Integral Ad Science#
The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Integral Ad Science.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
campaignName |
The name for the campaign displayed only if groups includes ‘camp’ |
dimension |
grossImps |
The number of eligible impressions which includes sophisticated and general invalid traffic |
metric |
passedImps |
The number of impressions that passed brand safety checks |
metric |
passedPct |
The percentage of passed impressions with regard to the total eligible impressions |
metric |
placementId |
The placement ID which is displayed only when groups includes ‘plac’ |
dimension |
placementName |
The placement name ID which is displayed only when groups includes ‘plac’ |
dimension |
publisherId |
Displays the publisherID; this field is only outputed when ‘pub’ is added as a groups input parameter value |
dimension |
publisherName |
The name of the publisher; this field is only outputed when ‘pub’ is added as a groups input parameter value |
dimension |
totalEligibleForBrandSafety |
The number of eligible impressions for brand safety which includes sophisticated and general invalid traffic |
metric |
totalNetEligibleImps |
The total number of in view impressions with all invalid traffic removed that were not blocked |
metric |
totalNetInViewImps |
The number of viewable impressions including flagged impressions |
metric |
totalNetMeasuredImps |
The total number of in view and out of view impressions with general invalid traffic removed, where IAS was able to collect viewability data |
metric |
totalNetMeasuredPct |
Measured impressions as a percentage of total eligible impressions with all invalid traffic removed |
metric |
actualPlayTime |
metric |
adId |
dimension |
adName |
dimension |
adSetId |
dimension |
adSetName |
dimension |
blockableNonQualifiedAds |
metric |
blockedImps |
The number of impressions that were blocked by IAS |
metric |
blockedImps |
The total number of impressions that were blocked |
metric |
blockedNonQualifiedPct |
metric |
blockedPct |
The percentage of blocked impressions with regard to the failed impressions |
metric |
blockedPct |
The percentage of impressions that were blocked |
metric |
blockedRate |
metric |
blockedRateChangeRate |
metric |
campaignId |
The ID for the campaign displayed only if groups includes ‘camp’ |
dimension |
campaignName |
dimension |
creativeId |
dimension |
creativeName |
dimension |
customMetricsId#_ totalNetInViewImps |
The number of display in view impressions as defined by the organization identified by the input parameter customMetricsId. |
metric |
customMetricsId#_ totalNetInViewPct |
The percentage of display in view impressions as defined by the organization identified by the input parameter customMetricsId. |
metric |
date |
dimension |
delivery |
dimension |
eligibleForBlockingChangeRate |
metric |
eligibleForQualifiedAds |
metric |
eligibleForQualifiedPct |
metric |
extPlacementId |
External placement ID |
dimension |
failedByContentImps |
The number of impressions that were failed for content reasons |
metric |
failedByContentPct |
The percentage of failed by content impressions with regard to the total eligible impressions |
metric |
failedByFraudImps |
The number of impressions that failed for ad fraud |
metric |
failedByFraudPct |
The percentage of ‘failed because of fraud’ impressions with regard to total eligible impressions |
metric |
failedByGeoImps |
The number of impressions that failed because of geography checks |
metric |
failedByGeoPct |
The percentage of ‘failed because of geography’ impressions with regard to the total eligible impressions |
metric |
failedByKeywordImps |
The number of impressions that were failed because of keywords |
metric |
failedByKeywordPct |
The percentage of failed because of keywords impressions with regard to the total eligible impressions |
metric |
failedByLanguageImps |
The number of impressions that failed for language reasons |
metric |
failedByLanguagePct |
The percentage of ‘failed because of language’ impressions with regard to the total eligible impressions |
metric |
failedByUrlImps |
The number of impressions that were failed because of a URL |
metric |
failedByUrlPct |
The percentage of failed by URL impressions with regard to the total eligible impressions |
metric |
failedByVisibilityImps |
The number of impressions that failed for visibility |
metric |
failedByVisibilityPct |
The percentage of failed by visibility impressions with regard to the total eligible impressions |
metric |
failedImps |
The number of impressions that failed brand safety checks |
metric |
failedPct |
The percentage of failed impressions with regard to the total number of eligible impressions |
metric |
fbCampaignId |
dimension |
fraudulentBlockedImps |
The number of fraudulent, blocked impressions |
metric |
fraudulentBlockedImpsChangeRate |
