TikTok Ads#
The table below gives information about all the data fields that you can import from TikTok Ads.
The fields that you can fetch in Adverity are updated regularly to reflect updates to data source APIs. As a result, the fields shown here may not be the same as the fields available in Adverity. If you notice a difference between this documentation and the fields you see in Adverity, please contact your Adverity account manager for more information.
To see the fields you can collect from another data source, go back to the Available fields in Adverity overview.
Field UI name |
Field API name |
Use in Adverity |
achieve_level |
achieve_level |
metric |
ad_advertiser_id |
ad_advertiser_id |
dimension |
ad_app_name |
ad_app_name |
dimension |
ad_card_id |
ad_card_id |
dimension |
ad_click_tracking_url |
ad_click_tracking_url |
dimension |
ad_creative_image_format |
ad_creative_image_format |
dimension |
ad_creative_image_height |
ad_creative_image_height |
metric |
ad_creative_image_size |
ad_creative_image_size |
metric |
ad_creative_image_url |
ad_creative_image_url |
dimension |
ad_creative_image_width |
ad_creative_image_width |
metric |
ad_creative_video_duration |
ad_creative_video_duration |
metric |
ad_creative_video_format |
ad_creative_video_format |
dimension |
ad_creative_video_height |
ad_creative_video_height |
metric |
ad_creative_video_preview_url |
ad_creative_video_preview_url |
dimension |
ad_creative_video_size |
ad_creative_video_size |
metric |
ad_creative_video_video_cover_url |
ad_creative_video_video_cover_url |
dimension |
ad_creative_video_width |
ad_creative_video_width |
metric |
ad_deeplink |
ad_deeplink |
dimension |
ad_deeplink_type |
ad_deeplink_type |
dimension |
ad_display_name |
ad_display_name |
dimension |
ad_format |
ad_format |
dimension |
ad_id |
ad_id |
dimension |
ad_image_ids |
ad_image_ids |
dimension |
ad_is_aco |
ad_is_aco |
dimension |
ad_landing_page_url |
ad_landing_page_url |
dimension |
ad_name |
ad_name |
metric |
ad_operation_status |
ad_operation_status |
dimension |
ad_page_id |
ad_page_id |
dimension |
ad_profile_image_url |
ad_profile_image_url |
dimension |
ad_secondary_status |
ad_secondary_status |
dimension |
ad_text |
ad_text |
metric |
ad_tiktok_item_id |
ad_tiktok_item_id |
dimension |
ad_type |
ad_type |
metric |
ad_url |
ad_url |
metric |
ad_video_id |
ad_video_id |
dimension |
add_billing |
add_billing |
metric |
add_billing_rate |
add_billing_rate |
metric |
add_payment_info |
add_payment_info |
metric |
add_payment_info_rate |
add_payment_info_rate |
metric |
add_to_wishlist |
add_to_wishlist |
metric |
add_to_wishlist_rate |
add_to_wishlist_rate |
metric |
adgroup_advertiser_id |
adgroup_advertiser_id |
dimension |
adgroup_app_download_url |
adgroup_app_download_url |
dimension |
adgroup_budget |
adgroup_budget |
metric |
adgroup_click_attribution_window |
adgroup_click_attribution_window |
dimension |
adgroup_conversion_id |
adgroup_conversion_id |
dimension |
adgroup_frequency |
adgroup_frequency |
dimension |
adgroup_id |
adgroup_id |
dimension |
adgroup_keywords |
adgroup_keywords |
dimension |
adgroup_location_ids |
adgroup_location_ids |
dimension |
adgroup_name |
adgroup_name |
metric |
adgroup_optimization_event |
adgroup_optimization_event |
dimension |
adgroup_optimization_goal |
adgroup_optimization_goal |
dimension |
adgroup_pacing |
adgroup_pacing |
dimension |
adgroup_pixel_id |
adgroup_pixel_id |
dimension |
adgroup_placement_type |
adgroup_placement_type |
dimension |
adgroup_product_source |
adgroup_product_source |
dimension |
adgroup_schedule_end_time |
adgroup_schedule_end_time |
dimension |
adgroup_schedule_start_time |
adgroup_schedule_start_time |
dimension |
adgroup_view_attribution_window |
adgroup_view_attribution_window |
dimension |
ads_impression_events |
ads_impression_events |
metric |
advertiser_address |
advertiser_address |
dimension |
advertiser_brand |
advertiser_brand |
dimension |
advertiser_company |
advertiser_company |
dimension |
advertiser_country |
advertiser_country |
dimension |
advertiser_currency |
advertiser_currency |
dimension |
advertiser_description |
advertiser_description |
