The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Hubspot.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
address |
A contact’s street address, including apartment or unit # |
dimension |
amount |
The total value of the deal |
metric |
amount_in_home_currency |
The amount of the deal, using the exchange rate, in your company’s currency |
metric |
annualrevenue |
Annual company revenue |
metric |
associatedcompanyid |
A company’s ID |
dimension |
associatedcompanylastupdated |
This field is meaningless on its own, and is solely used for triggering dynamic list updates when a company is updated |
dimension |
call.body |
The details or notes of the call |
dimension |
call.durationMilliseconds |
The length of the call in milliseconds |
metric |
call.recordingUrl |
The URL of the recording file |
dimension |
call.status |
Will be COMPLETED once the call is finished |
dimension |
call.toNumber |
The phone number that was called |
dimension |
city |
A contact’s city of residence |
dimension |
closed_lost_reason |
Reason why the deal was lost. |
dimension |
closed_won_reason |
Reason why the deal was won. |
dimension |
closedate |
The expected close date of the deal |
dimension |
closedate |
The date that a contact became a customer. This property is set automatically by HubSpot when a deal or opportunity is marked as closed-won. It can also be set manually or programmatically. |
dimension |
company |
A company’s name |
dimension |
company_size |
Company size |
metric |
country |
The contact’s country of residence. This might be set via import, form, or integration. |
dimension |
createdate |
The date that a contact entered the system |
dimension |
createdate |
The date the deal was created |
dimension |
currentlyinworkflow |
If the contact is currently enrolled in any workflow |
dimension |
date_of_birth |
Date of Birth |
dimension |
days_to_close |
The days that elapsed from when a contact was created until they closed as a customer. This is set automatically by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting. |
metric |
dealname |
Name of the deal |
dimension |
dealstage |
The stage of the deal |
dimension |
dealtype |
Type of the deal |
dimension |
degree |
Degree |
dimension |
description |
Description of the deal |
dimension |
A contact’s email address |
dimension |
| |
The email address of the sender |
dimension | |
The email address of the recipient |
dimension |
engagements_last_meeting_booked |
The date of the most recent meeting booked from the Meetings app. |
dimension |
engagements_last_meeting_booked_campaign |
The campaign of the last meeting booked through the Meetings App (ex: the specific email that was sent) |
dimension |
engagements_last_meeting_booked_medium |
The medium of the last meeting booked through the Meetings App (ex: email or website or in-app) |
dimension |
engagements_last_meeting_booked_source |
The source of the last meeting booked through the Meetings App (ex: pql-email, landing-page) |
dimension |
fax |
A contact’s primary fax number |
dimension |
field_of_study |
Field of study |
dimension |
first_conversion_date |
The date this contact first submitted a form |
dimension |
first_conversion_event_name |
The first form this contact submitted |
dimension |
first_deal_created_date |
The date the first deal for a contact was created. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting. |
dimension |
firstname |
A contact’s first name |
dimension |
followercount |
The number of Twitter followers a contact has |
metric |
gender |
Gender |
dimension |
graduation_date |
Graduation date |
dimension |
hs_additional_emails |
A set of additional email addresses for a contact |
dimension |
hs_all_accessible_team_ids |
The team ids, including up the team hierarchy, corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom |
dimension |
hs_all_accessible_team_ids |
The team ids, including up the team hierarchy, corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom |
dimension |
hs_all_contact_vids |
A set of all vids, canonical or otherwise, for a contact |
dimension |
hs_all_owner_ids |
The value of all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom |
dimension |
hs_all_owner_ids |
The value of all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom |
dimension |
hs_all_team_ids |
The team ids corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom |
dimension |
hs_all_team_ids |
The team ids corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom |
dimension |
hs_analytics_average_page_views |
The average number of pages a contact sees. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
metric |
hs_analytics_first_referrer |
The first website that referred a contact to your website. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
dimension |
hs_analytics_first_timestamp |
The first time a contact has been seen. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
dimension |
hs_analytics_first_touch_converting_campaign |
The campaign responsible for the first touch creation of this contact |
dimension |
hs_analytics_first_url |
The first page a contact saw on your website. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
dimension |
hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp |
The first time a contact visited your website. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
dimension |
hs_analytics_last_referrer |
The last website that referred a contact to your website. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
dimension |
hs_analytics_last_timestamp |
The last time and date a contact has viewed a page on your website. |
dimension |