The percentage change rate in fraudulent blocked impressions compared with the previous period |
metric |
fraudulentBlockedPct |
The percentage of fraudulent, blocked impressions |
metric |
fraudulentImps |
The total number of fraudulent impressions which includes sophisticated and general invalid traffic but does not include incentivized browsing traffic |
metric |
fraudulentImps |
The total number of fraudulent impressions which includes sophisticated and general invalid traffic but does not include incentivized browsing traffic |
metric |
fraudulentImpsChangeRate |
The percentage change rate in fraudulent impressions compared with the previous period |
metric |
fraudulentPct |
Percentage of fraudulent impressions which which includes sophisticated and general invalid traffic but does not include reduced value inventory (for example incentivized browsing traffic). |
metric |
fraudulentPctChangeRate |
The percentage change rate in fraudulent impressions percentage compared with the previous period |
metric |
fraudulentUnblockedImps |
The number of fraudulent, unblocked impressions |
metric |
fraudulentUnblockedImpsChangeRate |
The percentage change rate in fraudulent unblocked impressions compared with the previous period |
metric |
fraudulentUnblockedPct |
The percentage of fraudulent, unblocked impressions |
metric |
fullViewValidImps |
metric |
fullViews |
metric |
givtImps |
The number of general invalid traffic (GIVT) impressions identified through basic means which all ad tech |
metric |
givtImpsChangeRate |
The percentage change rate in general invalid traffic impressions compared with the previous period |
metric |
givtPct |
The percentage of GIVT impressions |
metric |
grossImps |
metric |
hiddenAdsImps |
The number of impressions for hidden ads |
metric |
hiddenAdsImpsChangeRate |
The percentage change rate in hidden ads impressions compared with the previous period |
metric |
hiddenAdsPct |
The percentage of hidden ad impressions |
metric |
iasPlacementId |
IAS placement ID |
dimension |
imps |
metric |
incentivizedBrowsingImps |
The number of incentivized browsing impressions. This is traffic which is not strictly speaking invalid but which is generated in a way counter to the advertiser’s interests and which the advertiser likely would not have bought if there had been full transparency. |
metric |
incentivizedBrowsingImpsChangeRate |
The percentage change rate in incentivized browsing impressions compared with the previous period |
metric |
incentivizedBrowsingPct |
The percentage of incentivized browsing impressions |
metric |
invalidImps |
metric |
inventoryType |
dimension |
inventoryTypeId |
dimension |
locationSpoofingImps |
The number of impressions from location spoofing |
metric |
locationSpoofingImpsChangeRate |
The percentage change rate in location spoofing impressions compared with the previous period |
metric |
locationSpoofingPct |
The percentage of location spoofing impressions |
metric |
lsProxyServerImps |
The number of location spoofing proxy server impressions |
metric |
lsProxyServerImpsChangeRate |
The percentage change rate in proxy server impressions compared with the previous period. |
metric |
lsProxyServerPct |
The percentage of location spoofing proxy server impressions |
metric |
mediaApplication |
The viewability by environment and format which is displayed only when groups contains ‘mediaApplication’. Possible values are: 0 (Unknown), 1 (Browser), 2 (In-app) |
dimension |
mediaApplicationAndFormat |
The viewability by environment and format which is displayed only when groups contains ‘mediaApplicationAndFormat’. The value is a concatenation of the media application and format, where AF: A = 0 (Unknown), 1 (Browser), 2 (In-app) F = 0 (Unknown), 1 (Display), 2 (Video) Possible values: 11 (Browser Display) 12 (Browser Video) 21 (In-app Display) 22 (In-app Video) 01 (Unknown Display when the media app is unknown) 02 (Unknown Video when the media app is unknown) 10 (Browser Unknown when the format is unknown) 20 (In-app Unknown when the format is unknown) 00 (Unknown Unknown when both the app and format is unknown) |
dimension |
mediaApplicationAndFormatId |
The ID for viewability by environment and format which is displayed only when groups contains ‘mediaApplicationAndFormat’. The value is a concatenation of the media application and format, where AF: A = 0 (Unknown), 1 (Browser), 2 (In-app) F = 0 (Unknown), 1 (Display), 2 (Video) Possible values: 11 (Browser Display) 12 (Browser Video) 21 (In-app Display) 22 (In-app Video) 01 (Unknown Display when the media app is unknown) 02 (Unknown Video when the media app is unknown) 10 (Browser Unknown when the format is unknown) 20 (In-app Unknown when the format is unknown) 00 (Unknown Unknown when both the app and format is unknown) |
dimension |
mediaApplicationId |
The ID for viewability by environment and format which is displayed only when groups contains ‘mediaApplication’. Possible values are: 0 (Unknown), 1 (Browser), 2 (In-app) |