dimension |
advertiser_id |
advertiser_id |
dimension |
advertiser_license_province |
advertiser_license_province |
dimension |
advertiser_name |
advertiser_name |
dimension |
advertiser_promotion_center_province |
advertiser_promotion_center_province |
dimension |
advertiser_status |
advertiser_status |
dimension |
age |
age |
dimension |
anchor_click_rate |
anchor_click_rate |
metric |
anchor_clicks |
anchor_clicks |
metric |
app_event_add_to_cart |
app_event_add_to_cart |
metric |
app_event_add_to_cart_rate |
app_event_add_to_cart_rate |
metric |
app_install |
app_install |
metric |
app_promotion_type |
app_promotion_type |
dimension |
average_video_play |
average_video_play |
metric |
average_video_play_per_user |
average_video_play_per_user |
metric |
avg_value_per_pageview |
avg_value_per_pageview |
metric |
billed_cost |
billed_cost |
metric |
button_click |
button_click |
metric |
button_click_rate |
button_click_rate |
metric |
campaign_budget |
campaign_budget |
metric |
campaign_dedicate_type |
campaign_dedicate_type |
metric |
campaign_id |
campaign_id |
dimension |
campaign_name |
campaign_name |
metric |
campaign_objective |
campaign_objective |
dimension |
campaign_objective_type |
campaign_objective_type |
dimension |
campaign_operation_status |
campaign_operation_status |
dimension |
campaign_optimization_goal |
campaign_optimization_goal |
dimension |
campaign_secondary_status |
campaign_secondary_status |
dimension |
campaign_type |
campaign_type |
dimension |
checkout |
checkout |
metric |
checkout_rate |
checkout_rate |
metric |
clicks |
clicks |
metric |
clicks_on_hashtag_challenge |
clicks_on_hashtag_challenge |
metric |
clicks_on_music_disc |
clicks_on_music_disc |
metric |
comments |
comments |
metric |
complete_payment |
complete_payment |
metric |
complete_payment_rate |
complete_payment_rate |
metric |
complete_payment_roas |
complete_payment_roas |
metric |
complete_tutorial |
complete_tutorial |
metric |
complete_tutorial_rate |
complete_tutorial_rate |
metric |
conversion |
conversion |
metric |
conversion_rate |
conversion_rate |
metric |
cost_per_1000_reached |
cost_per_1000_reached |
metric |
cost_per_achieve_level |
cost_per_achieve_level |
metric |
cost_per_add_billing |
cost_per_add_billing |
metric |
cost_per_add_payment_info |
cost_per_add_payment_info |
metric |
cost_per_add_to_wishlist |
cost_per_add_to_wishlist |
metric |
cost_per_app_event_add_to_cart |
cost_per_app_event_add_to_cart |
metric |
cost_per_app_install |
cost_per_app_install |
metric |
cost_per_button_click |
cost_per_button_click |
metric |
cost_per_checkout |
cost_per_checkout |
metric |
cost_per_complete_payment |
cost_per_complete_payment |
metric |
cost_per_complete_tutorial |
cost_per_complete_tutorial |
metric |
cost_per_conversion |
cost_per_conversion |
metric |
cost_per_create_gamerole |
cost_per_create_gamerole |
metric |
cost_per_create_group |
cost_per_create_group |
metric |
cost_per_cta_app_install |
cost_per_cta_app_install |
metric |
cost_per_cta_conversion |
cost_per_cta_conversion |
metric |
cost_per_cta_purchase |
cost_per_cta_purchase |
metric |
cost_per_cta_registration |
cost_per_cta_registration |
metric |
cost_per_custom_app_event |
cost_per_custom_app_event |
metric |
cost_per_custom_page_event |
cost_per_custom_page_event |
metric |
cost_per_download_start |
cost_per_download_start |
metric |
cost_per_engaged_view_through_conversion |
cost_per_engaged_view_through_conversion |
metric |
cost_per_form |
cost_per_form |
metric |
cost_per_in_app_ad_click |
cost_per_in_app_ad_click |
metric |
cost_per_in_app_ad_impr |
cost_per_in_app_ad_impr |
metric |
cost_per_initiate_checkout |
cost_per_initiate_checkout |
metric |
cost_per_ix_button_click_count |
cost_per_ix_button_click_count |
metric |
cost_per_ix_page_view_count |
cost_per_ix_page_view_count |
metric |
cost_per_ix_product_click_count |
cost_per_ix_product_click_count |
metric |
cost_per_join_group |
cost_per_join_group |
metric |
cost_per_landing_page_view |
cost_per_landing_page_view |
metric |
cost_per_launch_app |
cost_per_launch_app |
metric |
cost_per_loan_apply |
cost_per_loan_apply |
metric |
cost_per_loan_credit |
