The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from Stova.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field UI name |
Field API name |
Use in Adverity |
Cancelled |
Cancelled |
metric |
Confirmed |
Confirmed |
metric |
Created Date |
Created Date |
dimension |
Custom Field # |
Custom Field # |
dimension |
Event Name |
Event Name |
dimension |
Incomplete |
Incomplete |
metric |
Last Modified Date |
Last Modified Date |
dimension |
Registrations Attended |
Registrations Attended |
metric |
Responses.# |
Responses.# |
dimension |
VATNum |
VATNum |
dimension |
Account ID |
accountid |
metric |
Adjustments |
adjustments |
metric |
Admin Emails |
adminemails |
dimension |
Agenda Cost |
agendacost |
metric |
Allow Other Fonts |
allow_other_fonts |
dimension |
Allowed Email Suffixes |
allowedEmailSuffixes |
dimension |
API Trigger Type |
api_trigger_type |
dimension |
API Trigger URL |
api_trigger_url |
dimension |
Approval Required |
approval_required |
dimension |
Approval Status |
approvalstatus |
dimension |
Attendee ID |
attendeeid |
metric |
Balance Due |
balancedue |
metric |
Billing Info |
billinginfo |
dimension |
Blacklist Failure Message |
blackListFailureMessage |
dimension |
Business Unit |
businessunit |
dimension |
Calendar Country |
calendar_country |
dimension |
Call Center |
callcenter |
dimension |
Card Acceptance |
cardacceptance |
dimension |
Category ID |
category.categoryid |
metric |
Category Type ID |
category.categorytypeid |
metric |
Category Type Name |
category.categorytypename |
dimension |
Category Name | |
dimension |
Category Cost |
categorycost |
metric |
Check-in Date |
checkindate |
dimension |
City |
city |
dimension |
Client Contact |
clientcontact |
dimension |
Cloned From |
clonedfrom |
dimension |
Close Date |
closedate |
dimension |
Close Time |
closetime |
dimension |
Code |
code |
dimension |
Contact Info |
contactinfo |
dimension |
Cost |
cost |
metric |
Country |
country |
dimension |
Created |
created |
dimension |
Created By |
createdby |
metric |
Created DateTime |
createddatetime |
dimension |
Currency Decimal Point |
currency_dec_point |
dimension |
Currency Thousands Separator |
currency_thousands_sep |
dimension |
Custom HTML |
customhtml |
dimension |
Custom Stats |
customstats |
dimension |
Date Format |
dateformat |
dimension |
Default Language |
defaultlanguage |
dimension |
Deleted |
deleted |
metric |
Department |
department |
metric |
Description |
description |
dimension |
Discount Code |
discountcode |
dimension |
Division |
division |
metric |
Domain ID |
domainid |
dimension |
eBooth |
eBooth |
dimension |
eBudget |
eBudget |
dimension |
eConnect |
eConnect |
dimension |
eHome |
eHome |
dimension |
eMobile |
eMobile |
metric |
ePlanning |
ePlanning |
dimension |
eProject |
eProject |
dimension |
eRFP |
eRFP |
dimension |
eReg |
eReg |
metric |
eScheduler |
eScheduler |
dimension |
eSeating |
eSeating |
dimension |
eSelect |
eSelect |
metric |
eSocial |
eSocial |
metric |
eWiki |
eWiki |
dimension |
Email Suffix Data |
emailSuffixData |
dimension |
Email Suffixes |
emailSuffixes |
dimension |
Enable New Event Emails |
enable_new_event_emails |
dimension |
Enable Virtual Event |
enable_virtual_event |
dimension |
End Date |
enddate |
dimension |
End Time |
endtime |
dimension |
Event Setup Date |
event_setup_date |
dimension |
Event Setup Hours |
event_setup_hours |
dimension |
Event Close Message |
eventclosemessage |
dimension |
Event ID |
eventid |
metric |
Event Logo |
eventlogo |
dimension |
Event Type |
eventtype |
dimension |
Facebook Event ID |
facebook_eventid |
dimension |
Folder ID |
folderid |
metric |
Folder Name |
foldername |
dimension |
Footer Custom Code |
footercustomcode |
dimension |
Force Agenda Selection Max |