dimension |
mediaChannel |
The viewability by device type which is displayed only when groups includes ‘mediaChannel’. Possible values are: - 1 (Desktop) - 2 (Mobile) - 3 (Tablet) - 0 (Unknown, when the media channel is not known) |
dimension |
mediaChannelId |
The ID for viewability by device type which is displayed only when groups includes ‘mediaChannel’. Possible values are: - 1 (Desktop) - 2 (Mobile) - 3 (Tablet) - 0 (Unknown, when the media channel is not known) |
dimension |
mediaFormat |
The viewability by format which is displayed only when groups includes ‘mediaFormat’. Possible Values: - 1 (Display) - 2 (Video) |
dimension |
mediaFormatId |
The ID for viewability by format which is displayed only when groups includes ‘mediaFormat’. Possible Values: - 1 (Display) - 2 (Video) |
dimension |
mediaTypeId |
dimension |
mrcViews |
metric |
netEligibleRenderedImps |
metric |
netImpressionDistributionInViewRenderedPct |
metric |
netImpressionDistributionOutofViewRenderedPct |
metric |
netInViewRenderedImps |
metric |
netInViewRenderedPct |
metric |
netMeasuredRenderedImps |
metric |
netMeasuredRenderedPct |
metric |
netOutOfViewRenderedImps |
metric |
netOutOfViewRenderedPct |
metric |
netRenderedImps |
metric |
netUnmeasuredRenderedImps |
metric |
netUnmeasuredRenderedPct |
metric |
nhtMaskedBotImps |
The total number of NHT masked bot impressions. Masked bots go to great lengths to evade detection and obscure activity. Numerous aspects of the browser environment are manipulated. |
metric |
nhtMaskedBotPct |
The percentage of masked bot impressions |
metric |
nhtNomadicBotImps |
The total number of NHT nomadic bot impressions. Nomadic bots use proxy servers or VPNs to hide their network location and are difficult to track with typical user identification techniques. |
metric |
nhtNomadicBotPct |
The percentage of nomadic bot impressions |
metric |
nhtOtherBotImps |
The number of other bot impressions which includes other fraud, including uncommon types of non-human traffic |
metric |
nhtOtherBotPct |
The percentage of other bot impressions |
metric |
nhtProfileBotImps |
The total number of NHT profile bot impressions. Profile bots focus on developing valuable user profiles by spending time on premium sites and evade detection through user agent spoofing and use of public proxy servers. |
metric |
nhtProfileBotPct |
The percentage of profile bot impressions |
metric |
nhtSittingDuckBotImps |
The total number of non human traffic (NHT) which resides on end-user devices (sitting duck). Detection avoidance pursued through aggressive use of trafficfiltering services falsely claiming to defeat fraud prevention services. |
metric |
nhtSittingDuckBotPct |
The percentage of sitting duck bot impressions |
metric |
nhtStandardBotImps |
The total number of NHT standard bot impressions which includes common strains of Internet Explorer-based malware, primarily on residential computers. The bot’s focus is on scale rather than compiling cookies or evading detection |
metric |
nhtStandardBotPct |
The percentage of standard bot impressions |
metric |
nhtVolunteerBotImps |
The total number of NHT volunteer bot impressions which resides in cloud services, allowing 24/7 operations and eliminating load on the machine. Volunteer bots implement basic detection-evasion measures such as user agent spoofing. |
metric |
nhtVolunteerBotPct |
The percentage of volunteer bot impressions |
metric |
nonFraudulentImps |
The number of non-fraudulent impressions |
metric |
nonFraudulentImpsChangeRate |
The percentage change rate in non-fraudulent impressions compared with the previous period |
metric |
nonFraudulentPct |
The percentage of non-fraudulent impressions |
metric |
nonHumanTrafficImps |
The total number of non-human traffic impressions |
metric |
nonHumanTrafficImpsChangeRate |
The percentage change rate in non-human traffic impressions compared with the previous period |
metric |
nonHumanTrafficPct |
The percentage of non-human traffic impressions |
metric |
nonQualifiedAds |
metric |
nonQualifiedForBrandSafetyAds |
metric |
nonQualifiedForBrandSafetyPct |
metric |
nonQualifiedForFraudAds |
metric |
nonQualifiedForFraudPct |
metric |
nonQualifiedForGeoAds |
metric |
nonQualifiedForGeoPct |
metric |
nonQualifiedForViewabilityAds |
metric |
nonQualifiedForViewabilityPct |
metric |
nonQualifiedPct |
metric |
passedImps |
The number of impressions that passed brand safety checks |
metric |
passedPct |
The percentage of passed impressions with regard to the total eligible impressions |
metric |
percentage100Pct |
metric |
percentage25Pct |
metric |
percentage50Pct |
metric |
percentage75Pct |
metric |
percentage95Pct |
metric |
percentageFullViews |
metric |
percentageGE10s |
metric |
percentageGE2s |
metric |
percentageImpressions |
metric |
percentageLT2s |
metric |
percentageSuspicious |
metric |