cost_per_loan_credit |
metric |
cost_per_loan_disbursement |
cost_per_loan_disbursement |
metric |
cost_per_login |
cost_per_login |
metric |
cost_per_next_day_open |
cost_per_next_day_open |
metric |
cost_per_offline_add_payment_info_event |
cost_per_offline_add_payment_info_event |
metric |
cost_per_offline_add_to_cart_event |
cost_per_offline_add_to_cart_event |
metric |
cost_per_offline_add_to_wishlist_event |
cost_per_offline_add_to_wishlist_event |
metric |
cost_per_offline_click_button_event |
cost_per_offline_click_button_event |
metric |
cost_per_offline_complete_registration_event |
cost_per_offline_complete_registration_event |
metric |
cost_per_offline_contact_event |
cost_per_offline_contact_event |
metric |
cost_per_offline_download_event |
cost_per_offline_download_event |
metric |
cost_per_offline_form_event |
cost_per_offline_form_event |
metric |
cost_per_offline_initiate_checkout_event |
cost_per_offline_initiate_checkout_event |
metric |
cost_per_offline_place_order_event |
cost_per_offline_place_order_event |
metric |
cost_per_offline_search_event |
cost_per_offline_search_event |
metric |
cost_per_offline_shopping_event |
cost_per_offline_shopping_event |
metric |
cost_per_offline_subscribe_event |
cost_per_offline_subscribe_event |
metric |
cost_per_offline_view_content_event |
cost_per_offline_view_content_event |
metric |
cost_per_on_web_add_to_wishlist |
cost_per_on_web_add_to_wishlist |
metric |
cost_per_on_web_order |
cost_per_on_web_order |
metric |
cost_per_on_web_subscribe |
cost_per_on_web_subscribe |
metric |
cost_per_online_consult |
cost_per_online_consult |
metric |
cost_per_onsite_add_billing |
cost_per_onsite_add_billing |
metric |
cost_per_onsite_add_to_wishlist |
cost_per_onsite_add_to_wishlist |
metric |
cost_per_onsite_destination_visit |
cost_per_onsite_destination_visit |
metric |
cost_per_onsite_download_start |
cost_per_onsite_download_start |
metric |
cost_per_onsite_form |
cost_per_onsite_form |
metric |
cost_per_onsite_initiate_checkout_count |
cost_per_onsite_initiate_checkout_count |
metric |
cost_per_onsite_on_web_cart |
cost_per_onsite_on_web_cart |
metric |
cost_per_onsite_on_web_detail |
cost_per_onsite_on_web_detail |
metric |
cost_per_onsite_shopping |
cost_per_onsite_shopping |
metric |
cost_per_page_browse_view |
cost_per_page_browse_view |
metric |
cost_per_page_content_view_event |
cost_per_page_content_view_event |
metric |
cost_per_page_event_search |
cost_per_page_event_search |
metric |
cost_per_pageview |
cost_per_pageview |
metric |
cost_per_product_details_page_browse |
cost_per_product_details_page_browse |
metric |
cost_per_purchase |
cost_per_purchase |
metric |
cost_per_ratings |
cost_per_ratings |
metric |
cost_per_registration |
cost_per_registration |
metric |
cost_per_result |
cost_per_result |
metric |
cost_per_sales_lead |
cost_per_sales_lead |
metric |
cost_per_search |
cost_per_search |
metric |
cost_per_secondary_goal_result |
cost_per_secondary_goal_result |
dimension |
cost_per_spend_credits |
cost_per_spend_credits |
metric |
cost_per_start_trial |
cost_per_start_trial |
metric |
cost_per_subscribe |
cost_per_subscribe |
metric |
cost_per_total_achieve_level |
cost_per_total_achieve_level |
metric |
cost_per_total_add_to_wishlist |
cost_per_total_add_to_wishlist |
metric |
cost_per_total_app_event_add_to_cart |
cost_per_total_app_event_add_to_cart |
metric |
cost_per_total_checkout |
cost_per_total_checkout |
metric |
cost_per_total_complete_tutorial |
cost_per_total_complete_tutorial |
metric |
cost_per_total_create_gamerole |
cost_per_total_create_gamerole |
metric |
cost_per_total_create_group |
cost_per_total_create_group |
metric |
cost_per_total_in_app_ad_click |
cost_per_total_in_app_ad_click |
metric |
cost_per_total_in_app_ad_impr |
cost_per_total_in_app_ad_impr |
metric |
cost_per_total_join_group |
cost_per_total_join_group |
metric |
cost_per_total_launch_app |
cost_per_total_launch_app |
metric |
cost_per_total_loan_apply |
cost_per_total_loan_apply |
metric |
cost_per_total_loan_credit |
cost_per_total_loan_credit |
metric |
cost_per_total_loan_disbursement |
cost_per_total_loan_disbursement |
