Piwik PRO#
The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Piwik PRO.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field UI name |
Field API name |
Description |
Use in Adverity |
returning_visitors_rate |
% of returning visitors |
Persentage of the returning visitors |
metric |
session_total_abandoned_carts |
Abandoned carts in session |
dimension |
bounce_rate |
Bounce rate |
The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website stringaight away. |
metric |
bounce_rate_events |
Bounce rate |
definition switches depending on report |
metric |
bounces |
Bounces |
Number of sessions that started on this page, and bounced |
metric |
browser_engine |
Browser engine |
dimension |
browser_fingerprinteger |
Browser fingerprinteger |
dimension |
browser_language_iso639 |
Browser language |
dimension |
browser_name |
Browser name |
dimension |
Browser version |
Browser version |
dimension |
campaign_id |
Campaign ID |
dimension |
campaign_content |
Campaign content |
dimension |
campaign_name |
Campaign name |
dimension |
referrer_type |
Channel |
dimension |
location_city_name |
City |
dimension |
content_impressions |
Content impressions |
The number of times a content block, such as a banner or an ad, was displayed on a page. |
metric |
session_total_content_impressions |
Content impressions in session |
dimension |
content_integereraction_rate |
Content integereraction rate |
The ratio of content impressions to integereractions. |
metric |
Content integereractions |
Content integereractions |
content_integereractions |
Content integereractions in session |
Content integereractions in session |
dimension |
content_name |
Content name |
dimension |
content_piece |
Content piece |
dimension |
content_target |
Content target |
dimension |
location_continent_iso_code |
Continent |
dimension |
cookie_id |
Cookie ID |
dimension |
plugin_cookie |
Cookie support |
dimension |
location_country_name |
Country |
dimension |
custom_event_action |
Custom event action |
dimension |
custom_event_category |
Custom event category |
dimension |
custom_event_name |
Custom event name |
dimension |
custom_event_value |
Custom event value |
dimension |
custom_events |
Custom events |
Total number of events |
metric |
session_total_custom_events |
Custom events in session |
dimension |
visitor_days_since_first_session |
Days since first session |
dimension |
visitor_days_since_last_session |
Days since last session |
dimension |
visitor_days_since_order |
Days since order |
dimension |
location_metro_code |
Designated market area |
dimension |
device_brand |
Device brand |
dimension |
device_model |
Device model |
dimension |
Device type |
Device type |
dimension |
plugin_director |
Director plugin |
dimension |
domain_lookup_time |
Domain Lookup Time |
dimension |
download_url |
Download URL |
dimension |
downloads |
Downloads |
The number of times this link was clicked. |
metric |
session_total_downloads |
Downloads in session |
dimension |
ecommerce_abandoned_carts |
Ecommerce abandoned carts |
metric |
ecommerce_conversion_rate |
Ecommerce conversion rate |
metric |
ecommerce_conversions |
Ecommerce conversions |
metric |
session_total_ecommerce_conversions |
Ecommerce conversions in session |
dimension |
entries |
Entries |
Number of visits that started on this page. |
metric |
entry_rate |
Entry rate |
metric |
is_entry |
Entry view |
dimension |
event_id |
Event ID |
dimension |
event_custom_dimension_1 |
Event custom dimension 1 |
dimension |
event_custom_dimension_2 |
Event custom dimension 2 |
dimension |
event_custom_dimension_3 |
Event custom dimension 3 |
dimension |
event_custom_dimension_4 |
Event custom dimension 4 |
dimension |
event_custom_dimension_5 |
Event custom dimension 5 |
dimension |
event_custom_variable_key_1 |
Event custom variable key 1 |
dimension |
event_custom_variable_key_2 |
Event custom variable key 2 |
dimension |
event_custom_variable_key_3 |
Event custom variable key 3 |
dimension |
event_custom_variable_key_4 |
Event custom variable key 4 |
dimension |
event_custom_variable_key_5 |
Event custom variable key 5 |
dimension |
event_custom_variable_value_1 |
Event custom variable value 1 |
dimension |
event_custom_variable_value_2 |
Event custom variable value 2 |
dimension |
event_custom_variable_value_3 |
Event custom variable value 3 |
dimension |
event_custom_variable_value_4 |
Event custom variable value 4 |
dimension |
event_custom_variable_value_5 |
Event custom variable value 5 |
dimension |
event_index |
Event index |
dimension |
event_type |
Event type |
dimension |
events |
Events |
Total number of events |
metric |
session_total_events |
Events in session |
dimension |
events_per_session |
Events per session |
The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits. |
metric |
exit_rate |
Exit rate |
The percentage of visits that left the website after searching for this Keyword on your Site Search engine. |
metric |
exit_rate_events |
Exit rate events |
definition switches depending on report |
metric |
is_exit |
Exit view |
dimension |
plugin_flash |
Flash plugin |
dimension |
plugin_gears |
Gears plugin |
dimension |
goal_conversion_rate |
Goal conversion rate |
The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion. |
metric |
goal_conversions |
Goal conversions |
Conversions |
metric |
session_total_goal_conversions |
Goal conversions in session |
dimension |
goal_id |
Goal name |
dimension |
goal_revenue |
Goal revenue |
dimension |
session_goals |
Goals converted in session |
dimension |
campaign_gclid |
Google Click ID |
dimension |
ipv4_address |
IPv4 address |
dimension |
ipv6_address |
IPv6 address |
dimension |
item_count |
Item count |
dimension |
plugin_java |
Java plugin |
dimension |
keyword |
Keyword |
dimension |
location_latitude |
Latitude |
dimension |
local_hour |
Local hour |
dimension |
lost_revenue |
Lost revenue |
dimension |
Medium |
