Performance Horizon#
The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Performance Horizon.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
The date when the terms were created e.g. |
The id of the advertiser terms |
dimension |
account_name |
Unique advertiser account name |
dimension |
active |
y n |
dimension |
active |
y n |
dimension |
address1 |
1st line of the address |
dimension |
address2 |
2nd line of the address |
dimension |
address3 |
3rd line of the address |
dimension |
address4 |
4th line of the address |
dimension |
advertiser_id |
ID of the advertiser the campaign should belong to |
dimension |
advertiser_id |
ID of the advertiser |
dimension |
advertiser_reference |
Advertiser reference |
dimension |
alert_alert_group_id |
ID of the alert group |
dimension |
alert_group_user_type |
The user’s alert group subscriptions for email and slack notififers. |
dimension |
alert_notifier_id |
ID of a Notifier |
dimension |
alert_user_extra_field_id |
Alert user extra field id |
dimension |
allow_deep_linking |
y n |
dimension |
allow_third_party_pixel |
y = yes n = no |
dimension |
append_url_parameters |
Append url parameters |
dimension |
area_sq_km |
Area in sq km |
metric |
associated_campaigns |
Associated campaigns |
dimension |
auto_approve_publisher |
y n |
dimension |
auto_approve_publishers |
Auto approve publishers |
dimension |
auto_rejected_ips |
Auto rejected ips |
dimension |
available_to_invoice |
y n |
dimension |
available_to_selfbill |
y n |
dimension |
average_conversion_age |
Average conversion age |
metric |
budget_summary_interval |
Budget summary interval |
dimension |
budget_summary_interval |
Budget summary interval |
budget_summary_start_time |
Budget summary start time |
dimension |
budget_summary_start_time |
Budget summary start time |
dimension |
campaign_currency_conversions |
Campaign currencu conversions |
campaign_extra_field_id |
The id of the extra field |
dimension |
campaign_id |
ID of the campaign |
dimension |
campaign_languages |
Campaign languages |
dimension |
campaign_logo |
Campaign logo |
dimension |
campaign_notes |
Campaign notes |
dimension |
campaign_overloads |
Campaign overloads |
capital |
Capital |
dimension |
category |
Category |
dimension |
cm_client_id |
cm client id |
dimension |
code |
The iso code of the locale |
dimension |
commission_by_meta |
Comission by meta |
dimension |
commission_by_meta_label |
Comission by meta label |
dimension |
commission_group_id |
ID of the commission group |
dimension |
commission_groups |
Comission groups |
dimension |
commission_id |
ID of the commission |
dimension |
commission_rate |
Comission rate |
metric |
commission_value |
Comission value |
metric |
commission_value_cpc |
Comission value CPC |
metric |
commissions |
Comissions |
company_name |
Company name |
dimension |
contact_email |
Contact email |
dimension |
continent_iso |
Continent ISO |
dimension |
continent_name |
Continent name |
dimension |
conversion_hiatus_period |
Conversion hiatus period |
metric |
conversion_type |
Conversion type |
dimension |
conversion_type |
Conversion type |
conversion_type |
Conversion type |
dimension |
conversion_type_id |
The id of the conversion type |
dimension |
cookie_period |
Cookie period |
metric |
cookie_status |
Cookie status |
dimension |
country |
Country of the address |
dimension |
created |
The date when the terms were created |
dimension |
creation_date |
Creation date |
dimension |
creative_name |
The name of the creative type |
dimension |
creative_type_id |
The id of the creative type |
dimension |
currency_id |
The id of the currency |
dimension |
currency_iso |
The ISO of the currency |
dimension |
current_balance |
Current_balance |
metric |
customer_reference |
Customer reference |
dimension |
customer_type |
new existing |
dimension |
default_campaign_id |
Default campaign id |
dimension |
default_commission |
Default comission |
dimension |
default_commission_rate |