metric |
cost_per_total_login |
cost_per_total_login |
metric |
cost_per_total_next_day_open |
cost_per_total_next_day_open |
metric |
cost_per_total_purchase |
cost_per_total_purchase |
metric |
cost_per_total_ratings |
cost_per_total_ratings |
metric |
cost_per_total_registration |
cost_per_total_registration |
metric |
cost_per_total_sales_lead |
cost_per_total_sales_lead |
metric |
cost_per_total_search |
cost_per_total_search |
metric |
cost_per_total_spend_credits |
cost_per_total_spend_credits |
metric |
cost_per_total_start_trial |
cost_per_total_start_trial |
metric |
cost_per_total_subscribe |
cost_per_total_subscribe |
metric |
cost_per_total_unlock_achievement |
cost_per_total_unlock_achievement |
metric |
cost_per_total_view_content |
cost_per_total_view_content |
metric |
cost_per_unique_ad_impression_event |
cost_per_unique_ad_impression_event |
metric |
cost_per_unique_custom_app_event |
cost_per_unique_custom_app_event |
metric |
cost_per_unlock_achievement |
cost_per_unlock_achievement |
metric |
cost_per_user_registration |
cost_per_user_registration |
metric |
cost_per_view_content |
cost_per_view_content |
metric |
cost_per_vta_app_install |
cost_per_vta_app_install |
metric |
cost_per_vta_conversion |
cost_per_vta_conversion |
metric |
cost_per_vta_purchase |
cost_per_vta_purchase |
metric |
cost_per_vta_registration |
cost_per_vta_registration |
metric |
cost_per_web_event_add_to_cart |
cost_per_web_event_add_to_cart |
metric |
cost_pre_ad_impression_event |
cost_pre_ad_impression_event |
metric |
cost_total_add_payment_info |
cost_total_add_payment_info |
metric |
countdown_sticker_recall_clicks |
countdown_sticker_recall_clicks |
metric |
country_code |
country_code |
dimension |
cpc |
cpc |
metric |
cpm |
cpm |
metric |
create_gamerole |
create_gamerole |
metric |
create_gamerole_rate |
create_gamerole_rate |
metric |
create_group |
create_group |
metric |
create_group_rate |
create_group_rate |
metric |
cta_app_install |
cta_app_install |
metric |
cta_conversion |
cta_conversion |
metric |
cta_purchase |
cta_purchase |
metric |
cta_registration |
cta_registration |
metric |
ctr |
ctr |
metric |
currency |
currency |
dimension |
custom_app_event_rate |
custom_app_event_rate |
metric |
custom_app_events |
custom_app_events |
metric |
custom_app_events_value |
custom_app_events_value |
metric |
custom_page_event_rate |
custom_page_event_rate |
metric |
custom_page_events |
custom_page_events |
metric |
custom_page_events_value |
custom_page_events_value |
metric |
customized_ad_impression_event_rate |
customized_ad_impression_event_rate |
metric |
data_source |
data_source |
dimension |
date |
date |
dimension |
dma_id |
dma_id |
dimension |
dma_name |
dma_name |
dimension |
download_start |
download_start |
metric |
download_start_rate |
download_start_rate |
metric |
duet_clicks |
duet_clicks |
metric |
engaged_view |
engaged_view |
metric |
engaged_view_15s |
engaged_view_15s |
metric |
engaged_view_through_conversions |
engaged_view_through_conversions |
metric |
engagement_rate |
engagement_rate |
metric |
engagements |
engagements |
metric |
follows |
follows |
metric |
form |
form |
metric |
form_rate |
form_rate |
metric |
frequency |
frequency |
metric |
gender |
gender |
dimension |
gross_impressions |
gross_impressions |
metric |
impressions |
impressions |
metric |
in_app_ad_click |
in_app_ad_click |
metric |
in_app_ad_click_rate |
in_app_ad_click_rate |
metric |
in_app_ad_impr |
in_app_ad_impr |
metric |
in_app_ad_impr_rate |
in_app_ad_impr_rate |
metric |
initiate_checkout |
initiate_checkout |
metric |
initiate_checkout_rate |
initiate_checkout_rate |
metric |
interactive_add_on_activity_clicks |
interactive_add_on_activity_clicks |
metric |
interactive_add_on_destination_clicks |
interactive_add_on_destination_clicks |
metric |
interactive_add_on_impressions |
interactive_add_on_impressions |
metric |
interactive_add_on_option_a_clicks |
interactive_add_on_option_a_clicks |
metric |
interactive_add_on_option_b_clicks |
interactive_add_on_option_b_clicks |
metric |
interest_category |
interest_category |
metric |
interest_category_tier2 |
interest_category_tier2 |