hs_analytics_last_touch_converting_campaign |
The campaign responsible for the last touch creation of this contact |
dimension |
hs_analytics_last_url |
The last page a contact saw on your website. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
dimension |
hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp |
The last time and date a contact visited your website. |
dimension |
hs_analytics_num_event_completions |
The sum of all events a contact has experienced. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
metric |
hs_analytics_num_page_views |
The sum of all pages a contact has seen on your website. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
metric |
hs_analytics_num_visits |
The sum of all visits a contact has made to your website. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
metric |
hs_analytics_revenue |
Event revenue can be set on a contact though HubSpot’s enterprise Events. |
metric |
hs_analytics_source |
The first known source through which a contact found your website. Source is automatically set by HubSpot, but may be updated manually. |
dimension |
hs_analytics_source |
Original source for the contact with the earliest activity for this deal. |
dimension |
hs_analytics_source_data_1 |
Additional information about the source through which a contact first found your website. This property is automatically set by HubSpot. |
dimension |
hs_analytics_source_data_1 |
Additional information about the original source for the contact with the earliest activity for this deal. |
dimension |
hs_analytics_source_data_2 |
Additional information about the source through which a contact first found your website. This property is automatically set by HubSpot. |
dimension |
hs_analytics_source_data_2 |
Additional information about the original source for the contact with the earliest activity for this deal. |
dimension |
hs_avatar_filemanager_key |
The path in the FileManager CDN for this contact’s avatar override image. Automatically set by HubSpot. |
dimension |
hs_calculated_form_submissions |
A set of all form submissions for a contact |
dimension |
hs_calculated_mobile_number |
Mobile number in international format |
dimension |
hs_calculated_phone_number |
Phone number in international format |
dimension |
hs_calculated_phone_number_area_code |
Area Code of the calculated phone number |
dimension |
hs_calculated_phone_number_country_code |
Country code of the calculated phone number |
dimension |
hs_calculated_phone_number_region_code |
ISO2 Country code for the derived phone number |
dimension |
hs_campaign |
The marketing campaign the deal is associated with |
dimension |
hs_content_membership_email_confirmed |
Email Confirmation status of user of Content Membership |
dimension |
hs_content_membership_notes |
Membership Notes |
dimension |
hs_content_membership_registered_at |
Datetime at which this user was set up for Content Membership |
dimension |
hs_content_membership_registration_domain_sent_to |
Domain to which the registration invitation email for Content Membership was sent to |
dimension |
hs_content_membership_registration_email_sent_at |
Datetime at which this user was sent a registration invitation email for Content Membership |
dimension |
hs_content_membership_status |
Membership Status |
dimension |
hs_created_by_conversations |
Flag indicating this contact was created by the Conversations API |
dimension |
hs_createdate |
The date the deal was created in HubSpot |
dimension |
hs_deal_amount_calculation_preference |
Calculation preference of deal amount |
dimension |
hs_document_last_revisited |
The last time a shared document (presentation) was accessed by this contact |
dimension |
hs_email_bounce |
The number of marketing emails that bounced for the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot. |
metric |
hs_email_click |
The number of marketing emails which have had link clicks for the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot. |
metric |
hs_email_delivered |
The number of marketing emails delivered for the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot. |
metric |
hs_email_domain |
A contact’s email address domain |
dimension |
hs_email_first_click_date |
The date of the earliest link click for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot. |
dimension |
hs_email_first_open_date |
The date of the earliest open for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot. |
dimension |
hs_email_first_send_date |
The date of the earliest delivery for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot. |
dimension |
hs_email_is_ineligible |
Indicates the contact is globally ineligible for email. |
dimension |
hs_email_last_click_date |
The date of the most recent link click for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot. |
dimension |
hs_email_last_email_name |
The name of the last marketing email sent to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot. |
dimension |
hs_email_last_open_date |
The date of the most recent open for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot. |
dimension |
hs_email_last_send_date |
The date of the most recent delivery for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot. |
dimension |
hs_email_open |
The number of marketing emails opened for the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot. |
metric |
hs_email_optout |
Indicates that the current email address has opted out of all email. |
dimension |
hs_email_quarantined |
Indicates that the current email address has been quarantined for anti-abuse reasons and any marketing email sends to it will be blocked. This is automatically set by HubSpot. |