Default comission rate |
metric |
default_commission_value |
Default comission value |
metric |
default_currency |
Default currency |
dimension |
default_override |
Default override |
deferred_lead_submission |
Deffered lead submission |
dimension |
description |
Description |
dimension |
description |
Description of the promo method |
dimension |
destination_url |
Destination url |
dimension |
dont_consolidate |
y n |
dimension |
dont_invoice |
y n |
dimension |
download |
URL for PDF download |
dimension |
east |
Coordinates |
dimension |
email_address |
Email address registered to the user |
dimension |
end_date_time |
e.g. 2013-09-30 15:00:00 |
dimension |
exclude_from_override_rules |
y n |
dimension |
extra_restricted_deep_linking |
Extra restricted deep linking |
dimension |
fax |
Fax number |
dimension |
field_comment |
Field comment |
dimension |
field_comment |
Field comment |
dimension |
field_default_value |
The value assigned if no value is passed in |
dimension |
field_name |
The name of the extra field |
dimension |
field_name: is_affiliate_user |
The name of the extra field |
dimension |
field_required |
y n |
dimension |
field_value |
Value for the setting, relative to the type |
dimension |
fips_code |
dimension |
firstname |
First name of the user |
dimension |
force_approve_period |
Force approved period |
dimension |
geoname_id |
Geoname ID |
dimension |
hidden_campaign |
y = yes n = no |
dimension |
invoice_address_1 |
1st line of the invoice address |
dimension |
invoice_address_2 |
1st line of the invoice address |
dimension |
invoice_address_3 |
1st line of the invoice address |
dimension |
invoice_address_4 |
1st line of the invoice address |
dimension |
invoice_address_country |
Country of the invoice address |
dimension |
invoice_address_postcode |
Postcode of the invoice address |
dimension |
invoice_company |
Invoice company |
dimension |
invoice_contact |
Invoice contact |
dimension |
invoice_id |
ID of the invoice |
dimension |
invoice_net_value |
Invoice net value |
metric |
invoice_only |
Invoice only |
dimension |
invoice_reference |
Invoice reference |
dimension |
invoice_total_value |
Invoice total value |
metric |
invoice_vat_value |
Invoice VAT value |
metric |
invoiced |
Invoiced |
dimension |
ip_tracking_time |
IP tracking time |
metric |
is_cpc |
y n |
dimension |
iso |
The ISO code |
dimension |
iso |
The ISO code |
dimension |
iso3 |
ISO3 |
dimension |
iso_numeric |
ISO Numeric |
dimension |
item_download |
URL for CSV item download |
dimension |
items_in_bill |
Items in bill |
metric |
languages |
languages |
dimension |
last_modified |
e.g. 2015-04-10 01:59:54 |
dimension |
lastname |
Surname of the user |
dimension |
lead_confirmation_url_fail |
Lead confirmation url fail |
dimension |
lead_confirmation_url_success |
Lead confirmation url success |
dimension |
legal_entity |
Legal entity |
dimension |
local_time |
Local time |
dimension |
locale |
Locale |
dimension |
majority_received_currency |
Majority received currency |
dimension |
merchant_invoice_id |
Optional merchant reference |
dimension |
minor_unit |
The number of decimal places |
dimension |
multiple_conversions_per_click |
Multiple conversions per click |
metric |
name |
Name |
dimension |
name |
Name |
dimension |
net_value |
Net value |
metric |
network_application_id |
Network application id |
dimension |
network_contact_email |
Network contact email |
dimension |
network_description |
Description of the network |
dimension |
network_fee |
Network fee |
metric |
network_id |
ID of the network |
dimension |
network_id |
Network ID |
dimension |
network_locale |
Network locale |
dimension |
network_name |
Name of the network |
dimension |
network_name |
Network name |
dimension |
network_notes |
Any additional notes for the network |
dimension |
north |
Coordinates |
dimension |
on_expiry |
On expiry |
dimension |
on_invalid_user |
On invalid user |
dimension |
output_method |
Output method |