metric |
ix_average_video_play |
ix_average_video_play |
metric |
ix_button_click_count |
ix_button_click_count |
metric |
ix_page_view_count |
ix_page_view_count |
metric |
ix_page_view_count_rate |
ix_page_view_count_rate |
metric |
ix_product_click_count |
ix_product_click_count |
metric |
ix_video_views_p100 |
ix_video_views_p100 |
metric |
ix_video_views_p25 |
ix_video_views_p25 |
metric |
ix_video_views_p50 |
ix_video_views_p50 |
metric |
ix_video_views_p75 |
ix_video_views_p75 |
metric |
landing_page_view_rate |
landing_page_view_rate |
metric |
launch_app |
launch_app |
metric |
likes |
likes |
metric |
loan_apply |
loan_apply |
metric |
loan_credit |
loan_credit |
metric |
loan_disbursement |
loan_disbursement |
metric |
login |
login |
metric |
mobile_app_id |
mobile_app_id |
dimension |
next_day_open |
next_day_open |
metric |
objective_type |
objective_type |
metric |
offline_add_payment_info_event_rate |
offline_add_payment_info_event_rate |
metric |
offline_add_payment_info_events |
offline_add_payment_info_events |
metric |
offline_add_payment_info_events_value |
offline_add_payment_info_events_value |
metric |
offline_add_to_cart_event_rate |
offline_add_to_cart_event_rate |
metric |
offline_add_to_cart_events |
offline_add_to_cart_events |
metric |
offline_add_to_cart_events_value |
offline_add_to_cart_events_value |
metric |
offline_add_to_wishlist_event_rate |
offline_add_to_wishlist_event_rate |
metric |
offline_add_to_wishlist_events |
offline_add_to_wishlist_events |
metric |
offline_add_to_wishlist_events_value |
offline_add_to_wishlist_events_value |
metric |
offline_click_button_event_rate |
offline_click_button_event_rate |
metric |
offline_click_button_events |
offline_click_button_events |
metric |
offline_click_button_events_value |
offline_click_button_events_value |
metric |
offline_complete_registration_event_rate |
offline_complete_registration_event_rate |
metric |
offline_complete_registration_events |
offline_complete_registration_events |
metric |
offline_complete_registration_events_value |
offline_complete_registration_events_value |
metric |
offline_contact_event_rate |
offline_contact_event_rate |
metric |
offline_contact_events |
offline_contact_events |
metric |
offline_contact_events_value |
offline_contact_events_value |
metric |
offline_download_event_rate |
offline_download_event_rate |
metric |
offline_download_events |
offline_download_events |
metric |
offline_download_events_value |
offline_download_events_value |
metric |
offline_form_event_rate |
offline_form_event_rate |
metric |
offline_form_events |
offline_form_events |
metric |
offline_form_events_value |
offline_form_events_value |
metric |
offline_initiate_checkout_event_rate |
offline_initiate_checkout_event_rate |
metric |
offline_initiate_checkout_events |
offline_initiate_checkout_events |
metric |
offline_initiate_checkout_events_value |
offline_initiate_checkout_events_value |
metric |
offline_place_order_event_rate |
offline_place_order_event_rate |
metric |
offline_place_order_events |
offline_place_order_events |
metric |
offline_place_order_events_value |
offline_place_order_events_value |
metric |
offline_search_event_rate |
offline_search_event_rate |
metric |
offline_search_events |
offline_search_events |
metric |
offline_search_events_value |
offline_search_events_value |
metric |
offline_shopping_event_rate |
offline_shopping_event_rate |
metric |
offline_shopping_events |
offline_shopping_events |
metric |
offline_shopping_events_roas |
offline_shopping_events_roas |
metric |
offline_shopping_events_value |
offline_shopping_events_value |
metric |
offline_subscribe_event_rate |
offline_subscribe_event_rate |
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offline_subscribe_events |
offline_subscribe_events |
metric |
offline_subscribe_events_value |
offline_subscribe_events_value |
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offline_view_content_event_rate |
offline_view_content_event_rate |
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offline_view_content_events |
offline_view_content_events |
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offline_view_content_events_value |
