrics.all_conversions_from_order |
metric |
All conversions from other engagement |
metrics.all_conversions_from_other_engagement |
metric |
All conversions from store visit |
metrics.all_conversions_from_store_visit |
metric |
All conversions from store website |
metrics.all_conversions_from_store_website |
metric |
All conversions value |
metrics.all_conversions_value |
metric |
All conversion value (by conversion time) |
metrics.all_conversions_value_by_conversion_date |
metric |
All conversions per cost |
metrics.all_conversions_value_per_cost |
metric |
Average cost |
metrics.average_cost |
metric |
Average CPC |
metrics.average_cpc |
metric |
Average CPE |
metrics.average_cpe |
metric |
Average CPM |
metrics.average_cpm |
metric |
Average CPV |
metrics.average_cpv |
metric |
Average page views |
metrics.average_page_views |
metric |
Average session duration (seconds) |
metrics.average_time_on_site |
metric |
Benchmark average maximum CPC |
metrics.benchmark_average_max_cpc |
metric |
Benchmark CTR |
metrics.benchmark_ctr |
metric |
Bounce rate |
metrics.bounce_rate |
metric |
Clicks |
metrics.clicks |
metric |
Combined clicks |
metrics.combined_clicks |
metric |
Combined clicks per query |
metrics.combined_clicks_per_query |
metric |
Combined queries |
metrics.combined_queries |
metric |
Content lost impression share (budget) |
metrics.content_budget_lost_impression_share |
metric |
Content impression share |
metrics.content_impression_share |
metric |
Content lost impression share (rank) |
metrics.content_rank_lost_impression_share |
metric |
Last conversion date |
metrics.conversion_last_conversion_date |
metric |
Last received conversion request |
metrics.conversion_last_received_request_date_time |
metric |
Conversions |
metrics.conversions |
metric |
Conversions (by conversion time) |
metrics.conversions_by_conversion_date |
metric |
Conversion rate |
metrics.conversions_from_interactions_rate |
metric |
Interaction conversions per interaction |
metrics.conversions_from_interactions_value_per_interaction |
metric |
Total conversion value |
metrics.conversions_value |
metric |
Conversion value (by conversion time) |
metrics.conversions_value_by_conversion_date |
metric |
Conversions value per cost |
metrics.conversions_value_per_cost |
metric |
Cost |
metrics.cost_micros |
metric |
Cost per all conversion |
metrics.cost_per_all_conversions |
metric |
Cost per conversion |
metrics.cost_per_conversion |
metric |
Cost per conversion (current model) |
metrics.cost_per_current_model_attributed_conversion |
metric |
Cross-device conversions |
metrics.cross_device_conversions |
metric |
metrics.ctr |
metric |
Conversions (current model) |
metrics.current_model_attributed_conversions |
metric |
Model conversions from interactions |
metrics.current_model_attributed_conversions_from_interactions_rate |
metric |
Conversions from interactions per interaction value |
metrics.current_model_attributed_conversions_from_interactions_value_per_interaction |
metric |
Conversion value (current model) |
metrics.current_model_attributed_conversions_value |
metric |
Model conversions per cost of ad |
metrics.current_model_attributed_conversions_value_per_cost |
metric |
Engagement rate |
metrics.engagement_rate |
metric |
Engagements |
metrics.engagements |
metric |
Gmail forwards |
metrics.gmail_forwards |
metric |
Gmail saves |
metrics.gmail_saves |
metric |
Gmail clicks to website |
metrics.gmail_secondary_clicks |
metric |
Ad relevance (historical) |
metrics.historical_creative_quality_score |
metric |
Landing page experience (historical) |
metrics.historical_landing_page_quality_score |
metric |
Quality score (historical) |
metrics.historical_quality_score |
metric |
Expected clickthrough rate (historical) |
metrics.historical_search_predicted_ctr |
metric |
Hotel average lead value (micros) |
metrics.hotel_average_lead_value_micros |
metric |
Hotel eligible impressions |
metrics.hotel_eligible_impressions |
metric |
Hotel price difference (%) |
metrics.hotel_price_difference_percentage |
metric |
Impressions |
metrics.impressions |
metric |
Location-based store ad impressions |
metrics.impressions_from_store_reach |
metric |
Interaction types |
metrics.interaction_event_types |
metric |
Interaction rate |
metrics.interaction_rate |
metric |
Interactions |
metrics.interactions |
metric |
Invalid click rate |
metrics.invalid_click_rate |
metric |
Invalid clicks |
metrics.invalid_clicks |
metric |
Message chat rate |
metrics.message_chat_rate |
metric |
Message chats |
metrics.message_chats |
metric |
Message impressions |
metrics.message_impressions |
metric |
Mobile-friendly click rate |
metrics.mobile_friendly_clicks_percentage |
metric |
Organic clicks |
metrics.organic_clicks |
metric |
Organic clicks per query |
metrics.organic_clicks_per_query |
metric |
Organic listings |
metrics.organic_impressions |
metric |
Organic listings per query |
metrics.organic_impressions_per_query |
metric |
Organic queries |
metrics.organic_queries |
metric |
New sessions (%) |
metrics.percent_new_visitors |
metric |
Phone calls |
metrics.phone_calls |
metric |
Phone impressions |
metrics.phone_impressions |
metric |
metrics.phone_through_rate |
metric |
Relative CTR |
metrics.relative_ctr |
metric |
Search absolute top impression share |
metrics.search_absolute_top_impression_share |
metric |
Search lost absolute top impression share (budget) |
metrics.search_budget_lost_absolute_top_impression_share |
metric |
Search lost impression share (budget) |
metrics.search_budget_lost_impression_share |
metric |
Search lost top impression share (budget) |
metrics.search_budget_lost_top_impression_share |
metric |
Click share |
metrics.search_click_share |
metric |
Search exact match impression share |
metrics.search_exact_match_impression_share |
metric |
Search impression share |
metrics.search_impression_share |
metric |
Search lost absolute top impression share (rank) |