dimension |
override |
Override |
dimension |
override_type |
Override type |
dimension |
paid_currency |
Paid currency |
dimension |
pay_publisher_directly |
y n |
dimension |
payment_batch_id |
Payment batch ID |
dimension |
payment_currency |
Payment currency |
dimension |
payment_date |
Payment date |
dimension |
payment_detail_set_id |
Payment details set ID |
dimension |
payment_due_by_date |
Payment due by date |
dimension |
payment_method_code |
The code of the payment method |
dimension |
payment_method_id |
The id of the payment method |
dimension |
payment_reference |
Payment reference |
dimension |
payment_type_code |
Payment type code |
dimension |
phone |
Primary contact telephone number |
dimension |
phone_area |
Phone prefix to declare country or region |
dimension |
population |
Population |
dimension |
postcode |
Postcode/Zipcode attached to the address |
dimension |
pre_payment |
Pre payment |
dimension |
prepend_url_string |
Prepend url string |
dimension |
printable_name |
The dictionary word for the locale |
dimension |
promotion |
y n |
dimension |
promotional_method_id |
The id of the promo method |
dimension |
publisher_commission |
Publisher comission |
metric |
publisher_extra_field_id |
The id of the extra field |
dimension |
publisher_id |
ID of the publisher |
dimension |
publisher_override |
Publisher override |
metric |
publisher_payment_detail_set_id |
Publisher payment detail set ID |
dimension |
publisher_self_bill_id |
Publisher self bill ID |
dimension |
publisher_self_bill_reference |
Publisher self bill reference |
dimension |
publishers |
IDs of the publishers to be associated with the group |
dimension |
recurring_payment_setup |
y n |
dimension |
ref_country_id |
ID of the country |
dimension |
ref_timezone_id |
Ref timezone ID |
dimension |
reference_id |
Reference ID |
dimension |
reference_type |
campaign participation voucher group |
dimension |
report_meta_purge_period |
The number of days that Meta Reports will be stored before being purged |
metric |
reporting_timezone |
Reporting timezone |
dimension |
restricted_deep_linking |
y n |
dimension |
sale_type |
Sale type |
dimension |
secure_tracking |
y n |
dimension |
self_bill_reference |
Self bill reference |
dimension |
selfbill_currency |
Selfbill currency |
dimension |
signup_ip |
Signup IP |
dimension |
sku |
sku |
dimension |
south |
Coordinates |
dimension |
start_date_time |
e.g. 2013-08-31 15:00:00 |
dimension |
status |
a Approved p Pending r Rejected n |
dimension |
terms |
The actual terms text |
dimension |
test_mode |
y = yes n = no |
dimension |
timestamp |
Timestamp |
dimension |
title |
The title of the payment method |
dimension |
title |
Title |
dimension |
total_value |
Total value |
metric |
tq_auto_approve |
metric |
tq_enabled |
y n |
dimension |
tq_enabled_publishers |
tq_enabled_publishers |
dimension |
tracked_currency |
Tracked currency |
dimension |
tracked_net_value |
Tracked net value |
metric |
tracking_method |
Tracking method |
dimension |
tracking_subdomain |
Tracking subdomain |
dimension |
type |
The type of field value expected |
dimension |
unique_conversion_refs |
y n ignore |
dimension |
update_description |
e.g. Promotional Period |
dimension |
user_api_key |
User API key |
dimension |
user_id |
ID of the user |
dimension |
user_name |
Unique user account name |
dimension |
vat_number |
VAT number |
dimension |
vat_rate |
VAT rate |
metric |
vat_rate |
VAT rate |
metric |
vat_value |
VAT value |
metric |
vertical_id |
Vertical ID |
dimension |
vertical_id |
Vertical ID |
dimension |
vertical_name |
Verical name |
dimension |
vertical_name |
Vertical name |
dimension |
voucher_code |
Voudher code |
dimension |
voucher_code_id |
Voucher code ID |
dimension |
website_id |
The id of the website type |
dimension |
week_start |
Week start e.g. Monday |
dimension |
west |
Coordinates |
dimension |
withheld_tax |
Withheld tax |
metric |
zone |
Zone |
dimension |