force_agenda_selection_max |
dimension |
Force Agenda Selection Min |
force_agenda_selection_min |
dimension |
Force Option Selection |
force_option_selection |
dimension |
Group Count |
groupcount |
metric |
Guest Cost |
guestcost |
metric |
Header Custom Code |
headercustomcode |
dimension |
Homepage |
homepage |
dimension |
Hotel Conf Code |
hotelconfcode |
dimension |
Hotel Cost |
hotelcost |
metric |
IMIS Contact ID |
imiscontactid |
dimension |
Include Calendar |
include_calendar |
metric |
Include Internal Calendar |
include_internal_calendar |
dimension |
Individual Cost |
individualcost |
metric |
Invoice Link |
invoicelink |
dimension |
Ipreo ID |
ipreoid |
metric |
Is Simple Event |
is_simple_event |
dimension |
Language |
language |
dimension |
Languages |
languages |
dimension |
Last Lobby Login |
last_lobby_login |
dimension |
Last Modified |
lastmodified |
dimension |
Line Item Tax |
line_item_tax |
metric |
Link to Homepage |
linktohomepage |
dimension |
Live Date |
live_date |
dimension |
Location Address 1 |
location.address1 |
dimension |
Location Address 2 |
location.address2 |
dimension |
Location Address 3 |
location.address3 |
dimension |
Location City | |
dimension |
Location Country | |
dimension |
Location Email | |
dimension |
Location Map | |
dimension |
Location Phone | |
dimension |
Location Postcode |
location.postcode |
dimension |
Location State |
location.state |
dimension |
Location Name |
locationname |
dimension |
Lodging Notes |
lodgingnotes |
dimension |
Login 1 |
login1 |
dimension |
Login 2 |
login2 |
dimension |
Logo Text ID |
logo_textid |
dimension |
Logo Alignment |
logoalign |
dimension |
Logo Link to Homepage |
logolinktohomepage |
dimension |
Max |
max |
dimension |
Max Registrations |
max_reg |
metric |
Modified By |
modifiedby |
dimension |
Modified DateTime |
modifieddatetime |
dimension |
Name |
name |
dimension |
No Lodging Required |
nolodgingrequired |
dimension |
Non Taxable Adjustments |
non_taxable_adjustments |
metric |
Option Cost |
optioncost |
metric |
Parent ID |
parentid |
metric |
Payment Method |
paymentmethod |
dimension |
Preload Record ID |
preload-recordid |
metric |
Price Type |
price_type |
dimension |
Price Points |
pricepoints |
dimension |
Program Manager |
programmanager |
dimension |
Received |
received |
metric |
Record ID |
recordid |
dimension |
Reference |
reference |
dimension |
Registration Status |
registrationstatus |
dimension |
Revenue Status |
revenue_status |
dimension |
Scan Settings |
scansettings |
dimension |
Standard Currency |
standardcurrency |
dimension |
Start Date |
startdate |
dimension |
Start Time |
starttime |
dimension |
State |
state |
dimension |
State Tax |
statetax |
metric |
Status |
status |
dimension |
Status Message |
statusmessage |
dimension |
Subcategory ID |
subcategory.categoryid |
metric |
Subcategory Name | |
dimension |
Subcategory Cost |
subcategorycost |
metric |
Tax |
tax |
metric |
Tax Rounding |
tax_rounding |
dimension |
Tax ID |
taxid |
dimension |
Tell a Friend Link to Homepage |
tellafriendlinktohomepage |
dimension |
Test Registration |
testregistration |
metric |
Time Format |
timeformat |
dimension |
Timeout Link to Homepage |
timeoutlinktohomepage |
dimension |
Timezone |
timezone |
dimension |
Timezone Description |
timezonedescription |
dimension |
Timezone ID |
timezoneid |
metric |
Token |
token |
dimension |
Total Cost |
totalcost |
metric |
Translated Names |
translatednames |
dimension |
url |
dimension |
Use Account Codes |
use_account_codes |
dimension |
Use Template |
use_template |
dimension |
Use E-Homepage |
useehomepage |
dimension |
Viral Ticketing |
viral_ticketing |
dimension |
Virtual Event Attendance |
virtual_event_attendance |
dimension |
Wrap Services |
wrapservices |
dimension |