percentageUnplayed |
metric |
percentageZeroZeroViews |
metric |
placementId |
dimension |
placementName |
dimension |
possiblePlayTimeOfPlayedVideos |
metric |
publisherId |
metric |
publisherName |
metric |
qualifiedAds |
metric |
qualifiedPct |
metric |
rviImps |
The number of reduced value inventory, RVI,(for example incentivized browsing traffic) impressions. This is traffic which is not strictly speaking invalid but which is generated in a way counter to the advertiser’s interests and which the advertiser likely would not have bought if there had been full transparency. |
metric |
rviPct |
The percentage of reduced value inventory impressions |
metric |
rviPctChangeRate |
The percentage change rate in RVI percentage compared with the previous period |
metric |
seeThroughImps |
metric |
seeThroughPct |
metric |
site |
When site is set in the groups query parameter, site is the domain/URL which the name apply. |
dimension |
sivtImps |
The number of sophiticated invalid traffic (SIVT); this is traffic which falsifies user, page, or delivery characteristics in such a way as to require specially developed techniques to detect it |
metric |
sivtPct |
metric |
sivtPctChangeRate |
The percentage change rate in sophisticated invalid traffic impressions percentage compared with the previous period |
metric |
suspicious |
metric |
teamId |
A team_id is a numeric value assigned to a particular user and usually maps to the Advertiser/Client using IAS’s products. |
dimension |
teamName |
A team_name is a value assigned to a particular user and usually maps to the Advertiser/Client using IAS’s products. |
dimension |
totalAuditedImps |
The total number of audited impressions |
metric |
totalEligibleForBrandSafety |
metric |
totalEligibleForBrandSafetyImps |
metric |
totalEligibleforFraud |
The number of eligible impressions for fraud |
metric |
totalImps |
metric |
totalImpsChangeRate |
The percentage change rate in total impressions compared with the previous period |
metric |
totalNetEligibleImps |
The total number of in view impressions with all invalid traffic removed that were not blocked |
metric |
totalNetEligibleImpsChangeRate |
Percentage change rate in total(non-fraudulent) impressions compared with the previous period |
metric |
totalNetEligibleRenderedImps |
metric |
totalNetImpressionDistributionInViewRenderedPct |
metric |
totalNetImpressionDistributionOutOfViewRenderedPct |
metric |
totalNetInViewImps |
metric |
totalNetInViewImpsChangeRate |
Percentage change rate in in-view impressions compared with the previous period |
metric |
totalNetInViewPct |
metric |
totalNetInViewPctChangeRate |
Percentage change rate in in-view impressions percentage compared with the previous period |
metric |
totalNetInViewRenderedImps |
metric |
totalNetInViewRenderedPct |
metric |
totalNetMeasuredImps |
metric |
totalNetMeasuredImpsChangeRate |
Percentage change rate in measured (non-fraudulent) impressions compared with the previous period |
metric |
totalNetMeasuredPct |
Measured impressions as a percentage of total eligible impressions with all invalid traffic removed |
metric |
totalNetMeasuredPctChangeRate |
Percentage change rate in measured (non-fraudulent) impressions percentage compared with the previous period |
metric |
totalNetMeasuredRenderedImps |
metric |
totalNetMeasuredRenderedPct |
metric |
totalNetOutOfViewImps |
The number of out of viewable impressions including flagged impressions not in view |
metric |
totalNetOutOfViewImpsChangeRate |
Percentage change rate in out-of-view impressions compared with the previous period |
metric |
totalNetOutOfViewPct |
Percentage of out of view impressions over measured impressions |
metric |
totalNetOutOfViewPctChangeRate |
Percentage change rate in out-of-view impressions percentage compared with the previous period |
metric |
totalNetOutOfViewRenderedImps |
metric |
totalNetOutOfViewRenderedPct |
metric |
totalNetRenderedImps |
metric |
totalNetUnmeasuredImps |
metric |
totalNetUnmeasuredPct |
metric |
totalNetUnmeasuredRenderedImps |
metric |
totalNetUnmeasuredRenderedPct |
metric |
totalNetinViewPct |
Percentage of in-view impressions over measured impressions |
metric |
totalTrackedAds |
metric |
unblockedImps |
The total number of impressions that were not blocked. This includes general and sophisticated invalid traffic. |
metric |
unblockedImpsChangeRate |
The percentage change rate in unblocked impressions compared with the previous period |
metric |
unblockedImpsPct |
The percentage of impressions that were not blocked. This includes general and sophisticated invalid traffic. |
metric |
validImps |
metric |
videoViews100Pct |
metric |
videoViews10s |
metric |
videoViews25Pct |
metric |
videoViews50Pct |
metric |
videoViews75Pct |
metric |
videoViews95Pct |
metric |
videoViewsNonMrc |
metric |
videoViewsUnplayed |
metric |
zeroZeroValidImps |
metric |
zeroZeroViews |
metric |