metrics.search_rank_lost_absolute_top_impression_share |
metric |
Search lost impression share (rank) |
metrics.search_rank_lost_impression_share |
metric |
Search lost top impression share (rank) |
metrics.search_rank_lost_top_impression_share |
metric |
Search top impression share |
metrics.search_top_impression_share |
metric |
Mobile speed score |
metrics.speed_score |
metric |
Top Impression (%) |
metrics.top_impression_percentage |
metric |
Valid AMP click rate |
metrics.valid_accelerated_mobile_pages_clicks_percentage |
metric |
Value per all conversion |
metrics.value_per_all_conversions |
metric |
Value / all conversion (by conversion time) |
metrics.value_per_all_conversions_by_conversion_date |
metric |
Value per conversion |
metrics.value_per_conversion |
metric |
Value / conversion (by conversion time) |
metrics.value_per_conversions_by_conversion_date |
metric |
Value per conversion (current model) |
metrics.value_per_current_model_attributed_conversion |
metric |
Video played to 100% |
metrics.video_quartile_p100_rate |
metric |
Video played to 25% |
metrics.video_quartile_p25_rate |
metric |
Video played to 50% |
metrics.video_quartile_p50_rate |
metric |
Video played to 75% |
metrics.video_quartile_p75_rate |
metric |
View rate |
metrics.video_view_rate |
metric |
Views |
metrics.video_views |
metric |
View-through conversions |
metrics.view_through_conversions |
metric |
Paid organic search term view resource name |
paid_organic_search_term_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Query |
paid_organic_search_term_view.search_term |
dimension |
Parental status view resource name |
parental_status_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Product group view resource name |
product_group_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Search term view ad group |
search_term_view.ad_group |
dimension |
Search term view resource name |
search_term_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Search term |
search_term_view.search_term |
dimension |
Added/excluded |
search_term_view.status |
dimension |
Shopping performance view resource name |
shopping_performance_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Topic view resource name |
topic_view.resource_name |
dimension |
User list access reason |
user_list.access_reason |
dimension |
Account user list status |
user_list.account_user_list_status |
dimension |
User list actions |
user_list.basic_user_list.actions |
dimension |
Closing reason |
user_list.closing_reason |
dimension |
CRM based App ID |
user_list.crm_based_user_list.app_id |
dimension |
CRM based data source type |
user_list.crm_based_user_list.data_source_type |
dimension |
CRM based upload key type |
user_list.crm_based_user_list.upload_key_type |
dimension |
User list description |
user_list.description |
dimension |
User list eligible for Google Display Network |
user_list.eligible_for_display |
dimension |
User list eligible for Google Search Network |
user_list.eligible_for_search |
dimension |
User list ID | |
dimension |
User list integration code |
user_list.integration_code |
dimension |
User list logical user list rules |
user_list.logical_user_list.rules |
dimension |
User list match rate percentage |
user_list.match_rate_percentage |
dimension |
User list membership life span |
user_list.membership_life_span |
dimension |
User list membership status |
user_list.membership_status |
dimension |
User list name | |
dimension |
User list read only |
user_list.read_only |
dimension |
User list resource name |
user_list.resource_name |
dimension |
Left operand rule item groups |
user_list.rule_based_user_list.combined_rule_user_list.left_operand.rule_item_groups |
dimension |
Left operand rule type |
user_list.rule_based_user_list.combined_rule_user_list.left_operand.rule_type |
dimension |
Right operand rule item groups |
user_list.rule_based_user_list.combined_rule_user_list.right_operand.rule_item_groups |
dimension |
Right operand rule type |
user_list.rule_based_user_list.combined_rule_user_list.right_operand.rule_type |
dimension |
User list rule operator |
user_list.rule_based_user_list.combined_rule_user_list.rule_operator |
dimension |
User list end date |
user_list.rule_based_user_list.date_specific_rule_user_list.end_date |
dimension |
Rule item groups list |
user_list.rule_based_user_list.date_specific_rule_user_list.rule.rule_item_groups |
dimension |
Rule type |
user_list.rule_based_user_list.date_specific_rule_user_list.rule.rule_type |
dimension |
User list start date |
user_list.rule_based_user_list.date_specific_rule_user_list.start_date |
dimension |
Expression rule item groups list |
user_list.rule_based_user_list.expression_rule_user_list.rule.rule_item_groups |
dimension |
Expression rule type |
user_list.rule_based_user_list.expression_rule_user_list.rule.rule_type |
dimension |
Pre-population status |
user_list.rule_based_user_list.prepopulation_status |
dimension |
Seed user list |
user_list.similar_user_list.seed_user_list |
dimension |
User list size for Google Display Network |
user_list.size_for_display |
dimension |
User list size for Google Search Network |
user_list.size_for_search |
dimension |
User list size range for Google Display Network |
user_list.size_range_for_display |
dimension |
User list size range for Google Search Network |
user_list.size_range_for_search |
dimension |
User list type |
user_list.type |
dimension |
User location view country criterion ID |
user_location_view.country_criterion_id |
dimension |
User location view resource name |
user_location_view.resource_name |
dimension |
Is targetable |
user_location_view.targeting_location |
dimension |
Video channel ID |
video.channel_id |
dimension |
Video duration |
video.duration_millis |
dimension |
Video ID | |
dimension |
Video resource name |
video.resource_name |
dimension |
Video title |
video.title |
dimension |