offline_view_content_events_value |
metric |
on_web_add_to_wishlist |
on_web_add_to_wishlist |
metric |
on_web_add_to_wishlist_per_click |
on_web_add_to_wishlist_per_click |
metric |
on_web_order |
on_web_order |
metric |
on_web_order_rate |
on_web_order_rate |
metric |
on_web_subscribe |
on_web_subscribe |
metric |
on_web_subscribe_per_click |
on_web_subscribe_per_click |
metric |
online_consult |
online_consult |
metric |
online_consult_rate |
online_consult_rate |
metric |
onsite_add_billing |
onsite_add_billing |
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onsite_add_to_wishlist |
onsite_add_to_wishlist |
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onsite_download_start |
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onsite_form |
onsite_form |
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onsite_initiate_checkout_count |
onsite_initiate_checkout_count |
metric |
onsite_on_web_cart |
onsite_on_web_cart |
metric |
onsite_shopping |
onsite_shopping |
metric |
page_browse_view |
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province_name |
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dimension |
purchase |
purchase |
metric |
ratings |
ratings |
metric |
reach |
reach |
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real_time_app_install |
real_time_app_install |
metric |
registration |
registration |
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registration_rate |
registration_rate |
metric |
result |
result |
metric |
result_rate |
result_rate |
metric |
sales_lead |
sales_lead |
metric |
search |
search |
metric |
shares |
shares |
metric |
skan_achieve_level |
skan_achieve_level |
metric |
skan_add_payment_info |
skan_add_payment_info |
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skan_add_to_cart |
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skan_add_to_cart_rate |
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skan_add_to_wishlist |
skan_add_to_wishlist |
metric |
skan_app_install |
skan_app_install |
metric |
skan_app_install_withheld |
skan_app_install_withheld |
metric |
skan_checkout |
skan_checkout |
metric |
skan_conversion |
skan_conversion |
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skan_cost_per_conversion |
skan_cost_per_conversion |
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skan_join_group |
skan_join_group |
metric |
skan_launch_app |
skan_launch_app |
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skan_loan_apply |
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skan_loan_credit |
skan_loan_credit |
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skan_loan_disbursement |
skan_loan_disbursement |
metric |
skan_login |
skan_login |
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skan_purchase |
skan_purchase |
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skan_ratings |
skan_ratings |
metric |
skan_registration |
skan_registration |
metric |
skan_sales_lead |
skan_sales_lead |
metric |
skan_search |
skan_search |
metric |
skan_spend_credits |
skan_spend_credits |
metric |
skan_start_trial |
skan_start_trial |
metric |
skan_subscribe |
skan_subscribe |
metric |
skan_total_achieve_level |
skan_total_achieve_level |
metric |
skan_total_achieve_level_value |
skan_total_achieve_level_value |
metric |
skan_total_add_payment_info |
skan_total_add_payment_info |
metric |
skan_total_add_to_cart |
skan_total_add_to_cart |
metric |
skan_total_add_to_cart_value |
skan_total_add_to_cart_value |
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skan_total_add_to_wishlist |
skan_total_add_to_wishlist |
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skan_total_add_to_wishlist_value |
skan_total_add_to_wishlist_value |
metric |
skan_total_checkout |
skan_total_checkout |
metric |
skan_total_checkout_value |
skan_total_checkout_value |
metric |
skan_total_create_gamerole |
skan_total_create_gamerole |
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skan_total_create_gamerole_value |
skan_total_create_gamerole_value |
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skan_total_create_group |
skan_total_create_group |