dimension |
hs_email_sends_since_last_engagement |
This property tracks how many marketing emails have been sent to a contact since they last engaged with one. |
metric |
hs_emailconfirmationstatus |
The status of a contact’s eligibility to receive marketing email. This is automatically set by HubSpot. |
dimension |
hs_facebook_ad_clicked |
Whether contact has clicked a Facebook ad |
dimension |
hs_facebookid |
A contact’s facebook id |
dimension |
hs_google_click_id |
Google Click ID |
dimension |
hs_googleplusid |
A contact’s googleplus id |
dimension |
hs_ip_timezone |
The timezone reported by a contact’s IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting. |
dimension |
hs_language |
Set your contact’s preferred language for communications. This property can be changed from an import, form, or integration. |
dimension |
hs_lastmodifieddate |
The date any property on this deal was modified |
dimension |
hs_lead_status |
The contact’s sales, prospecting or outreach status |
dimension |
hs_legal_basis |
Legal basis for processing contact’s data; ‘Not applicable’ will exempt the contact from GDPR protections |
dimension |
hs_lifecyclestage_customer_date |
The date when a contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Customer. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
dimension |
hs_lifecyclestage_evangelist_date |
The date when a contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Evangelist. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
dimension |
hs_lifecyclestage_lead_date |
The date when a contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Lead. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
dimension |
hs_lifecyclestage_marketingqualifiedlead_date |
The date when a contact’s lifecycle stage changed to MQL. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
dimension |
hs_lifecyclestage_opportunity_date |
The date when a contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Opportunity. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
dimension |
hs_lifecyclestage_other_date |
The date when a contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Other. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
dimension |
hs_lifecyclestage_salesqualifiedlead_date |
The date when a contact’s lifecycle stage changed to SQL. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
dimension |
hs_lifecyclestage_subscriber_date |
The date when a contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Subscriber. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact. |
dimension |
hs_linkedinid |
A contact’s linkedin id |
dimension |
hs_object_id |
The unique id for this deal |
dimension |
hs_persona |
A contact’s persona |
dimension |
hs_sales_email_last_clicked |
The last time a tracked sales email was clicked by this user |
dimension |
hs_sales_email_last_opened |
The last time a tracked sales email was opened by this user |
dimension |
hs_sales_email_last_replied |
The last time a tracked sales email was replied to by this user. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record. |
dimension |
hs_sales_email_last_replied |
The last time a tracked sales email was replied to for this deal |
dimension |
hs_searchable_calculated_international_mobile_number |
Mobile number with country code |
dimension |
hs_searchable_calculated_international_phone_number |
Phone number with country code |
dimension |
hs_searchable_calculated_mobile_number |
Mobile number without country code |
dimension |
hs_searchable_calculated_phone_number |
Phone number without country code |
dimension |
hs_sequences_is_enrolled |
A yes/no field that indicates whether the contact is currently in a Sequence. |
dimension |
hs_social_facebook_clicks |
The number clicks on links shared on Facebook |
metric |
hs_social_google_plus_clicks |
The number clicks on links shared on Google Plus |
metric |
hs_social_last_engagement |
The date of the most recent click on a published social message. This is set automatically by HubSpot for each contact. |
dimension |
hs_social_linkedin_clicks |
The number clicks on links shared on LinkedIn |
metric |
hs_social_num_broadcast_clicks |
The number of clicks on published social messages. This is set automatically by HubSpot for each contact. |
metric |
hs_social_twitter_clicks |
The number of times a contact clicked on links you shared on Twitter through HubSpot. This is set automatically by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation. |
metric |
hs_twitterid |
A contact’s twitter id |
dimension |
hubspot_owner_assigneddate |
The timestamp when an owner was assigned to this deal |
dimension |
hubspot_owner_assigneddate |
The most recent date a HubSpot Owner was assigned to a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting. |
dimension |
hubspot_owner_id |
The owner of a contact. This can be any HubSpot user or Salesforce integration user, and can be set manually or via Workflows. |
dimension |
hubspot_owner_id |
The owner of the deal |
dimension |
hubspot_team_id |
The team assigned to the deal owner for the deal. |
dimension |
hubspot_team_id |
The team of the owner of a contact. |
dimension |
hubspotscore |
The number that shows qualification of contacts to sales readiness. It can be set in HubSpot’s Lead Scoring app. |
metric |
industry |
A company’s industry |
dimension |
ip_city |
The city reported by a contact’s IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting. |
dimension |
ip_country |
The country reported by a contact’s IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting. |
dimension |
ip_country_code |