Medium |
dimension |
next_event_url |
Next page view URL |
dimension |
next_event_title |
Next page view title |
dimension |
operating_system |
Operating system |
dimension |
operating_system_version |
Operating system version |
dimension |
order_id |
Order ID |
dimension |
location_organization |
Organization |
dimension |
Outlink URL |
Outlink URL |
dimension |
outlinks |
Outlinks |
The number of times this link was clicked. |
metric |
session_total_outlinks |
Outlinks in session |
dimension |
plugin_pdf |
PDF plugin |
dimension |
page_rendering_time |
Page Rendering Time |
dimension |
event_url |
Page URL |
dimension |
page_generation_time |
Page generation time |
dimension |
event_title |
Page title |
dimension |
page_view_index |
Page view index |
dimension |
page_views |
Page views |
The number of times this page was visited. |
metric |
session_total_page_views |
Page views in session |
dimension |
previous_event_url |
Previous page view URL |
dimension |
previous_event_title |
Previous page view title |
dimension |
location_provider |
Provider |
dimension |
plugin_quicktime |
QuickTime plugin |
dimension |
plugin_realplayer |
RealPlayer plugin |
dimension |
Referrer URL |
Referrer URL |
dimension |
resolution |
Resolution |
dimension |
Resolution height |
Resolution height |
dimension |
resolution_width |
Resolution width |
dimension |
visitor_returning |
Returning visitor |
dimension |
revenue |
Revenue |
dimension |
revenue_discount |
Revenue (Discount) |
dimension |
revenue_shipping |
Revenue (Shipping) |
dimension |
revenue_subtotal |
Revenue (Subtotal) |
dimension |
revenue_tax |
Revenue (Tax) |
dimension |
search_category |
Search category |
dimension |
search_keyword |
Search keyword |
dimension |
search_results_count |
Search results count |
dimension |
searches |
Searches |
The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website’s search engine. |
metric |
server_connection_time |
Server Connection Time |
dimension |
server_response_time |
Server Response Time |
dimension |
session_id |
Session ID |
dimension |
is_bounce |
Session bounce |
dimension |
session_custom_dimension_1 |
Session custom dimension 1 |
dimension |
session_custom_dimension_2 |
Session custom dimension 2 |
dimension |
session_custom_dimension_3 |
Session custom dimension 3 |
dimension |
session_custom_dimension_4 |
Session custom dimension 4 |
dimension |
session_custom_dimension_5 |
Session custom dimension 5 |
dimension |
session_custom_variable_key_1 |
Session custom variable key 1 |
dimension |
session_custom_variable_key_2 |
Session custom variable key 2 |
dimension |
Session custom variable key 3 |
session_custom_variable_key_3 |
dimension |
session_custom_variable_key_4 |
Session custom variable key 4 |
dimension |
session_custom_variable_key_5 |
Session custom variable key 5 |
dimension |
session_custom_variable_value_1 |
Session custom variable value 1 |
dimension |
session_custom_variable_value_2 |
Session custom variable value 2 |
dimension |
session_custom_variable_value_3 |
Session custom variable value 3 |
dimension |
session_custom_variable_value_4 |
Session custom variable value 4 |
dimension |
session_custom_variable_value_5 |
Session custom variable value 5 |
dimension |
session_entry_url |
Session entry URL |
dimension |
session_entry_title |
Session entry title |
dimension |
session_exit_url |
Session exit URL |
dimension |
session_exit_title |
Session exit title |
dimension |
visitor_session_number |
Session number |
dimension |
session_second_url |
Session second URL |
dimension |
session_second_title |
Session second title |
dimension |
session_total_time |
Session time |
dimension |
sessions |
Sessions |
Total number of visits |
metric |
session_ecommerce_status |
Shopping stage |
dimension |
plugin_silverlight |
Silverlight plugin |
dimension |
session_total_site_searches |
Site searches in session |
dimension |
source |
Source |
dimension |
source_medium |
Source/Medium |
dimension |
location_subdivision_1_name |
Subdivision |
dimension |
location_subdivision_2_name |
Subdivision 2 |
dimension |
redirections_time |
Time of redirections |
dimension |
time_on_page |
Time on page |
dimension |
timing_event_end |
Time to integereract |
dimension |
timing_dom_integereractive |
Time until DOM is ready |
dimension |
timestamp |
Timestamp |
dimension |
unique_content_impressions |
Unique content impressions |
metric |
session_unique_content_impressions |
Unique content impressions in session |
dimension |
unique_content_integereractions |
Unique content integereractions |
metric |
session_unique_content_integereractions |
Unique content integereractions in session |
dimension |
unique_custom_events |
Unique custom events |
Total number of unique events |
metric |
session_unique_custom_events |
Unique custom events in session |
dimension |
unique_downloads |
Unique downloads |
The number of times this link was clicked. |
metric |
session_unique_downloads |
Unique downloads in session |
dimension |
unique_outlinks |
Unique outlinks |
The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once. |
metric |
session_unique_outlinks |
Unique outlinks in session |
dimension |
unique_page_views |
Unique page views |
The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once. |
metric |
session_unique_page_views |
Unique page views in session |
dimension |
unique_purchases |
Unique purchases |
metric |
unique_searches |
Unique searches |
metric |
session_unique_searches |
Unique site searches in session |
dimension |
user_id |
User ID |
dimension |
users |
Users |
The number of users logged in your website. |
metric |
visitor_id |
Visitor ID |
dimension |
visitor_ips |
Visitor IPs |
metric |
visitors |
Visitors |
Total number of unique visitors. |
metric |
website_name |
Website Name |
dimension |
plugin_windowsmedia |
Windows Media Player plugin |
dimension |
location_integeritude |
integeritude |
dimension |