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skan_total_create_group_value |
skan_total_create_group_value |
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skan_total_in_app_ad_click |
skan_total_in_app_ad_click |
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skan_total_in_app_ad_click_value |
skan_total_in_app_ad_click_value |
metric |
skan_total_in_app_ad_impr |
skan_total_in_app_ad_impr |
metric |
skan_total_in_app_ad_impr_value |
skan_total_in_app_ad_impr_value |
metric |
skan_total_join_group |
skan_total_join_group |
metric |
skan_total_join_group_value |
skan_total_join_group_value |
metric |
skan_total_launch_app |
skan_total_launch_app |
metric |
skan_total_loan_apply |
skan_total_loan_apply |
metric |
skan_total_loan_credit |
skan_total_loan_credit |
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skan_total_loan_disbursement |
skan_total_loan_disbursement |
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skan_total_login |
skan_total_login |
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skan_total_purchase |
skan_total_purchase |
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skan_total_purchase_value |
skan_total_purchase_value |
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skan_total_ratings |
skan_total_ratings |
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skan_total_ratings_value |
skan_total_ratings_value |
metric |
skan_total_registration |
skan_total_registration |
metric |
skan_total_sales_lead |
skan_total_sales_lead |
metric |
skan_total_sales_lead_value |
skan_total_sales_lead_value |
metric |
skan_total_search |
skan_total_search |
metric |
skan_total_spend_credits |
skan_total_spend_credits |
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skan_total_spend_credits_value |
skan_total_spend_credits_value |
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skan_total_start_trial |
skan_total_start_trial |
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skan_total_subscribe |
skan_total_subscribe |
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skan_total_subscribe_value |
skan_total_subscribe_value |
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skan_total_unlock_achievement_value |
skan_total_unlock_achievement_value |
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skan_total_view_content |
skan_total_view_content |
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skan_total_view_content_value |
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skan_unlock_achievement |
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skan_view_content |
skan_view_content |
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spend |
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spend_credits |
spend_credits |
metric |
start_trial |
start_trial |
metric |
stat_time_day |
stat_time_day |
dimension |
subscribe |
subscribe |
metric |
total_achieve_level |
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metric |
total_achieve_level_value |
total_achieve_level_value |
metric |
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total_add_billing_value |
metric |
total_add_payment_info |
total_add_payment_info |
metric |
total_add_to_wishlist |
total_add_to_wishlist |
metric |
total_add_to_wishlist_value |
total_add_to_wishlist_value |
metric |
total_app_event_add_to_cart |
total_app_event_add_to_cart |
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total_app_event_add_to_cart_value |
total_app_event_add_to_cart_value |
metric |
total_button_click_value |
total_button_click_value |
metric |
total_checkout |
total_checkout |
metric |
total_checkout_value |
total_checkout_value |
metric |
total_complete_payment_rate |
total_complete_payment_rate |
metric |
total_complete_tutorial |
total_complete_tutorial |
metric |
total_complete_tutorial_value |
total_complete_tutorial_value |
metric |
total_create_gamerole |
total_create_gamerole |
metric |
total_create_gamerole_value |
total_create_gamerole_value |
metric |
total_create_group |
total_create_group |
metric |
total_create_group_value |
total_create_group_value |
metric |
total_download_start_value |
total_download_start_value |
metric |