The country code reported by a contact’s IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting. |
dimension |
ip_latlon |
IP latitude and longitude |
dimension |
ip_state |
The state or region reported by a contact’s IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting. |
dimension |
ip_state_code |
The state code or region code reported by a contact’s IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting. |
dimension |
ip_zipcode |
The zipcode reported by a contact’s IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting. |
dimension |
ipaddress |
A contact’s IP Address |
dimension |
job_function |
Job function |
dimension |
jobtitle |
A contact’s job title |
dimension |
kloutscoregeneral |
A contact’s Klout score, a measure of Internet influence |
metric |
last_lead_source |
Last Lead source |
dimension |
lastmodifieddate |
The date any property on this contact was modified |
dimension |
lastname |
A contact’s last name |
dimension |
lead_source |
Lead source |
dimension |
lifecyclestage |
The qualification of contacts to sales readiness. It can be set through imports, forms, workflows, and manually on a per contact basis. |
dimension |
linkedinbio |
A contact’s LinkedIn bio |
dimension |
linkedinconnections |
How many LinkedIn connections they have |
metric |
marital_status |
Marital status |
dimension |
meeting.endTime |
A Unix timestamp in milliseconds representing the end time of the meeting |
dimension |
meeting.startTime |
A Unix timestamp in milliseconds representing the start time of the meeting |
dimension |
meeting.title |
The title or subject of the meeting |
dimension |
message |
A default property to be used for any message or comments a contact may want to leave on a form. |
dimension |
military_status |
Military status |
dimension |
mobilephone |
A contact’s mobile phone number |
dimension |
note.body |
The body of the note |
dimension |
notes_last_contacted |
The last timestamp when a call, email or meeting was logged for this deal, an associated company or contact |
dimension |
notes_last_contacted |
The last time a call, email, or meeting was logged for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record. |
dimension |
notes_last_updated |
The last time a note, call, email, meeting, or task was logged for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record. |
dimension |
notes_last_updated |
The last timestamp when a note was updated for this deal, or an associated contact or company |
dimension |
notes_next_activity_date |
The date of the next upcoming activity for a deal. |
dimension |
notes_next_activity_date |
The date of the next upcoming activity for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record. |
dimension |
num_associated_contacts |
Number of contacts associated with this deal |
metric |
num_associated_deals |
The number of deals associated with this contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot. |
metric |
num_contacted_notes |
The number of times a call, email, or meeting was logged for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record. |
metric |
num_contacted_notes |
The number of times a call, email or meeting was logged for this deal |
metric |
num_conversion_events |
The number of forms this contact has submitted |
metric |
num_notes |
The number of sales activities for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record. |
metric |
num_notes |
Number of sales activities for this deal |
metric |
num_unique_conversion_events |
The number of different forms this contact has submitted |
metric |
numemployees |
The number of company employees |
metric |
phone |
A contact’s primary phone number |
dimension |
photo |
Social Media photo |
dimension |
pipeline |
The pipeline a deal is in, which determines the deal stages the deal will move through. |
dimension |
recent_conversion_date |
The date this contact last submitted a form |
dimension |
recent_conversion_event_name |
The last form this contact submitted |
dimension |
recent_deal_amount |
The amount of the last closed won deal associated with a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on information from the Deals object. |
metric |
recent_deal_close_date |
Recent deal close date |
dimension |
relationship_status |
Relationship status |
dimension |
salutation |
The title used to address a contact |
dimension |
school |
School |
dimension |
seniority |
Seniority |
dimension |
start_date |
Start date |
dimension |
state |
State |
dimension |
surveymonkeyeventlastupdated |
This field is meaningless on its own, and is solely used for triggering dynamic list updates when SurveyMonkey information is updated |
dimension |
task.status |
The status of the task |
dimension |
task.subject |
The subject or title of the task |
dimension |
total_revenue |
The sum from all closed won deal revenue associated with a contact. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting. |
metric |
twitterbio |
The contact’s Twitter bio. This is set by HubSpot using the contact’s email address. |
dimension |
twitterhandle |
The contact’s Twitter handle. This is set by HubSpot using the contact’s email address. |
dimension |
twitterprofilephoto |
The contact’s Twitter profile photo. This is set by HubSpot using the contact’s email address. |
dimension |
webinareventlastupdated |
This field is meaningless on its own, and is solely used for triggering dynamic list updates when webinar information is updated |
dimension |
website |
A company’s website |
dimension |
work_email |
Work email |
dimension |
zip |
The contact’s zip code. This might be set via import, form, or integration. |
dimension |