total_form_value |
total_form_value |
metric |
total_in_app_ad_click |
total_in_app_ad_click |
metric |
total_in_app_ad_click_value |
total_in_app_ad_click_value |
metric |
total_in_app_ad_impr |
total_in_app_ad_impr |
metric |
total_in_app_ad_impr_value |
total_in_app_ad_impr_value |
metric |
total_initiate_checkout_value |
total_initiate_checkout_value |
metric |
total_landing_page_view |
total_landing_page_view |
metric |
total_launch_app |
total_launch_app |
metric |
total_loan_apply |
total_loan_apply |
metric |
total_loan_credit |
total_loan_credit |
metric |
total_loan_disbursement |
total_loan_disbursement |
metric |
total_login |
total_login |
metric |
total_next_day_open |
total_next_day_open |
metric |
total_on_web_add_to_wishlist_value |
total_on_web_add_to_wishlist_value |
metric |
total_on_web_order_value |
total_on_web_order_value |
metric |
total_on_web_subscribe_value |
total_on_web_subscribe_value |
metric |
total_online_consult_value |
total_online_consult_value |
metric |
total_onsite_add_billing_value |
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metric |
total_onsite_add_to_wishlist_value |
total_onsite_add_to_wishlist_value |
metric |
total_onsite_form_value |
total_onsite_form_value |
metric |
total_onsite_initiate_checkout_count_value |
total_onsite_initiate_checkout_count_value |
metric |
total_onsite_on_web_cart_value |
total_onsite_on_web_cart_value |
metric |
total_onsite_shopping_value |
total_onsite_shopping_value |
metric |
total_page_event_search_value |
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total_product_details_page_browse_value |
metric |
total_purchase |
total_purchase |
metric |
total_purchase_value |
total_purchase_value |
metric |
total_ratings |
total_ratings |
metric |
total_ratings_value |
total_ratings_value |
metric |
total_registration |
total_registration |
metric |
total_sales_lead |
total_sales_lead |
metric |
total_sales_lead_value |
total_sales_lead_value |
metric |
total_search |
total_search |
metric |
total_spend_credits |
total_spend_credits |
metric |
total_spend_credits_value |
total_spend_credits_value |
metric |
total_start_trial |
total_start_trial |
metric |
total_subscribe |
total_subscribe |
metric |
total_subscribe_value |
total_subscribe_value |
metric |
total_unlock_achievement |
total_unlock_achievement |
metric |
total_unlock_achievement_value |
total_unlock_achievement_value |
metric |
total_user_registration_value |
total_user_registration_value |
metric |
total_value_per_pageview |
total_value_per_pageview |
metric |
total_view_content |
total_view_content |
metric |
total_view_content_value |
total_view_content_value |
metric |
total_web_event_add_to_cart_value |
total_web_event_add_to_cart_value |
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tt_app_name |
tt_app_name |
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unique_custom_app_events |
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unlock_achievement |
unlock_achievement |
metric |
user_registration |
user_registration |
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user_registration_rate |
user_registration_rate |
metric |
value_per_complete_payment |
value_per_complete_payment |
metric |
value_per_form |
value_per_form |
metric |
value_per_initiate_checkout |
value_per_initiate_checkout |
metric |
value_per_onsite_form |
value_per_onsite_form |
metric |
value_per_total_sales_lead |
value_per_total_sales_lead |
metric |
value_per_user_registration |
value_per_user_registration |
metric |
video_play_actions |
video_play_actions |
metric |
video_views_p100 |
video_views_p100 |
metric |
video_views_p25 |
video_views_p25 |
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video_views_p50 |
video_views_p50 |
metric |
video_views_p75 |
video_views_p75 |
metric |
video_watched_2s |
video_watched_2s |
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video_watched_6s |
video_watched_6s |
metric |
view_content |
view_content |
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view_content_rate |
view_content_rate |
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web_event_add_to_cart |
web_event_add_to_cart |
metric |